"v?THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL "iiUii v x irCO,. HOVE lUHIv J, 1; t Rodcy.ylVlQVint;'Club May ; Be Surrendered Coaches Are Meeting . Tonight At Raleigh HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER h - - By DWIG Ai m and ct t ovefx GO ' ON l- VOO HAFF TO Hit "w-rft-Vj lS I Arrange State Hh Schediite :" " ' -- - v - - - . - - - - f. -.-- ' ----- .-.- ..... ,- ,. .. .., ... ,.r g. ....... - ...te :-'Z u w riM an m lily 10 m - - 1 t m i lp . ,"z-zr . . m s ROCKY. MOtJNT, Nov; 20. Despite the mass meeting called for last Sat urday nigh,Jlthe status of profession al basebalCin, Rocky; Mount for nxt . erason remains undecided today is no definite action was taken at hut Bat urday'a night's' gathering. , After having been postponed . from Wednesday, nfght. 'when it -was first achedulefi t: have, taken place the meeting wai marked by - very small attendance- and, the lacjt- of interest which caused beat-ball to be euena financial failure here Inst season. The situation was' discussel informally by Those fceent, -OiUc.'als stated . '.hat it weultl b -impossible Jor Rocky Mount i Tis Etwsen Rocky; Mount and RcrncL Ritpidj Ee Played 1 C.T on Tomorrow CKARLOTTE, ; N.. C, Nov. 20. With four teams remaining in , the western half and five in . the eastern half of the State to battle out to the finals in ' the State . high school foot- ball championship, ; indicatiohsf today were that 'the representative team from each section Which, Will, go Into the final game for the State Cham pionship, will be; decided by the end Zt next week., ;::'-y:r I ':;; . i-'k In the eastern' half,!' Durham, New lent, . Sanford, Roanoke " Rapids and Rocky Mount .'have" "survived! - The game between the. two latter which was played Saturday resulted, in . a tie which will; be played ' off Tuesday. Shelby,' : Monroe, Charlotte,. - -:'. and Asheville remain 1n the western" sec-, tion. Shelby and Monroe battled , to a, tie in their r regular 'game' last 'Fri day at Charlotte, and : the tie . is ex pected . to be . played off cm Tuesday thus narrowing the' ' field ' down ; to three contenders., V Meetings" in ' the east and west" are' to be called which will .'..designate schedules for 'the "re maining teams and ? tire next ' games will be flayed the latter part of this week. ' - '" : ; "'" '; :; -.. What ; tearns will go into the final battle on December 9 remains doubt ful. Asheville ahd Charlotte present etrong contenders as do.' Sanford, Durham and New Bern.' The strength of Shelby,!" Monroe, Roanoke ; Rapids and Rocky ..Mount, howeverj, ' Is ; -not tmdtr-estimated, and either" of . these teams may be - expected to make a strong showing. s : . ." . , ,. And Yby ..Not? ' : The - ultimate" aim of all this, present-day : striving for efficienpy seems to fee tp; evolve, a system-, of doing things in th laziest, way. . ;" . " jr. ; - - -' - -'.-"V It is now aid the English -explorers did not go to-the summit of-Mr. Eyerest for fear they would find the American , flag . planted there When tley arrived.' ' ' -t CIGARETTES; 1 ' TTT7-' - andi afters all what other cigarette is so highly, respected;; by so. many, men? Lti V gue as this city is protected Virginia league territory., - ' v The . probability f. f ormin " an eastern Carolina league, with. Golda boro, Wilson, - KlnstOn, , Greenville. New Bern and other towu. was. like wise! given some, attention, but, such an organization did, not appear, to meet with i any favor; from - those., at the J meeting. The" 'ultimate result, of the discussions wasthat President J.. L. Gravely, of , jthe Tar Heels,: Inc owners of the' localrranchise Jn-; the ,O0d Dominion credit,, and Paul-- R Capelle, an interested fan, agreed to kmake out a list of 'citizens of Uxe -city who they believed would be im?rest'?d in baseball and seeing, the f jf jirhilge retaind and. tp make a personal 'can- New ' Stadium : Har Made It Impossible for Players To Catch Quarter' Signal v ;'in every sport- plenty of action, f peed, ' is the fundamental feature if the game is to continue to 'meet with popular favor. ' , , Since the Introduction , of the for ward pass, which features the open style game, football has rapidly ad vanced in public favor because the game has been speeded up." . . The increased popularity ot foot bail during the past "10 years has caused any number "of .the' leading col leges ; to build- new stadiums that would hbuse the crowds anxious to see the. big teams Jn action. i These new stadiums have . been a great thing for the spectator but in one respect they have slowed up the game. . ; v. , The accoustics of the, football stad-; iums are such 'that when a crowd starts cheering 1, is absolutely Im possible .to hear signals called. ' The shout "of the Quarterback calling -the next,; play fades Into nothing before the yella of the rival 1 students and alumni. ' .' ' " ' r yFor that reason it is. necessary that before each play - the tearn .having possessioH -of the ball go into a close conference, " At such a - conference eitlier through thf use of the regular signals or la some,' other, way the quarter unfolds " to his1: team mates the next plays i However, it is the looks aiore than the time of, the thing (that hurts. It takes you back to the days ; when riv all teams would be selected from a bunch of boys, it would be necessary to hold a conference before each play and decide who should "carry the ball and how the "play would be attempt ed. - 4 ' V Another question arises with this new stadium c6ndition which makes it Impossible for those on the . play ing -field to hear because of the shouts of their supporters. Just how ihuch time shall a team be permitted !-to take-in holding' such a conference? CIIIEE STYLE -'--. - I ' - ". -..' ' ' ...... ... - My ma 1 forTWENTY ' Fatima jmtifrt teu you - . twerrr f JAttts Tosacco Cq. Co on veuv vwT yvi .... . , .;. To V0U- , Inside aw Our - New Records Are Made On Local Gblf Qurse - v Thus - far" the-New Bern , Country Club hasn't, produced i any - national or interna., tional champions in the way of golf players, but jt is gradual ly developing a number of players who are beginning to show ability- of a real nature on the links, v Duriner the" early part of this year, a player who made, the nine holes in 44' or 45 was considered a star. That record, liowever,-; was , not permitted to stand long. Paul Mengel, , Henry Henderson, Joe Barbrey and .one or two others eclipsed it during the summer months. Quite a number of other players, who usually made the course in. 55 to 60, succeeded, in get ting bejow the 50. mark, v v : The - best marks to be made lately Football 'Result 'Princeton 3,. Yale 0. " . Harvard 9, Brown 3.. ' Pennsylvania 7, Penn. State 6. Georgetown 19, Bucknell 7. West Virginia 13, Virginia 0, i 3 Pittsburg 1 Washdngton and Jefferson 0. , ' k Michigan 13, Wisconsin'. 6. . ' ' North ; Carolina .State 0, ; Georgia Tech 17.- . - - ' - ". Georgia 9, Illinois 0. -' . . - Army 39, Bates 0. t . Auburn 6, Centre 0. North Carolina 29,- Davidson 6. ' Virginia Poly. Institute 41, Wash. lngton and Ix;c 0. . Vanderbilt 12, Georgia 0. V. M. I. 45, George Wasltington 0. Clemson 52, 'Erskine 0, ' : Fnrman 41,-Wofford 0. ' Florida 2, Tulane 6. 5 Koanoke Coege 8, Guilford 0. Indications Are .That Car, Will . e Secured jFor Game at the Hill Thanksgiving . A special car to take New Bern fo-jotball enthusiasts to Chapel Hill on Thanksgivjng Day is how being dis cussed locally arid indications are that the : car will .be secured. - Quite a number of fans are anxiou.-; to take in the game and witness the annual struggle between Carolina and Virginia. Those who desire to take the, trip are urged to notify Charles L, Ives, Jr.", at once. W. G. SHARP, EX -ENVOY , TO a'RANCE, GRAVEL, I IX. Elyria, O., Nov. 20. Former Am bassador William Graves Sharp is seriously ill here. His children have been summoned. Mr. Sharp was Ambassador to France during the administration of President Wilson. Prior to that time he served two terms in Congress from the. 14th District of Ohio. SPECIAL GAR TO ; FOOTBALL Git ' j. . ; - -." ) ' have been established by. Dr. Jone3, Henry : Henderson aad ,. Paul : Mengel, All three" have, shothe course in -39. Owen Dunn, v wjro ...usually . played a round 50. has made the course twice in 44, which isanother ood record. Par f or the jouif.ia,'ji5 and some of the local players believe that"' ii won't ;be long before one "4 of , the sharks- will equal this record. Miner, the professional, who' was here . f oiv a, part -of the summer, established a record of 64 for the course, going out in 81 -and coming' in, in 33. It isbe lieved that.. It.-will ',be some time be fore his mark will be equalled. " ' In the meantime, all o'f the play ers continue to take keen interest in the garne and there are-" a goodly number on the links every day. ! THE ' COTTON FtTURES - NEW YORK, 'Now 20. Cotton fu tures opened steady: December . ... ," ; '.- . . , .,. January v. March T . ? ..; . . May July ......l...'.i'..".. 25.40 . . '25.20 .25.20 . 25.05 . 24.70 THE STOCK MARKET NEW YORK,' Nov. 20. Continua tion of Saturday's irregularity was notd at the opening of today's 'stock inarnei, out ine mam lenuency was again ' upward. Good buying . power devtll.oj3.cf. in (the merchandising, motor accessory, public . utility and Cuts s. CoUs Cams, Check development . of the cold that might lead to something serious. This simple treatment cools and soothes inflamed,' irritated membranes; loosens disagreeable phlegm; .breaks colds and coughs in short order. Don't wait right how ask your druggist -a syrup for coughs &cdds Norfolk Southern Railroad Passenger Schedule Effective September 30, 1922 At New Bern, N. C. Daily Except as shown Ieave For . . . ..Arrive From 9:30 Am ... Norfolk. ..5:00 PM (Parlor Car) 1:00 AM ...Norfolk... 5:35 PM (Sleeping Car) 5:50 AM 8:50 AM 6:20 PM 9:20 AM 6:22 PM Goldsboro.. 12:50 AM Goldsboro... 9:14 AM Goldsboro... 6:10 PM Beaufort 8:40 AM .Beaufort... 6:10 PM .Oriental... 4:40 PM 9:35 AM Information. RChprflllpS anA roonf. vations on application to L. PUGH, "Ticket Agent W?1 ' iooir and ." copper .shares,-", while ship ping and some of the standard rails were Inclined , to heaviness. " THE COTTON MARKET NEW , YORK,. Nov., 20. The cot ton market was unsettled early; today.-. The opening was barely .steady at a decline .of 22 'to 33 points in response - to relatively easier Liver pool cables. -.. -'.';'" Read The Clasiified, Ads CHAD WICK MABECLOT1 - ..... ;. , . tL. .v . -- i . '--'- ;. - ' ;.- - . ... ... - T,;--' . ; - v.-... .'' '.';.,- - - -. -.. '..-'.. -.,.......' '- - ' ' J "'.' ''-.'.. "T,"'v.';- '-. ; ;i ".";''.v''',:;' Q UALITY. CLOTPES . . When we make a sujt for you the quality is all that you could desire, the ' workmanship is the best and satisfaction is assured; FALL AND WINTER FABRICS f DISPLAY Our new fabrics are on dis play. Come in tomorrow or any time this week and lodk these over and make a selection. You'll be pleased with any suit we make for you. D UWUd No. 65 South Front Street uajsaass Coach Harris, of the New Bern High School football team, left yes terday evening for Raleigh to attend the meeting , of. representatives ' of those teams remaining in the race' for state championship honors. Theimeet ipg is to be held at; Raleigh tonight. The outcome' of tonight's meeting is being awaited with great interest on the part of s New Bern .funs. There are now four teams left to contend for the championship. It is expected that the semi-finals will be played on Saturday of this ; week and that, the finals will be; staged at Chapel Hill next? week. Goodly Number of Men Ex pected at Y. M. C. A. , Gym. This Afternoon v First regular practice of candi dates., for the Business Men's ' vollay ball , team will be held this evening at the Y. M. C. A. hall and it is-ex-peeted . that this same, spirit will be reflected ; during the . present season. Practice will be held every day this week, "commencing , at .5. o'clock. It is the intention of the local team to play Washington on Thursday or Friday of this week but it may be that the game ' will be deferred - until j net week, ' due to the fact that the -New Bern players have had very little prac tice. Washington, on the other hand, has, been practising for the last two months or more and their team is in good condition. '. . t ' -.':'.i.;-". . . " '"' : "-" ', ;S. .' - CROW ELECTROCUTED. - MATTOON, 111., Nov. Sei?ing a worm dropped by a sparrqwon a live wire,- a crow was electrocuted here. John D. ' Jr., urges every man to have n aim in life. A man's aim may be , perfect, but still he may neglect to pull the trigger at ithe psychologi cal moment. .. s , . . , v ;.;; ;;; ' -i"; .','';' ,- ;-''- ,'. - ','Uv - 'i' - t.'v:;' BEES HOLD Bi rt. . . sitv ii 1 i u inn ilt is extremely : doubtful whether-. New - Bern will play here this week .- for it is' felt that, the opposing team will insist" that -the contest 'be - stag ed on neutral ground. Of course: Coach Harris is goingto try to get the game -played here, but the odds are against his being able to do so. . ' " ," '.. Saturday's, showing of the"' Bear against Wilmington convinced loc.al -fans that New Bern has an Excellent chance to . land the .championship this ., year. The boys put up a. fine exhibi tion of straight football and outplayed the visitors In' every department . of the game. New Bern, this year has one of the finest teams the school -ever has turned out. . ; , - . , , , ; - ARRANGE GAMES OF BASKETBALL Local Y. M. C. A. fTeam Ex-' . pects To Have A Good ; Schedule of Game , . - The Y, M. C. VA. basketbair-team for which -. a-. number , of candidates -have come out,;, has been undergoing regular -practice of late, and- the men are showing good form . on the court; A number of games are how pending. IjA-ttentic Chrfetian . College ; tt ; Wirt-; son ' has -notiflejd ;the - locals . that . they will play ,-twov games -one .at New Bern and one at Wilson. Games -also are. pending With Washingtott' C61--legiate 'Institute,;. .Vancebcro, -vDoyer-and Belhaven..; It .is .expected that a schedule of from; ten to' twelve game.? will be played this season.;- The focal: men are taking much interest ill the. game. Several of them are ,". old col lege players" and' have , had ' plenty 'of experience to ' qualify them fort Vi pastime. , ! . ; ,.v..;..- ";' '. . H you vc tosuio your manly sbenflth-'Mf ywi in A bovous. despoodent or enng bom tat nuLty faom eneem, age or other mm CLANDTONE will quickly monpoa to normal strength and youthful tigor or do charge wiB W nade. Wnte today (or fra Mtntohwc booklet wonted fnpmd m plaM wuDper.- 0 -r-yy!. -'u-,'--.,. ... . PURITAN. LABORATORIES DEPT. 147 t ' NASHVILtC.TE-t. - w; ,-.'.. :'V-:"'siv?''.;. J-''i m Phone No. 135 - - ymM'r -;!' fakattv., I' 4l ' ' t-t- Mi. V, 1 e ! -

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