? 'V -'' ' 1 THE NEW BERN SUN-70URNAC f J:, . THRKE ' 0 MONDAY AFTLIIKOON, NOVilMi U,,l&2 Seaboard "Medical Associa '(' i i turn Will Meet Memmon? inrPHPfFPTFD L DELLORA ANGELL'S NEW FAMILY V": : j- ATltl RfID UHMS? j I iU il y i '-IJuu 8 U lid rL Ji j-' :;JLJL v r-K i f sendee, bf Bm. Willi : Lv i-TI I Iff i R r nnrarsf!- HH0-ff nnll!SR W'ST ifem, : Wl W.h . y'S V Oiaracter Acto Ife Held - v. Interesting - Program Ha Been Prepared For Seaboard Mecfibal Association ; Convention ? 'Here. ' The" twenty-3eventh annual meet ing of the Seaboard Medicalr Associar tion of Virginia and NortW Carolina will be held at New. Bern" on- Decern -v ber 5,- 6 and ' 7,- with headquarters at - the Hotel Gaston and meeting place , In the Chamber of Commerce' audi torium, according to announcement made, this morning. ... ' :. corea; of . jneidican -.men ' are ex pected to-be in' attendance -..at, this meeting and the localfeommittee is now . busily ; engaged m making I ar rangements for theii -'entertainment. The 'committee -is composed of , the following:; v f t - f ' Dr. George A. Cjawm, chairman, Drorfleet Gihtosi Dr , Raymond A.,; Pollock," C.S. . Barker, " Tr. Walter Watson, I).. -Joseph F. I'at- tersoni - Dr.' i pnval - Jpnes,.... Dr Joseph V. Rhem Dr. Richard N Daffy, DrMlms4r. JufEyv; Dr. -Rob? ert S. Primrose, pr. Harvey S. Wadsj worth, Dr.- Catdnv is ' also treasure! of the organization while Dr.' Gibbs , is ori 'then6mliiian committee, Dr. Jones .on -the Wexecjitive commlttet and,.' Drv Patterson on the Board ot Censors. . ' " ' ".-. ,.r , . A nui ber,. ptr, interesting ';. papers and talk are on the: program." The openin? ti'hn. will take place c at 8 p.iTn. on Twsday, December SSThf next 'business-session . will be held' oi Wednesday .jfoorning at 9:30 " o'clock; . followed .bjsfc an -) afternoon- - session commencing at 2 o'clock and a con cluding session Thursday, morning. " The entertainment features in7 elude the,;-following? -.. -.Tuesday,? December, 5, 9:30 -p. m, Smoker i. t " . ' Wednesday December 6, 1. p. m. -Barbecue. 7 . . . i Wednesday, December 6, 9 p. m. Dinner lythe Craven County. Medi cal : Society; Dr. ; Cyrus; Thompson toastmister and. entertainer.: i . . ; Thursday,- December" 7, 3 p. m.-4 OysterS roast at the. Country Club; s The? Seaboard Medical Association is one of the most, active, of any sim liar; associations in this section " Of the country and its . meetings L are always interesting and1 well attended. The boundaries of the - Association rare defined in the following definition - of territory. limit;' wi. . t V'-'No.? application fot active ' mtrn- bersiiip ah.aU be entertained from a pesdri residing west of a line, drawn fran-the: -southern" boundary - line ? of Nrth-. Carolina at a point mid-way biween: . Laurinburg and 5 Hamlet, tTence to the eastern corporate fim- ' is Df Raleigh, thence to the eastern orporate' limits of Petersburg, thence o th;. easterly corporate limits of Richmond; thence ' to the Potomac river at. Wide Water, Virginia.!" . 'fha Opening session will beUn the nature of a public health meeting un fder 'the -auspices of the - Seaboard Medical I Association and the Craven County Medical Society. The meeting will, he1 presided over by Dr. N..- M Gibbs, president of the Craven "Coun ty t Medical Society.1" The convention will, be opened -by prayer from Dr. J. H. N. Summerell, pastor of the Presbyterian church, 1 followed by an addresi.oj! welcome :from Mayor Ed. Clark. i 1 HE MADE NO , . J rUULIU "talao has ov.rWl.a my whole ! t ,f 4) :.t,"". .At , , ',k,A,Mf fhi&mjs. ,x. FIRE FIGURES E State Suffered Half X Million Pollar Fire Loss During Monttf b PcfoBeg '. s ' ' ' ' "- ' ' i .-r :r '"-. 'St - ?r"3 i . . RALEIGH, 'Nov. 20. Fire figures for October depress Insurance Com missioner Wade,- who put oh a grand program sent the gospel to the utter Most tfarts of the state and then had ,o foot up one of the 'most disastrous 'otals in. many months of campaigni ng. -- -y - ',- '- :. 7 -: -, ' The state suffered -losses of $740, t29 and there was a salvage of more ,han $1,300,000. Rural; fires ran to ;53,350. -Two of- these, . blazes alone oot $415,000 . and the two almost natched the whole of September rhich was $ 4 00 9 3 , The ; $ 2 0 0, 0 0 0 3fe at Clinton and $215,000 at Farml j lle reached the magnitude of ' great i lisasters and North Williesporo had i $30,000 burning. !, Greensboro, Salisbury, Mount Airy, Hickory, . Rockingham, . . Elizabeth 3ityi.- Nashville, , . Sanford, Benson, Pinehurst " and - Wake , Forest had . no fires at all. These be most delightful names o Mr. Wade. Wako Forest is i miracle. That- city and college of th e deep water faith . had .no- fire for 12 consecutive months. No. other town with an organized , fire- department anywhere in the state has any Such record. The ' Foresters have ; finished the year summa cum. laude while the other towns mentioned - have come through with j an: ordinary cum -laude. or at best -magna cum laude. ' Fifteen of. these fires last month were in ?'he-'! $5,000 and .. more class. There were only 10 such the month before. Of the 158. fires in' the state, 148 made" a'.total of less than $125,- 600. This is a decidedly agreeable as pect of the losses. But 80 - residence suffered and, t!iat.,is pot enepu'ragirig xt:Lctivt uvea aiu parKj--on .miiugie roofs caused 44, 38 : came from un known causes, six; from short citcuit "Talac has overhauled ' my . whole system ad fixed up my stomach so I digest.' what I eat better than I have in - years," - is the" unqualified state ment-'made recently, "by HarrylJ Herhessey, ' a well-known railway trainman, 'living! atthe Railroad -Y; M. C. A., GibsonJ Ind. , ,'After I got -a good sart on Tan lac my ; stomach ' trouble, headaches, nervousness ' and backaches which I had suffered from for a year or more pulled right out and f left Sne. Up to this time' I always i got up mornings tired and worn out' and it ' was 'all '! 60uld do to keep going through' the day. . " ' 1 "One of my neghbors told me there was nothing like Tanlac for building' a man up to good health and I soon found out he was right, Tor three bot-i ties of. the medicine has put me in as good condition as I could ask. to.be Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. Here are Lester Noma, young artist and his .millionairess bride-to-be Miss Dellora Angell of Chicago, iti center. At the left is C. W. -Norris, father of the bridegroom, Tirhi at the right is Mrs. Norrisi. Miss Angell, heiress , to a forty million dollar estafe, recently announced ..her engagement to Norrie.h'er childhood chum and sweetheart. " ' . ' - , five from ' machinery:--! friction. 'Four teen stores and nine i, garages were lost in part or whole. ' The. unwritten-l;iw has been recog nized so much lately-that it seems as if they, might as well get it written, j RETIA. FOOD PRICES : SHOWING INCREASE WASHINGTON, Nov. .2 (l.-An in dicated increase of -2 per cent in the retail cost. -' of food . to the ' average family in the 'United States during the month ending ; October 15, -- was reported' today: by the Bureau of La bor Statistics of . the Department of Labor, based on the prices- of 43 ar ticles in 51 cities. ' By cities, : San" Francisco Jed with : an increase of 6 per cent; Boston, -Los Angeles and Philadelphia showed '4 per cent. No city reported a decrease, bait- the in crease in a number was less - than 1-2-of I -pep cent. . ; RECEIVE ADVICES ."OF, HELMS -KIDNAPPING ' WASHINGTON, Nov. ' 18. Official advices of, the kidnapping , of ..George Helm;; Lutheran missionary, by -Chin'--ese banditb were received by the Stabe Department today, . ' ' ; The'department has instructed the Ameria'nvhjinister-to Ch.ina,,. Jacob Shurmaiii t? co-operate with the dip lomatic "J representatives of France; England, Italy and Swedenlin anoth-' er strong protest to jthe Chinese for eign , office " ' ' Read The Classified Ads CHICAGO, Nov. 20. The body, ct y ! Frank Bacon, famous as' a character'--'. actor, reatea today, at w,- .wf?K where . ten. years ago h'e wrote t part . . , , . . 1 1 t i i rn a .... which, through! neatly'- 2:099 appear- . ances in the name 'part; : triads ' him known virtually oves the . wholi world. He died .here . yesterday -a ot -heart : disease. -? After- the arrival, of a.' son. fr.bm -California t Wednesday,' . tba funeral services K1 be. held at th Biack stone theatre where he; appeared daily for more than a year :;v;r. :-" '-i-?' Kenesaw Landis, a close -friend of; ' Mr. Bacon, will dejiyejr. a "short eulogy. . at. the Wednesday. services, . which i. will be in - charge of the; hrisjdaij Science Church, of Tfhjich h.e. was-. .a-.; , member. The ! body w'ili rihen ? be W placed in. a Chicago: Vault io remain until next summer; when, it wil . be ,v" V' -?'' removed to Mduntaiii View.' pat, Mr;-1,;; ';. yf, -Baeoa's boyhood ' hejne.,. 4 '. Vi lli - ..lit fi Of- WANT REFUGEES TO BE ADMITTED JO U. S. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 0. Presi dent Harding was asked in a message tody frOm the administrative commit tee of the federal council of the Churches of Christ in Ameriea to rec ommend to congress i" ;such a special amendment to the restirctive imigra tion law as will permit temporary en try to this country of ; Greeks and .'Armeinans refugees ' from the seene of war operations in the Near East; - " ; ' ' Never be quite sure that you're brilliant ,at conversation. The - other man may be brilliant at silence. , iiniii)i tjllllll.U'll For SIuWisK " 10c t 6f-C6ti!5Upatcd n...... ........... . mi m .1 i m ;.i im j Cletan your bowels! Feel Aner--"vVc;i'''?ei':,r-When ; you Vf eel : - sicki dizzy, upset V' v.w when1 your besfa is" dull pr achiipg, -pf ' -;u your stomach 4s sour or jgiasiy, Must ' - !t take one or two Cascarets to relieve ' - ' . J constipation. ' No griping- nicest lax"' i , ative-cathartie on earth for grown- , ; " ups and children. 1 Oc ' tt box. Taste -, , ' ' 1 like candy. '' "i r. fl 1 Will Others Please Write . 'Foupj thousand -nine hundred and eighty-seven out of . a possible five thousand humorists..:- have asked wliether;vre realize that King George pulled Aj JSonar where. he. yanked Mr. Law'inis Jthe Premiership, RUI1 DOYK PEOPLE RICH BLOOD ;OU never heard a doctor say1 Y "He is all run down, but his blood . ia pure and rich." . The best thingthe biggest thing that Gude's Pepto-Mahgan does is to i punfy sand enrich your blood. Then , those weary, run aown, araggea ouc feelings will disappear, arid the oldtime ' vim and "pepT come back again. Get Gude's Pepto-Mangan today. : , At your druggists liquid or tablets, f- as you prefer. - 1 . - ;'6ude,s pepto-jvlngan Tonic and Blood Enricher . fiiillillcuiioi - s1. nr ilVL FlIfiOITUB r 1,1 1IIM1 "-"'Sirice we burcKsisecl,''the stock of the J. S. Miller Furniture Company, located at No. 76, Middle Xstreet. land an nounced tliat we intend to sell this at the very lowest possible price in order to clear the way for a large additional stock which we have purchased and which is to roll in within a few days, scores of people have taken advantage ,of Jour low prices' to-buy J furniture. yy'yy.-y.i':. Our stock is large, there are many articles that you need and we invite you to come in and - loot these over. ' 1 " ' 1 T1! lCCfmmZmrr ' a slnmeViinnlir Isvur - . ..;. n maKing your seiecuons. fi ne prices ve trc ww5jr vitv. , . At Ml 'tt 1 tn; DRESSERS V; NEW BERN," N.X. v V" ' CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. ifHAteSfflV'ING' DAY rviA mm OLK'SOUTHCRi'i RR 5Lv. Ne Bern L;l t60'P. M. AV. Charlo,tte8yille,y.---14X- 7:30 A. M. Lv. Charlottesviil-----. 7:30 P. M. Ar. New Bern? :L,-l-:----- 9:14 A. M. Nov. 29th. Nov. 30th. Nov. 30th. Dec. 1st. Special privatesleeper'will be chartered for party of 25 or more 'railroad fares occupying sleeper from time of leavingJew Bern until return. Reservationsniust be made quick if space is desired. For reservafons in chartered car see Mr. G. A. Bar den Elk's Tef pie Building. We have, a number of", dressers in:' our " stock which We are going (. to oiJ-e . u.l greatly re-; due e d prices. Tou must see these dreSs ers in or der to ap p re e iate their beauty and value.i, ASK TO SEE 5THESE Mattresses and Springs : We have a large and varied stock of mattres ses and springs and can furnish you with these almost at your own price. The quality of these mattresses and springs is of the best and . we "feel sure that we can please you. ', ' COME IX AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION , KITCHEN CABINETS flop No home is com plete without a kitchen cabinet and we have them here, just the cabinet that will suit your wife. Our prices on these are as low as any to be found in the state ani we are sure that we can please you,- Come in and let us show you the many a'd Vahtaes o our kitchen cabinets. IfliW TABLES Tables are indespensible In every Jiom and we have them in all sizes, .shapes ahd-, prices. - Tou will find here just the table that you have been wanting and need and -we are sure that we . can please you both as to style, quality and price. M I J Furniture is daily advancing in price. Now is the time to buy and, especially as we are of fering such great reductions. Probably never again will you have an opportunity to get furniture at such a small cost. Don't let this opportunity pass by but come in tomorrow or any day this week and let us fill your furni ture needs. OIL AND COOK STOVES If you need a cook stove, range or a stove for heating purpost es, you need go no further. have a large line of stoves of all varieties and we are selling- them at prices so low that they will astonish you. v Don't buy a stove until you have seen our line and gotten our prices. man -I No. 76 Middle St. W. F. Dowdy, Manager Phone 229 . it- it, I 'A It7- '-4