THE NEW feERN SUN-JOURNALS TUESDAY ; AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER ; 21 1922, Schedule Is Arranged : For Remaining Games Championship GjaimsT HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - - - - By DWIG Still Rather Doubtful - - rv 1W0 " - y , . " ' - ' " ' nil . O Will m. MMariBBM II i i I i ,...ix. , . '. fOlI) " , Carolina and V. P. I. Are In Lead biJt' II. T I I ' J. . H . .,1 - Coach 'Harris, of -the New Bern . ntgfc.' School football team, re-:'. ! turned iwlayfrom. Raleigh where hcIast (night attended the oon ferenw Avhich- was" held fo? the ; pofpi!t-:ot Rrrunshig' the remain hisr grajnoion jihe iiiBle. , v Trtj-final game' tor - be sections! . ctmnvnioirsliip -will bo, p'ayed at-eiilun- vKulciQh w Chapel Kill on - Ttiday, 212tj.iebr i. The winner , hi flw ROiii will 'rn' et the 'West, erit otHtttiptcn wVv Chapel HM m Saturday, December 9. . . ' , .All or Uhj group championships I)HYe';becn-tlecideU tn'the-East Wpts,iitSTOup' v -3, vwhere Rocky. Mount and Ttoaaoke Rapids will 'plafy off atie igarne 8t Uot'fty . Mount today. lu group one Xew Minor League Umpires iNqw ! : I Favor ; Organizing A Union . W "YORK, ' NoV. 21. ;-A union composed" of the minor league um- ' pir'e . is the- very latest in teasebalk It claimed that 'the minor league offlcjala feel that m; untenfem- there . it self -preservation, , " ".'""-'' ': ' The 'aftifation . tYamong Uie 'TOlnor leigue officials Jtvascswised ?by-,a,'Tnix-up hat took pWee'in the Iflterria tional League last Rummer." .Unipire . JlcGowan got into -a first fight --with two Syracuse players, one of theni . being Catcher McCu2dy, recruited froni the University Xf - Illinois var sily. f . ' . Both player and umpire 'were sus pended" Indefinitely.'' 'The suspension1 of the player Tvas raised in a'fewdaya after -he. had writen'a,letterJf apoloi gy; while' the umpire was later releas-i ed. from the staff. :u v s ; The officials of that' orga-nl2ati6tii as . well as minor league -iimpires &1 ovei the ceuntrj'. didn't tarlce Very kindly, to the ruling. Similar happen ings took place in - several other or ganizations, with the umpire invarlbljr islaying the role of the goat. vlt, is a ,-difficft; 'matter ' to -enforee discipline in the minors at best. Mi nor -league umpires 'feel thaV th-ae tion of several presidents in placing the, penalty on the 'umpire makes" for rowdy conduct, and sooner or later Will make it almost impossible - to, t'rce discipline.. . - i" 1 J B; is rumored that a meeting -Will: le called shortly -of a '-nnmber-of thei leading minor league umpires 'to disi cuss the matter. It is possible the con ference will be '.held 'In Louisville a : COTTON 5- t.nd representatives 'to solicit busi ness. - Profitable arrangements. Vcekly Cottoni Market' Letter I'llEB on request. - "i F. J. EOMO & CO. ' ; lf Broad St.- t New York, N. Y Rad The Classified AAs FOOT BALL , J Hands chapped 7m iMEnTilplJUMj) keal3 quickly andjA x CHARLOTTESVILLE, V A. ' THANKSGIVING VIA NORFOLK-SOUTHERN RR ' Lv. New Bern x Ar.' Charlottesville . Lv. Charlottesville Ar.'New' Bern Special-private sleeper will be chartered for party of '25 or more -railroad fares occupying sleeper from - time of leaving New. Bern until return. , i Reservations must be made quick if space is desired. 1 For reservations in chartered car see Mr; G. A. Bar- den Elk's Temple Building. Hem was the winner vwhile lord and IDirrhaia emefsed n top ire -groups two wiul f -jut." resnec- ttvrly. . rnder tfeft schedule arrangde last . n;ght-, Dutham -and San ?f rd win meet in Chapel RUi on ' slritkif -while .NW Bern will take on ili winner of the Rocky 'Moarut-Roanoinv ptuy-otT al ;oIls Ireto. ,If Rocky Mount te the win -ne today, fhls gome will, be play ed on Friday bat if it Is to be .between New Bern and Roanoke Rapids it Will not take plaoi un til Saturday. . If Uarhiinr enters the finals ,tlfc last game ? in the East will be . played in Cliapei HUL but if San - "fortt is a victor the scene will be Raleigh, v the ; time ' the 'minor leagues meet in that city in December. As yet no overtures have been made to the ma jor reague officials. ' ' ' - Sport Notes Carolina alumni -who- saw the team in action Saturday are satis fled with it. If it does not trim Vir ginia, then , Virginia . has a - cracking good team, that's All there is to it; The University did not expend its full strength against Davidson; our that Is sett the real : fact underlying Caro-' Una's strength , her . real strength lies in Tier wonderful resources of re serve material, . lying-. about on the sidelinesi in big value blankets and ready ito; be hurled iato the fray at any time. "Jn fact, some of he backs arfd : linemen ; are, -so good it Is hard to say. ! where first string stops and second string" begins. -Two pretty good football teams were on -the field rep resenting Carolina 'here Saturday. Virginia, .we -'.understand, i is ; not so blessed andmany of the first string men are not m the very best of con dition, nor can they be by Thanks giving. Barring all uhf ortunate breaks ot the, game wa fail fo see how Caro lina can-fail to. win by a couple of touchdowns. , ,-:.t .: , . " '' -e . ' , Be a a couple of ; months of good duck shooting,' then nothing to do until the bass 'season roils around again. ". " '. - ' - f ""Football games - 'will - f be , rather light next Saturday; all awaiting for the fgHafld J Thanksgivings smasjh-u p. Army-and Navy will stage about the biggest- affair' in the country and all eyes are turned 'towards this frayv Both clubs are going fine, and a gU ganticr and brilliant struggle, will pro bably result. ' -. -. r - For' this section of the country, of .'course, - the Carolina-Virginia :game heads; the hst.i Interest is keen? here and a large attendance at Char lottesville -is assured. - Carolina -; peo ple -will flock to Virginia ; in many special - trains -and: by . automobile ' to seer the-: game. , s .. . i f. Farther south Tech s and ; Auburn furnish . the - Interest, .'while - towards the west Vandcrbilt . and Sewanee will.' hold chief interest; rThe dope points to wins for Vanderbilt. Au burn and Carolina;: but the dope has been thrown all over the gridiron thi year until that: field--is all:: smeared with . goo. " . EXCURSION 6 :20 P. M. Nov.' 29th. ' 7:30 A. M. ' Nov'. 30th. ."J 7:30 P.-M. Nov. 30th. 9:14 A. M. Dec. 1st. DAi OPPOSE BETS MES Hi-Y Club Urges Fans To Help Put A Stop To Betting Qn Football Contests At A -meeting of th,e JliY Clujj heid this morning,:,the members of the or ganization several, of whom also.' are members of i . the New Bern ; High School football team took a deter mined stand - against betting on any of the games in -which the New Bern High School ? team takes part. . '-..'' The subject of : betting ' was thor oughly discus'ci,at the meeting. The boys expressed themselves as being opposed! to it and' of the opinion hat it had an injurious -effect upon ath letics as a whole They believe that the people of (N:w Bern . are solidly behind the high-school team and they ask the fans to do everything in their power to put a, stop to-gamlbing on the gams. . v ? y . ' : (The meeting-' this morning was an (interesting one, and 'several other mat ters were -brought up -for discussion, Redmond - Dill, James Simpson, and Carr-Morton ' will' talk in chapel 'neit Tuesday morning.' . ... ' ' How . to Stop War N&w: York, Nov.' 21. Make war a crime and' there will be. no more war. a Brooklyn "audience, was told last night by Miss Florence E. AU'n, Judge of the court of common pleas. Cleveland, whose recent " election to the supreme court of Ohio has at tracted much attention. She was -'the principal speaker the Brook lyn socity '"lor ethics! scuHure. V'Lightnln'" Bill Jones Thnrs. f New Bern playgoers will have their long-awaited opportunity ' to witness "Lightnin' ", the most successful and widely-praised play in the' history of the American theatre, at the 'Show Shop on Thursday evening, November 23rd. The engagement is for one per formance only and this will be iiater- pretett by tne poupular company-j wnicn ; has won the hearts of thou sands since presented on tour. Seats are now- on sale. When 'Lightnin' " terminated its tliree years' run at the Gaiety theatre, New York, it had registered 1291 con secutive nerformnnrea tillf it Viae oir.r. been presnted in every theatre of the s-ca!ed--'subway circuit;' .nd its record now stands at 1305 perform ances in the greater city. "The Gold Diggers" ih the closest contender for championship honors with 775 per formnaces. Until "Lightnin' " the record 'was hold for many years by "A Trip to Chinatown" with 657 per formances. Mr. Golden haj restricted presen tations of "Lightnin' " to this special touring comnanv :inrl this ore-ani- tion, headed by Milton Nobles, Stuart Fox, Percy Winter and other favor-, ites.-who appeared at the tiaiety thea-. tre, will be sent to London next spring. Previous to .sailing, the com pany will appear in Buffalo, Cleve land, Oncinnatj: Pittsburgh 'and a few other important cities that would otherwise he compelled to wait tw-' years or more to see the play. The title of "Lightnin' " i. t;iken from its principal character, a yarn spinning, lifjuor-loving. slow-moving i old fellow who would he .-Hljudged . wortliless -according to everydiy1 ON THE standardsibut who knows the meaning of the word friendship. His misun derstood loyalty to his family leads J.o his beina ejected from home and finally lands him in the Reno divorce court.. , But he never wavers in stick ing to a promise that he has made to his good friend, John Marvin, a young lawyers 'and' forester. How Lightnin' and - Marvin thwart a gang of Sao Francsico'- land sharks and . save the little - hotel astride the California Nevada, state line,; thajt the Jones jamily lias conducted as an .asylum BM Our club and billard tables are the finest and offer a healthful and enjoyable form of diversion. , - j Comfortable accommodations and good fellowship prevail and it is an idealJmeet ing place-for men, both young and old. Make this your headquarters and have your friends come, too! A hearty welcome always.. WaMs- - '. "Metropolitan Club" fur Keno divorce seekers, is-" told a3 only Winchell Smith -knows 'how to tell such stories of the stage. Besides the favorites mentioned, the cast includes Frank Thornton, Barney Gilmore, Dolly - W. ; Noble, Nydia Westman, Sarah Elizabeth Reynolds, Milton Woolwine, Emory Blunkal, Pauline Moxort, Homer Hunt, George Spelvin, William-Lamb. James F. Kearney, Ruth Channing, Virginia Sale,' Harriet Gray, Mini Shirley, Alice Quigley and -Nornu Farnsworth. ADVT. - ' 7 , ere mag Mt Our Smoker Held East Foohall fans here and elsewhere J in Vi stat.f are more thnn cupr rrnri-! cerned about what championship North Carolina is going to claim if she succeeds , in defeating the Uni versity of Virginia at Charlottesvlle on Thanksgiving day, the remaining gaum on the schedules of the two elevens. Will it be South Atlantic or Southern ? Most likely South . Atlantic, for the Tar Heels can present a wonderful claim to that title in the event Vir ginia is disposed of. Even at that. V. I. I. taken into consid eration, for the Techs have handed pasting to all . southern opponents, with the exception of the Davidson Wildcats, who tied the 3Blacksburg eleven in one of the astonishing up sets of the season. Her is Carolina's record to date: ' 62 Wake-Forest ! 0 Yale .......... I IS 29 Trinity ....... . 0 10 S. Carolina ? 14 N. " C." State ....... 9 27 Maryland 19 Tulane . , SW M. L . 2 9-r Davidson . 3 .12 .. 7 . 6 190 1 63 Then the record , of V. P. I., which shows , a game dropped to Centre and a tie with Davidson. Nine, games have been played, and seven won, as against nine played by Carolina and 5 eight won. The V, P. I( record: 38 Hampden Sidney .... . 25 King College ... ....... 20 William and Mary ; . . . 6 Centre l .......... . . . . .. 7 Davidson ................ 73 Catholic 21 Maryland ...... . . 24 N. C State .... . 41 W. and L. ...... . . . . 0 . .f 6 .-7 . . -0 . 0 . $ 255 - ' " . .35 V. 'P. I., it will bo noticed, has run up a greater total -score and has held the opposition down better than North Carolina, 'the Tar Heels having been scoted' on in . every game save that with Trinity. ' ; , ; Virginia -Military institute also must be ..considered, , although , the Cadets were defeated, by North Caro lina. ' . .' . . . : Washington and Lee, by reason of defeats at the hands .of .Virginia and V. P.-1., is out of it-and' on a- South Atlantic basi,- the three teams , whose records; have , been given constitute Night A G about all the rivals for the mythical crowd. . - - . . : -. Now, as everyone . knows, iVirglni" is the arch rival . of. North I Carolina, ' and quite' a bit- of ioteregt.has -been ' shown - in ; the perfarmaftcear of , the ' Charlottesville lads by Carolna - fol lowers for a defeat-there ?dn- Thanks giving day .would: hurt ,like fury. The University ; of 'Virginia: -ha shown improved - form during reqent games, its roost notable" performancw being those against ; Washingtonan'd Lee and Georgia. Whether the vet-. eran Chapel Hill machine can con tinue the stride it showed at Charlotte Saturday is subject for debate.vbut it is reasoned that the rest until' Thanks giving ,will . help, y ..j. 1' '- ' 1C0TTOX, FUTVRES ' . - i. .... . New York, fcov. 21. -Cotton fu tures opened firm December 5.60; January, 25.25 .March. , ?5.12; jMay, 24.97; July, 24.74. , , , , .THE. COTTON MARKET :. ! New Yprk, Nov! - -2 1. TherO' -were very sharp fluctuations m" the cotton market during the day's ,early - trad ing. The .-opening - was nrmat an early advance of v23s to 48 points on covering and freBh buying, ,;which was inspired by the strength of -Liverpool -cables. . 1 New York, Nov.' 2 l.r Declaration of four more -stock .extra- dividends by w Jarge -corporations . yesterday -;f urn -ished the rdmpetus ,for a-' moderate rally' in upriceS iat t"het opening jot to day's .:stock - market. ',- - Repetition of yesterday's strength was noted in the independent steels, -tobaccos, - public utilities,: metals, motor -. accessories and chemicals. Reynolds VJPobacco, which declared - a 33, 1-3 : per .-cent stoek : -dividend ..On the 'VL'aBd VB" stocks was -pushed -up- tour ..points ; to a new high record, , the first sale composing . 55(10 shares at. 63 1-8. ' 4 H H w kwnc voor manlv Aeutll 4 voa Mr mmmt HCTVoui. deapoodeiil or wtforngfram lost vvWjty iiotm exctM. iff or. other mux GLANOTONE, nl quckly laiaie yon nomul ibaigth wd youthful vigor or o chttge vrvjl be nude. Write today ior Jtet mOfuatn booklet aakd gnpii m pbampper. t . . . ? f PURITAN LABORATORIES PtTPTi 147 NASHVILLE, TENN. THE MARKETS I W. B.Wa'dsworth,Prop.