RNOON, NOVEMBER 2ll922.!T THE NEW BERN. SUN-JOURNAL ernsMjespurees A re Seen Widely A.dvet$isJ, NewjM 1 wmmmwimm. I Well Written And Will Result In Material Benefit To Community. ooo acrefi about" January' 1. and bonds More Than A Page of Great Industrial Publica- wi" be f m jm woi starts ,. b. m. . .-v ' . , ii . JPotter, fes the-engineer. The Indiana tion Is ;-s Devoted To ? Calling ? Attention of j Dredging co., soyai, center, ma, has Tf , i , i t .1 r l ! i r j the tdntracL , About 43.4 miles of i nousanus or iveaaers i o ine opienaia xrog-i ditches, m feet, at the bottom, 20 feet ress .WhichNew Bern Is' Making,Article SnSS?m 1 At Beaufort, ,N. C,, the East Coast Land. Co., ; which. "owns 30,000 acres of land -'proposes to develop half of this acreage, by draining, building the necessary roads' and. bridges, and div iding it J.nto,mall,v farms. B. ,MV Pos ter is the-engineer, and plan's call for 50 miles1 of ditches,. 10 feet wide , at the bottom, at cost fo $150,000, Roads iBeUig; CoiiStrncted ;i , Fifteen 1 mles. of roads, constructed from local.; prod-nets are. .under, .way at a cost of So 0,ob.o" '.-r, y. Last ' jyeek . a, .successful campaign for a sunv of $200,00 for building as sociations 'wasyelosed . with-an 'over subscription. $,00d It is believed that tni,npaetf will make possible the erection of 8 0 , additional houses, which are; badly needed, ' The CheVq-Cola Bottling Co., L. J. Taylor, genera,! -manager, has . com pleted t,n, reinforced concrete and brick structure, s&O- by 102.: feet, two ftories high, rand-machinery of a mod ern type i will fAhortly be Installed. Steel sash is ;.tMedr throughout, and the building is daylight . factory; in every, seftse,-; ; ; :':;- ". D. B.ijohason, (engaged in the pro duction of 3 pry veneer box shooks reports hif . vpla.nt working at ca parity, with . demand 'exceeding production.; The ; Rockefeller, Foundation .. has been enlisted , to -heltLMn ridding the Pamlico section . of malaria, and men are nowiWorking throughout the sec tion .educating the people; In the pre vention ot malaria, and furnishing them with .quinine.., It -bas , been, def initely , determined - Qthat mosquitoes convey malaria from a sick person tc a well and that all who suffer witl. malaria ; must first - be;, cured. . Tht mosquitoes , will then be ': harmless. . '. : ... Helping: to- Raise Hogs v More than 200 high bred pigs have been placed on county farms and the help of boy's, enlisted to raise them. It has , been ; found . that , in . eight months . they increased in weight to - ; One of th - best advortisnettts ! New Ben. ver' has -. ' recelvcxd. is : coatatned ; la 1 this week's Issne. - of Ute Manufactarer Record, -a . ' nationally .known- Industrial pub. , , lleatiou witli a ciicolation; extend-5 . Ing intv every-; state to tle! anion, ' . Mom-, than -an; entire pajfe Is -" devoted ;to;tUing Hlie. readers of r;s - the lUvord. . about the . siendid progre whicft New Bern is bak-5 lng, .The article; Is "extremely, in- 1 terestlngt and Iff pubiishea ln fuli ,' . :'berewithv", v';;'v,-'---; ' Thl4 city fa Woking toward. V ' Ws thinga for 1923-and it fa laying care j ful .plana to- insure success. The. cot ton crop thl3 yeaf;ru.ns from '40 to 6 percent due-.to th damage of the bell weevil-.and the potato, crop was ser iousiy damaged by ' beq.vy. Ta.lns. -St Hi there Is an, air of confidence and op timism a.rnpng merchants in every line, bankers and business men.'- As a whoI, conditions are far more: fav orable than a yer ago, - and greater things are lnr sight. -u:.. . i "Feed "Yourself Ftrst"- . ' --;. : Fed Yourself first'' ? Is vheiag precahed to the. farmers who . suffer ed so badly this year atthe hands of th 'boH weevil. Crayen , eon Bty-ha engaged.. an agrielturar exjert,,-C- C. Kirkpatrick, ;;whof': is .. directing., the plans-for prbdiicing within the county alljthe food and; feed erfafE-neeeagary Diversification 1 relieoS upon to bring prosperity to th& farmlng- classass. AOr cordmgly men connected with the ag- . riCTiltural department- of V the State and 1 Federal - govern menUihavav.be.: conducting.. va .," series.-4 of. ilectures throughout, the section to eduoate the farmers m. the.work they plan to. un dertaker next rseason',--1- - ; Last- week "series f leettires.was held in Croatan school for five days, and on eaah -occasion ihertf wa stand lng room only. One-spekaer-said that 8 year! before'vhfcha been rip the county n. the.eamerHiissien -and .that three- per8onca-1 hear -him-y-'Ave , year ago-one man eame;. but this time upwarri!Wtenled0 eac4 session.: The 'program -as laid down, provides- for a home garden the rais ing of hogs, intensive poultry- rais ing, at least one -cow on every ..farm, aufflcient acreages planted - in sweet potatoes to supply each family, the growing of. Jegurae crops for soil im provement; .-sorghum growingrfor syy rap production, enough -grains : for all livestock,, development- of rehard-s for"-home use, and growing of -peanuts, for hog feed. - ' ,-W.i W-; Griflln, of the- National Bank of New ' Bern-, is chairman of the Cravenr Agrlcultaral Committee; and1 an,-able -corps of assistants is t-op-. erating in the work which is being ad vanced -with marked -results in every section. '. - ' . ' r - .. .-.A. large sweet potato . curiu5 and Btorage house has just been ,put ir, uae, ahd during- the summer -months it!ls r'annsd to use ir as a. r-s-nnery where ; women and - . -suls- freni .live tkfi . may- v'epare tonary3, , peas, ltnn; etc, oi;:er foiale cr for home ntui'un",3tlcla;-.refinite pUKisr.iretak ii;f 'frrm f or .stablihifi8 a creamery end a meatj -paekingyPlant-..!-- Lumber mills in this-. section '.report &dematnd. equalling and teven exceed -ing production, with prices firm and advancing. The Cas. H.s Hall Lumber Co., is -produciufiE 60,000 jfeet-. aweek with, j6 0 . men ' engaged. . . Mill Operation Increase" . , ,-:W "W. 3Iillett, of Philadelphia and - formerly engaged in ' lumber opera tions : in Mississippi, is running five portable mi Ha within a -radius of 25 miles of this city. . Starting in 1920 the .-operations of these mills has so Increased that the. production is now about 1.250,000 feet a month. ' A cen tralized storage yard has been estab lished on the Trent river, with mod ern handling facilities, and' barges are taking the' lumber, which . is practi cally ail "sizes", with a few narrow boards, Jto Philadelphia, When the Manufacturers Record -correspondent yisited'the, yard 650,000 feet of lum per was being loaded on a barge for Philadelphia . firms. . The yard ; was an excellent, dock, and covers 1 0 acres. , So fast have orders come in that delivery Is three month behind schedule.' . ' --T-; i-' The ; Neuse Lumbr Co., reports the wholesale demand good, and ,-the local demand ; fair. Prtcea are. good, and" expectations are .to .run at full time for many montha to come., Re cently n. . new . .planing ..mill , has ;been installed, and th, capacity of the sash and,' door ; factory increased. The East ' Carolina. Lumber Co., manufacturing hard .and soft woods. cnotemplates -enlarging ; its -? f aeilities during 1923, and is already' produc ing a million . feeimonthly with 150 men on the- payroll, ; ' . f. The PioeJLumber Co. has recently completed- a new plant, replacing one destroyed; some - months -.ago by fire. It now, .has a very, modern and com plete , ,pjl anf, whicft ; is operating at capacity. ' tJ':, ': .,- '. ' " Practically all ;of .-the lumbermen in -thia. secuons' are 4 convinced that prices of lumber 'will never, return o a ; level .piuch lower, than, todays fig ure. They .state ;that- the. supply- of timber is steadily , decreasing, the op erations '.are being carried -further and further into the, country necessit ating.long hauls on-wagons, say from a to 12-milesy4and'.,the demand for building materials' is steadily mount, ing. - '- - - - ': .. t-.lVhifcay.CtompIcted,. ,.Jin aSdf&dn ..ti&ZeT&wSng" "program providing for many nevf .streets. and repairs to others the. city is complet ing, a White way: electric system on two. important thoroughfares. .A spec ial "police signalling ' system .Is- being instaUecL The Eagle . Engineering Co., has . been -awarded ;the, contract - for additional;- paving;- and" claying ,3000 yards of concrete sidewalks. Two fire proof school buildings of reinforced concrete and , brick . have just been placed - In use,-; having been, "erectd a a cost of $150,000. Plans are be ing discussed for a modern negro school building to ; be . erected next spring. - , : : . . The Board - of Drainage Commis sioners of Little-Swift Creek -will, be gin, a drainage :-. development : of t18,- 240 pounds, at a value of 7 cents per pound. The girls have been encourag ed, to raise poultry by intensive methods. f The last section of the road trom New Bern to the county seat of I'ain Uccr county is under way, the total distance being about 31 miles. Thi.s will bring a great amount of trade to the city.. Many boats operate be tween New Bern and cities and towns along the water front - for-' miles around. The good,? roads program is further extending'-the trade territory and trucks in considerable .number now operate . over-these .highways. . II. E. Barlow, secretary ; of the Chamber of Commerce, is urging the development of a deep walerway. Ef forts are benig made for establishing a barge "line to v run between New Bern and Baltimore, and the various cities and towns in the New Bern ter ritory. . - ', A -campaign is '.being promoted by the Chamber of Commerce to interest hunters and sportsmen in making thii city their "stopping place. All kinds of game and fowl, abound with in 40 minutes automobile ride from the city. Bears, fox deer, wild turkeys and fish are plentiful. Home Missions Discussed By The Presbyterians Last Night rh adult members of the Presbv tenan Church, and a few of their friends, assembled in the Lecture room of the church last nisth at 7 o'clock, to meet Rev. J. T. Wildman, of Par malee, and Rev, IS. b Scattrepood. of Rocky Mount,, both of whom are Home Mission . Workers in Albemarle Presbytery. The purpose of the "get--togeitheif" was . to- bring the people of the congregation in personal touch and fellowship- with these men and learn more of the jcreat mission work being done by them, and to start an organization of the laymen of the church to assist in the home work. A delightful supper was served by the ladies of the church, during which hour music was rendered . by Profes sor Butt's Orchestra. J. T; Oonkey, accompanied by Mrs. Oonkey very kindly favored the audience with four solos: "Waiting," "Three Green Bonnets" "Absent"' ana r "The Birth of Morn"-which - were appreciated. The real- program of ; the. evening began whon Dr. Summerell announc ed the speaksis, who each delivered a short address for the purpose of stressing the necessity of a. Laymen's Organization to assist in the Home Mission Work of the Church;: Prfoes sor H. B. Smith, in his addres3. "Ser vice," made, an appeal to the officers and members of the church for a re consecration of their lives for the ser vice of the Master, and especially the responsibilities of the officers of khe church. Rev. J. T. Wildman; spoke on "Challenge to Laymen," and 1L P. Whitehurst's address, "Challenees. How Met'" made plain the purpose for which God has ""placed u here and our duty to God in our eve-y day living. Rew J. A. Apache, Home Mis sion-Worker Of New Bern- Fresbyter- ian church for Craven county, follow ed with an appeal to "You and5 Me." Miss Amy Caldwell, as a lepreaenta- ttveof the Women's Bible Class,, ts a parenthesis Address" extended an invitation, to all ; the ladies wh were not members of -'.th ..; BibKr Clasc ttf join t class and' enjoy the privileges and-benefits derived-from amr, A. .& ; j Sieloff, president of th SfeS' Bible Class, had as a. aofejeet tor-Ms- ad- dress the words ' "Here - aitt' C SJenTT Me," and- appealed to tttef laytnen to ' carry in their hearts ' these words of Jeremiah, and wlie1 1 oatt eotnev for assistance to ' remember-' tha . words,4 ,'-'.,..' .-...;:. Rev. F. II. Scattrgo4! 1rottt f h series- of. addresses' to -9r Gke;by. re vealing to the laymen' tne coadltiofiii existing i otap ovm sOffOoadJaapConVr . munity, . and of th unttnihedi oppor tunities for work for the' Master and of th. need' fort mor Carutlaa' work ers. He- paid tribute tof Uirties of th church for the wondertut evaisjT they had arrange te tfc bnrCls tof I It's wonderful' pastor Dt;' Summer lt and-to the men. for the inspiring talks " they had made. Hi gOpl . fo--tb men to orgjintxe- f er - servU ; met - k hearty response and; after eespondlag7. to the call by eaiHngr pr6neJly tfcf names- Jtfdge Bardeni- Wks ppoiRt4 -Convener when. offUefs a ha 11 be- eier ' ed and plans - made" 1 of catty? sr viee. Contributed . , - . or Free yourself from your agreeaKa phlegca.cieared tf away; scraichy, tender,, i membranessoothed;oash . checked; cold brokeanpu . .Naw,jtoday ask your drug gist for - DHJONGfS D1SCOVEITT -a syrup for coughs &colds Quick Relief From Nervous Headache Do - you eves start the day with - Berv'.tenae, head throb Msar, your whole fraiae taut and 'n edge?" -Pll1-k DKIkLrt. BlAVlA Mil mST ytiax to take because It gives- you heartburn but fear it no longer. TINGLE'S LAXO ASPIRIN, the new perfected aspirin, com- .bines tbe wonderful pain com bating powers of genuine as nirln With a riilreslant added to fprevent this after-.discoinf ort. its v laxativa qualities - xurtner benefit tlvfrKneral system, en abling the body to throw off tbe toxins 07 - poisonous- -; - wastes, which when pent up la the sys tem are i the causeof headaches -ABd pain, - ijiij J ' . I ,: ' No aspirin on the market can o readily attack the ; pain of nervous head . aches..- Be sure when you ask for., aspirin to a". ask for . TIN--, ' GLE'S LAXO V. ASPIRIN, the aspirin witn .the S points: It absorbed easily It relieves pain quickly 1 It's a gentle laxative -. TINGLE'S Tablets of LAXO ASPIRIN Ask j'hp ; drug-gist for the Tbree-Point "Box." Therapeutic "Research Laboratories. Washins;- tosv rh. c. Beware, The Debutante,, Slouch! IT I The Shadow STERN warning to the younger be distorted and turned by ifie-wrone. generation of women is issued by corset or what is far worse the lack V a writer in "Good Housekeeping' 01 cprseung. . wb6 says that unless the -uncorseted. f Jon "efartunate hzr fcecome corseted they wUl have a sa4 V -corstlCTC Zv0 , . . , . it is wise to consult with her ftnlya reckoning to meet in the future when h a rorset atxitolean er Standmg with the chest contracted much on her advice. Each figuro.-wufl and the stomach thrust out the de- present its individual problems and butante slouch-f-wai inevitably pro- her wide experience will be an enor-l duce 1iigh" stomach, ':ys this writer, rnous help to you. If, however, yam with its destruction of the beauty lines have no one at hand on whom yon can! f of the body. The lesson the writer dis- place reliance, you can study yourwnt doses is that corsets are a necessity figure and determine broadly yoar! to the. growing woman as well as to type picking. out the points that need1 the mature, and that to be properly correcting, and those you should yteji corseted is the first step to real beauty, up. The corset manufacturer haij To quote : helped us enormously by dividing ha "No branch of beauty so readily re- corsets' into so wide a variety, of types. ipays study as that of line, and it is and though you may have to actuaUjj a melancholy fact that it is a branch fit on a large number of corsets before of which-few women have any appre- you are satisfied, it is the onlypossiblei ciation, otherwise they would never al- way of making a wise-choice -ind, ow the i beautiful, lines of the.body,to.a'triBg,.Tyrfprt fii-3 .r'.U. 1 i ' ; nn rj um i ill. mi ? RANGING IN PRICE FROM" TO- V ft WE: DON'T BEUEVE: THATT B EX T E R VALUES- CAN BE FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE. jvj COME IN AND SEE FiOR YOURSELF. You Will See Store1 SUITS AND OVERCOATS IN THE NEWEST FASHIONS, TAILORED IN WARM; DURABLE WOOLENS AND FINISHED WITH THE PRECISION OR CUSTOM-MADE GARMENTS. . i f Quality Plus Low Price' That's what you secure when you buy here, and now is the time to buy. Stock i complete, in every respect. Pimm "THE MAN'S STORE;" 1 1

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