VTHE NEW BERN StK-JOORNAC TUESDAY" AFTERNOON, -NOVEMBER. 21 1922,? Aftested At Goldsboro (loldsboro, Nov. 21. Deputy Sheriff Frpd Carraway. . Constable faugga, and ; Deputj-.ciistanble Mooring, all of Greene? county, were arrested in the Wiyne county court- house yesterday in ! Itecorcler's court ' on charges of kidnapping, assaults potential house breaking " aftl carrying concealed weapons. These 'charges grew out of their prosecution of Thedie Hill on charges' of resisting . officers -an-1 c&rryiaga Concealed weapon, , after their, having arretted Hill on Wayne county eoik. The officers 'were ' put in such a close position that they backed water' on ' the- concealed weapon charge against Hill. J--Of : course the charge of. resisting an officer vanish ed Jaway in proportion to the ascen-J daecy-of the, assault charge against the- officers. Pretty soon 'the officer? were .duTnboundecL v to: find out they had no tnorer business earrylflg pistols in Wayne county than John Doe, or anybody else. : . . , The' en-d came when Hill was ac quitted of the charges against him, and the 'Charges' against the officers were withdrawn. All the trouble - began when HiU, saw. the- officers - breaking in and wanted to know "What in the h all this is about!" The officers proceeded to tell him "What in the h it was about." Some said that Hill was' on his way to get a drink and some said not, but none of them said a drink of what. They were all agreed of the officers, and so he proceeded to get. belligerent himself, for lie seem ed to know that -the. officers had a ''foreign look about them." . That was clearly brought out, by Prosecutor Dees, who argued that tho officers were on a hot, trail and had a right to cross the line. V- "Oh you are arguing international law now,", retored Col Lagston, at torney for; Hill. "You arex thinking of the United States and Mexico." Hence Hill's -regarding the officers as "for eigners." . , STOP THAT ACHE! ' ! 1 ; !' I III r i iy,l rfiffminniiiiJiiiiiiMnifiiiiiiMiifiifMiiiitnii'iiiinifliiii' ' T' B 1 't L M if) f Don't worry and complain about a sor back. Get rid of that pain and lameness! Use Doan's Xvidney Pills. Many: New Bern people have used them and know how effective they are. Here's a New Bern case. i Mrs; A. C. Morton, 135 E. Front St., says: "'My kidneys gave me a great deal of trouble! and I was in bad fix. I had been on my feet a lot and working pretty hard and ihe first thing I knew I was troubled with pains through the small of my back. ! These pains got worse all the time and L couldn't bear to be on my f eet i because of the pains that shot thi'ough my J kidneys. Every time I turned in bed, the pains were so bad, it woke me up. I had dizzy spells j and didn't dare to walk. My kidneys acted too frequently and Doan's Kid- J ney Pills were recommended so I bought some." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a : kidney remedy get Doan's , Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Morton had. Foater-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Advt. LESflL ACPION PI I II SI KU Proceedings Against Organiza tion In Kansas Expected To Be Opened Today ii !(!!!! kj7u?2'-'- ' '"Wir' Natural Gas-, j f jj$&r. was a great mystery to the' people of olden times. They called it ' ' V"' air that burns, " and jet - of the gas S ij-'-x furnished the so-called 4 perpetual fires,'.' i 3 Much "of the -mystery has now been solved j . -and we are issuing; a most interesting ; folder ! 2 .this month on the subject. i, .'- '" ; ; i Incidentally we nope to clear up any mystery that surrounds the subject of banking. CurTofficers are always glad to explain the'work i 2s of this Institution in the interests of 'patrons cad the commilnityi - A talk witK them may how y iu how to use bur service to better advantage.. C TIZENS i SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO. . Say CtdldeM KxeuuteS London, Nov, 21. -A disnatch to the Evening-News- from Dublin this' aftciTiC:; says it ! rer.i'ired F'.i-skme Childers had ,-been ' executed; also! that p.ieht other . linn am p1 mtn VinvA' shared the same fate. , Inquiries are being madeas to the authenticity of the rumors but as yet without, any confirmation or contra diction being obtained. . ' (By Associated Press) TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 21. Legal proceedings, which may make it un lawful for any person in Kansas to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan were forecast today in the announce ment by, Governor Henry- J. Allen that he had been assured by the fitftte attorney general's office that ouster proceedings against the Klan would.be filed in the state supremo eourt. It was thought at the state house that the suit probably would begin today as it was announced last night aU papers had been prepared. . The suit against the Klan will foe brought on the ground that the or ganization is a Georgia corporation registered to do business in Kansas. The suit may further result in at temps to remove . from office all county, and state .law enforcement officers known to be members of the Klan, as such a policy previous ly had been outlined by- Governor "Don't Tafce thelChance" Say People Who Know Coughs and Colds Often Lead to Ileal Sickness. Bear's Emulsion Will Stop Them Quickly. A sliarht cold a cough that is mere ly uncomfortable then a lingering, hacking cough followed by a weak ening of the system then some dread disease. That is the story of the neglected cold. The safe thing to do is to take Bear's Emulsion at ones and end the chances of serious re sults. Bear's Emulsion is an effective remedy that has been found of the greatest aid in relieving bronchitis. grippe, influenza and in breaking' up the most stubborn coughs and eolds. It has been found to give relief when other medicines fail.- It is pleasant to take and will tone up the entire' system- People who suffer from loss of appetite ana weakness hnd it the best-sort of tonic for building up the body and helping them to take on weight and strength. Why take the risk of becoming seriously ill when you can get' this remedy at your drug store? If your druggist cannot supply you, a bottle will be sent direct on receipt of 11.25. JOHN D., BEAR CO. Clearbrook, Va. Allen. , PUUroad's Vulue $12,193,000 ' Washington, Nov. 2I.-r-A tentative value ' of $12,198,000 was fixed , today by the Interstate commerce commis sion on the property of the "Virginia and Southwestern Railway company. The , corporation which is associate! with the Southern Railway, has total capital issues with a par valuation of 115.021,000. A DsaunM Complexion i& Admiration WITH TIE COLORED BIG DEMAND MADE FOR LETTER BOXES A few days!" treatment with S LITTLE UVEX FILLS more to ciean - -v skin than ill S beauty treat lAarwi-MM1 cnu in crea- lirf rifS ition; An im-, I r ITTI rr ugjiahllTcr. tr i I nf nannta-Ald. vama and mMdi aM. ttMtt tot bUMVMMM. UUCUIMI. MCK 'tirifhfi Up Stomach and fa Sallow, tanfrfv and Bhttdiy SkiA. . The end the aiaarr of COBatiaatioa, ,- ; . town r;n Small Dm--811 rrict Circle Has Busy Session , A large amount of businesa was brought up and discussed at the reg ular Monday night meeting of Circle No. . 1 of t. Cyprians church, 'which was held last night ft o'clock. The business consisted of some of every nature, from the least to the largest, and was handled in a most pleasing manner by the officers pt the circle. Most of the problems of the Circle were dismissed fin an address ren dered by Dr. H. W. Fiaher, president of. this organization who told in a detailed manner what the circle was for and also told the manner in which the funds were being used to best advantage with the motive to do the most good. . ...r.. !'. ' -, To Dr; Fisher goes the credit for the success of the circle in maintain ing its ' standard, and it hats been through his untiring efforts that the circle has grown so rapidly of recent. G. W. Saunders, secretary ior the circle is also deserved consideration for his efforts in handling the pub licity side of the work' and announcing the meetings and doing various acts, to the interest of , the circle. -. , , At the reading, of the minutes by the secretary, the Meeting E adjourned until next Monday evening. Contrib uted. ji-1'' Read The Classified Ads f. : - rf, '. 7 ... 'JW ,. . l . The Lausanne conference meets today, and the best we can wish for it is that it may do a"little something of what "-its predecessors- didn't. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.r-:The de mand for letter boxes has become so great as a result of the recent post office department's "no box, no mail" ruling that manufacturers are unable to fil orders, the department stated today in announcing that for this reason postmasters had been author ized in their discretion to postpone the effective date of the order from January 1 to not later tfian March 1. The postponement is not to be con strvied, the department added, as a waver of the requirement , of mail receptaeles order or as any ' relaxa tion of a determination to enforce the new regulations. i Seems as if the backbone of sum- mer is about brdken. " - j- 1 " " j Look for the Hark! The Norwegian "Fisher man Mark" of quality and goodness that is on every bottle of Scott's Emulsion assures you health-building, vitaxnine-bearing cod liver oil in its purest rorm, pleasant to ; take, readily assimilated and transformed into strensth. T7i "Fisherman I Mark1 should be on every 3 bottle of emulsion you buy. I CHRISTMAS Cards, Tags And Seals From Sc. to A LOVELY LINE TO SELECT FROM 25c BAXTER,- THE JEWELER .;. Oak $2 Per Load, $8 Per Cord CUT ANY . LENGTH : WHETHER YOU WANT A CARJ LOAD OR A CAR LOAD IT WILL7FAY c YOU TO SEE OUR WOOD. : ELM Coal and ' Wood Yard Phone47. Hilton HuHniell, Prop CTT3 c peratw 1 4, - ? 1&irf ANNOUNCES V I If I .1 v. ..tobacco the n. g. tobacco growers' co-operatfve marketing association will make a second payment to members during the second week in December; all tobacco delivered between now and the 29th day of noveuberi will participate in this payment. bring your tobacco at once and get both your first a nd second payment before-christMAS. ' . s AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 29TH, THE NEW BERN CO-OPERATIVE WAREHOUSE WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL DECEMBER 4TH IN ORDER THAT THANKS GIVING MAY BE FITTINGLY OBSERVED BY THE LOCAL WAREHOUSE STAFF. Growers Go-Operative eting Association 18 i J" :F. W. KENNEDY, Mgr. NEW BERN, N. C. L Enemies of the Co-operative Marketing As- ! sociation told yoi that you might as well use your participation certificates for cigarette paper. Now comes the news of a second payment. Do your own thinking. Old "wait and see" has played out. n 1 v V :t3 7