TUDAY. AI TZRNOONr NOVEMBER; 21 1S22. THE, NEW. BERN SUN-JOURNAli .J Say"Bayer".and Insist! "TT : TTT jBig Gains in 0urExports to South :AMERickr ; By b. P. AUSTIN - STATISTICIAN THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK '5 r j (FROM THE WEEKLY TRADE RECORD ISSUED ;BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK) eiRLIOW WELL Unless you see theame VBayr" on packase or on-tablets you are-not get tlng -the genuine Bayer product' pre ' scribed by 'physicians over twenty- two yeare and proved safe-by mliuona -for , 'Colds - Headache, , : .Toothache v ' . , .' Lumbago Earaeh v '";' . : - Rheumatism v, ; "Neuralgia . " , fain, Pain ?Accpt ''Bayer Tablets , of Aspirin'? - only. Each unbroken - package con-: tains -proper directions. ; Handy boxes of twelve i tablets cost if ew . cents. Druggists .aieo ell '.bottles' ot 24 - and 100. Aspirin - is i tho - trade maik , of -Convince or money refunded at all .cidsster of Calicylicacid. - 4 t7-. r . k. TT.-forl OgtPt tart- that manufactures form the over 4.000,000 pounds aeams one- L -liAc". 7 c..v. of the .materials which thev half million in August, 1921; tin 'remarlcabTe sains inttie new buy from us. And. it is in the ex- 'plate three times as much in value .veTi whiS San w?th the po?tation of manufactures that wc as a year ago; wire over 13,000,000 month of Tulv This is trie more are most concerned in considering pounds against less than 1,000,000 -larkable because of the fact that the future of our export trade. All in; August, 1S21; and of automo ithj6acal year .ending with June j the .w.orW CQmes clamoring to our jbdes sent to South America the had shown : a reduction of more-doors- for our foodstuffs and raw value in August, .1922, was ten toan S in ur xports to that materials .especially bread and times as much as in August 1921. SiMnt .Every month since the meats and cotton, of which our . And .these are merely examples of ooenine fcf the new fiscal year, aq- .surplus is constantly growing less the increasing popularity of Amen VnrHinl ta the Trade Record of with --our increase of population, can manufactures with our South Daughter Took Lydia E. Pink- hams Vegetable compeuaa as Mother Advised Wauseon, Ohio. "My daughter al- : . r. :L?-3 1 1 L.R,V of New hut it 13 in manufactures, that we American neighbors. ;'vSr hii T'shown big increases in must make our fight in world mar- We are reciprocating too their .!. t ,nrt-.fo South -Jcets. v On the .other- hand.; we generosity by taking increased u: I VANTED - wATED--asicKoasrit: cutteks ,to cut railroad ties. Goldsboro Lum-j ; bsr Co., Dover, N. C. . 18-6t-q TUTHeTTT "FOH ItEJJT STORK ,J4i BROAti street, .-t Apply -,tO Mr. - .Williat Uorcli, 143- liroad. possession giv-; en December 1st. ,17-3t-pd, FOIt HENT FOUR' UNFURNISHED ', rooms - for - light .housekeeping.-. Ap- - ply 26 Spring Street. . 21-3tpt - ie ;Ul " i c rt--j:- i ' Amrira deoite the fact that most clamor at the doors ot other coun- ...paanuues oi iuciuMuuii,o).iUi lotthr raerXndise leaving the triesrproducmg.tropical foods and irr July of the current year our m--'countt is Koing at lower' prices manufacturing materials such as ports from that contiaent showed ,country is 4li.1t( ; -p.. ,kk an inrreasse of over 510.000.000 'Same . . c- ,i. , A i Vi nrnrlurtSAt Smith Atnrru'a. na as Jmuiiu VI inc uickuiuk .vcai. rvu- mnnths of J Tuly. August and Sep- -it happens that our South Ameri- t;gust a gain of $5,000,000 and Sep- Hr 1922, totals 36 more thai can neighbors have not yet become tember a gain "of $ -0.000.000 over in tMt same perioti of last year manufacturers in any large degree. . the same month of 1921, .these m Chile the total value of xthe -eji- the interchange . between the f two creases in our purchases of .their Corts to North 'America in : the. continents , is a perfectly vnatusal -products including coffee cacao, jiwiw V. j t: . ;,nr t u- TTr,;ffl Staffs ,wno!: hides and skins, india rub- . .ui ; ... 'I!' it-- i-J--. K.. m n 4rn I all. uic tojuv xvuvi wbaut 'uiuia . i uuuw i t " .. - theYxDorts sent front the United nitrates and other of the natural when compared with the nl' to jiurope a reaucuon oi are uw. luc iargcsi iuduutv.uiMs ,.' ""-''- r yj h9 and to Asia and Oceania no .csuntty; in the world. . ' , ,lcs of -tropical and sub-tropical .cnango wncu W riVV-ZS.' t nt nHW alwavs be deoendeni montns oi si yar. 4"7-v..uUu; 1 AA"ti, in. ..! .5THS Increammbur sales to our pnnt and book paper more tnan est .ncigauyr, oVu , iVa, . iSouth AraericaB - neighbors is ve-; doubled- that of the same month encouraging feature of pnr aften .fc"eaU interesting: io riew bt the. tost year; galvanized iron tshees :tne-wartraqe, National Guard Has Been Well Organized In State tBy sAssoclated :Preas) ttday is In tlae best condinon ,f its FOa SALE FOU ..SALE DODGE SEDAN, .192 tnodel reasonable on account of - leaving - city- Apply II. rEi .Hideout 15 Pollock St. '-- " 18-2t-pd, HnaTn - Mat ienal . Guard not only lias organized all but three of the twelve units allotted it by the ;. United States War Department but also . nas ijoen developed In- numerical btrooth sn3 equipment tothe. point whers its ranbat secend in the fourth corps aio.. ac- cording to figures releaid by Artiu- tant Oeneral J. CVanjJa.s Jietta today. In -June, 1921. there were. 1 240 Min cers and men In the State's National Guard as compared ,with StOO offi cers and JtneniOn N,ovcm.ber .1. 1922, the figures showed. .There . are 3S units . organized and ..luiiy ecuiijj.ca in 30 : counties, where instruction is Lgia. '?I..d4vision t-as ,a whole is -al FOR SXLR CHEA1 , SMALL- BED ,horj)e or Jvill trade Vt or large draf .Vhcrse.EUia CoaI.'& Wood Tard-211 f" tcr a7H found IX5ST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJf that a certificate of deposit NO; 1438 isstiad to Mrs. R. H. White, fiatea July rl4, 'i9Z2, . has been- los " and a'duplicate is about to be 1st Sued,- Eank-of- DoverUC. . 2-30t- Vioific trivpn . under the .direction ' : of experts designated; Dy the war department.:...,- ' : .. Companies also are - i;i process of or ganwation - in Mor ganton, GharVotte Red . Springs and Ede.tp-i. It was stated. -North Carolina's allotment includ ed a regiment' of infanti-y; a b.ittanon of ; engineers, an ambulance .-.fomvany, one hospital company, a vetitinary eompany.-one transport ,eomja,ny, divisional signal companv, two bat-t teries of field artillery U5th - How iaiCLLAHEQUS ; j AT.T.TT,AYOTtS TAFFTT AND CREAM cocoanut candy, made 'fresh dally ; at.2klcSorleys. vlO-20-lmocn 1 ' JIASHj CH1UST3LAS '3IOfNEY TAKf Ing s ordera ' for Christmas Sets ' ' Colorful Golden -Kod and Fireside; -Rad Bxes, wrapped in Holly Paper. Work all or spare . time .Big profits.-' Write G. O.c Blair rLab oratories, iLynchburg,' Va., -quick; Nov. 4-aiTl8r24ptf . JUST DECEIVED FRESH prunes,' Florida , roranges; 1 iirape fruit, ,malaga grapes, -nice apples, -fresh .Autumn JLeaf Butter. STAK UKU ' 'CERY ,GO.f . 60 , Middle St Pbone 57. : : !ftiT,RrfH. Nov. . 21. North CarOr fhistorv and (this department has re ceived from omcers in . cnarse ?-. reQQjit" ' encampients ; information io the effect the North CAroiina units Lrhowpda Jiigh , degree of ofBciejicy," he said. s , : r , v Georgia' is -the state In the fourth wViirh va.nkn. aiM76: North. f-pi.aeAw4 irar fMTsn rtment v "ElanS.' said .ifajor "G ordon : B. Smith, f vho , is attached to the .adjutapt ,j;irvirars departuieat, "call for the orgAnizacion toX the , thirtieth. Division, y T.iional Guard, kin-, the state. f North :a-rihna, South" fcarojina. Tennessee 'ind Geoi-f ANG STROM 1 Uf-W-Sr those times. We read mm?- Oppose Open Saloons St. Louis, Nov. 21. The .executive committee f the Association Oppps ed to .Prohibitoin -tnis afternoon went on record . "unalterably op posed tothe.sajoon," A resolution to this effect .was t adopted in connec tion with ttfte . first , national meeting of secretaries oftaie brajncbeA of; the1 aisociatioso , which vjjs in session ihere; Stuck (ot Gan)c; vHouseRurn PottsviUe, JTov. .21 Several thousand 5jpersons jatfa , football (.game at Coaldale, .nearihereryestepday;; re fused ; to, desert the igame . to . fight fire when the alarm iWasp turned .in and -a .a. .,resaH t.a-.i house ; situated ;in a. sparsely settled i section of the bor7 ough was. destroyed.. ,i - v (The afe -side -every argument is the middle. . ; V about Lvdia E. Pink. ham's Vege table i Compound doing! so she began to take j it. ihat 13 two years ago and she is a dif- i ferent girl since then able to do any work j she wants to do al- ; iJ though she is still I careful not to do heavy work - and o well a:id strong. Ve recommend Lydia r E Pinkham'a vegex;aui vijiiouxiu yj all mothers with ailing daughters, and I give vou iicrmission lo puun&u tuia ter asa testimonial. Mrs. A.M. Burk noiEH, Koute No. 2, Bos l.Wausson, Ohio.' ... Rmt.hinr out of balaneo will aftect ju. wTr mi-iaincr. it to earn or lose. -The proper adjustment made, all . fr 13 Well. bOlt 13 W1U1 WOiiieu. kjuuro trouble may upset you completely. 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Z.A n-at.thAMiise of the trou- ble and disagreeable symptpms will disappear as they did in the case of Mrs. Burkholder'a aaugncer. . Mothers it i3 worthy of your- con fidence. II. Y'P. V. TO COVE CITY. '-Brinson Memorial. B. Y. .P. U- of. 'First Baptist church will go to Cno Titv next Sunday afternoon , ,to asfeinr the union .at that place, with, jts week ly program. Mr. Robert -Pugh,.- of -tin.' city, who is teaching at: Cove. CityJ( is president of, the union ..there, .. SHAKESPEARE. DEPARTMENT. tieniVjHiauvjay - l .ANNOUNCES! motf .organized and equipped. - yTlje dviiiieaal, units .; are , lltted to" the states who . In addition. . .are called iapo.ni to jorgamze: certahi corps and army troops not embraced .in- the. division.-rThe National Guard is in the tirst line of defense and- its -mis f sion, briefly is to augment vhe : reg ular army in time of -emergency and take its place on the firing lne t -long with the' regular army," e "as serted". -J -i ' Units" of the : National1 Guar'd are stationed at the following - cities Chine gun company ne nquadroiif cavalry,' an extra troop ot cavatry anu two coast artillery .companies. '"The units not yet or gamztf .1 or fn process of organization, 'f said Ad jutant General Metis, "are . one hotir pitai eompany,. a coastvartuK'ry,, com pany, and a - company or enRmeera.- tThe National Guard or ; tne sraie MOTHER! Gatniav Oxford -Burlington -War- renton, Henderson, Durham, Greens bora, Concord, Charlotte, Winston Salem", .Wiaynesville. Wilmnvington, Plymouth, Mount Gilead, arKton, Wllston.Graham', Youngsyille, Golds boro, LouiSburg, Hendersonville, .' Lin- cOinton. Hickory, Asheville, Andrew, North-; Wllkesboro, Carfton," Raeford, aKd "'New Bern. The Shakespeare department ,of .thc- Woman's Club will meet- .tomorroy evening at 8 o clock with Mh?a, Mary Ward at her Jipme on Pollock street. Bvery member is cordially inyited io be ; present. ' , v ( GREATLY IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST NOW IN EFFECT Train No. 35 from New York and Washington for Atlanta, Birmingham and New. Orleans, ; has been re-arranged to protect connections at.; Preens- boro with Train -. No. 17 from Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh and Durham, affording the ,f olio wing sched-, ule: - ' ' - . Lt. Goldsboro, Southern Railway .. '. 2;00 PM T.v Rplma.. Smithprn Railwav ......... .. . 3:00 -PM T.v. -Raleieh.. Southern Railway f 5;05 PM v Lv. Durham, Southern Railway . .' 5;08 lil Ar OKERNFSRORO. .Son them ' Railway J ; 3 0 - PM Lv. GREENSBORO, Southern Railway ....... i .. . ; 7 : 55i PM - Ar. Atlanta, Southern Railway . ... ... :0. AM ; Ar. Birmingham, Southern Railway . ... ....... . . ,12:.ia PM ,. Ar. Memphis, Frisco Lines , ,. . . - 7:2x ' ?; Ar.' Kansas City, Frisco Lines -,10:29 AM Ar. Montgomery, A. & W. P. Railway. . .11:40 AM .Ar.--Mobile,- L. & N. Railway i ............. ... . 5:12 -PU. Ar. New Orleans, L. -& N. Railway 9 : 45 PM ; T.v : Atlanta. Southern Railwav ........ ..... ; 6:10. AM Ar. Chattanooga,- Southern Railway , . ... ... .10.1J0 AM t Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Atlanta, L-oiuraDus, Birmingham and New Orleans. Dining car serving all .meala. i4 -.i . m: i u CONNECTIONS 'EiTssia -Vert &L...' ' ATLANTA. ;With all lines for points1 In SoutlC Georgia ; ? and Florida. - i'' 'vJ ?ANNlSTONFbr all -points m - Seuthern Alabama. : fh-.',r BIRMINGHAM For Meridian, Jackson, Shreyeport , and t west. KANSAS CITY. .1 'I West -For Denver. Colorado Springs and the' '1 H . noma MEMPHIS With all linen for. points: la Arkansas, OUa i, Texas. and the West, r-.' - ' k--1 .i nnr. .noTUHWa Vn-n . oil .nnlnta -in Tiiifniana. f. Tnillt: . t Mexico and, the West. , 't One "change of cars-fium---Greensboro? to theiPaclflc coasts J. S. BLQPDSW0RTH, ,.D..P. A. Raleigh, 4 -5 Subscribe To The5un-Journri : : , .1 . L . r- 11 UULU UUliL , H B ' x i w wf , . i n r w v.-. -. ,K , t AH is a MD RETURN AGCOUNf- Clean Child's Bowels 'with ' "California Fig Syrup" i't'fLodfee's- Expense ' " Wa'shTngton. ;Nov. 21. Expendi tures of $3,9 ?0 consisting of contrib utions to state and municipal Repub- HcaKT'c'ommittees and to Republican clubs, were -listed :by Senator Lodg'5. Republican, 'Mss., in a - final Cam- puign i expense account -niea . loaay. with the clerk of the senate." The sen ator noted no contributions. Ncrf oik ' Southern: Railroad .. , passenger schedala j VEffectiTe-September SO, ,1922 . At .New Bern. N. X. ? Daily Except as shown ' leave For . . . - .Arrive ) From 9 : S 0 ,-Am S . -Norfolk . . ,5 ; 0.0 PM I - (Parlor Car1) 1 :t 0 AM . . Norfolk . . 5 : 35 PM --.-i v (Sleeping Car) 6:50 AM i .Goldsboro.. 12:50 AM S : 1 0 AM . . i Goldsboro,. . . 9 : 1 4 AM :20 :PM . . i Goldsboro. . ' 8 ;10 ,'FM 9:20 AM i . iBeanfort ... -r40 AM 6:22 PM . . Beaufort . . . 6 : 10 PM i9:S5 AM ... .Oriental. .. -4:40 PM '' information, - schedules and-reaer-,Tationa .on application to- ; , , ' ,' ' JL. PUGH, x '-- " Tickt Agent.' . TRUSTEE'S iSALE Pursuant to the power of sale con -stained In that certain -deed" of trust executed jMay 10, 1920, -from y: J.' iG. Jackson- ant wife, Sara E. Jackson, -, to William Dunn, Jr Trustee,' re corded aBook 223.page 7.6, default - having' been, made , in thejrpament . of I the notes seeuredbyA said 'Deed - of Trust, at the request of the holder of .said not the . undersigned Trustee ' nt nrtr, fn. .. Tfc nrt ttrill ,p.ll .nt thfii mil vii,- . ".-. - Court House door in New Bern, Cra ven County, North Carolina. ; on Sat-- urday, the twenty-third pt December. ' 19?2, at' twelve o'clock -"noon.the fol - lowing "described property conveyed an -aid Deed f Trust: . In the City of New -Bern in . tha i town site known as Riverside, a plot Or plan f whiehs recorded in Book " 177 page 526. situatjrd on the north er' aide of .Bladeavenue,. described '-a follows: "Beginning at a point in the northiptae of Blades Avenue 211 t f pt southwest' f , -National Avenue '-and TUiming thence parallel with Na tional Aveaeenerxftwaraiy; i-ju ei,, ' thence westwardly and parallel with ; Blades 'Avenue -39 3 feet to the line of lot No. ?3; thence southwardly along the line' of lot No. 3 and parallel With National Avenue 140 feet to Blades Avenue r thence ; east wardly . along Blades. Avenue 39 feet (to the begin -ning, being a pa"rt of lot No. 2 in said . -. town site-,-".- ,... . - WM. -DUNN, JR., .-' " ... , ' . Trustee. November" 21s. 1922.' N-21-28-tS'-12."-. t. . Even a -sick child loves the 'fruity" taste , of "California JFig . Syrup." If the' little tongue is coated, ; or if your chiioM listless, cross, feverish,-full of cold,- orvhas--eoiic-,-give-.a-teaspoonful to cleanse the - liver arid, bowels'. In a few hoUrs vou can see for yourself Ihow thoroughly it works all the con stipation lor the foowcis; ana you navj a"ellpliyfl tteW agan. Millions. t-Brothers keep 'CaUfoT nia-Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tfcnsnnonful: today saves a Sick child tnmnrrdw.'ASk'TMMir druggist for eri uine "California Fig Syrup" which has ages Printed x on" bottle.-'Mother! -rSou must Bay f CaJMornla'V or you may, get an: imitation fig- syrup... ,' . .Advt. w; ' . Bryan'sxbrother was elected , gover nor, of Nebraska; but At does not rqn in the family., - -; ..... . ' Small towns are-so lueky. in Wash ington it is .considered ' proper . for girls to pay their own. way. , . - I a; few . hours tyour cold is gone, head and nose clear, no f everishness, , headache, or stufied-up feeling. Drug-1 gists 'here ' guararitee these pleasant, tablets to break up a- cold or thee grip- . pe quicker than nasty uiaine. , They never make you ick. or jmcomfort- able. Buy a box of "Pape's Cold Com pound" for.fewceji(9vanaV ge f id;;of your cold ri ght . now SZS ' 5 .SHOULD USE THEPHONE 11, simply. can't tell a fib without coloring up." :MThen use the telephone, mf dear." NEED ANYTHING :: IN SHEET METAL? We have the, machines and the facilities for turn- mgsl5Uthy article, large or smalli in" tin. zinc, cop per, brass, . aluminum, corrugated, jron, or sheet metal 'Ot- any kind, .(jive us an idea of what .you renmre aiia.we.-will auote ti x our figure. The S. B. PARKER U. OF N. C vVS.lU.cQFkVA rFOOTBALL GAME NOV. 30TH, (THANKSGIVING DAY) 1 SCHEDULE GOING TRIP. ; V s ' V :..;;10:00;PJrr.,;-y' 11;00 PM . . :12:00'M COMPANY New Bern, N. C. Nov. 29th, liV. Goldsboro, Southern Railway Nov. 29th," Lv. Selma, Southern Railway Nov. 29th, Lv, Raleigh, Southern Railway . .t,, OO V, Tit . Hm-li nm 3r.nflOVn : T? Oil Wfl V . ... Nov. 30th, Ar. Charlottesville, ' boutnern .r itanway. ..... SCHEDULE RETURNING - Nov. 30th, Lv. Charlottesville, Southern Railway ;. 7ia0,'-PM Dec. 1st, Ar. Durham, Southern Railway : :? :SSaJJ Dec. 1st, Ar. Raleigh, Southern Railway . . .. ... . . MMv,: Dea 1st, Ar. Selma, Southern .Railway ' : :1yJtUK Dec. 1st, Ar. Goldsboro, Southern Railway ............. ,6.101 Pullman Sleeping Cars irom Kaiejgn, ana iurniu xu we WsVi i for occupancy at 9:00 P. M. Nov. 29th, and set out tor occupancy-; Vm until 7:30 A. M. Dec. 1st. , , if A'VAvl -SPECIAL ROUND TRIP, FARE Av! From Goldsboro, $13.64; Selma, ;12 56; Raleigh, $11,04;" pur-;., ' 1, ham, $11.04. -Tickets will be sold for all-trains Nov. 29tn. Limited Te- y i turning io reach Original Starting Point .Prior to .Midnight of .pec.-, i 2nd, 1922.' PULLMAN FARE, $3.75 for a lower berth, $3,00 for, anuppeH,Tr - berth and $13.50 for a Drawing ftoom above n'a'metF1 points. " Reaching Charlottesville in time Thomas Jefferson, betore the game. t ; When reriuestinj? Pullman reservations ;state whether, wanted; lor one way or rouna uip. .isu u wamcu xcwiumg ,i or midnight tram. in each direction, from, all the : V .......... . . A .1.1- rj "..i:S;-'i.-'t : to visit Monticello, home :v6i,',.4 SOUTHERH KMLWAi .old iM I II I J. S. BLOODWORTH, D. P. A. Raleigh, W. C. VJ 'i U P - ' ' "' ' " ' ' Jfl . i ii i i r? M : i ". s rf t ,t f: 't i . 1 J? i ' . I ii i n j f CJ . i i III s ii 4 ; i n - ; ( i f ; V? til i it ;il tr h'l i.r iii "BRINGING FATHERS mi -that i'H.MOVT BE f i-AUlOErOR OF A H.O YOOL1- rIAVE TO .TALK -KID.' LOOK HE' 1 . POlrsTlN TO THW vE'LL 0 vyiTH THo COX - HE " , body: 1 "VI ? '-V11 ?S THA-b OT MOVT OWM CHINA- TT BY GEORGE :MacMANUS I y Hi in u 14 ' '"HAT MUtT ?the.chie:f OF POUlCe WE'RE. JAIL VE AN HOW AE WE COtS N A FllSO .1 QOT .WHAT VEL'Cm PirsCHECFoR? 1 u icri 1. y x 1 --rn x.- - ,-.1 . Copyright. 1922; by Int'l Fatum Sry.tc 4t 11 f.-jt'' 'W Lll iu- w i