3E FAffllLtnO?: INAUGURATE A CURB MARKET LOOSENS TEETH t. Continues To Be Delivered At The Very Next Dose of This Curb Market Idea f Appears.To BeWinnihg Favor Rapidly in Eastern Carolina ' j. Almost Same Average As During October Treacherous Drug May Start Trouble IN STATE 11 !TJ7fTT IT 9(Q JL " CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS . iT L , !j . ;?? -RIFT-IIP '' t-2yJ onupto-HILL'S .. MM It 1 M'Mm 11- 4 1 if TTSlJLstntnm r r , .rg r f r n .in ,ihii im, - , - J t t i ... - . .Come CLOTHIERS and' shake hands with the finest cloth es value ever offered at the prices. It may be several years before such values are again presented to men who intist on being well dressed , - . at a low cost. 1 ' wiraoo Thank yrisig T his Sal f Q A A Suits in sport CUtttV .and ; snappy . young men's models.. Latest , style , Ip all sizes and shades, fr; this 20 off sale, - CO A' Suits, stand ij O U J U ard make3. Snappy' .-- young " men's' 'and regular models. Blue serges, worsteds,' eashimerei etc. All wool and hand-tailored. : In this N20 off sale, $25.00 All wool over coat made uu in belted ; models with fancy pjaid backs. Newest styles, wonderful values in this 20 off sale. ' 11(0) ' : $32.50 Overcoats, 'strictly all wool hand-tailored; Young men's belted and conservative models. In all the 'latest shades. In this 20 off sale. - These prices are many dollars lower than you would pay elsewhere for clothes of such fine quality and work manship, v If you are open to an opportunity to cut your clothing bills, this is a chance unequalled. "f.v. TUT T7 CLOTHIER5 AND HATTERS lari Complete Revision Of The State School Laws x TlALElQHf IS&v. ' 2 1. Plans "for J tion to "codify and bring together Vs donp!et revision of-'North Car-! buna's school Jawa will be discussed &nd adopted by ounty school supers tiiendentB ' who will meet here with he State , Teachers' Assembly in Telr thirty-ninth fnnual -session -on .'evemhee -28", 'according to" a state i ent today by 'Jule B. Warren; sec ratary bf4the organizatron. , :."TenJaUve changes have been urorked ; out and printed," said Mr. Wareen.L'jfTheJ county school superin- . tPhdcntsVttill.rlbe asked for such ug tipns.as th?y deem wise and these .'flWll be ;wrUtn ,,i.nto - the proposed f4anges.;-yheAW'hole will be present i to' tse-general assentbly in Janu -'sry ' as a basis," on which to develop any change the legislative body may .ewe io'mnk in the. laws regulat Arp tle KChooli system, -' - - .Comiilcta '- details at the proposed pT- yA0 t-,aiw?n.o -lieen raade i public, .Vjfe-i(irfAxrre&atiifrtft(l....pQi)Qai- " . - v- -' :' - -It- ' .. .- v ?irious school laws enacted durin the past, twenty years,'' will be' among, the most important to be consider ed. "In, order to get accurate informa tion of the duties of the several offi cials," he continued, "it is necessary to study all of the laws and amend cents that have been passed by the assemuly in recent years. The educa tional commission authorized by tho the views of Dr. E. C. Brooks, super itendent of the state department of public instruction." he said. Addresses by Henry Van Dyke, Elizabeth Farrell, of the New York City Public Schools, and M. C. Car ter, secretary of the Illinois State Teacher Association, are among the most important events on the piv- ! gram for the general session. In addition to this program, plans for departmental sssions. at which problems of teachers in the field will be discussed, have been completed. Demonstrations will be given and methods to meet these problems do vised, according to Mr. Warren. . "Cooperation among the different colleges for the purpose of attaining their common ideal will be discussed special session of the legislature last at the branch meeting of the Assem December believes that the appoint-j bly Financing CoPeges," he said, ment of the equalization fund of "The proper cooperation between $500,000, or more, with which the state helps weaker counties. could be changed to advantage. 'At the present time this fund is distributed after a county having levied the maximum tax rate for school purposes fails to secure enough revenue to run the schools six months as required by the constitution. "On the whole, the commission has .announced that it is'm accord .with colleges and night schools of the state so that the courses of study cf high schools will correlate with those of the higher institutions also will be up for discussion." The program worked out for high er education by Dr. T. C. Anii-k, of Elon College, and his associated offi cers' will be presented and followed by the assembly tendants. RALEIGH, Nov. 21. -Instructions You know what calomel is. It's mer Calomel is danger- tn malv fina l HolUterloc nttnn ' CUrVl QUICKSlIVer, were sJnt this week to members of ous. It crashes into sour bile like dyn- North Carolina Cotton Growers amite, cramping the and sickening you. Ithat arrangements may be made former be Pit nto your system Ithe second advance of $25 a bale " yu hiouS headachy, con- which the board of. rtirt, t,, -t stipated and ail knocked out, just go ito your druggist and get a bottle of j Dodson's Liver Tone f or a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substl tue for dangerous calomel. .Take a for December 15. The board of directors has instruc ted the officers of the Association to t a 4 , , -spoonful ana if it aoesn t start your of the Association who have willfully f. , t Kff a .violated their contracts, and it is an-1 than x and j,. out making you sick, you just go back and get- your money nounced that this will be done as soon las the data has been collected. It is Inot believed by the officers of the As jsociation that there has been any con siderable number of willful violators ' of contracts. 1 Cotton continues to be delivered at Don't take calomel! It. makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight- fens' you right up and you feel great. No salts necessary.. Give it i to the almost the same daily average as; in LChildren because it is perfectly harm f -,c'uuei- ." o'vant.-roara--je8g can not: salivate. Ad. or cotton coming into tne Association has been a remarkable . achievement on the part of the co-operatives.. The members of the Association have done i their part by giving their loyal -support to those charged with the sale of cotton, officers declare,, , . .The cotton co-operatives have been greatly handicapped during the rush season because of lack of adequate quarters in which to work. Tlje head quarters staff moved last week into its permanent quarters hew, and is now busily engaged in. clearing up' the mass 'of work in connection with the handling of, many thousands of bales qf, cotton. The rush .season for. deliveries is , expedted to continue untiL well thru December, officers ttatet .- . SHIP'S OWNER jS ARRESTED SMOKER AT THE STAG Negligence Charged Against Owner -And Master of Craft Which Sank In Pacific (By Associated Press) : MEXICALI, Lower Cal., NoV. 2L A. Libreau,. owner, and Captain Go mez, master of the steamer i which capsized Sunday on the Gulf of Cali fornia, 50 miles south of Mexicali with, a loss of life estimated at eighty were to ne arrangea here today on a- eharge of negligence. . Last reports said 21 bodies had been recovered and that search was being made along the coast onboth sides of the eulf for others. Riirinlsi Metropolitan Club Held Most followed closely the recovery of the bodies. Soldiers dug a long trench GRE EN VilLLES, NovC ,' 21, Tht . curb market. idea for the assembling of country produce; of air- kino's wf : fast taking hold of the: attention tr: Pitt county folk is evidehced 'oyl jrarmviue coming into the ranks. -- iv At' the tlast meeting of the Farm! ville Rotary; Club. -after the mattec ha dbeen presented by Jno. T.. Thorn-n"t 100 per cent , co-operation and ' sup-y: port was pledged .. the ' Pitt Coun-.y Chamber of Commerce as they putf- into operation .a- urb market-for j Farmvile. . u V' 1 . . .; , It was stated at this meeting thaf? the Chamber :of Commerce -ami. coun-' ty agent would make -'this! project a reality the earliest . possible date. - , "While the project -will be pushed Uv1 a conclusion as. soon as possible, ll? must be borne in mind, that-, aome. time will be required to get all thv details.worked-out. It would be- veryi unwise to set an opening date untiV everything yns in'readiness. 5v " REPORT IS ISSUED v ' ON COTTON GINNING t WASHINGTON. .Nov. 21. Cotton.- ed to 8,860,857 running ' bales, "count ing 151,578 round bales as half vbales and including 17,715 bales 'of Amer- -can-Egyptian and -4,737' bales f ea Island, .the Census BureauTannounc-1 ed today. V1; . ), . ' 1 '"..' v Ginning9 prior , to November " 14 this year by states include; .;!, u,. ' North Carolina. "688,562 ; !t I ".South Carolina, 464,121; Virginia 19,526." Enjoyable Session Last Night. Good Talks. The ''smoker" given by the Metro politan Club at The Stag last night was a most enjoyable occasion : and was attended by almost one hundred members. The event was featured by ' two good talks, special music and ithe serving of , refreshments. 'The I club members hope -to enjoy similar I occasions at regular, intervals, i, Dr.. MacKinnon, chaplain of the ! club, opened the smoker with a brief ! but impressive prayer. W. B. "Wads- worth, who acted 'as chairman, ! ex pended a cordial welcome to' all of 'the niembers. He then called upon 'Dr.- MacKinnon for a few remarks 'and the rector responded by telling some interesting experiences of , bis 'career as a minister. He said that i Mr. -Wadsworth had asked him to 'express an opinion relative to the game of pocket billiards and - went on to say that he saw absolutely I nothing objectionable in the pastime when conducted in such a manner as 'here in New Bern. I "Pocket billiards is a fascinating and -interesting game," said the "rec tor. "It is so recognized by the t. M. C. A. and a large number of the churches, as well as many other in stitutions. You can make evil out of anything, but I am frank to say. that I can see no evil in playing this "game. ' The reason for so much opposition is, I believe, "due to the fact that many persons keep thinking of the old-time pool halls and , gambling dens. If there were any such in stitutions in New Bern I should help work to close it. But . I do not. be- - lieve in depriving young men of in nocent pastime and pleasure." .- Mr. Wadsworth followed Dr. Mac Kinnon by citing facts and figures il lustrating the popularity of pocket billiards. He said that there were public billiard tables in practically all of the cities of Eastern Carolina and quoted other figures which show ed that there were over 300 tables on Broad street, Richmond, and more than 18,000 licensed tables in New York City. He urged the mem bers of the club to hel in maintain ing a clean and decent club and said he had invited the pastors of . the local churches and others to visit the billard room at any time and re port,to him if they say anything ob jectionable. Sandwiches, cigars and cold drinks were serwed toward- the conclusion of the occasion, following which the smoker broke up. above' the beach line and the rites were military. . only CANADIANS, StOP AROUND IN ICY WATER AFTER WHISKEY Simcoe, Ont., Nov. 21. Above the wave tossed, beach near Port Rowan, on Lake Erie, where the steamer City of Dresden went aground and was abandoned with its cargo of 500 cases of Canadian whiskey Saturday after noon, a line of 'motor . cars' awaited today while their occupants waded out into, the icy water to fish for bot tles of liquor. ''' " The ship, which,. was condemned 20 years ago when her captain, J. S. McQueen, .of Amljrstbiurg, bjought and refitted her, broke up rapidly and hundreds of bottles of whiskey drift ed, to shore where gangs- of men gathered them up and carried them to waiting cars. It was ' learned today that Captain McQueen's eon was drowned while frying1 to assist another member ,of the crew when the ship was abandon ed. The vessel was on his way to Port Huron when a violent storm came up and battered a bad leak in tb,e ship's hull, which rapidly filled with water. , , V)E LAi h f K UP YOUW G-OlNiq-TO RAl N OR Baker Sets New Record Los Angeles, Nov. 21, "Cannon ball" Baker, holder of - several mo torcycle records, made a trip from New York city to Los Angeles,1 3,368 miles, on 40 gallons of gasoline and five gallons of lubricating oil, he said recently. The running time for the trip was 179 hours, 28 minutes, the average speed being 20 miles an hour. Kerr Wants to Come Back Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 21. Dick Kerr, former star pitcher .of the Chi cairo American league White Sox, in a message received by friends here stated he has applied for reinstate ment, following a year's holdout be cause of a salary difference and ex pects Judge Landis to permit him to rejoin the club at their training camp tfiis spring. NOT THE SAME tUM Doctor: Aren't you th person I treated last yearT Ex-Patient: " No, not tho same tnd never will be aaain. I fear. And then think what a boon to the hard-working American cartoon- departmental at-list is. the importation, of the Clemen I ceau mustache. :; The hardest part about being a professional politician is keeping fat. What's in a name? Willie Plant is a famous walker and not a gardner. Ewn cautious business men reckless spells. Rockerfejler : (limes to several photographers have gave starts blood circulating The pains of strains and sprains are due to congestions. Just quicken the circulation, and the inflammation and pain subside disappear. Without rubbing, Sloan' s penetrates and break up the painful congestion. Sloan's relieTei rhumtle pains, soothes neuralgia, warms and comforts tired, acbine backs. Loosens congestion from colds in chest. Keep it handy. gleans lAaimeat'kilbpain! The road io. " wteddm has.' been mapped. - .' V Z never drbeliJsi FPine-TirHphev;! 5lf& JrTsVvtflt tuin-Mtkiritf Stops C3ough$-wfer Cdds Those hacking coughs that banf I V on and on annoying business. , ' -sociates through the day andfam . - Uy .at night heyom trtfxm4m Dr. Bell's, the pure Svrnp. of pvue-tar - , boner- Mothers buy t lo bm 4h- - eougha and eplds of the entr family, . IOoeaensthephlegsa asdTehtfvaa sari' . i inflamed throats, , At ail .drawmla, CJtefuse subrtitittePlNB-TAHQtfC ''e f Insist cn Pa.BELL't. . ye-. ,. ' . , ' . ': '' l ; . When thelife ' 61 a Ibyed 6ne is at stake the doctor aiicl nurae must , have - medicines; The Great ' Physician put aJI three i here for the purpose of curing disease and allaying painV Each is useless without - 'the other; every drop ! and grain of medi-. cines: ordered by the doctor, tay be administered- by -: the nurse must be added by the phramacist that is our job--you can de pend upon tour pharmacists do ing their part with skill of ; a. master-builder ' They.-are - de pendable. . , ( BRADHAM'S DRUG STORES" : Prescription Specialists. . AND fill BITUMINOUS COAL fiae-burning, no clinkers. Run of the mine and lump. ANTHRACITE COAL Stove size; the very best OAK. WOOD in stove; lengths ASH WOOD in stove lengths.' , For Prompt Service NEW BERN ICE COMPANY PHONE 23. h

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