WEDNESDAY , AFTERNOON,; NOVEMBER 22, 1922 , TWO r J: THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURN At STOPIa) I -Want Special Traiii To Goldsboro Wilmington Seeking Berth In Virginia League HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - - - -, By JDWIG . WILMINGTON, r Nov. 22. With baseball possible 'for- - next rseasom, business men who : are working on plans they expect to see fully mate rialize are now shooting . at a "high er mark than. C .ball. 1 t -- The v. possibility of Rocky : Mount pet;mitting her franchise, in .the Vir ginia League to go . by the board has raised the hopes of . those' behind the movement to a 'high pitch, because, if Rocky Mount fails to exercise her prerogative Hn- the matter and . perJ mits her franchise to go on the mar ket, thajopal belief is that Wilming ton can land it. " . - " Wilmington naturally wants to play as big baseball as possible-,- and the advantages of - membership in a 15 half circuit are better than those that would .accrue from participa"lion In a 'bushier 'league. .; : " : . Rocky .&fount. It "appears, and pos sibly, Wilson;- would like to get. ."out of the" Virginia League. , The pace has probably - been a pretty stiff one,- yet these clubs have7 stuck in' there in a manner one is bound to admire and, of coutse-, ,it.' is possible that -they will talk lot "and gamble 'a lot -more,- and then hang onto their'' franchises when the time for the expected part ing of the ways comes. However, Wil mington la prepared to make a strong bid for the franchise of either cnip. if it . is surrendered. Rocky Mount, press reports say, wants to get out of 'the Virginia league and form -an Eastern Carolina circuit,- with Kin ston. Greenville . Wilson and New Bern. This may be nothing more than idle chatter, and yet again it may mean that a- very desirable franchise win be on the iiiarket shortly. And if this latter : condition is brought about Wilmington means to be in position to take advantage jf it. -It is extremely doubtful if the city could be interested in the formation of a little circuit. Business men who are backing the venture, and deter mined to put it across if such is hu manly possible, do not think the city would support a team in a small town eireuit: but are satisfied - that ' bust ness 'would be justified if the - circuit .was composed of real cities. State Shows Increase ; In Insurance Companies - RALEIGH, X. C. Nov. 22. North Carolina's insurance companies have increased from, seyen concerns with assets oft-$?4is;79l in'- 1899; to-.eighty-two such ..corporations : with assets of $ 33,264,068.58- tfiis "-year." A? -a? result of this growth, the -' annual revenue off the state insurance - department from ..these companies ;has been j-ad. vanced from' 590,000 in: 189 to over' $1,000,000 in 1921. '. , -jomm'lssipner of Insurance Stacey W.; "Wade made i - this : announcement to The Associated .Press today in a review 3of the ' wetk of his flepart- ment and in discussing whaf he term ed the remarkable progress North Carolina- has-' made in recent years.' As an- indication of improvement in financial ; conditions, he - cited' fig ures of the building and loan associa-1 tions of-: the-', state, which in 1904, when the jfvwe re placed- under the, supervision of the insurance department-had only $80,-00-0 .'assets! These' associations now have approximately $700 Qr0Q '.distributed' among rrnore thin two 'hundred of their organiza tions and over seventy thousand shareholders, i according .to the . eoiru. missioner's records. -."The . North ? Carolina - Insurance department," said Commission Wade' : is not," as many' persons believe, sim ply a- channel ffor -the collection -of revenue: nor is its activity limited to the supervisiqn of insurance com panies. , . . .. f 'Successive -legislatures have added to, its administrative . supervision buildnig. and loan associations,. lightn ing rod Companies,' investment com panies, Moms' plan oom-panies and rate bureaus and associations, as well as the :f oircement -of the - fire . mar shal law the, builuing and inspection law,. th&' proper erection and protec tion of state and institutional pro perty arulhe supervision- of fire- de partments throughout the state. , . "Since the ' formation t of the de partment in 1899, it has been the duty of the commissioner- to -investi ajte the ifinancial responsibility of each Insurance cdmpanyv seeking ad mission, to the state, of which there are now more than" six' hundred: to scr utinize each of th many, thousand foms of contracts issued by them t& see that the value of protection was not i weakened or destroyed by some qualifying clause -and tor see that the contracts are given a reasonable .in terpretation . in the - settlement ' of claims and . not - misrepresented to the public. : ? The'i commissioner - also has' been required to watch the ... progress - of companies ' and to" see - that sufficient reserves are' carried to guarantee the protection - promised, . and to prbtect the' pnfolic and companies themsel ves against 1 the impracticar and un safe --polices of - promoters .operatinj under the guise of insurance : who continualy ' sek?' his 'approval -or-' at tempt to operate in open defiance of the law,", he continued. ; - Reverting to-th building and loan associations, Commissioner Wad stated the . organisations' had " been powerful force in-the upbuilding of North - Carolina cities, both in 'tax able - property and "citizenship. Th associations are" supervised' by train ed - experts although ' no funds have ever beerr appropriated, for -the work, he aid; North Carolina Is far In ad vance -of other states, he continued, in providiag protection to "the public a ncf th'ese -associations. More college" girls stay single be cause they are -harder to fooL '.. a k ViUOL& VVAT OReAOTkVC IASG LOAF. -CftLL- MO MX WETTER. VeWlTT T& Wl ;: TofeNRe EMCRH W K 6toOD 5 "FIRST V(VN v-, -w w..,rc ASH rSTf .ujnlT Uf rsi - y I -v. ewe VtS - " - ''V I I'fc V..l I LT U'M a II 4 . I 1 v. pnvtn m 1 mem jmiv,.t 1 l ism rjMt M anv Fans Want 19 See Friday s Game Rocky Mount anil Roanoke Rap ids yesterday afternoon settled ,the, question as to who shall be New Hern's next opponent in the race for state championship honors. Rocky Mount won by the score of 12 to 6. Ail of which clears, up the football atmosphere to some extent and en ables, local fans to. get a line on the situation as it stands. The next game will be played on Friday. It will be staged at Golds bofo, beginning at 3 p. ni. Rocky Mount and New Bern will be the participants. The winner of the game will get a chance to .play in the semi finals for -state championship. Hundreds of local fans intend see mg r riciay s game at i uoiasooro... There is now an agitation under way, in the -elf ort to secure a special train. from nere to' uotasooro.-: n ; is - te- lieved that if thetrain?Is secured at least five Hundred local football en thusiasts . will-take; the trip; v While nothing definite has been done as yef toward securing the train it is - be- ! lieved - that an t ..announcement re garding its operation will ,be anade by tomorrow. The New Bern --eleven, has been un dergoing light practice this week and are eager for Friday; to come.1 They are confident that Rocky Mount will not offer any great obstacle in theii? way to the coveted goal. They, are in good condition : and ready ; to ; put up the fight of their lives, jf . necessary. Durham Is Ready For Game With Sariford ROCKY MOUNT IS UNDECIDED Fan of That City Can't Make ; Up Minds What To Do . About ' Baseball League does not-mean that' the Blue has fall en short of expectations for the ab sence of - O'Jearh and Mallory was keenly felt. Harvard has not seemed to improve with age .as evmcea the loss ib-the .'Brown "machine. by The annualjnee.ting of the sailors and soldiers yunder training of Uncle Sam .will: he just as interesting .to gridiron followers of the country" as the Yale-Harvard clashi. The game will be staged in Philadelphia. Clash ing in annual fray, the i; , Army and STi ivy furnish) more color to ; their games than any other teams,-and the ailiirs are always featured' with pomp and ceremo;,y. In forecasting the results of the coming .' classic. Old Man Dope picks the Navy to vre- peat last year's victory. DURHAM, Nov. 22. The Durham Tornado .meets ;the i Ban ford -High HiEfh School's Blue Tornado plunges School with a string of "Victories to into the semi-finals ; for : the ..eastern High School football championship at Emerson Field, Chapel Hill, Fri day afternoon at .3 o'clock when .the four teams have games scheduled for Saturday . but they are .regarded ias Fet-ups r."!ore or les3 to ine portant contests Tha-.ksg:vingi Day. N. C. State, Wake Forest, Trinity and Elon are the elevens that will b-in action Saturday. Carolina, ,. Davidson and Guliford . will rest, for more im L portant frays. . . ;N. C. State will, tackle Wake For rest. Trinity entertains Randolph Macon and Elon will play Roanoke College. Saturday, just before Thanksgiving day is usually an off day for the foot baU. teams which point, to , trie final fracas. In North Carolina, however. The Wolfpack was badly shattered in stacking up; against. Georgia Tech and V. P. I., on successive Saturdays. Floyd, Holland, Bostian and Baker are on the injured list. They may not play 'against the Baptists. Which makes the, game. all. the more uncer-, tain. - the RULD SCX-JOUKNAIj WANT ADS its credit, the latest heing over Rockingham . Highs last week. - ; , While Sanford is expected to put up a desperate Jight and has a good ' team it is not believed the sand hill county lads can defeat . the' Durham ' squad. . ' ' ' ' iFraming; of the schedule to finish the series in the eastern half was ac-' complished at a netting of mana- gers last night in Raleigh, -at which B. L.; Debruyne, Durham , high , tactf!- ty manager represented Durham.", '; . Rocky Mount and Roanoke Rapids ' played off their tie yesterday -and Rocky jiodnt will meet New. Bern in Goldsboro Friday, afternoon at -t,hree o'clock in the semi-finals. '' 7 - ' The" winner of the Durham-Sanford game -will play , the winner of the New Bern-Rocky , Mount game, ' If Durham wins the .gam'e will le play edt at Chapel Hill, pn; Jov. 24.and- rf Sanford , wins, it .will . be flayed in Raleigh on that jdate. .' ., , . Winner, of .the final eastern .ame Is to meet the rwesterri .-winner on Friday, Dec. 1 at Enaerspn, Fjeld, Chapel ifill, for the state, championship. . A marine officer who proposed to a girl by radio1 was accepted immed lately. -Rdio is dangerous. , CIGARETTES now . forTWENTY Tliere-is no other cigarette of such quality at such a: price. V : ROCKY. MOUNT. N. C, Nov. 22.- The - regular - annual meeting of the J lirectors of the Virginia League will neet at the Cherry, iiotel in Wilson Saturday night, November 25, ; at i:80i according to the call for the meeting which 'was issued yesterday by President W: S. : Moye. :'- At this meeting President Moye is' to submit his annual , report and the regular election pf officers is to be- held. The affairs for last season will be -definitely checked up ; and the outlook for the 1923 playing season discussed. With the - stipula-' tion that these matters make, up the? agenda for the meeting, the .session of -the league nioguls .is expected to be of great importance. ; 'Although the meeting is but a few; days off the outlook for baseball here: next season i w . still very, hazy. At a, mass' meeting of fans last week . a committee was "instructed to make a canvass of the city and ; see if suffi cient citizens could not be secured to underwrite the club for next year' as the Tar Heels, Inc., present owners of the franchise in the Old. Dominion circuity are unwilling to assume such responsibilities as they assumed last year,, when through lask of interest and' poor attendance several thous and v dollars was lost by the club. They want citizens of the city to take small blocks of the stock so that the proportionate loss next season, if there is any, will be 'much smaller. While ' nothing definite could be learned this' morning as to the prog ress that has been made oy tne can-a vassing committee, Tar Heel officials P let it be known that they would haveB vf-Dreaentative at the Wilson meet-1; ing. It is now expected tnat tne ioi-e feit 1 money for next season will be r.tlAr1 t,.r then Qfi nil tintio to tliatD ..-C. 1 l V V" AVI. - - ' ' " " ' - ' . effect Jias"lecn received, and the sup-p( position is tnat tne money win uct UUaLVU ill ..I ttll UCL1 y . ilic 1UU6U.O-. hold the belief that the fans of thef, city will come forvard with the de-i sired support and that the franchise will" be retained. " Several of the mo-; guls' are' workihg informally and re-j port that they have already secured a number of citizens who have prom ised to take blocks of stock and co operate in keeping he club going, and the general impression iri official circles is that Rocky Mount will have professional baseball next year. " T F r A sr. r-T' Let Patlma smokers Uli you .V XiceeTT& MR9 Tobacco Co. Sport Notes Yale vs. Harvard: Navy vs. Army: These two gridiron classics will be the outstanding football attractions of the section of America which lies Bast of the Mississippi during the coming week-end and once more eyes of the fans are turned in tha direction of New H;iven and rhila-dlephia. The Yale-Harvard battle does not have any element of doubt as the Blue should win from the Crimson without much trouble unless eleven regular Yale warriors arc incapaci tated from playing. Yalc-'s defeat last Sat. at the hands of L'rincetun We Are Pleased To Announce ! That ve will be located, beginning Saturday, Novem- ber 25th, 1922, in the store reentry occupied by the New" Bern Battery Company. TO ENLARGE OUR LIME A s soon as we can assem ble the mer chandise we will have a COMPLETE LINE OF u u We will be pleased to have our music loving people come to see us in our new home, where we will be better equipped to serve them, and solicit the patronage of all my friends and customers in our Furniture Department. "The Home of Better Music and Better Furniture" ,i 88 MIDDLE STREET 78 MIDDLE STREET Beginning 3aturday. .' . : ' Through Friday