THE MEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOV....;-... Z$tMZZ X ''vIi0cak',To'-I!!Ieet Sanford Bfext ' ' ' , , ? -. .... .-. -.'..' i Ntv Will Pin v In Finds ; On Friday And -ffftv. ' tffef-v.cft-tfa; p-xactly : sf .w 'trow ML yP last yer, Just CM more tt&m remains to be - upset ind then tha. Eastern championship is obrti ". .'" .: .. ;. JUast yer it . was Fayetteville who contested la-;-the '-finals-: with,-New Uern. FayetteviUe tak? 1. j home he bacon. , , This year j,t silll be Sanford has r rong - hopes., of trampling all over i Cravi.ti county., ladi and of .earn. J t the right to meet tii.e . TV Cstern f amrlons. :-. I? he wordi of the Shakey Shakesr I t r-rflanf ord. :ba&; , another gyess iiTv.-Bfernrlfcn't going to e halted t season Ukb she - was last-. ,; The I nTs. :are determined . to win next - lay's contest. Or bust every pair ,?r:-9nderg,-w6rn'.oa' the team. .t'?;.Ji fans-fcelieve that they're go . ; to succeed in their efforts, Those who saw the boys play ring-around-the-ro&y lUh Rqeky Mount : yester day expressed themselves as being doubtful that a high school team -exi isted in the country-that could check the New JJern crowd. The team played a wonderful game yesterday. Philips, . Wtytfprd anl JfcSorley . hit the JinMJke pte,am-rollers and plowed their . way through, ail opposition. 3impon!s fast work alao was a fea ture of the game. There j aren't,, better palu.ef ends' anywhere than Captain Dill and B.obJ McSorley. In the line Duval, Henries, Griffin. Mor ton and E.. McSorley aland ready to ward off all-opposing attacks, in ad dition, the'lopala fcave a good string of substitutes lyho can be relied up-. on- . And now everyhocly is waiting eag erly fop-net Friday to roll around Quite aiuraber of fan are expected t Qtakfi the trifl to Raleigh to see tho game. - . ? . ' -. -v. HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - " - - By DWIG -J isboro and Monroe f Si: in is a r: emoon 4 C !1 .3 - t rer..tbro' v ji!h . ecbdol " ioottoa-H lad, " which meet- the Boftroe highs the petnl-flnal for the champion- 'p . of we&tern NottH : Carolina- at .arlotte ;.thia afternoon,- left' ehortr after iioj yesterday fot piivaqp liege,, where yesterday afterriobn at o'clock, they ; held, seeret iEf4cti.fg . Spruht field .. under the super- ion (ft fcoafch "Roster"' McFadden, ner -Divlddon'. star. - . . iirjy this morning the gquad went Charlotte ani every player is In od hape for the crucial cpntest. If tenboro wins xhjs afternoon either hevllleyot- Charjopt fill be Played fop the niestern championship; if Monroe wind, , why " Greensboro, will imply Tae out of tha state., contest thw year. . " local players are conceding ;nothing to' Monroe, foy they have .finally rounded into condition, and are in aha pe to gave the onroe, . bunch a runT-Tbe Oak Ridge game last week phPWSd the playprs to be .-working together splendidly and con"1nced supporters that the line was capable of holding pff the opposition, . -A number of high, tschool students and other suppprters of the eleven, including several business men, vil' go to Charlotte this mornnjg so a.v to be present for the game. .wo Quarters Being ; . ; Used By Virginia. ' s-'w.w iW1 f&wl ill- WvmL J v! 1-.-1 Sejp ' ' 1 ' ' ' .''...'"''.. - ., ..'.- "l "..'......:...,' r. o. lvimer nere rocr jR. B. Miner,1 the golf "pro," who' was here during the summer months and helped ao materially in stirring up interest in the pastime at the Country Club, arrived in the-eitv again yesterday - evening and "Will be here for the next : two or' three months. He ' waa accompanid by Mrs. Mihner. . Local golf . fan-and . theif ; nunn beryls increasing - atcfadilyrrrwHl be glad to see Mr. Miner again, tie was "discovered" last winter down in Florida by E. K. Bishop while,; tha latter was down in -that state on a Visit. Mr. Rislrop Induced hint to crfme to New Bern- and help coach the local players; Those were the days . when Dr. Z: V. Parker was making the rounds in fe3, and Goion Dunn got all puffed up because he made the course one Friday afternoon In 75. Mr. Min er, wa sof inestimable aid to the golf e and- hi instructions soon- began CHArXOTTrsVlLE, -Va.,- 5Iqv. 24. -r-T we Quarterbacks are being used to r?!ieral the Virginia-, team, -each of ; taking -a-hand v at .gunning ( the i during the fames ant alternat 3 in charge f the first and -second .ty "elevens during practice per--'33. -Apd both thee mnt Foste i;'d cCcy, will probably have a-try-4: -ivir.g the tej.n.tht(?uh te victory, ver Morth.-Carolina a -week lron this "rsTion. i'- "'. - :. - -' - ..." All 6f . the five quarterbacks -An, the Jrangft- and -Blue . squad ar omiw,ra- yely nepf rifcncf.d tne. , foster lade, his letter :.on the jl921 eleven hen- he. hclpjed Carringt(n and -"Witt nd he has a year's edge eji .Mooy, amsfon. i.Kanjiner' and Fly. ' Camer n and Kammer )hav& been in game for nljt" s.-few minutes x . lr - U fa - R ' r j ia ..i rf y-j ye vt nenom. .ioAdeiit or tram l&u atabtf knm cucoix or oiner jsar i.jftAV'. !..'Nfc. wol qincfcy tulolepu r. :ial eiirnptk ui riv Of no chAifel: wili be v lofay for fn uuuiuUM faoeUtt outicd (utfaW ia "STAri LAl! S r?ATC Jl -T.y : '- - NASHVILLE, Ttr. and Fly as .'yet to; gel; Into actual combat. - ' McCoy usually starts the game for Virginia, being , replaced '.by Foster after the game has prgoressed a quar weiras Jhe iaverage tiuarterback ,it is Faster who. can throw the ball as ac curately a many men can deliver a baseball- Foster is perhaps a. better wnwa1,' though the Virginia- quarter backs carry the ball. Infrequently. t In getCiny jradv for North Caroli'ia the Virgini coaches are not forcing the men, but are- putting them fc-r- wara a lime, ai it lime, iijumiiiy wriiii mages" against the scrubs "are .'being run ' Instead of thev"hard play that usually precedes a big game. But with six more, afternoons to work Virgin- la wilL be; in flgliting trtm this , time next week. Virginia's first year eleven , Is also getting ready to take ' th measure of North".' Carolina . for the ..youngsters iWho hnr been 'W-ooliag. on,.JLefevre ;fiejd-un(!ir paacliosi' "'..JfUnehari,' and Hankina -t to Chftpet .Hill;rf xt.5ve.d nesdav to play, the Carolina fresh -men-, on the eve of the bis. game here. ROCKY MOUNT WILL - DECIDE ' Oil FRANCHISE - " ' i ....... Meeting of Virginia League Moguls. Will Be Held To night at Norfolk Hotel should take a chance in a decision bout at least once 'every six months. Tie case .of Champion Johnny Kilbane of the featherweight divi sion is the moat glaring example of how niis condition ' is abused. t bana absolutely refuses to defend hie title unless guaranteed a su mthat is possibilities. The promoters are en titled to a good cut and the challen ger a fair sum, but. the demande made by Kilbane make such a thing- out of the question. to; show ? their efteet. . t '.R Todays Paul ftttnget, .Jenry' Itendr-.' .. son and" ir. Jones have" each hnf)r up a 39, awhile -'Joe Barbrey Ls" close - upon thel trail with' a 4 0 Owen Dunn sprung ... a sensation last Week by" ' shoot a 43. Practically-all of the regv. Ulare are- now playing; tfnderM.", .''Tes.'.rve. heard about; '4i,j-'"w Mr: MJner'a-; comne'ht ; laatT.olgWt. vthese'; fellows -are getting aUobeffti er too good. But,-.-aat. remarked Iwt summer, there'.; excellent, goltiha--terlal here and there's ho- rfeaeoii: why sortie nne players shouldn't-.deteldc ' Mr; Miner has been spending' the" last" threes or. i four months- ln and aroundVBridgeUorti, CohV. 'Durlhfc the fall Jie took part in atiu'hiber of hV tion&l arid- sectional 'tourhamenw. Al--" thought he didn't Become apattonSLj 1 hero, he. made. borne- of thtf'starsvdqT their - turn" in a . lower . wrore than his . . - -..'vt North Carolina Woman Tell Of The Gsnditibns In Eurci tSPRJLV N. '?. NO. . a5'.4"tne ehedow o patr6r fhtHef test of the peace wKh m pt peeers- over an Europe.-'-' - . -. .-'' . This statenJeril w$a( iad tor fh6 Associated press today bS. B. Frahlf Mela ne. o Spry,- who' ha jirtt retutned front a. four or Eurb and a second visit ai'thd gueaf f icing Ferdinand and ilueefi Marie;- Rou maiiia. .. '. '. . ' . Airpost everyhefe we wentoi? the eohtinent,- she eaid "w$ fourfd con AUiona of unrest,, either active fftid meeting In some countries or th pes pie . hopcleds and embittered' hi, oth ers. : '., . ,. . - .'.-. "Austria proTsabiy la the most ft pathetic. Vienna ia like", the husk of Its formejf brilllaht selfon'ce a bfeaut Hful city. Jilted with life, light and out o Fight fans are a bit tired of cond! tions In, several classes, notably the middleweight and gaiety, Hot" nW ftftlty.-oT "iltibirt 'ftr! depression, the-" peep" tbfc-upper claaar&s dr ;ia jabeoautenfetft' and the streets--are filled with besgirs; '- ' : "Ten, thousand i kronen were itaid" for a copy of a New- Tdrir newbap er .and many hundred thoHnfoV', -a seat at the -opera. ' !. " "- i.V "And the 'end is npt yet. Allv look:, to America,, new a big: "brjitfie to th world in: distress, ; for help;.; Tp"b-t4n-Amcrican: today ent the " continent:.? iDurope, is tcr be- regarded ad' the forV tunate of , the-" earth.-;. JTq , poissei American -moneys, either greenbAcJks or gold,. Is ;'byoad .the dreams of a-varlce. . m: TARBGKO, . JJov. .J .-rtKtristqn' Highs Invaded Tarbords today sad- de feated the Jocal eiev by the whelming score pi 4s fo 0c:.. At pp. ftnything bu popular wltlr foters featherweight. 1 niv r4n nf th ffV.rsrf t-irfa tstase of tne dime were the locals 'a tPT? portion with .his drawing Johnny .Wilson and Johnny Kilbane mplayed. , ' , jmatch for th visitors", n .t. tmmm t 1----- . - L-- READ SUN-JOCBXAI. WANT ADS ;'"'K: 1011 new bernn. c. - '-:'.''' CHALQTTESVIfcLE, VA. i"fiMJKSGIW6 MY e-', YJA tTOLK-SDUTHERRRR . ' . " - "" ' " ' . - . . : Lv. New -Bern -.-,1 6 :20 P. M. Nov. 29th. .Ar. Chirl6ttesvile .wt, 7UJ0;A.VM. Nov. 30th.1 Lv. tJhdrlotteVile ------1-7:30, P.'M. . Nov.'" 30th. ArvNev ern i-:':14'A: M; Dec. 1st. ' :: - ' ' ' "' .i: - " ' .. - - ';,' ' : .-' ... . ' , Special private, sleeper will be chartered fox, party of - 25 or more railroad fares, occupying sleeper from time of leaving New Bern until return. ' Reservations must be made quick if space is desired. : ForreservatiftnS'in chartered car see Mr. Parkhill Jarvia - -' ' vv-J. ' v ROCKY MOUNT, N.: C,i Npv. 25.f The Taj::JIeels will be represented at the meeting of . the Virginia league di rectors 'at "Wilson tonight, but beyond that announcement , the status of baseball here in 1923 remains 'Just about aa- hazy as ever today. - The. annual meeting of the league directors wilt be. held at the. Cherry hotel, wiLson tonight at 8:30, accord ing to nercifss sent out by President Wi S. Moye of this city. Numerous, business matters, Including the, wind ing up. of all affairs foi; the past; sea son, -will come- before the meeting. It Is generally . expected that the elecv Lion of officers and the placing of for feit money for the 1923 season will be carried over until the. January meet ing- of the league moguls. At least that is the hope under which Tar Heel representatives are working. . The general-belief is prevalent here that the local franchise will be. re tained but the question && to just wha vfillbe the barkers of the cluh remains, a matter pC speculation. A movement is' now under-way whereby a, canvass is being made to get them to ynderwrite the club, but just tyhat progress -has been jtiade along thi line could not be learned today. Af ter - dropping, several ' thousand ' dol lars last year because of lack of inter est and poor attendance, te prtes eflt owners want the stock divided into smaller blocks so that the pro portionate loss, If there is any, will i be: smaller. They point out that-this plan will either b worked out or e!ae. the franchise change hands. BOXING CO NEEDHUIGE Cbempiona Very Seldom Feel It Essential For Them To Defend Their Title .1-. ooooooo o o o o o o o p " THE - STAR PA WOftTtl fUE MONEY Cm 4 TFIke '' '' . SI rHE Star Car, the latest elation of W. C. Durante the pioneer builder of quality autombbiles for more than eight een years, is being exhibited at i - . - . - . . '"if ' . ...,..',. . -. ' . . . . You will want to see the automobile which attracted 27,000 in one day iii Washington, and 59,000 in New York during a three day exhibition ; The Star Car changes' for all time the standard of value in low priced cars The Star is a real automobile, mad4 of standarized, recognized mechanical units NEW YORK, Nov. 25. While the action, of the New - York state boding commission in declaring a numbqr of titles void has been much ridiculed. j It is, becoming more apparent that at j least a step has been made in the right direction. While the Marquis the b . ' lt' v1 .t!lt .' m: rules covec ) thoroughly,' it. f would have it. contained the defendi champions vi" 1 It doesn't contenders i . have, some, ven pionshi,p put of Queensbury game, very 'c. code i had &S to i .. by the .11... rjsSfS. i-r to the logical various titl-33 t.-j n holder of a cham t'tle in camphor You will be proud to own a Star, and you should by all means make it a point to seethe latest creation of the main who made famous such names as Durailt, Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, Old9inobilo "and other automobile products balls and practically refuse to defend it in. a decision bout unless given most, of the loose money available. There, certainly should -be a defi nite ruling ts to f.ow often a ham- j pion should deftnil his title during j the course of a year. It seems that he I Willis Motor Company ZT he . star c a R v ..... .....; i: n w o r t n j : t u b x m o h J c i 1 1 J J I IS

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