MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER' 27, earn Leaves semper t V it v 11 V J THE' NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAU I, mmmmmi aBal MMMMMMMMMMhI. c:aaiaajamaBaBaBaB ! h AW-' . Li. C. ii. Tffi SIIDViS UP.G000 Tiadtt Fine Showing' Against Team From Do;er in Game Saturday i Night 7- c .A Th. victory .of thepT. M.f C-:A- bas ketball; team over Dover Saturday night has. i ns pred ttiVfc local aggrega tion with- eonfidenpet Yand-the deter inination to maintain a clean record of victories this' season.' , t : v The, team showed irpf in. mighty ood form Saturday. Shore, Zinc and others played a 'snappy pacing game. They outplayed". Dover, when it . came to running the.-Vail downythe court but they : showed top ; rather- poorly tin- shoting goals.N, Ho-wever there's j lenty of -time to , overcome .-. this difr iiculty. ' - - I ' Still Making Effbrts To ,f Secure Special Train - - V ;New;B v's football team will leav? Asheville to .win in the west and New here Thuri sAay for - - Raleigh, wjieif Beritjn the east. We're inclined to be thcv will: ineeflho San ford aggregar heve that that's exaetly the way the Jtion on Friday afternoon to determine I thing vwill come out,-too, , the' Eastern -championship question. i n a n.ere wa a ?tory Thursday in mc , Interest iit fotbaU is . now at fever Charlotte - paper to the. effect thaf hf.ia- IncallAoaivi. hundreds -of -tans Asnevme nan a proteaeionai .ureeK HOPE TO HALT HESOFN.G. RMS ; Kan Away Alteri Beating .;..,r Greensboro, - Nov. A27. Haywood :icDroaW, 1t)-year o?d . yonngster with a' mighty -lot f .spunk, was brought into the . polies station, last i.ight by"!one of the .who said he foud the", boy on the.; street with apparently no definite , -destination. The ofSci-r wai 1 entirely . right.- Hay wood had r.Un' way.' frorm.; hia , home in lieidsville vFriday f afVe.rnoon and arrived here shy of future plans. V II said tiiut he was the; ton of M. AT. McDonald, of Reitlsville,-, arid, that he lft h because his oldev: broth t r, Bill -31t-Donald,-.who. is abouti, 20 vt-tirs old "Jjeat him. " . . have expreel he, slfisjre to accoTu- fpany the teoiiw to EalciRh on a spec ial ' trak4 if ) such caj be arranged. This afternoon- it was Jearp.ett that the tnain proec-v U still beln:;. works od on 'but ihvt ?o definite announce ment oould lit given -ouc It is con sidered Wery ,3ikely, though, that the train cah be slecured. ( j , . t -The Nfew iSern team will undergo light practice 1 this week. The tem is In excellent -condition for Friday's contest,, .twoth.' physically ,ancV morally. If it shoulVi hjappen that Sanford suc ceeds in - iVilfcng up the larger scoro, the.locato wn't have any alibi to of fer.. , , 4 - .-. . . i ra. local- inan talging to' avcitizeh from Sanfrd' in-- Raleigh .fcatunlay, states, that v the Sanford"' man told him that there Ijwould be at least 56 per sons from h is Raleigh on Fri day to help:.root for their team - - Out in y ihe. western part of ; the state ' AshoviHe defeated , Ciarlotte and MonroB' won from Greiensboro, leaving Ashe file and Monroe to fight it' out. A study, of- the. recoi-ds madej by the tour .teainis- now ief t In the race for,". the championship . favors wrestler, in her line. Efforts were le ing made . by some.. ( of the western teams -. to hav,e the : inan- barred, bui the. effOrts were unsuccessful. It ap pears that he's a bona fide student. ". Go get him,. Charlie! HE IB M KOLLEt BALL 1 DOLLAR COURAGE i' llloney in the bank, gives thesort "of Courage that rfables men to. get on, in the world, t " ' lldxxy . an able ,man has let opportunities slip by bectase he was a dollar shy. ,. ;, Ve suggest . that ,you open ,a savings,. account : with us And ' begin now to build up a cashj reserve. Your account 13 welcome here,;regardless of - . . ry - r." ?s-vQshk & Trust P it Quite A Number Enjoying This Sport Every Afternoon at - Local Gymnasium v iFrom, fifteen to ,twenty local- hu!5i-f ness, ,mel are burning out every , afternoon,- to -take . part in the volley ball game :at.. the "?-. M, C A,; gym nasium. They are getting a - great amount, .of ffm and Benefit out. of the flastime. and .are thoroughly- .enjoying H?. ,f , .i , , . v. ' . , ,A cordial invitation is extended the business men of .the. . eity Jo take part in the fun. There's plenty of rfoonl to axjcomodate L everyone 'Who wishes to p,lay. The-games istart at C o'clock and continue until 6:15. . f- -; BODIES IX 1UVER. -i HOUSTON Noy; . 25. Mystery usr-i rounding the disappeareanc of two men from .the dredge . Pensacola in port here,, was cleared up when the bodies of Gustaf W. L.oun,;dnd Peter Kelly were found in the . ship cha,n nel- last nisht. - Crying, yourself . limp is nice as being tickled stiff. J never as v V- IINSTSUCTIVE.Ub ti I -1 t 1 EDUCATIONAL 'J i if vou ate lomc your manly tfrtuzlh yon fc IvmL nrrrous. oVapoadent or wtfams bom lost nttbty ffaro execs age or.-otticr cause GLANDTON. Wlil:qvckijrieslowyau to nomia! stfength and youthful Vigor or bo uharge wili, be nade; Wnte today for. fret mstrucuve. faooUet luailcd prepaid plamwtappsr. ( t ' 1 PUR.TAN LABORATORIES DeT. 147 NASHViLLEiTENN. Special Attention Being Given To Play at Ends By the Virginia Coaches Forward Pass Usually Used As Last Resort i WWW lVi U1 V All t IV i -t r v - i 1 VS.: i K .-4 at i ii i M vv MP OfflM? 1 Conie to ;oux store,' Monday "or any td'ay ithis week an&Jobk ' over ;;' our ' dfsplayv-it 15 probably t the most 11 l :;w ..if J tit aV .5 .. 1; Ira , CHARLOTTESVILLE, i Va.. JCov 27. Ends Who guard Virginia's fianks important part in offense a weu as detense for upon them de pends much o; the success of the lor waru pass. John Staige- 2avi and Sldridge Campbell are the regulars in chis position with Brown. Dietriek, liollHid .atea as gjcon.l string 9iea.- : - .. .. ' ." - !---.- Davis is probably playing his last year ut varsity lootbau but- it - i9 Campbell's flnst year as a regular and he is likely to develop Into a won-i der with -another season of training. Last spring Carupbell wrus a member of the relay team ." thai? broke the Couth Atlantic record and this-sueed is helping him in his fyotball work, v During ths firsi afternoon of cr!m-nrage- this week che varsity-ran -!ho scrubs ragged Tha-. first eleven -was in less than five minutes, before the first touchdown was secured whert the coaches -ran -in' the second -varsity -11. hese men were primed for action and riopped- -holes in ' the- scrubsi Dean once taking the ball 100 yards for a touchdown.- - - - . - Coaches, Campbell and Abel let tb men run while they could for1 they will probably have only one juorcaf-n ternoon of hard scrimmage before the North. Carolina game next Thurs day. Too. many of the men are etill op the crippled list for any chances to .be taken - with, those who" Temain. Practice in defensive vork will probbdl-y fill most,-of-the afttrnoons next week. The Orange and Blue' still feel, that ' they might held the - West Virginians to a closer score in spito of the mud had they been a little fas ter in getting. after, enemy pisses and if the men behind, the line had work ed a bit differently: - .; . As-' Thanksgiving ... day j draws x clos er the"! enthusiasnvoiVirginia'B - stud eit body igrows. "The game" is now the ..topie? of feveryi conversation, .-Seats in ihe Student section have been on sale.jpnly .a few days and are almost entirely gone.. i .it- 4- Why. does practically ever-, football team wait until defeat stares it;in the face -before opening up? ;: -- With, a majority of clovenf the for ward: pass is . merely a, weapon , to use as a -last . resort. If defeat seems cer-1 tain. ry to stave it off wuh the for ward pass. ; , ;. v. , Notre, Dame i one of the few teams that- uses the pass more thaiv merely a. weapon,..; With Coach Iiockne's teams the forward pass is. one of his very best bets on the offense. , Sitting next to me in the press box at the Harvard-Princeton game was ''That is the : big trouble.: with the Open game, ' aia jspracKiing, iCoaen ea. -spend hours dmung jne. men .in various formations ana f eeiaom use them. Instead v of r making the pass the big threat of -their system, jp.oat coaches use it merely as the pinch play. , . . ' , "I believe, f some coach would .de velop the . pass front various wrraa-1 tions to a high degree, a,nd then .con-i tantjy fuse teuch fllays .throughout the, game that his team would run ruogh shod over its Opponents. ....... "Open play, featuring the forward is; if ffl . IMBIBE- Good Basketball pame?; Is; l?x-' pected.: to , Take Placeat , Y. ;M.; C.:"A."Tonight " . ' Earl Spackling, one of the greatest flnd othe bUs of strategy, have f : :-- ; . t ' V .I.T 1 : v fe,;-..i -, SAY WlflTK SIiVVEUY IS ' , TIIIUVIXG- IX iGEUMANT;" ; GIRLS Aiqj'SEXT ABROAD BERLIN, Nov. -25 -?-Gerhan white sjavers. h,av: 'aWnttfeusands oC'girls amd young.'Woment into, foreign larids, especially North a"nd- South America, according to th,e aCentrale. for .the Suppression: of . White Slavery in Germany.' -Press reports sallege tTiat 3,700 girls in six months were victims of "white slayers,- (who sold . them into, foreign lands. x fo-rt. , . ? ; Boston' man was arrested for claim ing a . razor beat -four aces-. - - ' quarter- backs -the country, has ever known. During his days at Brown. It was the exception for any one to pick an All-American team that failed to include Sprackllng. .... . During the progress of the Harvard Princeton game certain- situations ai OHef that called upon the quarter back for snap judgment. Often ? two or three possibilities presented them scUVe as a- solution. ; Before- the play would be pulled I would invar iably say : to Sprackling: . "Well, Earl, what play would you call if you wcye out there directing the tr-airi?" ' - Sprackling seldom piade , mistake of football judgment when he was a star. "After Buell left the game, the Harvard quarters who Buec?ded hini didn't always do what Spracking fig ured was 'the best play. I riiight-add that the Harvard , quarters were wrong ? not.-Sprackling. : , s ; , ; Several timas the Princeton ' quar ter didn't do just as Earl -figured he would.vOn one. occasion, after he had thrown a long forward "pass that' was grounded. Spracking - remarked: v : , " is a dangerous play. . I am a bit surprised Princton, is using it; Sems to iue the half must ue ti'.'arly over. It'would be muen 'Wiser to get . off a few line- plas .or end runs in slew fashion and use up as mucn tinuj as possible, since they are out in. the lead. -- "'There is? always a chance that ore of those long forward passes will lap intercepted and someone : run for touchdown." ' . -'Sprackling -har" ..scarcely ; finished when Snively cut .loose -a-nother-long forward pass ..that was. intercepted by a Harvard jnap, who: for a iime-seem efhon his way to a touchdown,' A Jew seconds-later-itlie whistle blew,; ending the, half. , . 1 ' , '"Wby doesn?t Harvard-' open., tip?" Late- in-, the - second period Sprakhng kept, saying; that to me.- tt seemed -that Harvard must do so if itjwas to ,win. Xet" Harvard fcref rained-.: trorni opening ,:up --until tho game. -'"wsa'-'tnoat , over and almost -certain defetit was star ing the Crimson in the face. --- . : -A large number of Tooters are fix- -pected the Yi Jj.1. Q.j i. gymnasium. tonight tor witneag , the basketball ' game to .beV Staged by the "glrlsv and a faculty team. ; . ' The teaqhers -have, some real - Mars on their quintet . , and ., are confident thqt they will take the measure of the girls. The girl?, on the otlef hand, , believ that'' they won't- have much difficulty in winning the game. : The . contest will start .at. 7:30 o' clock. Admission will be 25 cents and the proceeds will be turned over fo made football popular, .yet- the coach es are not getting the possibilities out of the play or-giving, the spectators j the Girls' .Athletic-Association of the the kind of game they like." tHigh School.- - - t-v . -i y CIGARETTES now Have, you a roaster for that tui'key ? We have ' a large ' assort ment ' frorrK, which you can Select. GUTL'ERY TOO- Nothing is, missing 'from our line ,of cutlery. We can suit youy we: feel sure. ' " " ' pay our store a visit. :. -: t:s- ' .::r : ' .- ' 4' : - " BllSlEIIflilS ppiiiir qprniT 7 7 , for TWENTY ,...."." V .a. At this price wneTe ishe man lwli6 cat: dq discriminating : ,.Si'r,5 i i' us ly I ii?',ai: Pennsylvania An thracite. Pocahuntas Lump Splint Lump rJriquets Pocahuntas Steam Churches Planning To Organ ize Teams of Men arid Boys . For City League , . f Ml awl m. Every thing In Hardware. Cor Middle and Pollock Sts. Phone 99 4 fe;f?ir45 HOLLISTER ANb -ddx . " rtee 34 " v KINSTONV -Nov. 2 7. .Plans to -or; ganize a city church basketbalV leag'ua in progress at this time, it was learn ed Saturday; Several churches in the city have the plan , under cansiderar t ion and a real attempt -to put ''the proposithsrr; tttsough in; the next If ew days to be made.. - r-. ?t - : -. According itofi the?- Information" at fiandf 'a men'; and ai boy's quint (Will be organizea,- if posslblev by rseveral of the oriranized.i if nosnihlrv, -riv: isev- eral of' the -leading churches of vthe city;. The ladies also may- p6ssbilyget quints to working' and form, their .own' ' .; :cho-rc! leagtr. jriowever, the younger boya are. not atter the idea and are likely to put the deal -over aoon. A meeting to hash over these ideaf3 is setufor Tuesday, or : Wednsday,-f this. week, .at .which "representative1 is expected, and teams -arie t&"put; UA of' each denomination will vte prev sent. From that meting a real j plan is espeetd &ti once, t Several -places ai'e 'available for practice,; including a' plot- of ground, already .arranged with goals and so forth, back "of ine Cheney house on King .. street: An other "court may be- obtainert on Gor;-.; don streefs it ;iundersto53ai . In this connection, it iwais "Teafried- also yesterday that the-newly organ ized HiY, Club-here,, of younger boys are to-ptit-a -team in-the field' at once.j Theseisboys are-hot'after:tthe idea and may work ''in ' connection" with .-the church city legaue - idea.-; Tile, Fixture and Specialty Corp. Baths' Kitchens Banks Churches Norfolk TT IJb 129 West Plume Street H Porches Vestibules Halls Stores . .. , .-wv,- i Fatima smo&ers -'ttll you T ; : .- i i- ." ? 1 i' i '.' tsc-.'" -"V Liggett Myers Tobacco Co. SoiitlieMpilili . - ) --' " : - s ' .: :' -. . .. - -ANNOUNCES-- - greatlV iiviPRdfvib train service 5vi - -. AND WEST H f V-... V f:-"'t- '.- 1 KiriAir iKt nxtwnf . . Train .No. 35 .from -New ..York andWashington for Atlanta,, Birmingham,; and !New 'UrlGans, ;Has been -re-arranged .to protect connections atGreens-..boi-Q, with. Txaui. '2&oyXl from,' Goldsbprp elm6, Raleigh and" Durham, affordMg the f 6lloTOgs6hed- -Lv. Goldsb6ra,: Southern, JUilvayA . , . r v. e&04EM j ;,Lv. Raleigh, Southern Railway ................ 4 : 05 (PM ? iLv. Durham; "Southern Railway 508 PM I At. GREENSBORO, Southera. Railway . .. ; . ; .i. . 7:30 , PTM Lv... GREENSBORO,. Southern Railway; . . . , . . . , . '7;55,PM Ar "Atlanta: Southern Railway ... ... . . 5:40 AM Ar.' Birmingham, ;.Sou1$ernvRa5ly Ar.4 MClll yu.lOr j: i.idlu i.,o-Juc:o. .. ..,... -. " . - ArV1 Kansas City,. Frisco Lines ..... . . . . N. ,1Q;?0, AM Ar.t "Montgomery, A.' & W. p. . Railwayf t, , . .. .IiiOiAM Ar. Mobile, -L. & N. Railway -i ., . . ...j6ti2,PM Ar.rNew Orleans, L. f& ,N;v Railway , . . . .". . , .T. . 9j i3 JPM Lv. Atlanta,' Southerri -Railway . -bt io jam. Ar. Chafttfnoesa; Southern Railway Through Pullman . Sleeping : Cars Birmingham and New Orleans. Dining car serving aUL meals., c. ?' i 'T '.lOOAM to. Atlanta, .CQlitBtbus, CONNECTIONS Virginia v ATLANTA. With all lines for points in. So utE.',. Georgia and Florida. ; ' ' . ' " ANNISTON-T-For all points in Southern Alabama; v---f BIRMINGHAM For Meridian, Jackson, Shreveport and ' ? west. .'-'. ' KANSAS CITY. For Denver, Colorado Springs and the West.. ."".':" ?. . s ,, - . MEMPHIS With all lines for points in Arkansas, Okla-- . boma, Texas and the West. v .. ; R . NEW ORLEANS For all points in Louisiana, Texas, i Mexico' and the West. : One change of cars f rot Greensboro to -the-paciflc coast.' J. S. BLOODS WORTH, D, P. A. Raleigh, nc. 8s- r? -U ''.;-' Mo .,- .. fr ..i . If: .-'' v-' ; , .."I - . i ' .nU?ii. x:r . .". '- - -f;'-.J'.';.:' a&al Mai (

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