.... , .v C jlfLaii V7c ienceil-and : Uniarried-sal6Blads to vwprk;."? in , . ready rto-wear, ? depart Jf rnent. Good i wages. V Steady employ- ; merit, j Keferenceav required.v .-Apply V. Box' 14, - Ncw-Xtirn.-.N.. C ; ' '"FdH RfeHt---,-'-J--f EOUSr I'OR RENT EIGHT. Rooms and t ;li.. All modern conveniences, Pr ;ion given December ;. 1. No. .127 ILroad street. - Phone 637-J, 'N.--.Jones. Ft,.l wc : : nAf i and dry pise , '-wood, for sUe. Apply; to S. L.' Buck, K12 nhenis Avenue. Pbojie'"3.05.v,-'. jror. : SALE I liAT TOP," pearl s . front "piano for , salev, cheap. App.y li Kose street. - V. w.I -?,z-2t-p FOIl, S VliE COAI STOVE. In' good - '-condition. :- Will- sell cheai. : Apply 39 HAncocK or pnone os w. dh I , : Q3T AND FGUID f xos : notice is hereby, giten that a certificate of deposite No. 14 ' Issued to Mrs. R. H. White. da J July 14, 1922, has been lost -,' a; : a duplicate is,- about to be la true;, Bank; of Dover, N. C. 2-30t- IX).- . C. LASS-EYED MALE. PUPPY '.bLsck''; with - speckle iiieck. -JlO re "i war 1 for ireturn!toi Ag M.jPurifoy; f -Kew Berni Jcoute 1. jva f JnoKbenate ilm mate RALEIGH. ' Nov. 2 8. Political- de velopments f; the past week;: which were . be reviewed when the Demo cracy of the- State assembled around a ' Yarborough banquet " table, have as . much if not more to do with the selection of a couple of United States Senators than they do with nominat ing the. democratic candidate for, gov ernor in 1924. So goes current gos sip, ''i'i ' A11 of which, of Course, presupposes that . the v; Democratic : party will ; re main the dominant party,; at least for four years., ia to te elected In . 1924 at the .same time, the next governor ia, crowned ; hy . thV ballot; tajiother comes before the people In 1926. - 'Angus Wilton: tMeLean,,' o Lummer- ton ad Josiahn William Bailey, f Raleigh, are not" the6nly-.twa people directly interested Jn(he primaries f Juneic l?24JosephuSajiiel8;: Cam eron Morrison, Furniroiajvici-enaiw Ri m m nn.ct nnA f!lvr1f . Roark HoOV, Of Shelby; have-: a anterest the pri mMry election sand they are; watching t the political fur fly now with just asmuh interest as. if thier own can- i didacies were ..announced. .' ; . ; pauicls ,o Be ,ilth Bailey WhU.o .b.o. may not v lend the col umns of his newspaper to Mr. Bailey's suppoi't.'.lt'is belieyedf by many that Josephus Daniels will bo with Josiah Williams Bailey in his fight for re form not only in the, tsfx commisslcn er's office,' but- in some several other offices about the State Capitol. y-'-.Governor ; 4 Cameron. Morrison s rwsndl-vilk ,bc ; with! rii Mteau. Mr. WattS; Js. now. and ;will be with, .Mri McLean.; Senator Simmons, to' h't a candidate to succeed himself if his health, holds out.' will be neutral ani the rgShizatioiv-'wllivJje split. CtvJo' Roark ".-Hpery wllXbe watching f.rdt a-wajffiimcfoi; , t926.iSK? ,:;..;,;; i , ,-'Mri; llpW and.'i Mjfc'jr Morrison want, to SHCceexJ . Senator,' Jee S. Overman, and iehhepi. one of-them are willing to' take' JiP M10 Overnian toga by ap-; iu mms mmmxwmrnmi nun np hmin f L.-- uniLUO DUIfilLLJ i campaign4' and hr6thfrlaJCE "California Rg Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative CTydu Roark, Hoey, iiax fiardner; QVen : ClevCianu Cbunt-; hfeadauarters lit home iiiid the' tftoty''ior the' Senate" . campaign would be on. " " j - . i'T1 ' All thse things, it must be said, ;jre too far in the. distance to be ;t ' .down as any auso.iuie potentialityi N.vertheles."?, the :-. composite mind f some of the more seasoned politicians 'sf Xorth. Care Una, including Mr. Watts and Mr. Bailey, so'reason them out. A photograph , makes : a fine Christ was present. T"he perons you" give .it to cannot give it away. ;; : ;. : '. OPT03IETRIST : ; (Specialist1 in fitting 'glasses.) ..J OteriiJTwenty xenrs, Experience, From ' 10 to ;1 Hours: ' i Fronj 3 to 6. . I J-. ' TM NO MLOMEt -.,MsonVLiveriTone'Straigh Up Better Than. -Salivating, Dangerous uaiomer ana Moesn t upsei i VourriJon't Losea Day's Work ReadGuarantee , AT" I AVORS TAFFY AND CREAM c'oc. nut andy, made fresh . daily - ' &t I :3orley's. A . 10-20-lmoch JU:: RECEIVED FRESH j pr ies,- Florida oranges, 't crape fruit, malaga grapes, ' "nice arples, fresh Autumn ' h -t Butter. STAR GRa CE IY CO., 60 Middle St, . ' Vlzne 57. ' TRUSTEE S SALE i the n Trust, ef SMi will o: ( Court ven C uraiy Pursuant to the power of sale-contained in that certain deed of trust, executed May 10. 1920, from J. G. I Jacksc-.-i - ar. wife, Sara .E. Jackson; ; to WiZUam ' Dunn, Jr., "Trustee, re corded in Book 2 2 3, .'page 70, default havin: Veen made in the payment of' .'3 t-ocured by said Deed, of at-the request; of the holder nott the undersigned .Trustee r for sale and will sell at ths Touse door in. New Bern;; Cra-. .ntv North Caroiina,:--on Sat rhe' twenty-third pf December. 19112, at twelve o'clock noon,' the fol lovrias described property, conveyed in b.ii I Deed of Trust: - - -. . In . t' e City of New- Bern ,itt. -the town s i kcowrt as IiversyleaJplot cr i of which is recorded in Book 526, SituatQ on the, north of .-Blades avenue, described ws: Beginning at- a ,-point 'tn th side of Blades Avenue, 211 feet , southwest of National , Avenue gnd ruiiiiin? Whence pai'allely wi,th, Na tjc; :1 .Avenue northwardly; 14Q feet; th?. ce-Yestwardly and parallel with B3a Averiue 39 feet to the line of Jot ,Na, 3; thence southwardly along the LnO'of -lot. No.-3 .and parallel with National Avenue 140 .feet- to. Bladus Avenue;', thence--- eastWardiy V along P.Iaucs' Avenue 39 feet to the begin- Bin?., being a parj of lot No.. 2 in said t,ow n bite. ' 4 ' t - s - ' - , ' WM. DUNN, JR.. - , , . Trustee November 21st. 1922. ,3.'V -N-21-28-D-5-1?. ' -x. V : He : 1; The Classified Ads 177. ! em n s f j the. n I discovered a Vegetable compound that 'does' - the ; Work'' 'of dangerous, sickening . (palomelvand fvl , wajit every reader of this' paper to buy a bottle for ,a ,fw centa. - arid if - it - 4oen, t straighten you up better and quicker than salivating calomel just go back to the store And get your money back I'j guarantee; that.phe,j spoonful o! Dodson's Liver Ton will , put yoU? sluggish liver to work and cleanf your thirty feet of bowels of the. soux bile and constipation poison which Is clog ging your, system and making you feel miserable. - . , I .guarantee: that - one spoonful of this harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, biliousness. poated tongue.ij ague, malaria, sour stomach or any other distress caused by a torpid liver, as quickly as dose of vile, nusekting. calomel,' besides it will not mike you trick or keep you from a day's .work. . "- CaJomel i poison dt's mercury- it attack3 - the ; boaes often ( causing I'heumatismj.; Cailomel t la dangerous. It sickens ;while my Dodson's Liver Ton is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat anything, afterwards, because it can : not "saiiivat'e.. Give it to the chil dren because- it- . doesn't .-upset" the stomach or shock.. the- liver. .Take a spoonXulj, t9hight and wake ; up feel ing; fine, and ready for a full, day's works. Advt. :. , . "... .-. ' i Hurry tnothjfl Even ' 'l-'rasl sick child v loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup";, and . it never fails to open the bowels, A tc-aspoon-tuiliitpday ; may prc-ve "a- .sjck cliild tomorrow.: If 'onstipatfed, liitlouf . fev erish,' .fretful;:, has cold, ' ealic, . or .. if stomach is i?oi, tongue coaied, bycatn bad, arejnenber ;a. good qlea'nsihg of J tne nine ouwfis is uitt'u an liiul ih necessary. . Ask your . druggist for genuino "California Fig Syrup" -w'nioli hns rtir'ections for babies iand- childrf f T'n all ages printed: onr;:Vp'ottle. ,Sthe You must say;"(J,aijtornia". yog ft&y ' get an ifiitaiidl5,fig srp. - 0; vAj raoviej produccri plans;-t.o '.dranja t izc the ten comniandm'ehts if iho censors don't '. cutsome of them out. DR. E. F. MENIUS ." Eyesights Specialist - ; 'with... SASI K. EATON CP. New ' Bern, ' N. . C- Read Th6 Classified6 Ads ' i . v -. - ' - : I ' . .; rv " . & ... f .f '. : I pointment or . St the call ,6f the, peo ple. Air, :DanicJs would succeed "Sen ator Sunmons -Jby appointment 'or, if 'Lean. It is a njSctter of- keen fnje,? lure here iiow -what -.would -ha.pptr"i efiould Senatoif'? Overman refi-iSe . bfiv-a the- call. iSiStropg enough, would- take (fore. 1 'j24. It . js not believed! trta.ti it by thepreponderance 'of the bal- Governor Morrison would resign .anAj lots yast in the primary of, 1924. trust to Governor- Cooper -to-'appohttl MJnuicIs Har01y.a'CHntU1a(6 . him ..as .the successor,- hut, it. vs be-; But things right now haven't shap-jHevcd tliat-Mr. .Morrison would name.; ed" themselves so that Mr. Daniels can , Henot CJarkson be-counted a. candidate, against Sen ator Simmons for the nomination., It is most unUkely that he will be, but by the same token it is Unlikely that Mr,. Simmons will take any hand in the Balicy-McLean fight... If '.'the Senator' were to say that h intended to vote for Mr. McLean, as he said in 1920 he.4ntiended to. vote for Mr. Morrison, that would be the signal for the Bailey folk.?" to being qut a candidate agabgst him. And. they. wo.xild i turn first tq 'Jotjephus Dan iels. . "'.' ; ' ; -In the Western district, where the Senatorship is not an issue until th primary - of ,126, s provided Senator Overman remains in jgood health, the: situation is dicerenti' '.- . Morrison Backins McLeaa . v There is Ttbef-posgihjJJty . tha,t ,Sep" ator i Overmans health will not per mit, him remaining in the Senate and this ; statement Isn't, made. ; with : the view ot putting the junior Senator in the hospital either., It is a , political contingency - o which , practically every - man who . ia discussing politics how. looks- Shouldf Seniifot; Oyarrsan retire before the primary of ,1928,, and should Mr.-McLean, be elected inW24, Mr. Morrison would, undoubtedly', be the Senator, from the West. , :. .The blessing .of Mr. Watts vhas been conferred on this arrangement.. Pres to, . Mr. Watts . is suppo'rting jlc his t oini er euni and then ma'kc-thr BALL EfflfJ RSI OK TO CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. V,, paign mdnagei- race in 1924. Rhclhy-Charlotle Fight Again; . Such a circumstance, or series' tf circumstaiu:es, would produce another campaign, in which - CharloUe and DitBELLS Eine-lUr Honey B. - r v. " : rnentiioK ; Jbr Goupy Couis and CcM$ ' Mothers fctr -vears have reded nooa f thisdepenciable prescription of s fam- fly physician to hrealc up alartning, v creoiiy ecmghb Yoa can depend on Dr. i -BelTs daring loos niht-attacfcs of oongh- ' las. It loosens bard-packed pfalegm, re Heves eoogested areas and stops cough- . inf. ChildrentJkethisaaodoIdpureByT-ii? -' - of phae-tar, boney. At any drng store.. -i InStSt On IVtLLr S. ; THANKSGIVING-. ' . NOVEMBER 30th, vsU.of V '': , SFECIAL SLEEPER. ON NORFOLK SOUTHERN R; R. .-...-..'. ..:.... i- . ' . .... .'... ..- 'V .: S. " -. Lv.New ern 6:20 P. M..ov.,29th. s Ar. KiVist6w-7".8 P.-'M;-Nov. 29th. .. Ar. Haleigh' 1 :00 M. Nov. 29th. Ar. Durham 12:00 P. M. Nov. 29th. -wk Ar, Greensboro 3 :00 A. M. Nov. 30th. : Ar, Charlottesville 7 :30 A; M.'Nov; 30th. ROUND TRIP FARE FROM NEW BERN $15.06 Sleeping' Car . Rktes: . ', " Lower Berth Rate. . . ..... ......... . .?4.13 Upper Berth Rate , -v- Round Trip Tickets on sale Nov 20th. Good for return until midnight Dec. 2, 1922. Space ia, this sleeper can be wsemd foe Raleigh, Durham, Greens boro, Danville, Va., and Charlottesville, . ( Special Train returning leaves Charlottesville 7: SO P. M. Nov 30th. Ar. New .Bern 9:14, A. M. Dec. 1st. Corresponding round trip fares fronic other points. Make sleeper reservations on Depot ' Ticket Agent, ' New Bern. - 1 f ' - : ' "'' " " : ' . - , . i. v, , i .. - , 'I ..-' , . - : ' , - ; ,-.. ;- - - - .... i -- - , nM- : ". .!;..,.-.,..... -.I-.. .'. y -;. - - -- - - j . V v..' .... '.'; ;.;..,.; .;.'.;;" :;;v. :';':"- -" j'- ' v k : i ' ' , , t ' . t . ' . . 1 -V ., : . '- . ? . 1 , .- . : , - - i . . . . . . . . ... . . .- V - ' ' - 1 . ; ; ... 'v-1 -"." ''.:v;.:.:' J: r ..,.. ,jtj ir- . . . . - T, j ... r ' : . - ' hhb . aaBaasr ' n: . t a .... am k m 'Pleasure In ldaniig'As-. ;. ! r No: HeartMni . rntn " i -i ny tolks . trrorit4 iwith h seiche. fear to seek rellsfiln nt -ir Becausa ot flatulence, or Brtburn afterward. - .TNOLB'S- i 'LAXO " ASPIBIN tc-iuH vth .-pain rellevinc .nalt-, t 'a 8 aalns of ffonuln .aspir in, rltia aw. - qualitlM. whloh eou-taract.- th discomfort that Qftm follows ths taing of pure aspirin alone. - - .- ... A-mlld ' digettant has been added, as well as a gentle laxa tive;; ' These two cotablna to ef tect7tlv remedy tke causa oj tha 2&lnv - The laxattv aids la r Bftfl bgr body poisons which -whan toen$-. up in tha system. ' eauss discemfort and - oftentimes severe patn: TINGLE'S , XJlXO ASPIRIN Is 'the scientific product of ami. nant cheiii!sts,'wnoaa work fs- endorsed b y leading; physicians..-. Be aura to ask for TIN G1.E'S I.AXO ASPlRr.t H e asplrfn ,w 1 1 h" ! the, three points Jt's absorbed easily ' U- -. . . If. relieves pain qulckl Jfj a jrentle' laxative . TINGLFSTatlet of . . : LAXO-ASPIRIN ' "--., votar. drua-xlst -.. for the "Three Point Box." .Therapeutic Keeearch Laboratories, Waabl&sT ton, X. C. - - ,r. -v We WillTdke Much as Ybiir First Advance at Piio? to; Se'cdnd;Pavment,' Upton As Your nHICHESTER SPILLS in RrJ ftnd tloid mctallicX bans, snled with Blus Kibbun. i'racct. Askfotl!III.t'IfK.TERS Uiin imtvu piij.a.fcas w.a-t knavaKBnt, Rtfest. AlM Rehtlilr . f - ,. - ' -. . . -. . . - . ... i . , r r III . - II - '- f fill .. -f -r tf-y - ?" "'s - '.! v-.v.-'i .f'. ...-, ;-v- r - ment ot i lit i . ' i i i, . t c ? J "BRINGING UP FATHERS rafA I . . I Jt I 1 X I Fl II ' " : - -ZZt - aoask I I lime sign .. .... . .' y" Pa!rticipatidn Receipts- "6" BANK NEW BERN, N. C. BY GEORGE MacM ANUS THE ONLX THtN, EXT helre. fb Ol'r-. ',l-t. .' L . ' RlGS.rt TO MEL 1! iW.ii PVTAL-! VM t30,UUAO voo cvme. home " FROM f A1ER G- n l-iaaMi i saaBasaaasiaaaasaaasafaaa ' 5- '' ' . s.. ; -i 1 i 1 i i- i f t 1 I- 1 . r i J i a ' y v V SCI& BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE

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