. - V . 7" v . .. EDNfaor AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER fo, 1922 1 j eady For Virginia Ih Good Shape HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - By DWIG University l earn Left Chapel Hfll Last 'Night - V 'or Maryland .Game p : ., , p- TMMSISW University Is I l pAJXlGiV NoV. , 2$. With" srid-' !rc n warriors f both teams in per- leete physical , condition, North Car olina. State and Maryland Umvrsity today were ready to elfish in their second ' annual rootball battle here to JnorroW; . . - 1 ' , "The Carolina Teehmen were "put thiough their final workout this af ternoon , bv '-'Coach Harry HartseH. 'Srtfch'. Holland, the State's star end, and J Frank Bostian. -pivot man, who were kept oft the Wake Forest contest last Saturday on account of injuries, were back in the lineup. Park, who has fceen suffering with. Glq Injured leg since the V. M. 2. game several' weeks kgo; CaptaJn. Floyd and devft . Beatty, who wer on the side lines Saturday, will be in the thick ol the battle tomorrow, according to Coach Hartsell. - ' . The . Maryland aggregation is ... one of the heaviest In the southern con ference thi year and has shown a remarkable- improvement since, being defeated by North Carolina University last month. Coach Curley Byrd's men defeated Catholic University Saturday, 54jto , tit Ooltege Park, Maryland. .North Carolina State's season sche dule will come to an. end with tomor row's game and advance sale of seats indicates a large crowd of football fans will be present. ... - . :. "Prophet" Gives The Score Of Virginia-Carolina Game V rt C n Jr T, TT CHAPEL HIL, r N. , C, V Nov. 2 9.--ifoiuse goin. to rfiarlottesvilTe or h; jlhg arona a' telegraph office to J5r out the score of the Carolina- inla football game; It is told ai- y. 1 ,' " ?he Pickwick." "'the Chapel HiU ing i picture concern beloved of V.inat students, is doing the Grant-i-Rle'e -flick of'.haming the score advance. It tells the world that n the final whltstle blows Carolina -have 17 points and Virginia, ?r xrue, it hedges to the extent --oX p-tit-1 tiiS a question mark after both' the 7 and the 17. None the less, it has donned the role- of -a prophet and its prestige hanga in the belance. ' , -., ;Th forecast is spread on the front pSe-f the wekly bulletin that an nonuce th& trancing and super-e-cAing . cinema event' "6f next week. On the left of the page is the record ef Carolina's scores this season, show ing' ho defeat hut the one met at the ha nds of Yale ; on the right " is - the "Virginia 'record, showing defeats by Princeton, V. M. I and West Vir f . . ia. The closing kern in each recore? j ie Thanksgiving. Day score of 17. to; 7. noflified by the afore mentioned c?rn, or Jim Phippis, graduate 'and law student, who manages it. A heavy, majority of the inhabitants of the -village charge the -forecast up to Phipps. i ' : CAROLINA MAY PLAY PRINCETON NEXT YEAR ; ? CHAPfi HILL,! Nov. 2 9 Wheth er or, not the ' University , of North Carolina can xaccept the intritation to lay a f ootbai Wmatch at, prmceton October 13 of liext j'eair the invita' tion received fn a telegram here to day Is doubtful. Of course the University commun ity would be pleased for Carolina to meet the 1922 Eastern champions, but there is a. possible conflict of dates. Carolina played Trinity October 12 Ihis fall, and a Trinity-Carolina event has been talked of as a possiole University :- Day fixture. ' However, it may be possible to make a switch. Carolina's one northern dafe in the last two or three years has been one wgek earlier, than- the one suggested by Princeton for 1923. - Whatever happens, it Is fairly certain that there jwow3t:'b-fiy-owdins ;fo. Jiard; games f i iv eaj7lyetoberi'Xxt''yes,3rttkvt.Ur waathiyear;, Jh,a.t..J&.. vhure;n,Q;. apt to be more than one game a week. mrttsTT I Z'K&rzaW -11 Wf- - " DURHAM, Nov. 29. Instead of spending the night before the Virgin ia game on the road sleeping in & Pullman car in the Charlotsville yards, the Carolina team will sleep in a hotl in Lynchburg. Thoy boarded a special car here at 1 0 o'clock last mglvt and after mid- light. The physical' condition of; he squad wth which Fetzer r1eft " laist; night is thought to be as good as 1 that of any team that -has ,ever sent on to meet the. Virginia oe, yj' On the part of -the student body there is unquestionably pretty conn- j dent that Carolina will win.' Perhaps night moved off for Virginia by way t the students as a whole are more con ot Greensboro. Breaklastmg in Lynchburg, this morning. hey spent . I . ,. 1 .x. - it ' i i - . the day there, going through lisht practice this afternoon. The trip . to Charlottsville Thursday morning will consume only about two hours. There have been no new develop ments of importance, in connection with the football, in the last two or three days. Practice has proceeded according to schedule. It has been fident of it than v the - coaches and play As; for .coaches and .players are less apt to put ; dependence, in past records; more. apt to realize how great the chance there is, always, of" the confusion of prophets. Fetzer, . '--certainly, has been : rqighty careful to get it into the heads of his men what he firmly believes thatJs, that in all probability they will have one. of the big fights of their career. FOB JUL 1 S tt ; M a w 3 Hi fcll ' .if , - , , " v ... -nr ' " '' . - v . ' -aiid after.aU, wHat Mother tjigarette is so v tighly respected by . so many inen? V 1v - ,,, . i. Fattma smeiers tell you T ME BEING SOLD IS OUT LOOKING FOR THE MEM A MSGBAP" Indications Now Are That Big; Crowd Will Leave Here on Special Train Friday' r- jiM.iilr-.-i n f Ji?'i'.ii.a . , a- I Picks All Star State Football Association ;'Ti,,;w.aijWiMstt-l--1!, Hi isjrtbe wjUtach-iJilgi'ie of Tif)ity college sees the mythical All Sratfe eleven. . " , . 'kaJIcking an All-State fontbnll team equal flftiast years" Mclver, of Cajo- Tii&raJh82t 3rrin?tyoya of ondfirtffifpi is- sure of; oip 'endb'cau other end goes to Falson. of Davids who acain.et V. ' P. ' T.. nlaved thte? if ing.Toe' an''eremeiyTmnrTlwj'I tiim ypr.1' a'v-nMv -itlOffr" tWIyem'TTSrimaThasi "The twckles Hhift-yea! -Ate JWtthj ( NlayeanienJi, tea4yo;bulJ t:uroujgt)inrc-Tng-:ia it -.Air: tn -ixter teami hawe4xa-7tlFiHpsidawAav tlieirjoxjd and bad days, State, Trin ity, Etetvidson, Wake Poret, Klon, and Quilfbrd have all hart thoir .tamen tin wijich-i, they played bslv'-paMand game tt which they played-above par..'"'- -tvv T.:-1: The Writer is picking his ; team c-n the actual play of the men in . the fcames that he observed them in ac tion. As 'a football scout he saw Car- olma play Wake Porest, Trinity, and Squth ' Carolina; Wake Forest play Carolina; William and alary, and Trinity 1 play Davidson Wake Forest, LCaroima and Quilford; Davidson i-lay V: P. I., and Urfnity. He did not nave an opportunity to see either State of EBii- in action; so must take their men tby liearsay. i Thg crop ., offierings this year has been-unusually good: Neal and Carter of Trinity"; Faison of Davidson; Morrison!;-ot Carolina; Holland,. of State; Pegano ot Wake Forest; are all ' fine olina Perry, of Elon i. probably as ..great a quarterback in every way but playing with a smaller team, has not had the opportunity to'show his wares as fully, Hendrix at Davidson, hand led Davidson in mastery style Jagainst V. P. 1 this ;'boy' is young, and will Jindoubtediy make A'l-State before a ie' lays aside the moleskins." These -are plenty 1 of good halfbacKs; ' Johnson 3Hdrrlsoi1,' Merrit, and MrGee of Cxr Si tdi.Sa3tof?rgrSi, WjPa dsol ?fare probably the best of the state, Foyd is sur -of pOne tackle. The othjerjwiil njLv&ftbPKfiHfd by moving rit fchaRC;fft,5arjDlina, out for? guard. '.luicrds W'orjiby of commeadajion areKyfSottrof-'Stte; -Poindextert of Carolina.; Tayloroi? Trinity; Davisof Davidson; JohnW; of WTake Forest? One guard should go to the veteran Taylor, of Trinity 185 pound, year veteran, . who has never taken time out, or been taken out of a game. This boy is one of the mainsprings of Trinity's Tine,"? The other guard should go to Polndexter, of Carolina, and Simpson of Trinity. These men will probably split the vote through out the State. However, in the one game these men . played against each other this year. Simpson undoubtedly gave Blount moreit.than-.ne. could re turn. , Quarterback goes-wlthH very little argument to Monle-iieDona'ld, of Car- American Girls Hike Through Philippines 'oriha; 'Randolph' and 'Parli- of State; isviKrifinyrl. '. of 'Daviflson: b t,araferstaf t ...... j. j. . . , - . . Bullo'c'k of Trinity;' i on tinned' on Hetfkfttiui e flveV: Quite a number of additional tick ets were sold today for the special train to Raleigh on Friday, but the committee in charge of. the -train announced this afternoon -that there were still plenty of vacancies. Those, who intend taking the trip ire urged to get their tickets ' at m'ce. Everybody knows that the trip going to be a most enjoyble outing rom the time the train leavea;-New 3ern until It pulls in again the same night. ; '' v : :' Tickets are on sale at The Stag, Al. Jowdy's place, Squibb . Moore's jjaee, the Sunr Journal"1 office, Albert Kafer, Ed- Clark's store,; Dean- Bell, Paul Mengettapd the A.CT:.. Everybody - gihg onf'the ' irip. Is ;urged , to wear, 'the Nsvf i.iBern polors and also briBB; ome RiUrt ofti.poisp makingr conttjivance along with them. New Bern fqlkf f want: tat let Raleigh 1. . T. i .1. ...I. . 1 1 't. 1 theiJe' 5sTor th 'Carolipa;4s New Ber Former Champion Believes He Has One Mere Beating Still . . Corrung To Hi ' LOS ANGELAS, -ffov.; 28. -If Jack Dempsey does not agree to meet Jess Wiilard when he meets' with the tor-1 mer champion at Los Angeles soon. Wiilard plans to force 'Dempsey to ' meet him,-he, declared .here' today. ; Through his publicity agent. Gene ? Doyle, Jess " Wiilard denied the re ports from Buffalo that -he : l.nd c greed tq, accept a match with i Floyd Johnson, the bout to be- staged by Charles Murray, of Buffalo ; y "Some, lime .ago Jess- received an offer of 'a match with . Joh-nson," said ,. (Continued on pafee-five), . a -. a a a a rVUARIcri : ikj- ir. of head or threat it tisnaUy bcnetfd by the vapori of ; S VAP a niaiie inll; ."J m il V V K F0 K V P 2rn, -n , -p If- r :H Veer It AHUM Jen Uetd Yeatlg , Liggett tt Mterj Tobacco Co. M1 w DOLLAR COURAGE ' jFlbney in the bank gives the sort of courage that enables men to get on in the world. Many an able man has let opportunities slip by because he was a dollar shy. .;.,;'.,vWe suggest that you open a savings account wii-ius nd begin now to build up a cash reserve. Your : account is welcome here regardless of size. Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Pnnnflmi - MMMMa BMaMMMMBBB BM MM MM' wwr '"r nff''!';'i-''j'','''T FV""4"' ,' ' 4 " J-:? " -fvtl . Iff pft stag - $tsB$ Wffcv, IMIi h u$&fc Pv ftjaa".oAau-jt -j , - y ,-, , .. .... , z.'ZJZlZ. I Miss Sharp, left, and Miss Ann McKco, society airls of Pasadena, Cal., who are back in California after a trip tothr Philippines. The, young lades hiked 200 miksv tr the interior to hc-o native Igorottes of! the Philippines, and were entertained bv an laiorotio Chief who pre-j seated them with swagger sticks made troni the tusks of wild boars. I Order Your Christmas Studbaker Now! In order to have a Studebaker Light-Six Sedan at the door when the family comes downstairs Christmas morning, you should place your order now. The Sedan is the ideal gift because it will provide happiness for all the family all the year-r-and the.Vears to come. The sturdy body of the Light-Six Sedan, like the c.iassis, is built in Studebaker plants. It it constructed to give long, sat isfactory service. Only the finest materials are used. Craftsmanship is unexcelled. It is cradled on long, -strong, semi-elliptic springs. The nine-inch seat cushions, up holstered in mohair velvet plush, are rest ful. The heater, cowl ventilator and the wide windows, among many other features add to its year-round comfort and Utility. x The reliability of the Studebaker Light Six Sedan has been proved in th hand of thousands of enthusiastic owners. ? ' It is strictly a quality car. Its low price of" $1550 is possible only because of complete : manufacture in one of the most modern , and complete automobile plants in the world. This means the elimination of middlemen's profits, and the savings are ' passed on to you. : 4 And back of the beauty and dependa bility of the Light-Six and its completeness, its advanced design and precise workman ship, is the Studebaker name, which after, 70 years enjoys public, confidence, and respect more than ever. Aj Heater. Eight -day clock. Thief -proof transmission lock. Cowl ventilator. Side coach lamps. Rain visor and windshield cleaner. Inside locks oh three doors and outside lock on right-hand front door. Silk roller-curtains. Four doors that swing wide open. Dome light. Mohair velvet plush upholstery. MODELS AND PRICES, o. b. factories r LIGHT-SIX -SPECIAL-SIX I BIG-SIX 5-Paa:,lirW.B.,40H. P. 5-Pata., 119' W. B., SO H. F. 7-Pau., 136' W. B.,60 H. P. Touring $ 975 Touring $1275 " ' Roadster (3-Pass.) 975 Roaister (2-Pass.) 1250 Touring ...?175ft Coupe-Roadster Roadster 4-Pass.).. 1275 .Speedster f 4 -Pass-.) (2-Pass.) 1225 Coupe (4-Pass.) 1875 Coupe (4-I'a.s.s.) . . . 2400 Sedan 1550 Sedan '. 2050 tV1'9; " ' ' Sedan (Special) 27M JVon-Skul Cora Tires, Front and Roar, Standard Equipment,. VICE M THIS I S STUDEBAKER YEAR X i. f: i A It" V