- i4 - FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1922. THE N EW BERN ; SU N-JOURNAL FIVE . 1 " Y . - -V. r I Personals si J M. : Roberts ' -returned' -this--evening Ironi (i..eti.-iloi o, where he bean on a business, trip.-' iv ' "FLYING- PJERP ECTHDr WONDE.R 11 VS 1 1U TH' BrRDS"DO Allie Cooke spent yesterday in Kal lgh on a. visit to friends.' Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fowle, of Washington, spent Thanksgiving with .relatives here. . Mr. Fowle returned home this mornings but. Mrs. Fowle will remain in- New' Bern a few days longer.' . V- ' - Mr. , and Mrs. A. J. Ellis,, of Golds Tboro, ' spent Thanksgiving here with friends, . returned .to their home this afternoon.' - ,V - ' , Mr. and Mrs. John. Pi.Stedman, of Washington, were, the guests yester day of Mr. and Mrs.; Bayard White hurst on New. street.! - ... . .. ' . ' larry Mooro, Jr.," . returned this morning to Chapel Jfcll, after having spent Thanksgiving v with a relatives here. ',- . .: -. ;. .', -- ' ' - ; ohn Dunn,, student at Chapel Hill, is spending the ,. Thanksgiving holi days with his parents, Mr.- and Mrs. J.O. Dunn. , . Caleb Bradham ' Ionis Foy, Ray Ashford Chad wick Uzzell and Steph en Daniels, f tudents at the University, are here spending .the Thanksgiving holidays. , . , - ,Fred Shi pp. of Trinity College, who spent. Thanksgiving, . here, with liis parents, returned to school this morn ing. .- , "NoMbrbRuiricdShirtwRistsforM said Mrs. Southlee JUDGE GLENN oku Was Victim of Auto Accident. A Brother of Mrs. R. C. v Pratt, of New Bern "I've discovered a roost vonderful water softener" A Group o youi-R hou3cive3 snowy v rate, ihs uses less soap were iiics.'o.'.r j wa i.. g n-uterials. One said that her clothes had been fairly eaten to ribbons by patent washing fluids and chemicals. . "No' more of that in my home," said Mrs. Southlee. "I've dis covered a most wonderful water softener that does - not harm the fabric. My maid says it makes the washing; easier than anything she has. ever used.;; She just dis solves a teaspoon ful of Red Seal Lye in each bucket of water. .This sof fens the water, ind, makes the clothes too. ' . "That's quite true," chimed in ahother. "I've always used Red Seat Lye as a water softener, but that's only one of its many uses. Red Seal Lye makes an excellent soap. I tell my cook to save all the waste grease. One can of Red Seal, when mixed with grease and water, makes enough soap to last several months for all laundry and scrubbing purposes". It's really Quite fun to rnafce; The directions are in the can." . . There are many household uses and recipes - for Red Seal Lye described in the Red Seal Booklet, which will . be mailed you free.. Send for it today. - Ask youi dealer for the .old. reliable granulated Red Seal Lye. Get the genuine. . Take no other. . - . P. C. TOMSON & CO., Southwark P. O., Philadelphia. P. CHURCHES OBSERVE iihsciis O.. B- Radcliffe,- of Vanceboro,' was among the out of town, visiti'os in the city today. , . , D. Crawford, - of Greenville, is here today " on a brief -business -vJt. Miss L6uise Burke, of ' Morehead City,, who visited friends' here- yester day to her home this morning. -- a J. C. Lewis, of Greenville,' was seen on streets of the city' this morning. ANNUAL BAZAAR "Word was received, here yesterday ' of the. death, of Judge W. Ti Glenn, of Hugo, Okla., who was the victim of an automobile accident. He died of a fractured skull. The body will he' brought to . Stonevillc, JJ. C, for interment. ' . - ,' ' . V . . Judge " Glenn was a brother , of John Glenn, formerly of this city, and also of Mrs. R. C. Pratt, of New Bern. . Mr.'.and -. Mrs, . Pratt will . leave - for stoneville tomorrow funeral services. to . attend . the K The annual- biwsaar of the Ladie' Guild of "Christ Cliurch will be held Wednesday, December 6, .starting at 4:00 p. m. at the Parish House. - -i Death of Infant . . - ; . ' OdelL White, Jr.. the 8-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Odell White, died' at their home at. an early hour this morning. "The funeral services, were held this afternoon -at 3, o'clock, OTOev. Guy Hamilton officiating. Interment was in Cedar , Grove .qemeery. ' St. Mary's Alumnae Meeting. x A larg,e: number of alumnae from St. Mary'j? School met at 1 . o'clock this afternoon at the Parish House, thC meetig being simultaneous -with .others- in various sections of this arid other states. - ' , ... : The purpose of today's meetings is to inaugurate the-campaign -for the $100,0000 .fund Co rthe college. John G. Bragaw, Jr.,' of j Washington, was the principal speaker; at. the meeting and delivered a most excellent and Impressive talk on" th- work that the school was doing" and the need ,for a greater enlargement. ., ' SUBMERGED SCENERY, CHRISTCHURCH, N. Z., Nov. 30. Plans to drain- Lake Rotomahana atid -uncover the famous White Ter races of Rotoru have-been abandon ed for ,&?year. ' 1 i - -y ....... vjfP fJ .7 OF DRAWN LOOKING COURSE "Don't you think she has a very drawn look in the face?'?. - "Naturally she j pencils her brows." t . 7 Thahkfe'ivlng" vas very fittingly ob served by New Bern churches when ill held at least one service- durin? the day which was devoted to the spir it of the day. In several churches of ferings were taken for orphans and ;or local 'needy families. . ' Special services were held at First Presbyterian church with . Dr. ' J. N. H. Summerell preaching an especial ly inspiring sermon. In the meantime. Rev. J A. Vache preached at the Presbyterian chur-h -at Croatan. -Rev. W. V. McRae delivered a strong sermon In, which he embodied the spirit . of . thanksgiving in .Cen-tenai-y Methodist church in the morn ing .before alarge audience.' Among the other local churches ob serving the day with special services WHICH boy: H fJ. M. were Christian Science and Baptist. WILMINGTO:f,...Nov. 30. Robert C, De Rossett, of this city who is manager of the credit department of the Montivedeo branch of the Nation al City bank of New York, recently sailed from South America, and is ex pected to 'arrive in New York in a few days.-. .' - . , . Mr. De Rossett, who has many friend? in WTmington, his native city, went to the Uruguay -city about four years ago a.s a. clerk for the National City bank, but has since been pro rrVoted to manager of the credit depart ment, a- positioR of responsibility and Crust. - v Hq will probably visit relatives in, Wilmington during hi.? stay in the United States, and his many friends here will be glad to greet him again. OJISGA'itlfi- 'For.. Constipated . Bowels Bii ious Liver The nicest." cathartic-laxative to physic your bove?a when you have - .Ileahache "' Billlousness -. - - i Colds , . Indigestion . Dizziness . . Sour 'Stpmach isr candy-like CascareW. One or two tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel sp.endid. "They work ' while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or I gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel or Oil and they cost only ten cents a bdx. Chi'dren love Casearats too. 9 WpX MB?'IJJff,, lirnrfilftn niferi rtn WOMEN! DYE THINGS NEW IN "DIAMOND OYES' Football backs are very, forward young men, if you car for such thing.. MASONIC ; NOTICE . A special Communication of Doric. " 'A : Lodge "No. 568 A. F. & " A- M wjai be ; held thia j Friday evenipg. at 7 the Mi . -M- Degree Refresh ments served. All master Masons cor dially invted to attend; 3y. order of W. M. ' , 1 A. D. BROOKS, v ' v " -. .- Acting Secretary V ( lMyr December first ' p.- m: Work in I Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains . directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts; waists, . ;coats, stockings, sweaters, coveringsj drap eries, - hangings, everything, even if she has never, dyed before. Buy "Dia mond Dyes"T--no other kind then perfect dyeing is ' sure because Dia mond Dyes are- guaranteed"- riot to spot,- fade streak, or run. -Tell your druggist whether the . material -you wish .to dye. is woo, or , silk, . pr. whether it is linen, cototn or mi - V i NOTICE: lized ?oods. Notice is . hereby given that after November 13th I, will no longer be connected . with the; Firm of Free man & Canaday and all bills con tracted after that date I will not be responsible. - y .. " V: ' ART FREKMAN. ' Nov. 16-80t - ' Dover, N. C. r MASON IIIUIII II IIM. llIIUill.j)M-,'1l) IC; TONIGHT ii u REGULAR PICTURE SHOW MATINEES 2:30-1 P. M. T ONLY ONE NIGHT SHOW 8 P. M. - ' ; Children 25:cents, Adults 60 cents To Night Show, MAE ALLEN'SA VI ATION GIRLS: And Musical Comedy Company, in an entire, change of V . program. , Presenting the Hilarous Farce : "IN GAY NEW YORK" Vaudeville Acts Supreme - , AND ITS DIFFERENT MYERS AND YOUNG That Singing and Talking Pair. ' ' ' TEDDY WITZGALL Syncopating, Palpitating, Ag gravating' Jazz Dancer. MARY GRAY ALLIEN The Primodona Great. BONITA TRIO The Trio That Surely Puts Out The Harmony. ,1 AVIATION GIRLS BEAUTY CHORUS : ALL SWEET SLXTEENERS Picture Program Precedes Musical Comedy and - . , . .Vaudeville : JOHN PRESTON McGOWAN The new iind in Western characters in his latest pro duction ' . , : "THE RUSE OF THE RATTLER" SHOW SHOP TONIGHT 3 n EVERBYR6DY'S - FAVORITE T?r7 1 E e , Will ram II- i t. t vat IN mm mmmm Fertune's Mask This popular starv in a brand new feature, that's different. v . eart,e willims From O. Henry's Story "Cabbages and Kings"- sup; ported by Patsy Ruth Miller and a host of other well known screen artists.. A 'snappy, up-to-the-minute Special. Also Screen Snapsshots Something new. . See your ' y favorite Star at work and 'pKy. TOMORROW Handsome Roy Stewart in Petter B. Kyne's famous Copfuppolitaii Magazine storj "Back to Yellow Jacket." u ' ' ' - - ' ' - - l i li'iirif im ti ii innmnrifi iTiirmr -n rfe 2 Show ShopJ hursday, Dec. Sth A JOHN GOLDEN Producer of "Lightnin,", "Thank-U," "3 Wise Fools,' etc., etc., presents 'Spite " ft 1 "Best American comedy ever written." The "World. A conue tragedy of married life by Frank Craven ', staged by AVlnchell Smith. The Soul of Jjaughter A Joy. Forever. Straight to the heart and home. Initial tour after 2 - years triumph in New York. Perfect Cast. Original Production. . . . S1.00, Sl.50, 2.00, ; li.50 tlus IBICES.. tax special se 311 ALL WOOL For - ' :,-- . MEN , i OFFERED AT A GUARANTEED SAVING FROM $5.00 TO $10.00. ON EVERY SUIT. SatuMsL Beginning Morning At 10:00 A. M. For Conyenien Choosing We Have Divided -Them In 3 Lots And Priced Them At So0 A great special purchase secured at price conces sions which enable us to offer values far away more wonderful than any of those that have preceeded them. . . .300 in aU-coming at the very moment when thoughts are centered 6n new suits for fall and winter wear. See Window Display Service Value Quality Satisfaction You get them all. s. Coplon We , have served the public faithfully r.x