' T ' THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1922. y yji jj fjllljED f STATE IS SURE n85 S 0 W Efl K E NED I OF 5TH PLACE f Florida Lady Was in a Miserable Condition, But Says She - Found . Cardui Helpfnl, and Got Well Greater Agricultural Progress f ! I'il p : '" ' ir nr- ,-, tlK&h Is Predicted For North Car- fe f j jjp m f3 13 FJ TS Hf L ' olina Next Year I l$KST S H --W Mff flU M J$ it 2 f-fU Hfl t , Altha, Fla, In 'explaining how she found Cardui so helpful during change of life, Mrs. Ella. M. Bailey, of R. P. 1. S,.this place, said: . -. ., "I became so weakened it was an effort for me to get around. I knew what was the matter, 'but I felt I couldn't give up. ,' I just dragged, and I certainly was nervous. I was so restless I could not sit down long yet sq weak I couldn't get about. It is a most miserable and such a helpless feeling. , . VI would get . depressed and out of heart. ' rH..yyr;------.--. - "I began to feel, after a while, there I 'i Parkjer, frgfiicultural tetafistician !of th$ state and federal departmenta .-was no use to try to get welL This is of agricultural, declared today in jire all wrong, for it makes a person dieting greater progress will be made RALEIGH, Dec. 1. North Car olina has made such great progress in agricultural' development this year that it is :"assured of fifth rank, or better, in crop values," and its "con-' tiibution in taxes , ot the national treasury - Is remarkably high," Frank worse. , , This state has I had heard of Cardui, and thought here in 1923. been called the it milght strengthen me. A neighbor. 'tryout state of the Union. It meant naa used,, it with good; results. ' . tba.tr anythingt that would- succeed J. took one bottle (of Cardui) then1 here would do so anywhere," he" said. I saw J wasn't so nervous, so kept it up. v i f.j-. ; f . '. "Gradually-, the nervousness left me. rl began" to' eat .and sleep better. was sofin well, and all rights "Cardui did wonders for me, and I This being the testing area, others must wake up, for the Tar Heel state realises- - its backwardness, and not asking help of any one, is striking out for itelf. , - "Who. would have dreamed of this tlOmmfiTlll It" . : tinni-ntimtlniij'rtnti nltk tta V., ..1- . ... I Ull .L-IILJIVU'.' a v V TV . UtA.. 1 . ,;f beneficial TeSults attaining the enviable rank it mow .. ivr iiuiuh . iu .-value ui uruua, liitiit u it to others. "V' i, ' : ',' )d the test, of exten than forty .years, f troubles common sell turies and revenue among1 the states of 'the nation? r , "jven ; though tobacco . and cotton are - largely . responsbile, there is c" 5 something back of it all which should l not .be overlooked. This state has the vervwhere. x ' , blood of all, jjy j.awnon. and ' y at nl.J ficml J-aimwiig- -me 'lyte North- Carolina in a economic sense, I Th"; child yet; hold 's fairly sound as compared with' oth- j JLawson home, juraay ican and Anglo-Saxon She has had the least conflict between ( capital and labor, or' perhaps jn rail- ! road strikes and ; manufacturing cur- I tailriierit. Whatever . the ; main reason, j the situation today indicates that "JUL 5 f alway Have in J4 hours -rd remedy ad aftetH thH and f iontt .i jit was left; on 'the ; er ettaes. Trade, early because active here: Failures haye. been much fewer than for the preceding two years. ; v "Even though agricultural products declined so . fast and further than ; others , an deven though they have been slower to start in the recovery j cycle,'yet thfe farmers still are on the job. There has been ho strike. Their dollar Of . wagea had to compete with the urban two , or three dollar scale. 1 ThU meant the farm famines, includ- , : , ing women and children, ' had to -..produce 'the food -which some indtts ') trial striker ' lived on while shirking .the national' responsibility of getting back t onbrmal, as the unorganized but. far more loyal farmers had to ''do and. did-the "right wayi ."f The few farmers who have kept their heads above the expense flood, -j are slowly recovering from the shock, ?K,,( mmiv nill naval- fi-et wnll . The Kiir- J KWb UIU11J . ..... . . . prising part or.it aii i;mai ms ur-, rnand business men have rarely yet realized that the farmers' welfare Is always a barometer to their pros perity. - . rIf they would only invest more generally in practical means of bet-- . terlng the farming ' interests, they would 'butter their own bread, thus; 'helpingboth sides. - . ' Is There Liegal Reincarnation Charlotte, Dec 1. Herman Shaw, long lost heir to the 11 W; A. Vnaw estate who .appeared here last Friday to claim his share after having been pronounced legally dead by. the court ' more than - a year ago. Vent bef .-re Judge James L. ' Webb today to as-, certain if h could be pronounced i alive.: - sDwing to the failure of hia rtla tives, who brought the action vhich'. pu him beyond mortal real so far as the law was concerned, until to morrow. - Shaw is seeking a part cf the es tate said to.' have been U ft to htm, and which was later sold in part to o third party, by his brother. 'mi. i IHM VAFI ; nno; . BITUMINOUS COAL f f e-burning, no clinkers. ' Run of the mine and lump. ANTHRACITE COAL Stove size, the very best OAK WOOD ,r"ti stove lengths AiH WOOD f in stove lengths. For Prorar t Service liXlV-BERrnCE COhlPANY PHONE 23. 1S A stupendous, clear-cut offer of the sort that has made the Farley Company famous. Do you want new things for the hoUdays? Somewhere in this vast store there is bound to be ex actly the garment ycu want at exactly the price you want to pay at exactly the terms that suit you best. No matter what it costs, you need PAY ONLY ONE DOLLAR DOWN We will deliver it promptly arid you can pay the rest in conveniently divided small amounts. mm 1 I1 n Pile Sufferers Don't become despondent try Dr. Leonhardt'B : HEM-ROID no greasy salves no cutting a harmless rem edy that is guaranteed i -.to quickly banish all misery or costs nothing. Joe Anderson's Drug Store. Advt. 1 ; Does' thearmy of employes who watch the clock know it can't niarK time and get! anywhere. KOTICE OF SALE OF LAXt) 'Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a ' deed-of tr'ust executed to the undersigned, S. C. ' Bra'gaw, - trustee. y WEED ANYTHING . ) - IN SHEET METAL? f t " lia v ivuv , iiiuiiiiivo send the facilities for turn irlg out any article, large otTmaH, in tin, zinc, cop per,';; brass, aluminum, cbrruff ated iron, or sheet H- metal of any kind. Give ":us an . idea of what you Require and we will quote ur figure. e SrS. "PARKER-)) - i by F. C. Henderson and wife, Mary (Kousoi Henderson, on March 13, 1'j22 land recorded in the , .Register's olik-.f j of Onslow county, N. C, in book 143, (been made by -the BrAgaw Fertiliser '3 iCompany, the owners of the" evidences 'of indebtedness, for the foreclosure: iof said deed of trust, according to 1 the terms thereof, the .undersigned ; &. C. Dragaw, trustee, will, on ?Jon day, December 11. 1922, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction I for cash, to the highest bidder, at the ' Couit Hojse Door m Onslov.- county. i X. C, a certain tract at land in 'White Oak Township, Onslow Coun ty, N. C, described as follows: Adjoining the lands of George Winberry, A. R. Tallman and others, bounded on the Xorth by Up-River Road; on the West by land belong ing to Board of Education; on the. South by A R. Tallman's land, anil on the East by George Winberry's land; beginning at Hatch Fork it GeOrg'e Winberry's corner, and run Inirig with the Up-River Road to a :Stake at the corner cf the Board of : Bducatlon land; ' there e with t! :line to A. R. Tallman's; thence Ka-:: ! to George .Winberry's line: thi ne:'. .North with George Winberry's lino to the beginning, containing 1 ; acres, more or less. Jt being the Horne Place of the parties of the first part at Belgrade and described in a deed recorded in book J)6, page 212. (A right of way ia reserved for A. R. llman so he can reach his property." ml 5 1 SWA' pes: 1 It&'W The leading makers of Americas four great clothing centers New York, Phila delphia, Rochester, N. Y., and Baltimore represented in this Dollar Down Sale. There are big ulster coats, snappy looking ulsterettes, loose box coats, single breast ed buttoned through coats, double breast-, ed coats, new Norfolk coats. Patterns and colors to satisfy every man. , IK I T" TK t Priced Men Stare and Wonder TLJff Here is a wonderful opportunity to get a suit at one dollar down. Make comparison of the clothe in this sale with what's being offered in other stores. That all that we ask. 1 ur:.v'-i-t . 1 . it to--,., 1 ;' . 8 a H MM ( ' BoUs?2-Pdnts . Suit values that will startle mothers vsr There's no stock of boys' suits 'In the city that can compare with this for assortment, quality and ex tremely low prices Soul Stirring Attraction Whenever these extraordinary Dresses nave been in the window this week there has been a great rush for them. And not wonder. There are Canton Crene. Bro caded Crepes and others of the finest 'Cjaality, made in the most desirable of the new styles. Pricett V A I U.I Big Values In Coats .50 trimmed models with V r a fir 1 a n an d sat-in T sleeves, and f yas a 1 f t - - EN When these Suits are sold we can not replace them in the present market at , d f anywhere near the price, strong state C'ment. but not a bit too strong! for the t- . - suits. We urge you to come early, assi naturally the best Suwiliie,old. fir8t; Anervelous event, ;, 'Priced 0 7A Millinery Hats bf'Lyona-w'' Vet, fur and brocade w JcombinatiQns, Duve fyne, tc JHataf frf onter-nd? jaUaesHi 5-- . 1 Y53i saw A. MORRIS, Manager; ! '5 sff iiji MIDDLE STREET r ' I sl HQ ' J f J "111 rl 14r, a '--4 November. 11. 1922. S. C. BRAGAW, V -' Wbusteef,