J TWO THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1922. flhMi&Uf Work Is Now rThoroughly System&Mtied r IHEES AT WO FOB LOCAL ffl ONE iriAL EMS I. Ui JJJwu) r ... . j.- j j Firtt Attempt Made To V. d-y To Check Up oh V. Actual Loss In Fire TTHOUSXND MOUSES rvitii'e Estimates Place Buildings I2;t At That Num- - ' .f x i I Friday's fire covered $lq ftrla of 40 1 blocks andf : tie-, troyed ,1000 buildings, in eluding homs, stores, -wars-houses and other. structures. Including the Roper -Mill: She loss will approximate vtwo million dollars. More -than -3000 are homeless. 1 ' For the first time todajf it v?2a possible to obtain some estimate of the "total, damkgel cL.;"S th "Friday's "great ciori fleration.' "Heretofore', it has fctcnrFirely-'iuwork o ft V v .. "I ,i !: .' 1 fit;. I - t 'of .thsjori. , .-j'.-'" -Ml,. ui iic ranea irom ouu io t.osres.' With the aid of a rt-1 ocal insurance :inap( which fJiows very house in the city, a fairly accuratecountJiof - the ' V-ipT1' destroyed by the fire is about one-f oiirth of the ' total - area fo the city. ' ; , v If It ws stated by one of the insurance" men; today . that in his opinion about 4 one-th!ird of the total loss would be -,t - aged in the great tire New Bern has just experienced. We will cbiitintle to deliver ice as usual. Patrons not Teceivih 'their ice "will please notify the office. To ? :ui": ,"-'"';y' ': :''K::-'---'v''A f '---'' -'::--'''' --'. ! -. " ' those suffering a loss in property we extend our 'great-' est sympatny. .9. CONSUMERS The work of earing for earried on by a number of which works independently but subserveient to the general chairman; H. M. Jacobs;' - , ' , At the court house' clothing and shoes are being re- ceived and these are sent out to various sub-stations. " ; At Christ Church, Parish r If ouse similar work is being donb for the whites. At the Chamber of Commerce general headquarters are maintained. v, , Committees are at "work" 'attending ,to the' erection of tents and stoves. Others' are attending to " sanitary regulations. Others are making what purchases are necessary for the re lief of the sufferers. ' ' " , , Red Cross workers, coming here from other towns, ; say that, never before have they seen such an efficient ' organiza- tion as tftat :Whicn nas pen tound here sp jqujCKty. ALL VICTIMS WERE; HOUSED LAST NIGHT ? sffar'as is' known'J today,, every' victim' of. the 'fire 'slept under "shelter last "night; "and alt hav been provided With food. 'V It is estimated that approximately 50 houses, occupied by white families, were lost in, tne flames. The inmates of these homes, for the most part have been taken in by 'friends. There are a number, however, for whom special accomoda tions, had to.be made. ; , iii - The colored people are also helping materially in the situation.'; They are ; organizing ; their own committees and IntoprWate , liomes. rj j ",i"Uih ,,5' l UP BY GREEIf BAIT5 IT ..'!' DEDAOATCH, 3ec. 4. ittie-lcan .t&l3!JSiUfilHg;fteiaii'iJl and HewIerwiT.,'iril?y',wtfg'wB9'-grWd Kavala, and J. , J- Harrlngtoh, of Rocky Mount, N. C, who was robbed on a vroad from Sayrea to Salonika. Arneican traders are rarely molested covered Ijiy insilrancel Many 5f the houses, occupied by color ed residents, carried no insur ance at 'all.. . '' TO THE IOE EW ; -BES. Wb'are pleased to say our ice plant i :": Very respectfully, COMPANY AI-LIE COOK, Manager. the victims of the fire separate departments, is being each of v, , zhz-MihoW ;x6 . - 1 1 m r LAN iliegal acts, attributed to the IQi Klufcf .,fB,11,within tne noli. powa has no jurisaiction bvr. sOch mat ters.The Department of Justice has had the conduct of the "so-called Ku Klux klavbfor itfor jjnpje than a year.'SlIfeughetiysarut has not been liable-, to flntf a s.Enfele case, which Would tyring 'the 0-ganination- within the urlsdrctioii t)f the federal e-nvprnment. . ' . ,' ' . Jle assured Senator Walsh that jlf riy such case arose the government would Vigorously "prosecute the fending organizations or --individuals..,' 1 h'S ;i, i-'.v s was not dam-- ICE Believed That Barracks From .. Morehead City Be Moved Here In Few Days ,. . - i : v . Senator F. M. Simmons today sent the : following fcelegi'tim to Secretary of War Weeks, asking for removal of barracks buiktfng 'at Morehead City to New Bern to aid in housing th? homeless of thfs city. The telegram reads as follows: New Bern, N. C. Bee. 3, 1922. Hon. John W. ' Weeks, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C. Barracks buildings at Camp Glenn, Morehead City, North Carolina, suit able for speedy, removal to New Bern for . use, in housing homeless and des titute people. Stop. Request you auth orize New Be.rnc, Relief Committee to knock down "these buildings and transport same to bur. city for'; ue. Stop, urgently .needed - and will pre vent great suffering jjnd great dang er of spread of 4iaease, Stop. Request reply, by nava.1 f radio .; because land wires closed. . r . i P4 .;M, -SIMMONS, -.y. IT.- S. Senator. Same to General .Robert W. Davis, The Adjutant General, War Depart ment, Washington, , D, C. AHOLD ASYflU SLEEP Don't Drug i Breathe A Yourself Just Cold Away " Relief -Trofrt fcolds and- grip misery eo-rie safe. once. " -Kase for feverish aichin(', head. Tigbt' ore A chest it loosened,. .Stuffed.- tap-ir passage. otened,chocking muciw, checked, nofee Rtops" i-unnirig"; 'pain' 'goes. ' ''Sterling'-Vapov'Ezb ' 13 the quick est; ?afet reiief f or' had cold In head arid 'chest "because j'tpQthea, and heals I'iie inflammed mem&ra-nes land breaks p! the congestion i on' which colds feed, get 'om;;yoiif.!dea3ec,-i 25 cent jar of. Sterfing'aivYaporj-Eze:; Apply a llttte CnVtWvcntaiid5' throat at bed ---Thrc-n,- as ytw "Sleep" tb s"h eatrn gr, gemvastrnyItjft-aTtt en ietSljair. 4?ajage,..pefitrate Tright down to-whefe the cold s -lodged and breaks it up. - j t Sterling's Vapor-Eze ia, absolutely harmless: Mother, use jt foi tlfts Chil- Ldren s coicis.-.Xtemember, the roat i r-ny a fefert'ta. Be sure to; -et"Tie genuine, -Uith tli -name Sterling s, on every iar.i- ;' : i ; ! , . The Peoples Bank has air interest- mg aavernsen."jii in mw ouu-juuiuai this ' eveiiing . calling- attention to the fact that they are prepared to handle, for the holders of Victory Loan bonds, which are of the ;4; 3-4 per cent variety numbered from A. to F inclusive and due. to Vhe re deemed on December .lEth, Hhesej bonds and are- inviting them, to leave them there for collection. . In 'addition to this, the '."Peoples Bank is also calling attention to the fact thafby prepared to handle the collectifm of war savings stamps and are mating holders of these to leave thern there for collection TO SUCCEED SPENS ' AS FUEL DISTRIBUTOR R. Wadleigh, assistant to Con rad Spens, has been appointed Fed eral Fuel Distributor, to take over the post of Mr. Spens. It is under stood that tin' re is no longer u ser ious danger of a fuel shortage and it is believed that the work of the distribut.Um office will shortly be terminated. cU&U BREAK BcTOSy BOfflS I M il F. NORFOLK PEOPLE TO Norfolk, Va., Dec. 4. Xorfolk people a re, offered an opportunity to come to the aid of the 3,000 people of New Bern, X. C, whose homes and belongings were swept away by the ' disastrons Are that destroyed a large part , of that cily Friday; Clothing and blankets are the chief needs of , the sufferers, according to a tele- gram .. received last night from Lieutenant' Commander s Fisher, commander !; of t the t oast Guard Cutter -Pam) fro, who fs ehairnian of tlie housing coiiuitittee in the Ktrirken city.- ; Those who wish to contribute rteeded articles are requested to leave' them on the third floor of the Virginian-Pilot Building in . Tazewell street, whence they will promptly be shipped to Xew Bern. In the mad rush of the flames, ,; many were forced . to flee : from . their homes; with only what they could hastily pick, up, and the ' suffering is described as . wide-. , spread. . - , Relief measures in Xew : Bern,., according to Commander Fisher are well organized and, efficient. He stated that his. committee had arranged to care for 1,500 home-' Uss last night, and would make arrangements ' for more ' today. Thousands of others .were pro vided for in the ? homes of the city. ... -'',-.'.. A special car "was -attached to the Xorfolk Southern express train' which left this city last night for New Bern, in which J, 000 mattresses, together with Man- f , kets and clothing for the use; of fiufferers was shipped trom the ' Xaval Base here. , ". i'-' ' ' ' '.. .- ' i V: PIERCE BUTLER FAILS j i TO GET CONFIRMATION ' " ' "'" ''' -"7- f';--: ' .'; ' . : v:-:V: ! i WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The nom ination of Pierce Butler, St. Paul at tPiney, . tobe au. jassociatuitiee of the supreme court, failed of jcenfir' mation by the senate today '"in the close of the "extra 'session and a re- nomination in the regular session "was, made' necessary, ' Senators Lafollette, (r), Wisconsin, stnd Norris, (r), Ne braska, x objected to immediate con firmation. And forcedv the noiiiin-. ation. - ' ; ' - Mr. Bryan, whose brother wattS? 4 be governor of Nebrask, - huried the hatchet- with Senator, Hitcpck. A very brotherly act. ' 'i Y t.' Tlie package suggests it. Your taste confirms it. The sales prove it Over f billion sold yearly LiccETT & Myers Tobacc fi. Tables Erected At Graded School For Peeding Fire Victims. Taylor' Is Now Chairman of Relief Work.--Mrs. Whitford Desires the Names of Women Who' Can Help In Caring For the Homeless. Aid From Other Towns Will Be Gladly Accepted 7 " At a meeting held at the office of' the Chamber, of Commerce last night, ' at which Carter Taylor, Red Cross director of relief work here, Mayor I3dward Clark, and chairmen of the various departments of relief were rresent, a, thorough resume was made of the results already ae:ompli-ihed and needs of the immediate future One of the conclusions reached at the meeting was that the ma frmti.de of the situation , was of such propor tions that it would bo Impossible for the communi.'y tft afford ihe rejiiisite relief required; Ly the sitvation. It was the coneens-us of opiniou mat under th circumstances "all assist ance, , farancial i.nd otherwise should be accented. . .. -. A The reports of the various chair men -indicated X that - excellent head way was being made in the way of temporary 'relief. . Taylor Now in Charge. The following riommunicatn-n from Chairman Harry M. Jacobs was read: Io the Relief , Department:. - This is tp advise you that I have asked Mr. Carter Taylor, field direc tor of the Southern Division; Red Cross, '.'who is now on the ground at work, to take active charge of our or ganization and hes and his co-work ers arp so much more experienced in such undertakings and were so will ing to help us that it would lift the burden considerably from tnose who are carrying ft on how. 1 want eyory department to give, .all the , support they tan to him and to keep thalr- de partment ; supplied with, plenty: of help, for ; I am sure.be xart--linlct the, work so much better than int)ne else here.-' . i. " l ;- ! f We x, are: onaking headquarters for. him at the Chamber of Commerce with the same '----equipment ' and-ttbe ;uiSauittuuu u; we :inaa . oexore. j ned'e is Absolutely no change in our working plans except' that hereafter All of us will take -our orders from Air. Taylor. , .;,.Wr.:H,-.H..1f..Jacob)fc , Mr, Taylor gave a brief -summary of conditions as he had found: them upon , ht$ tour of inspection Sunday afternoon. He sail that a fine system for relief had been organized among the .colored people.. Rev. 3t John son was reeeiving all applteations for aid from member.- of his race and was &iving -orders for food-nd othiar WppIies?VMr;''1CayIor 'explained that when th$, pastor was receiving these applications he was also taking an-inventory of the applicant, requiring mf 5K'E-, sSxC $f&2&i- Convenient potkalg rtjlllHIgL. SV.., u ccX 8&pd- glassmeturappid.' r ' . s, .... CIGARETTES eWf --- ii mi :r-f.- him to give his -name, whether he waa married or &mgle the numBer of per sons in hi-f 'faimiry, .where-'hi huoaa ; hail, been:-iocatedi '-whether -lie was , out if a ioh, -etc. 1is Red Cross work ei' also told v of what vffi -being done in the .way of j feeding and -housing the refugees. v.;. ,.- v New plan for Feeding1 E - lC. ;BishoU- !tUed attention to th crowded condition :thife West Street Graded School and.' suggested that -a.. nw -system, ke tlrranged &o as to eliminate this jsuggeatlani Wade Meadows stated thit itelectrie stoves had be-n- .ibatallea-iracrtd '-that long , table-- would' be-coredfediftoday. Mr, Taylor advocated m meehodiof feed ing simflalr tc -the cafetria plan. He suggefrted ! that each :? pieaen : be aup pliedwwith plate,'.; ! cup, ' "knives and forks, i'that1 they then-be hlped rio ' food and permitted -to -taker 4tpto the tables, where they r-eould at. Upon leaving the froum 'they"would 'surrend er their knives and forks, Harry M." Jacobs - commended the cOmmi(tees', for tH Uplendid spirit they had displayed. He aaid that Mr. Taylor "was now tn. complete 'charge of the wrok and urged the -committees to stand by 'hint. He also stressed the need -for "more rpersons to volun teer their services, spying thai ft was impossible lor the same ,rmen and women to worK day. in aid day out. Mrs. Wh)tford Chariman , ,MrsL Whitford waa, appointed chair man oi.a .conimttee-.yrh "Mrs. Mar riner ' tq : assist :h4rj p.Usting new rocrjuta j,fqx i relief .jWOrK-, rn r ; Captain .B-isherofthe- revenue cut ter,, Pamjico, ,who.;t -haa. - fren 4Soing splendid. .fjprviie..n. helping to solve , t-hp'shousing - prWen-r, -,oK - of .-cots, tents, blanketa and .other, (-t supplies - j Virhich eou..icjve4-nihere. He r maea . mai tne- . temporary, . nousin situation, was -well in -hand., - Mr. Taylor advised '-that, -General Bowley,,-, f .eamp JSrgg, the re quest of Senator Simraons,,.-had ent a medical office.r8,jwith two assistants to , takCichargje. iolanitary 'conditions here, jr The-tej j nyerj -jar-J ved j ier this morning., v., , "We also have.edeptedan3ther alo- . gan in ' ourrwok,',aaam-. Taylor, - hatj is fhftt:snp person -shall . be , idleA! We ( jQave.-, hewi frgumzlnig squads of, men:;t ,hi cjeaitrup 'some -of jtbe rwintedv-nrjoperty.Each squad -.; ia in .pom man d of a soldier from Camp' Uragg. .It also, is-reported; to us that a- number of -servants have, quit their ; - v (Continued on age five). i.w - wi - i - irM i-T-'ir-- "T -n 7 ""irt" z. Sa!sw r"'' " ' " ' r- " ' " j