-MONDAY; AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 4, 1922. THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL ' - THREE i Personals " Mr. and Mra. & M. Wmfield aiid Mrs. ;Ai S. Jordan, Mr. and lira James Ellison and Mr. and Mrs David' Bell, werfc 'some of Washiiffe-ton's- residents-1 who were here yes terday,, to Inspectr tbe ruins of j the re. - -.V. Misses ;Claudi Stanley and : Edna Oliver, nurses at gWLuke's Hospital, le'ft t6day- for- Raleigh to take the state -examinatwiyV Iri - nursing ' --George Lay, city1 editor, of the Kin ston -Daily News, was here yesterday on a brief visit.' IIRVIIUSIEC mm biiitt IMPORTANT NOTICES ' John Rhodes 1 leaves tonight on a business trip to Philadelphia and "Wil mington, -Del. '. . ' . W. W. Millett and Emmet j 'White, hurst 4eft: last -night for Jacksonville, Fla. -on a business .trip.- EXCELLENT PLAY TO BE SEEN IN NEW BERN SOON Keutncky Ixidy Tells How She Be came Strong and Healtliy. . v . Recommends Cardui to . Weak Women 'Leaders - are -few ' followers are : jnany". is a similar saying old as the huie; ii iaKcs.on. a special significance -however, when applied . to affairs of the stage, in view of the - imitators who. Invade the theatrical field. - Few managers there are who have the courag-e of the initiative, most of them ' wait until ; a producer has -brought forth, a sensational hit, and ..men immeaiatelv a- dozen or more plays of a similar character invite' at- .tention. , w '.,.Tb,e.ciuality of leadership was . never more forcibly recognized than in the vperson of John Golden, to whom be longs :.the. credit for' having awaken- : aed a enume interest" in plays which not .oivly contain all the essential ele - :ients" of dramatic delight, but ara so -absolutely wholesome as t-chal-.l&nge the most delicate. sensibilities of theatre goers . - 4 . s ' It is small wonder then that "Turn to the Right," J'Lightnin," "3 Wise .fools", 'Than" You", and "Dear Me'; aided in establishing Mr. Golden as a producer to be counted upon to give the 'public clean, refreshing en- . tertainment.. "Lightnln' " alone en joyed the: unheard ; of run ; in New York of three uninterrupted years. achievement Mr. Golden's judgment Mount Vernon, Ky. -Mrs. Cynthia Vanhook, formerly of Stanford, but now residing here, says that after her third child was born, she undertook to resume her housework too soon, "and this caused me a great deal of trouble." "I began to feel weak and all play ed owt not myself at all," as -Mrs. Vanhook describes her condition. "For about six weeks I was just a nervous wreck. I had to have some, one do all my housework. : - ' "My doctor told me my imprudence had caused shock to the nervous sys tem, 'and the thing to do was , to use' a tonic to build up my strength. "He recommended Cardui .-. Very soon I saw an Improvement in my con dition. I used three bottles, of Cardui and . . my health was restored: I am a strongs healthy woman." This JCentucky lady adds that sho "never fails to -recommend Cardui to weak and run-down lady friends. ; . Thousands of women praise Cardui to their friends. r ' This mild, harmless, vegetable tonic medicine has been in successful use for 'voer forty years, in the treatment Of many common ailments suffered by women. . Your druggist sells Cardui. ' Let him supply you, today. - : ., Dec. 3, 1922. ; il lz tcriv.e.tcd that the names of any colored icryar.tj who leave their ..employers during the next 1 thirty daj's be cent to Relief Headquarters' at the Chamber of Commerce. Colored servants who quit their places will be black-listed so that they cannot through and slip receive relief intended for fire ", sufferers. '5 It is asked that alt white families who were turned out of their homes by the fire report to the Relief, Committee on Monday at Christ Church Parish 'House after 10 o'clock in the morning. It is urgently requested that every person of New Bern ' co-operate in furnishing this information to all white fire sufferers. The City Ordinance against begging on the streets of New Bern will be strictly enforced. EDWARD CLARK Mayor. I THE I1ET3 7 Died this Morning Mrs. KaieiGautier Wade, residing on East Front street, died . early thw morning. She , is' - survived i. by', four children. Arrangements for the fun eral have not -yet been announced. ; " Ghent Prayer Sei-ieo-The Ghent Prayer Serviee will be held at the home of Mrs.-Sutton, 215 Spencer Avenue, Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Tb,e leader- has not yet been announced. ,: . : . - Establish Snb-StaUon The New Bern Post Office .officials are placing a sub-station in the West Street School in charge bf a compe- tent man. All colored people who liv THE COTTON TUTt'IlES ? . NEW YORK, Dec. A. Cotton fu tures -opened steady; December . . i ' January- . March .-. . r . v . . . . ' JIay-.i ..-.. rJuly 24.92 24.92 24.92 24. 86 24.54 15 ' ALD' GREEN YIMiE RJESPOND J.' B. Dawson.' " - ''' ' ' : , ' ,3'ew Bern,-' S. 'C.'- " -:; " - t "v i - v The" Chamber of IComSmerce, .-"- ; The Merchant's Assn., The Rotary ' ' Clnb," Tlie Khvanls Club," The1 Woman's' Club iana the. entire ?ity of Greenville extends to the ' eity of New Bern . the ;deepest sympathy in this hour of: trial -; and disaster and offers to assist - in coping, with the situation in any way possible. .- T P. I. Clodfelter, - ' 1 Pres. Cliamber of Comanerce. i . - It. Ii. Crow, - A ' ( Pres. Merchant's Association. v -; J. E. Winslow, , . 1 , Pres. Rotary - Club. . -.J.-B. .Jaines, ;-" -.: Pres. -Kiwanis Club. . ! Mrs. II. S. Ragsdale, . A Pres. Woman's. Club. . ' ; T: , . D. M.' Clark, " ' . y : Mayor Town of Green ville As soon as you eat a tablet ir' two of . I'Pape's Dispepsn,"1 ' your ' indiges tion is gone! ' Heavy nain. hAarthiirn: f flatulence gases, palipitatidn, or any jinsery-from a sour, acid stomarh ends. Correct your stomach and di gestion for a few cents. Each , pack age guaranteed by druggist. ' , i v : : A Card. of Thanks , j We wish. to thank the good-people of New pern and'BridgetoiT for their .kind assistance in saving., our -home In this j. great disaster. . .." . ;- Ji , ' J.'w. Dukes, ' r- - J R. S. 'Avery- A , Meeting Scottish . Rite " . The regular ".meeing of the ScotUsh Ilite . Bodies. will ; be held Monday night,. December- 6th at 8 o'clock. A full attendance Is earnestly request ed. , - ' t I. Joseph F. Rhem, ' --r v .-. : Secretary. IF STOMACH IS yvus araiu viiiuicaiea in me nresen- s .i.. , j i a W - , v-, " , -r,- 4" uumeu area are requested tation of Frank Craven's "The-First tf -cau.- Tear," play dealing with the hum-' ' ' crotisv;sider of 'conjugal-squalls.- For ' two v wholer 1 years - iiietropolitan aj -"diences -held-- thisV charming play in affectionate regard and now on its in- December '6th at' the Show Shop.- v v- : : 1 ... T .. j , ' f - NEW .YORK, -Dec. -2. The 'cotton There :apparea' to. be a uttic aoutn- f?i ll-. wxrtna .eiiiu , auinc aui met . -uquj- datipn which; accounted for an open ing' decline of 3 to 1 points, but the tnarketwas barely steady;on- cover-! ihgs '-over the week-end.- January was around 25-cents.-": " ' ' i - TROUBLING YOU Instantly ! - End ;- Indigestion" ' or Stomach Misery with1 Tape's Diapepsin" '. - THE STOCK MARKET .' NEW-' YORK, Dec. 4 4. Opening prices in today's stock market were decidedly irregular; fooda, motdr and coal shares being moderately strong, while oil" and shipping shares ,were under pressure. ' Corn products and ManatL- Sugar, each up 1 ' point, ' led the advance in food shares; while Stuc" .Taker stood out in the motor group "with a smiliar gain. -i ' - - - THE" STOCK MARKET New. York,; Dec. 4. After opening steady at a decline of 4 to 13 points in response to rather poor cables, the cotton market stiiToned up 'a ' few points on locaL-buying of May by brokeVs writlr Japanese connections. As soon as the initial demand! had; been-supiMied, ,the market eased on again under liquidation 'and- aj little Southern' selling," about : 10 to" "15 ,pinisj net lover?n lisi. 4 Maiiid M"cCorm;ck; will wed her riding, master and "will take her1 place anions, any- number of wives who krtow--how to drive. l-;. -v-, ' t ALL-STATE FOOTBALL TEAM IS SELECTED LETTER FROM BR AG AW My Dear Tom Ujiiian : Totlay's . efforts to telegraph rre unsiyailnis. I wanted, to my that' our entire community is shocked by your towns' unparal leled -atas(iii)iic In unite Hug profound tijmpaihy we have the firm lu-lief that a greater city ' will a"ise above the miiLS, throush native courage and faith aiil the 'unconquerable' inherent, spirit of your stricken people. - I wish that I could lend a hand. With all ' good wishes for you and yours. . . . Youi-s Truly, .; William Bragaw, " Washington, X. C. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Denmark, of Qoldsboro, spent yesterday in New Bern as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earlow. ABYSCX)LDS are often "nipped In th badw without "dosing by use of w$m mm V V A po Ruo CHARLOTTE, N. C, Dec. 4. The University of North Carolina won 7 place,?, Davidson, 2, and Trinity and State College l each orf. the All-State football .team picked by the Char lotte News today on the votes of four football coaches.. . ' "Twas ,a pity to -hiake the' Virgin ians unthankful, . but business is business" Greensboro News. V -, JUST RECEIVED- Rompers and parity dres& es. We inVite your inspec tion of them. , OXLEY'S' BABY SHOP 41 Pollock St. New Bern DR. LEE COHEN SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Will be in New Bern at St. Luke's Hospital from Sat urday, December 10th, to Saturday December 16th. DR. J. O. BAXTER OPTOMJETRIST ' ' (Specialist in fitting : glasses.) Over Twenty . Years - Experience. i Hours: - v- .' From 10 to. 1 From 3 to 5. V PiMHoneyl Notlung aaps your vitality and slow down your work more than a cold. - the kind that drags on and on. . Banish those strengrth-staling colds : quicklr.almplr. Dr. BcL'V.-a tlmo-provea ' v - remrdy breaks tight, rasping coughs. loosen phlegm, soothes irritated throats. " ' ,:, Check co Ida at the start: Bay Dr. Bell's ' ' today. All drOTiHnt. win. Refuse subJhntfrjm-TiBBQNif : L'V' HERE YOU ARE The greatest .serial that the in dustry has yet offered. RUTH ROLAND in - x- - "THE TIMBER QUEEN" 7" WHAT SHE DOES f y . . Across th' plains she., rides. Into . a forest fire ; she . pi unges. By hand cable she swings across a . canyon. On. horseback, .she jumps a span over 'a'-' thousand feet high.1 From one airplane she leaps to another. Atop a train she flies down . Thunder1: Moun tain. In tb hoi-sc race she rides to victory. She fences - with an expert. She makes a record jump on skis. She does the most nerve shattering thrills on land, sea and air. -; DORIS JAY The screen's greatest fun maker in her very- latest comedy v GAY AND DEVILISH" Ladies and Children 10- Cents to all shows on Wednesday. WEDNESDAY ; F"' t sabatfsHaUMi SHOW SHOP TONIGHT V JUL ' V In his latest comedy rami pi r l fa? am aai SW oi cr n vv A story, of a troublesome marriage that ltumad out to be a dream and a real strujarle to win la yriie.' It s , j ammed with merriment, ' v .t ... A CHRISTIE COMEDY AliSO : ; ' TUESDAY Tom Moore in hik latest (1lr .r" ' '' C -1.T '. ' 99 k '-:'..' vr: J ' . mr. Darnes or ew i orK. ; ; 3k2 1 - -v i - 1 I c i j Show ShbjiiT hurstlay Dect 6tli ' v -iir v vr's JOHN GOLDEN -- . I Producer fof "LightninV, J'Thank-U," "3 Wise- plsKptt r--' t: ' etc., etc., prfseuts .' : ' - ' I ? - '- -f---. c, etc., pre 1- s - jrvll lis t 1 I f . A comic : tragedypf - married ; if o bylJPrflkW ravetftaged n 'Wlnchellf Smith. The Soul "of- Liucnter A - Jov ' Fore- j Straight t0 vhe,rh.irtiiadihBje.Jitlafc triumph in New York, f Perfect ,,Cast. . Original: Prodncr PRICES Si. 00, $1.50, 1 S2.00. ' SEATS UAT 1JRADHAIS; 7 J ; i'-m;m' Sheet Metal Work It? Of Every Description ... . j v. - t Roffing-tin, slate and slag. Automobile rad iator repairing andH building. ; BEN GEL ' and PARKER Phone 404 19 Craven St READ SUN-JOCKXAIi WANT ADS FvIASONlG Tonight and Tuesday Only One Matinee and One Night Show Each Day 3:30 and 8:00 P. M. Children 20 Cents- -To Matinees- Adults 30 Cents Night Performance . .... . . . . . . , . . . ... : . . . .25 and. 40 Cents MA R Y P I G K F O R D Presents her, 'greatest and most encf anting picture that she has yet made. "LITTLE 'AUNTL EROY " '- Francis Hodgson Burnett's endearing story. ; "- -"'Now and fhen there bursts forth upon a startled world the rare genius of a Shakespeare or a JMilton.. to give us such immortal pages that we treasure them long after their, authors are, dust. But where in OUR day will vou find words that describe with such telling effect as in "Little Lord Fauntleroy," the wonderful in fluence of mother loye? Where will you find words that will ko quickly conquer grief and overcome despair? Here is a photodramatic CLASSIC that shows how real atid vital warm, human emotions can be made; a remarkable example of how a picture can grip the heart and stir the imagination beyond anything that words couhLever do. If you want a dee.p, emotional thrill, go to the MASONIC MON DAY AND TUESDAY. . r Bu Buying. At Our stock of shoes, dry goods, clothing for men wOmen and boys; was never more complete than it is at the present time and we are extending a cordial invitation to the people of New Bern to come here and, let us helpthem in the ? L selection of the goods that they need. The Best Goods at Least Money , That is our motto and we stand back of it. Come in Mpnday and look-' ' over our stock. Make your purchases now from one of the most complete ';linps.'' we have ever had in our store. v am Tr O Ll .pinniaini . "r . i '."'- - . fk bom Dependable Goods at the Lowest Prices. I I K.-'liU ' l MaaaaflaaaaMBaalaWaaBlBlBaaala