'"VV TitUsIied Etctj Afternoon Es-' - cept Bcnauty : v;--'. - Entered as second jf class matter at the postofice at pew" Bern, N. C, under act ol March. 3,' 1879. Carl Goerch .......... , . Editor THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL Member of The Associated FreM The Associated Press is exclusive ly: entitled to use lor republica tion of all news dispatches 'cred ited to it or not otherwise . cred ited in thia paper and also the local news publisher herein. . Period r By Carrier One year , . . . . ....... .$7.00 - Six Months ...... 3.50 - i Three Months . . ..'.;. .:1.75--"-T?! One Month .," .65 By Mall v .oo ;.'"- 3.00 . 1.50 .50 .15 EDITORIAL PAGE v Monday Afternoon, December 4, 1922. .One Week .15 THE QUALITY OF MERCY. The quality of Mercy' is not strained, It droppeth as trie' gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesseth- himi that gives, and him that :; takes; 'Tis mightiest ill -the mightiest; it becomes The throned ifnonarch better' than his rrnwn : . . It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, , : " It is an, attribute of God himself;, . And earthly power doth then show likest God's- Yheri mercy season's justice. How aptly those immortal words of Shakespeare apply to the'' situation ., in vh:ih ::ew pern finds herself today! ., lr 2 terriblei hours the Demon; of D'eztr. .:- n raged - unleashed, within the if New Bern, followed '.closely; by dejs, Desolation and Misery. But 2 ashes of ; ruin has arisen . that oi all powers the Spirit of cent its' c greatest It was -. . ' 1 Iercy which .prompted New ; ' citiiens to rush to the aid of their r -j neighbors andr render them :ry r orible assistance-. - within ; their :r. It ,vas. Mercy which enduced them t il v--rilyJiour after hour, 'oblivious ...:g except that souls wef;in t was Mercy ' whichy when the lade, raised a fund o'f more than sand, dollars in' a" few .minutes-... 'as Mercy, which has brought r , f expressions of condolence : ' ,thy ancl liberal offers of aid ' .;, organizations iand individuals 0 .. . . I ' " ' 1: ', :, t t ,- . . : , . ' . . I . - . as been New Bern's loss, but it insignificance when one cont - at has hapnened since the de occurred. Gone are racial pre- social, distinction and- rivalry. have been . 'fitfricd into the back-i '.;' .1 r.nd have. beensupercededi by-' and her co-w,ofkers,: Charity. socially prominent woman carrying r 'child in her arms and juildhig v only to be of service; women from all stations of life, providing food and shelter for the homeless; countless of offers of :-y assistance from our sister-cities, . .... ... It is such things as these that soften the sorrow and distress : which all of us have felt and that bring us to a realization of the good and the noble in life. New Bern's loss has been great, but her gain has been greater. We are a peo- - pie united by that most firm ; of all bonds the bond of Service and Mercy. One-fourth of the city's entire area has been wiped out, but, phoenix-like, out of the ruins will come a greater, a better, , a happier New Bern. WITH OTH ER ED TORS ijf business and prof es- - cre of themselves, 'sejekihg A splendid' ORGANIZATION. . . Jhe thanks frf ; the entire city are due those individuals who have so generously given of their aid in the relief work which has been in progress since Friday's great fire. " k -' ' ' . " -- Red Cross officials and others who have come here since state that they never have seen anything to compare with th'd organ izatio'rfv wtiieh -had been perfected here, They vr4r$ , .most hearty - in their" praise and commendati6n. - ? ' f There has been no excitement and no wasted" "effort . among " the , committees. 'From ihe time Harry M Jacobs called the meeting at the' court house iSarurday morn 1 . iftg. until the present moment; the entire work has been systematized arid has, been carried forward in a wonderfully efficient manner. Everyone ' has given unstintedly of his or her services and nd one has held back. 'It has-been a great demonstration of unselfishness u and i kindness; . , 1 - It would be improper to single' out ; any particular individual for, special comnien- , dafion, for thefe" hasn't been xa citizen of New , Bern whoiHa's refused to . serve in i Whatever capacity his services were ; de- r sired.' So while" it may be that. there are some persons who may not know ' of The "Tiger" in the Stockyards. In a Chicago itinerary a visit to the stockyards is inevitable unless you are too tender or too aesthetic for that spectacle. Clemenceau came ' and saw nand was not satisfied untii he saw the slaughter. Evidently his hosts thought that he had seen enough, of blood on the battlefields. - Thrice he insisted: "Let me see the killing!? And; so Jthey let him behold the process oX .the . slaughtering ' of ; Biiuiwiuis, squeaung creatures. And then the Tiger . of France was content. ' . v The, Belgian, Maeterlinck, has sympatheUcally . said: ,j?'lf I .were .God I would have pity upon the . hearts of men!" - v. ; . - Which spirit win win the World and when? New York American. THE TOM GOSSIP y'iii: r. i everyone who, is enlisted in the work the .ess ) Jib$n rsfrenuf'sj K i,0e;4 w)iq se.esr' mlaninls and that .they hungry flames ; scores f c will reeelve a far; greater f e ward"? than human acclamation for - what they have done. . - .v i-i An Explanation Needed. Judgment on the defense td be. put in , by a number of tobacco ; farmers who. have been ;,suedr for ' perform ance of their contracts with the Co operative Association, to the effect that they, were led. to attach their signatures .by false . representations, will, of course,' have, to await the ev idence, .The evidence, by : the way, must be conclusive K gross fraud, since thewritten contract, with few exceptions, stands foe-Itself The contention,; however, that some of these' reprentations- were made Jy agents of . the Department -of Agri culture Working. aa missionaries for this business : organization; If It has no legal bearing on the suits, at least deserves the closest investigation by the authorities '-or. by' the in-coming Iiegislature.-It is not at all clear why or how State officials have been per mitted thus to give their time to the furtherance (iof private enterprise. ' Durham Sun. , . -I SUSPICIOUS CIBCUMSTANXES, HE THINKS. i ,"Jud .Tunkins says that every time he - hears about a peace con ferenceYhe gets .urieasy 'or fear an other war, is going to start." Wash ington Star. . AND THEY. ARE SUBJECT TO THE MOST TAXES. , , "The suggestion' that . Income tax es be collected : by a sort pf gentle man's . agreement, overlooks the fact that,ther are v many men. In a1 com munity r who are not , gentlemen." Boston ..Transcript. . ? ; ,!'There is one, thing at least, which bids i fair to ; endure as long as the Rock . of Gibraltar . and. that is the government's supply ofl surplus army goods.i'Ti-ColumJius . Dispatgh. HE DRIVES a truck. AND HE lives. IN A neighboring city .: IN - WHIGH the peopie. HAD RAISED a donation.. OF CLOTHING and shoes. -i ,.-, a. !.: TO BE sent to New Beri ... V UL, AND AID the fire victims. .' . . . '. - i. t AND HE'S a poor .man.. . .! i - AND HAS to work. f v r: , V ' FOR HIS living. AND AFTER he had delivered. ' THE TRUCK-LOAD of stuff, at TTTTO oourt hnu.se.. - . . . ' 1 ' ...v Hfi WENT around.' . TO THE Chamber of Commerce. AND SAW Mr. Kirkpatrick. - ' ' , AND TOLD himf-?V v ' ' TIIAT IJE wouldn't charge.. . " A SINGLE penny. : FOR HIS time or services'. IN DRIVING the suppUes. OVER TO New 'Bern. AND THAT all ha .asked. ' v ' "WAS ' THE actual expense. si' FOR THE hauling- v - . , AND KIRK thanked him. AND EXPRESSED appreciation. ' . FOR HIS kindness. , ' v ' - " ' , . ' AND GAVE him a check " , i .' . . , -''..' ' FOR EIGHT dollars. . AND THE man went out. . .. .i . ' ' TO TAKE a look. .. .... AT THE devastated area. .AND HE was gone. . . .. ?' ' ' ' V ' . ' ' ' v ' ' k vFpR OVER an hour. . r AND AT the.end of that .time.1 -I '-'' j HE RETURNED. , i TO THE Chamber of Commerce. . AND WALKED up to Kirk. m AND TOLD him. . THAT HE had just. been. '.' ' AND SEEN ther ruins. AND THE standing chimneys. AND ALL the other evidences. OF THE fire's ravages. AND HE repeated" the statement.. - THAT HE was a poor man. AND DIDN'T have much. BUT HE Wanted to, know. WHETHER KIRK 4would accept. . .. . "THE CHECK he had given him. AS -A donation. tt i AFTER flfiOTIlEn THREE BONNE' TO THE relief fund- AND KIRK did.; , , AND : TOLD me about It,' . . . - j. A LITTLE-later., v AND I thought. ui THAT THE . story. WAS T0Q good to keep. AND . THAT you: too. . " SHOULD KNOW aboUt'It. AND' SOJlEWHERE:or other. I'VE READ an account. . '. , J . OF SOMETHING or other. .: ABOUT A widow's .mite. ',' !, AND i couldn't .help. ' - BUT? THINK. about It. ' . .' ,- : WHEN I heard. 1 H ABOUT THE -truck driver. I THANK you. fife tf.vi1 'A! Dancer-has just had her' feet .in sured" for, $30,000 What? Are they going to' begin using 'thsfn . again-?-; ' . 1 ' ) IU (A I. . - i J i ! The f real; question is; w .thinly 'riot did '-man evolve . from the' jpeacef ul, innocent .'nionkey, but, , rather, " did the monkey, evolve -from . Man!;. Dispatch in papers Saturday gave account - of"-terrible re '. in, Terr Bonne, Canada, I One' s hundred and seventy-five homes were destroyed. " - 'S awful. Just . think. ; of , a calamity of that .... sort , being cthrustiupoaftn innocent people. One hundred and seventy-five- homes!-' Can yodrlmagine H? - - , Undoubtedly there are a . good many people, "(sTiO r"are - homeless. There -usually are,. in-v a; fire. . ' '.Some time" ago we rfcali a" lire in New.Brn. A house burfred down' near the edge of town ad an", entire fam ily was thrust: out into the .cold. They didn't have any-place" ta-go and had to be cared for by neighbors. $? t el'.- t-a-e ( -. That was' bad enough, but how much worse Terre Bonne's disaster must - have been ! One -"hundred And Seventy-five' f-- hpnres . probably repre sents as many as five Ulficks. ".. ; What a pitiful specfacfe it must be to see" five whole" - block's devastated and laid in.1 Ashes.- It is ;hard. Jtpr, us liivng over , a thousand .miles "from Terrfe Boone, to 1 fully realize' the eactenjtbf the catas trophe. "r "''I - - ; Buf you never' Ctti"teTpJwhere ' fire will break oul. net. 1 .is.Vv. . . . . ' . . Suppose that: New Bern should be visited t by such a? isaster., as befell Terre Bonne... Can. , you . picture five blocks being .utterly consumed In smoke? ' -a terribie to even thing about. .The best things to ''iia- isvnot think about it at all. . r - 1 - - Toung, man who married , a .seven- . teen "year old chorus .girl found ler , that, she had been' married - before , and had . a son ; fifteen years old. Age s nowadays . is not so inuch.' a matter . of 'cosihics as cosjjn'etics.1" 1 Jr. JLeohhardt's.HEMpiD will re-iiee-any; f bppi (pila -quick acUon in eVeft"'old stubbonrcases'No cutting ad-greasy ealves avhwmless tablet that: removes the cause. fConey back ; if not satisfied. Joe Anderson's Drug Store.. .-s-tAdvt - : - Have xoif ru Eath3 , Kitchens' Banks Churches T IL nie, nxcure . . r ... ; and Specialty , Corp. c Norfolk 129 West Plume Street Porches ; Vestibules r Halls Stores . , , : '.- ' Virginia NOTICE: itlNotioeV ir:Jaereby given sthat "after November 13th. I : will n ranger b connected with the Firm-5 of Free man, A Canaday and air bills- .con-. irucieu aixvr. inai aaie ,1 ,wi(i not oe responsible. ' - . V l , ART. FREEMAN. ' Nov. 16-3 Ot ' DoVer, N. C. FAULTLESS FITHNO FOOTWEAR. Om f the ntv two-itrap moJeff in fin patent colt with contrasting olUr mud straps an ideal style' 'Jot itrrti dress mnd general wear ' 1 ' 1 " TTOROTHY DODD shoes have the AoPougliltfdSff which - comes of being expertly designed, carefull.' jxut together and painstakingly finished inside and out. And they grow old gracefully never losing that shapefy? fceauty that delights you at first sight. Such shoes, art Worthy of. the name' that careful buyers look fctHaJ-t&fi) mark or. style, service and utmost value fc X Site ' . SAM ilIPMAN & SON, 'fThe Dependable Store.'- THREE NECESSARY ' ? " . - When the life of a loved one is at stake the doctor and nurse must have medicines. : The Gfeat Physician put all three here for, the purpose of curing disease and allaying pain. Each is useless without the other ; every drop and grain of medi cines, ordered by the doctor, to be ; administtered by the nurse musf( be added by the phramacist -rrthat J3 our job you can. de pend upon our pharmacists do ing their part with skill of a master-builder. They are de pendable. - BR ADH AM'S DRUG ,v -r STORES Prescription Specialists. "Ask My Patients 9t fireserf zfAet eres-, 'jcaasejSr a run bom . Do - you feel physically well? Are you mentally deprewed when things go wrong? Then this is the Bign that you lack the necessary amount of ner vous energy. Our methods restore robust vitality. PHONE 72 FOR APPOINTMENT Dr. J. M. Cunningham Chiropractor SOT, 208, 209, 210 EUcs Templo New Bern. N. O. 7il '! y 'fiSU - '-.'. : - .. .. ...... . B :; - ; - TO HOLDERS OF VICTORY LOAN BONIS All 4 3-4;Victory Bonds, which bear the distinguishing letters X. B. C, X. S and F., in prefix to their serial number, have been called by the Treasury De partment for redemption on or before December 15th, 1922, and we off er dux services in handling these bonds for the owner. .y;-;-,H: , Bring your bonds to us on or before that date and we will be glad to handle them.- - - YOUR SAVINGS STAMPS Your War Savings Stamps are payle on January 1, 1923. Leave' them with, us and we will collect without charge. Inquire of any of our officials for intor- , mation. ? 1 THE PEOPLES BANiK 1.- i-! C- : ...-J $A. ..." ' a fcr' -r '. Head The Qassified Ads Journal Want Ad For Good Results E

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