THE NEW BERN SUNJOURftAL TUESDAY; AFTERNOON DECEMBER S, 1922 QikJTowns Respo Nobly to New Bern 9 s Gull tirWhiolilfe ' L-3 two . ' - - I 'J- ' MB- r an ! ( - J Ar Ohlivintr To - Many Donation Have Already Efeen Receiv- ed By the Relief Committee. fl Towns in all sections of the fetatfe are active in helping to relieve New Bern's distress and alleviate the Buf fering of the fire victiniB. Tbe follow ing exerpts are reproduced : from some of today's, papers; y :'. . (Washington, N. C. News) - There 1 will be ,a mass meeting in thft Court House tomorrow. Tuesday hipht, at 7:30 top the purpoese of con sidering the great loss of our sister town Of Nfcw Bern, -and plan to -aid them in thtelr distress, ;which Is, very great ?and ; Immediate : assistance is needed. - t ' ', - C. II. Sterling, . t " .Jffayor. Washington.- N; C. News). A i In order to help secure aid and as sistance for the fire-stricken sufferer at New Bern,' President A. D. Mc Lan of the Chamber of Comrarcce haar.anred the following, committee . to act in conjunction with others in 'sending relief. Rev. Stephen 3sTdner, 1 chairman; Miss Lida T. Rodman, Mrs.; Geo. T. 1each, Mrs. Horace Rowland, Mr. J. A. Osborne and Mr. F. C. Kug ler. . . : - ' . i President Maclean suggests that -this committee- organize -at once for the purpose of co-operating- withr the, Elks, Associated Charities, Ttofcirian Kiwanians and any other societies ro ' that the 'work of all .may be co-ordinated. ' - ' Subscriptions should be solicited for supplies,- food- and -clothing. At a meeting of the special com- mittee "held at noon today with Rev. ; Gardner, chairman, presiding, it was -arranged through the directors of thte Home -Economic CWb to 'have the ""Rest Room designated a base for re ceiving supplies. Some 'member of the committee will be there to receive any contributions .: starting ttfmofrow morning. . . ; Xinston. Catty "News ,t ' V' " t t Thre truck loads. of clothing, most s ot unusually good- and wa-riri eloth "mg, was Ihe -result of the appeal fot : aid , 'by this paper Suhda'y . mornirig, or the -pop'e of New Berrt,; who suf- 'fered a terviffic loss by a ?2.500r000 lire Friday. These three truea loads v were"taken down to New - Be-rtt thru :' tho coimfry 'and were among the very c first shipments that reached "the Crav-' J.en city. The trucks . were -loaned byi r JIarvey C- HInes, Xee Edwards "and ' Phil llirles; while many others offer-' ed the use of 'their trucks. The 'triKSks .contained' all kinds 'of 'clothing, with a case, of 'hosiery from the local Rid 'Cros3, clothing 'frofn tlie.B. G. Bar '.rctt stbre he"re, and other's too ?nu"fn-i'.-tfrousi. to mentloij. ' ; . ' To say 'that tH t'esponse to the p '. peal to brlngr clothing to Miss Natalie ', XaRHi . chaf ga of the Jadies and ' backed" by many ladies of the fcity,all v siaa rto help 'Jh storing 'the xlohtes K teirip6rtiriTy. fs only putting it 'mild-; ly, but to say that New Bern Fappre- lciatea the shipments 'fs absolutely oue-tefith "of fhe trtith. New Bern men and 6mn, in charge of the- re- he'f work of 'our Ulster City, 'were pro ; Usejn their thanks. The hosiery and iioavy -Underwear 'was especially , Deeded and 'tnost Of thts material was , on , its way, towards distribution be- tore, the tmrd 'trucRgo to new Bern 'The first tmck 'Arrived ' at 3:4S, leav- y ing "hereat '1 o'clock, with le TKd ' ; wads- truck 'right behind it,, -and "the Uhiru one just "before dusit. . . - ! . (Rocky Mdunt Telegram) J Sympathy dn d art ' offer' of aid rwer e ''extended rtMtitf'6t New Befn arid .j:Jrnore "particularly its iitizens'rtnder- ft, d horrtelpss by 'Prfdays eonflagation ftln 'a Jtelegram forwarded New Bern authoriti6s;. ta.te Sunday 'by Millafd TF; : iii'sas HE 1- ,u x ECT1T County en "Ah Stufred Up : Head Is Cleared -'Jttfiglrig ?frcmi reports from drug gists i wiisti'fce constantly in'-direct 4 I . 4ri.iti' &A. Wtt. V..v.iA ll;;. ' .. M " preparation ' that Ifaa ! ffeen " Very ; suc- i. cessfu in.ovei-epjnfng. these condi- -.- tjons. 'e" totldarioy healtng1 influence It hi ' Dr.k tiilmer ' SwainpRddt is " soon Hreallied it stands" the -'highest for it its , remarJiaSvie . record ; f ''success. . 'I An ejtimining'"physieian"f6r one of the ; proMnent f Life( rnsiiranee ; Cohii 'panis, th jlAtervieV 6f 'the " sub- iefefcftfleBe ' ststoriishing slatemeht E:3 that one' rSason wtty'so many appli- .k; cants for 'insurance are rejected is sS"bedau6e of kldrtey-tfouble ls'&o'com 4 tnbn' to the -American people,' and the u oi(c uiajutij -"i iiicac uuuoc aijijii even! irtiiBecihat , they : have the . disease. ' Dr. ' Kilmer's SVamp-"Robt 1 Is on sale 4!i't 'all - drug stores in "bottles of two siz??,5 fiiedinni' and large ; Hd"w"ever, 'if- you "wish first to test f this great preparation-serfd5 ten cents f to Dr.-"KiTraer&' Co., Binghajnton, N. YiiXory-ftample bottle... When writ- tng 1e- Snt$ jlfld mnUon this' paper. PJESSUSP IE SITE SUFFERERS New Bern,s Aid And "Jones, president of the Rocky Mount chamber of commerce., - President Jones' telegram wa.3 sent in behalf of the chamber , of com merce and the citizenship of the City generally, was forwarded to Secre tary 11. B. Barlow of the New Bern chamber' of. commerce with the re quest that he makc known its con tents to those In charge of the relief work at New Bern. The message , fol lows: ' : . . VKindly extend to your mayor and citizens the deep and sincere sym pathy of our people and be ussured We will gladly respond to , any re quest for the- aSslstnce ef those who are homeless." (Greenville, Reflector! . - , The Pitt ..county Chapter of the American Red Cross receivedthe fol lowing telegram ; front . MaytrrV Clark of New Bern in resp6nse to the offer of help which was ' sent the day of the disaster?; - .' .-: ; - "I am exceedingly grateful to you aha highly appreciate your kind of fer of assistance and for the mani fest interest In our suffering and heavy loss and for the assistnace you have or "will render the stricken com munity. "We thank you Sincerely.". The need for clothing 'Is intense alia boxes will be sent from our Pitt county Red Cross at - once... Everyone is urged to go through their ward robes tonight and see if there's not suitable clothing or xtra blankets which 'can be spared for poor fam iles, both colored and white who are homeless. The Junior Red , Cross through the school will collect clothe ing and the football room at the "hign school -will be available for' all the packing. Mr. ' Davis stated today. '"' r, ; Greensboro Daily News) 1 ; A strong" kppeah."was made yester day for the, people of Greensboro to come to the "aiaf the children of New Bern.'Ttundreds of whom lost all their clothes in the recent fire, ( v Mayor - Slauu .KIser; ; yesterday re ceived the'- following tclegranl from il.' M.' Jacobs, chairman of the New Bern relief committee; - " "Warm ; under sind . outer clothing in good condition for children under 12 . years ' , of . age,'" especially -babies. very necessary and Urgent; Request quiclc aafstahoe ;of - ladies of your community; This ' action will be very very much appreciated." - - The v matter was immediately brought to the 'attention of rE. M. Oettinger, head Of the Guilfr.rd coun ty chapter of the Amerlean , Re.l Cross, nad the following arrange ments made.' Relief From ; Bronchial Cough Mr". John D. 'Bear, Clearbrook, Va. Dear Sir: .' . - I am writing you In regard to a bottle of yoUr EJnulsion. As I cannot ' get it here in Pennsyl- vania .and hot -knowlng the price, will you please send me-a 'bottle and bill for same, and I wiU send you a check by return mail. . -. t Certainly "will appreciate it if you will do this as' I have had this dread ful cough now for over a week. Hoping -,t6 hear from you by re turn mail, l am, a well satisfied user of your Emulsion. , '- , jyirs. v.. u. lvitjssicK. , , , ; v HarrisburgPenna. -.Coughs, colds, . lung troubles and eeneral run-down condition yield to the wonderful -heeling powers of Bear's Emulsion. .If, you feel run down or have a cough, get a iottle of tfcis splendid tonic, for sale by leading druggists, $1.25 a bottle. PHONE GIRLS WORK FRIDAY Some of Girls Worked ; More Than 12 Hours At Stretch Without Stopping There is'ohe'branch of work during tSe course , of ' last "week's terrible fire of which very little has been said , thus far. It. is the work which was done by the telephone operators. . Three hundred and ninety-five long distance calls were sent from New Bern i'riday. There is no way to estimate the number of calls that were received here. Telephone operators worked for twelve and fourteen hours at a stretch Friday without stopping for food or rest. "When one takes into consideration the strain of con tinuously endeavoring to put through long distance" calls for this length of time, the work which the girls did is little short' of remarkable. They deserve the entire thanks of the Community for their splendid "efforts. DID SPLENDID win the immediate foreground the .chimney. 'from ."which Jthe fire on the roof. Within as the eye can see there is a maze of chimneys and twisted ruins. Standing beside the chim ney is State Fire Marshal Sherwood Brockwell and James tBryan. chief 'of the New Bern . - ' " - ' Fire Department. ' , . ElizabethvG.Has.-.-No Place For The Refugees The foil-owing te'Icgram,. as a 'result of rumors -in circulation !among -the colored people hee and elsewhere; was recSivdd "by the SUn-jourrifil to day from W. O. ''Saunders. Editor 'of. the Eilzab'eth City Independent; . , - Elizabeth City, N. Car. . - : 11:14 A. Dec. 5, 1923.' The Sun-Jdurnal, New Bern, N. C. ..:v, - Some one has 'pUt out a report that Elizabeth City can find room 't or at least one hundred . -of the families rendered homeless-"by the New - Bern fire. Elizabeth City -tannot do "any such thing. There are' jobless men wajking the streets 'of -Elizabeth- Cily today nnd. the wases of comnfon "lab or in .Elizabeth City' Are inadetiU-ate to the 'demamls 'made -upon the . pSy envelop by theurveyor-B of.'thfi -iitr-" IS bwt. New Bern has just suffered a tremendous loss by fire. Probably you escaped the ravages of the Demon of !Flames, if so, now is an excellent time to look over your policies and see if you ar,e fully covered by insurance. FIRE MAY BREAR OUT AT ANY MOMENT. YOUR HOME OR YOUR BUSINESS HOUSE, ALONG WITH ITS CONTENTS, MAY BE DESTROYED. COVER THEM WITH INSURANCE WHILE THERE IS TIME TO DO SO. . 'If you are carrying no insurance at all, you should by all means give this matter your attention. Don't let yourself and your family be left in the same condition which now confronts hundreds of New Bern's people homeless and penniless. We will be glad to give you any information that you desire in upon us. 95 1-2 Middle Street, SS9S a, quarter of an hour-four other' houses had caught. 'As far tudl necessities of life. It - is - eonceiv-; able thlat some one has 'put out -a- re port 'to bait 'homeless New 'Bernians here for the purpose of further- glut-) tingrthe- labot- market and making possible another cut in the already inadequate 'pay ; of the working class; New Bernians should "not - be - mislead Into a- trap which will not only 'givo th-em no relief but whlch'Wlll wcrk a hardship upon their fellow workers in dhother town. ItVs to be hoped that the homeless Mn New Bern will find employment in rebuilding and rehab-: Illtating their own beautiful town; V. O. Saunders. ' fll :85 A( TTieTHallMills murder and- the'eol aier bonus bill 'Hre .-similar In their degree'o"f 'demltiefilss." " ' ' - , hemnt cm ;-v.'llW.-ws: - came 'the sparks that started n Machine' Owned :By Colored Wo man x Was in Smash 1 Up ! Sunday 'Afternoon A hew automobile, owned by Sarah Villoughby, colored, was dcmollsh e" J and the occupants of the" -machine had ' a nan'dw ' escape . f rom : eri6us injury on- Sunday afternoon' when the car, said, to have' been drivenat- a raipid - speed, overturned- near Enl street.' T Persons -- who -saw the - accident ex pected to find i the . occtipants; rf thft .-machine - either badly hurt ; or ' dead when theyj'' reached itho' seene. of- the accident, but ." fortunately . fori, them, thy escaped with itnnorjiTijuries. Thc ear is wreck.- - 'fr - INCORPORATED General Insurance WB. I gg B3mM OVER OC HI III PIP A IT fK fli H FL H 1L W m Charlotte, N. C Dec. 4, 1U Mayor Clark, . ' New Bern, N. C. Charlottefcympathizes -with you in your .distress and we are and -will continue to do all we can to alleviate any want, we- are iouay wiring me Chairman of your Relief Committee and call on us for any assistance that we can give. Mayor J. O. Walker. Greensboro, N. C. "- Dec. 4, 1922. Edward Clark, Mayor, New Bern, N. C. , ' 4 Have authorized appropriation five hundred dollars to fund for fire fuf fering. John J. Phoenix, (Grand Commander of North Caro lina' Knights Templar.) Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 4. J922.J W. L. Knight, Some Hotel, donation. New Bern, C. -Answering glad make Make draft two hundred dollars ; on P. O. Hebert, Atlanta, Ga. Extend community, every sympathy and ser vice. Command further, if salutary. P. O. Herbert. Norfolk, Va. , Dec- 4, 1922. J." A. "Jones, - ' c-o J..'";A..'Jones-Son;;& Co., New Bern,' "N. C. . ? Please contribute forme 'five hun dred.' dollars- when: a& where in your judgment it is most - needed I deep .ly sympathize mailing eheck. ' John 1L Rodgers, ' , of ; Rodgers &Co. -; -' '. Charlotte, N. iC. ' 'Dec. 4, 1922, H. M. Jacobs. , Chah-irian1 Relief Committe, Newt Bern, "N.- C. :f Charlotte; sympatbizes 'with you in youi trouble-and "Wo areitarting ac tive campaign -for clothing, and otXi cr needs and packages -will go for ward dailj' a.s -they :;. come. in. Will make v special appeal - -for ' things - as outlined 'in your -wire- nn -tomorrow. ' J. O. Walker. 1 Norfolk, Va. Dec. 4, 1922. E.'K.,Bishop:&Co. Ker Bern, N. C. .. Draw on us for twenty-five dollars relief lire-sufferers. "Brlttingham & Blincoe. ... 'Ahoskie. N. C. - ".( rutec. 4, 1922. H. E. Barlow. ' Secretary. Chamber" of Commerce, -. New ;Bcrn, N. C. . "Have just express- three b'xes con- A the matter of insurance and invite you to call . . .. ' i tajning rae$ -winen - and; children wearing apps(iel;K: for'fArfAauiTerert more fol ing, Ahoskie Chamber of Commerce. ' i Wllmigtonr N. C i i 4 Dec, 4, 1922, Hon. Edward ; ClarlcMayor. New Bem.'N. C'. - Special car attached yesterday afternoon's Coast Line train loaded with clothing, f-blanljfets rnd ; Shoes. Pradtically ' all packed . in boxes and articles -assorted. Boxes labeled with nature of "contents and all addressed' to 'you.i'Three boxes and; -one" bundle contributed by , colored churches and have . marked 1 them i plainly so -com mittee will not get mixed all-others from white people to be used for both races as you vee fit. Advise if I can serve you in. any way. - . ". Jas.lI.Cowan.Mayor. . . Rocky Moutn, !NVC.'" i : -; v Dec. -4, 1922. I Hon. Edward Clark, Mayor, New Bern, N.-C- ' . - ' ''' ; This is your authority to draw draft on me at once for fifty dollars to be entered to the' account of your relief funds this amount is given by myself and employes and hope this will be one among hundreds coming . from other sources. -v ' ' j Geo. T. Burnett, Ford Dealer. ' Fyetteville, t N, C. 5 ' Dec. 4, 1922. PreBtdj'ent Chamber o Commerce. New Bern, N.-.C. . j . ' . .. Dear'Sir: k , ' ' . Enclosed' herewith J hand you check from the ' Highland - Pre,sby tenan church for 31.20 being the amount of last nights collection ;which was taken for the relief : of-the destt tute of your . city. Highland church extends sympathy to your City during this -dark hour, - aftd dur prayers are for-the comfort of" the 'Unfortunate ones who have suffered so heavily, in the conflagration. , -: I wiU -appreciate very much If you will acknowledge ' receipt of .. this check in order that it may be read to our congregation, . . . -., May God's: blessings reBt' upon you in the rebuilding ..Of the devastated area. . : , . . ' - . ' Sincerely Your, r - v Highland Presbyterian "Church, ' - By - Chas 'V.- harp, Tres. Carl Richardson - of Washington, va former New ;Bern, resident,- -was here today. Carl Couldn't leave here with out doing his bit. . He., donated tft check for $50.00. ! :.; ' C. M; --Dockhani, manager- pt the Munger-Behnett mill, fhas , tadvised the relief committee that he will be (Continued on page six.)" IK " w V)' I ,n:c. ' 11 11 ill 1. S . Xr. ' .'. - New5 Bern