TWO THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 6, : 1922J WM &e!Ps 0 Guard Against Possible mhii::: imi. .. mrn-nnr far CITATION QUESTION AND is mem .Hard at work I Importance of Sanitation Situation Was Dis cussed At Meeting of Officials And -V 1 Doctors; Last NightJ .' Th problem Of guarding the health situation in New. Bren was discussed tl&itt yestferday. afternoon "which Ma jor Erwin, Of ' Camp Bragg. ' Dr. Miller. ''Of the State Board tf Health, Mr; --Miller, of ho Public Health Ser vice, parter Taylor, chief of field work of the soutnern. division 01 me , Red Cross, ilisa Myers, state direc tor of public health aervice, and local health Officials and physicians attend- ed the meeting. :- -.: - - Mr. "Taylor mad a report on the work that 'had been aone thus far. He added that three trained nurses -were now on hand for relief work aa that a fourth probably would he hers - today. - ? - . "My suggestion is." eaid Mr. Taylor, "that the 'congested area outside that which was destroyed by fire be divided, into four sections, and that a trained nurse h placed In charge; of each section. She would be given in structions to make a thorough survey of each house at- least four times .a week to see that the sanitation laws wtre kept.", , " . -Major Erwin, who arrtved here yes terday afternoon and:, who .will be-in charge of " health and - sanitation. stated that he had made a partial sur vey. . of the devastated, area and ithe surrounding district. ' . . "We have two- tasks confronting ua," said the Major. ."We've got . to clean up that area which has been destroyed and we must take the great , est precautions in that district which is - now. snjreBted and to ; which - -the refugees have moved. We need labor to go Aver thfe' . fire- area,' gather up - refuse and fill up .vaults. ; I saw a thousand colored men yesterday who did not eem' -to be -. doing anything. Thev should be Cut to work. Mr. Taylor stated that; meal tickets had been , printed and - that other tickets .also. .had been printed, which i were - given i-, to those refugees who were too sick to do any work. All otu-' era were expected to do their share In the relief work. . ' It Was also brought out fit the' meet ing that, some of the refugees have asked remission -to tootc hack to the ; lot'-which -they foccupIed before the fire destroyed theif, homes. They are willing , to live -tents ' or -portable houses and have , .asked r Lleutehant Kurt2 to supply them with tents. Ma jor Erwin stated "that this probably woulds be permitted", but that 'the lots would1 first, have, to be cleared." ' " - t Mayor Clarg was , called into con sultation and ways and means were discussed . whereby the : sanitation needs in the congested and stricken $rea could be cared' for. Major Erwin suggested thai . the city, make a sur vey,1 put In latrines and charge them up to the property owners. "The colored section of your'tity la very Insanitary,", said Major Er win. '.'I'm surprised that you haven t had an epidemic before. There arei surface toilets, for the most part, and then there are wells close by from which the residents get-their drink ing water. Everything possible should be done to overcome this situation. Thfe Work" IsnV going td be finished in a. week or two: it is going to con tinue the entire winter. We (must Watch the situation, closely and guard against an epidemic." -. : Dr. Miller suggested .that latrines, such as are-.approved by the State Health Department,? be put Jn. that wens' too close to those latrines be condemned and filled up and that the landlords of the property be made to, pay for the work immediately, or else that it -be assessed against their property..- This suggestion was. voted on ; favorably and It is , expected ( that It Will be carried out. . ; Other subjects pertaining: to; the sanitation question wer brought up at the - meeting.- Local relief 'work ers feel that in' Major Erwin they have a man who is thoroughly quali fied to handle the situation. Backed up by the local Red Cross rganissse tion and other relief workers, , they are confident that he will prevent any epidemic from taking, place. He- has been given full authority to carry out any plans which he may think are f dr the city's good. KINSTQN FOLKS SHOWING GREAT LIBERALITY . . . . . . . Dal F. Wooten Will Forward All Contributions To Relief Fund In New Bern U. S. Now World's Biggest Exporter of Domestic Products By O. J . Austsn - SiatitlKiaa The National Ciiy Bank of New York frm tht WEEKLY TRADE RECORD luutJ kr Tit Amtfnai City Bant) The big gams iii the exports of have occurred in manufactures in a gain of $59,000,000 over the im-- the United States in the month cf which our manufacturers and ex- mediately preceding mouth. Brit- October, just announced, are ex.- porters are lighting to retain, the ish domestic exports tor October tremely interesting in their sug-. share which iney gained in -world totaled $294,000,000 against atout gestions as to the iuture of our markets during the war. '1 he Sep- $300,000,000 of . domestic exports export trade and its present rela- teniber figures ,of exports, the from the United States m the tion to that ot other great export- latest tor which details arc avail- same month. British domestic tx. ing countries. The total exports, able,' shevvved big nu:rca:,es m the ports m October, 1922, fall about ot Or.tnhr 107? flinsf nf -eicnori's ot nianufactiu cs. which 9,000,000 below those of the Mm I any month in the past one and totaled $142,000,000 in that, mouth, month of 1921, while, our own do- one-half years. They total ?372,- agamst $119,000,000 in the same mestic exports are about $lo",U00,000- .1300,000, and are not only the big month ot the preceding year, and above those of the same month of; t gest of any . one of the past 18 formed Ad'o ot the domestic ex- last year. For the 10 months end-l months but are nearly 20 above ports of beptember, 1922,. against ing with October, 1922, British do- j those of the immediately preceding J77c in the same month ot last mestic exports totaled $2,896,000,-! , month, 33 greater than in the year, and 4J7 m the correspond- 000, while our own domestic ex-l opening month of the calendar ing month preceding the war. ports m the same period totaled' year, 35 more than in the cor- Still another evidence of the approximately 050,000,000. , . ! iresoondinc mnnth h rvrfcmff . Ihe United States now stands' . . . -. c-ains wnicii we are iiiclkiiik m our . .. .l. i. .. j r . .n a . . i-icariv ar i ii i-. i-ii'ti til nip nsT or exporters of domestic! s while prior to the wan Cains in tint- nhnr in rK-Pitt witii tnose oi omer countries. We held second rank, the .British: i months placed the United States Great Britain, which is now our exports of . domestic products in J J clearly at the head of the wr!4's chief rival in world markets for 191 J having exceeded ours by more! oi exporters ot domestic prod- manufactures, shows an actual de- tnan iw,uw,vaw, wniie our own, 5TILL1ITIHG S. I PHILLIPS No Clue Been Found As Yet Regarding Whereabout -of tie Murderess LOS ANGI :i.ES. Calif., Dec. 6. -Search for M rs. Calar Phillips, con victed of beating Mrs. Alberta Tre mine Meadow: i to death With a ham rnt and Who escaped from jail here early yesterd: .y, ' was in active pro gress - today i 1" n 1 . 11. .1 1 dt wo.wu tne total tot the correspbnd- ' vTV i 7 woria s ing month of last year. In fact, panson . of our October exports products the gains in our cxborts in recent with those of other countries. We held it Musician Out of Tunfe "Gas . pressure :. tn ; - my stomach sometimes distrersed mevso that I could hot think. I played, out of tune and twice rlost my i)sition' Nft medl-! cine hel-ped . me and I ,? hecame dii- heartened. Another ' musician ;advLdll funds, ".would do sa' Hhrough. "him IilNSTON, Dac. ,6. Following up the publicity that . has already been made in. regard to funds to aid the sufferers in JNew Bern, and on the request nf Mayor M. M. Happer of this city,: to urge the citizens of Kinston to help by money in this undertaking of mercy, this paper (Kinston Daily News) urges that all who ian do so will at once send their contributions to Dal. F. Wooten, treasurer of the Red Cross for Lenior county, who will forward 'contributions from 'any and all soureea direct to R; N. Scott, Tres., of the relief work in New Bern. Any contributions Which may be mailed to. this paper will be gladly forwarded to Mr. Wooten. Contributors -....may,, of course, men) ' contributions direct ,M Mr. Scott. ; The MOrning News, in connection with . yesterday's appeal of ; the tKin ston Free Press, showing the necessity for immediate aid, urges the people of sections into which this paper goes to aid at once Jn this work alleviating the suffering In New Bern. Mr. Woot en has gladly accepted the responsib ility of j-ecetvins funds, which can be taken to the First National Bahk or mailed! -to ' him. The, Free Press also will - gladly receive funds. ? . - The Red Cross here i3 getting ready to further -the work In this section and, with the Red Cross directing the work In' New Bern, it is felt that the local chapter can easily aid. Regard less of who .receives contribution, the main thing to -remember is that New Bern needs money aid above anything else- tind at -once. The-services of Mr. Wooteh were asked fina by this paper in the- hope that all ..agencies or or- ganlspations.t not. - already collecting 'nets. t;,i ah,iut S!() fXKI (KK) in lipr Or- domestic exoorts in the 10 monthi. Tt.!,- r . . r . . . .. . . ic D18 increase in our expert fsber exports ot domestic prod- or VJSi excecaea tnose or ureatj J figure for October is especially in- ucts when compared with th im- Britain by about $150,000,000 and( Irtn8; in view of the fact that mediately preceding month, while are far in excess of those of any; Jl!M!t ip rtCt xaootbs ojif own fjgnrei of October show other country. . MASS MEETING ' AT WASHINGTON 5 Over long distance telephone thisUhe speakers who urged lbierahty fn morning, Mayor C. H. Sterling, . tof j donations were Junius T. Grimes, Washington, told a representative of Wiley C Rodman, Edward Launce- j.uv oun-journai tiiat a well-attended mass meeting had been held in '-that city last night ae which, plans were made for coming to the assistance of in. 111:1- preaicament - as a result of Friday's great fire.- . , The meetine wa nncna . k v, Mayor and Lindsav r appointed to act as chairman.' Among I t call a physician.' T.uen begia . "emergency' treatment with V VapqUud 'GstrlZMiUionJanUtcJYeerki me- to -try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and I am now enjoying the best At healthv" It is a .simple, harmless, preparation that removes the catrrh4.ll mucus-rrom tne -intestinal-. tract aw allays " the - inflammation . whicli causes practically all stomacn, nver and nttestinal ailments, Including ar pendlcltis. -Gne dose 'will convince r nioney refunded Advt.- w r . , J lot Stewart, and A. M. IJimiay. Com miteeos were appointed - to solicit money, food and clothing and these committees are now at work. The Daily News of Washington has made an urgent appeal to -the people and announces . that it also Will receive contributions. The Washington Lodge of Elks last night sent a donation of f250 to New Bern. 1 Mayor Sterling said over the' tele phone this morning that the entire citizenship of " Washington deeply sympathized with New Bern In her great loss and that the people of Washington were going to do every thing they could, to help. - - - ,.. throughout Southern and Ijower CaH'omia. , ; Despite various othe.r v "tips" and Iups," sheriff deputies generally held to their Original belief that the "hammer murderess"; had f fled into Mexico and pla'ns were made to ex tend the scarcfi today for her a far as Estanaba ton the west coast ot Lower California.- . ; ; T . The convicted woman's husband, upon whose , story of his movements during the 24 hours preceding his wife's escape, f'some doubt" has been, still was In teebnical custody to day. Although! not placed Jn jail, he was in charge! of deputy sheriff. , J - Carries Full . Stock Hardwaref The D. L. Latta : Hardware Com pany, located at 'the corner of Pol lock and Middle streets, have an es pecially interesting advertisement, in which they call attention to the fact that they are prepared to help re build New Bern by furnishing hard ware of any sort, builders supplies, etc., Norfolk Is Sending ' Supplies to New Bern NORFOLK,'. fra Dec. 6- The Amer ican Red Cvossi - headquarters in the Dickson - building is today forward-, ing to New Bern? Cs clothing, 'bed clothing 'and tother supplies for the relief of the hundreds of persons ren dered hbmelefs. by Friday's .fire. ' ' The 1 first shipment went ' forward this afternoon.- It consisted of a Quantity' of clothing "contributed for relief of fire, eufferers , at . Fortress Monroe, where army officers said it was not needed. f.a-ii.1-.;. - Clothing, 'bed lothing and staple ii.i -.tii .Anajiiail of T7 or! IWU ""I'l". . Cross headquarters in , the Dickson, building, telephone 27122.; " .-x - " , . RKAD Sr -JOUKNAIi -WANT ADS Mfss Gertrude Joner passed through New Bern last night en route home to Morehead City from Greenville, Where she spent the weekrend wih relatives... " .. , i uj . : l-Jl i Comp'y 1 r nj. - mmt mos.' Elizabeth City, N. C, MANUFACTURERS OF ill mi 1 ? j Representative : W; E. LEIGH i " --v. . y' -.t i - - - J - . " . Room No. 324, Gaston Hotel, New Bern Aprpals for money lave already gone out ahrough several organizations, in eluding this ' pa per -.and i.each'and every one is plishing the project for speedy - results. " ' . . ' : A .list of those who contribute will .be carried In this naBer- each' morn ing, , as reported by sMr. Wooten, and j this report will include all other con tributions sent in through -y other sources. In this. way,. Kinston people may be enabled to. see the total fund for this ity and section grow, t ' Prior to the. appeals yesterday many had sent in : money .'contributions by appeal for. fundi yesterday,- to be vailcus' means, -Beginning with the sent in locally, the list included, Kin ston;? Free. Press, $100; Rouse and Rouse;,. $25; Kinston Cotton Mill and Orion' Knitting ..Mills, $50; L. J. Mewborn; total, $200. This was just a starter. ' . j . , - - Other contributions will, be an nounced tomorrow morning, after the people, have-' bee nable to respond to locaj appeals. , A ' Let's all pull together and rasie' a big fund. New Bern needs our help at once. . UPHO 10 PLANS FOR TEACHERS Jule Warren Explains Signin- cance of Action Taken by the Assembly RALEIGH, N. C, Dec. 6. One of the most significant actions of the re cent cession of the North Carolina Education Association here was the unanimous endorsement of the cer tification plan of the state depart ment of- public - instruction, according to Jules B. Warren, secretary of the organization, Who today reviewed the meeting: "It is significant," Mr. Warren ex plained, "because- of the attacks that have been conducted, especially in the western part of th state, against the plaa of Superintendent Brooks. For some reason, several of the western North Carolina publications have seen fit to condemn the plan. "In order to set at rest the per sistent rumors that the . teachers themselves are dissatisfied with the "plan, 'the association passed unani mously the following resolution: '" That, we the delegates to the assembly representing all the white teachers in North Carolina, give our unqualified endorsement io the law governing the certification of teach ers and to the administration of the same by the department of public in struction and that we condemn tiny attack upon this law or upon its ad ministration as an attack upon the educational policy of the stata and upon the p-'i-fession which we represent."- ' Mrs. M. W. Fodrie, of Newport, spent yesterday in New Bern the guest of friehds. . I.'.-" " - ., V -?-4 .. ' - J.':- - 'SV. L. ., - -'f". ' ; ':: . .. ; i .. s. , , -. .x : . ,- : '. ... .A. I lf,w.''':'.;,: ' ' ' - .. .: : :.,-. -.: - - " . .: . r-i .: . i ' . : . - r -;vr.--r;;rv: . ..... ; ...- i - Scene on George Street Following the New Bern Fire .i - . laauBCK&MiBaaMaisEBBBUsaBi if"iimi mmmmmmaammmzxmxixximmxxxamii i in li Some Day Your Home May Look A T(7 T7 Are om JUSUEUF Like This Another Disastrous Fire May Occur At Any ip Fire is liable to occur again, today, tonight or tomorrow. Are you fully insured? It is better to attend to this matter now. Don't wait until the aarm gngs, the engines go shrieking by and the sparks are falling all about you. INSURE NOW; We represent some of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies in the world and will be glad to confer with you along this line. If you desire to increase your present policies, this can easily be done. DON'T PUT THIS MATTER OFF DELAYS ARE COSTLY 212 Elks Temple. Phone 268. GARY G. PRIDGEN. O. H. REYNOLDS.