THE NEW. BERN SUNOURNAU FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1922, , - V , r g , Crowd of Fans To ; HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER TT7 7li rn i - By DWIG - 1 V II lanis w in irain Team San Antonio Next Year r r or -" ----- - ...... w g : i ' , Wew Bern lIlRelFaypr QI T"!"" , . um ; Bi : .......... ,.'S' - At Local J ' . Even"! theugh only a small number of New Bern fans may go to Chapel Kliljiext week to '.see the New Bern High School football team -play . the final, - gaihe ; lor. - the championship against' Ashevtfle, there wUl be a larget number .of rooters from other . towns who will be on hand to sup ;.pdrt the New .Bern, team. - ' .' . .. "We're - going . to'- hate i a large .. crowd ort hand to" root for New Bern , - Uajn.f - - . r ,,i '. "Wi're going to have a large crowd ' on hand'to root'for New Bern," said a ' ; Raleigh ban to, a representative of .the; Sun-Journal yesterday afternoon: . "We jidtesred .the ; spirit ; which, the toys displaced, in their games, against V- Sanfofrd. The ganiebwas .flayed Srhile '!"' ;:v Ji. -K i- j ;;-- oslain xiuling (jiven : 'vZi Rard To Gobb - : CHlcii-Gt),; llL, ;; lJeci S.trresident- ers.-who witnessed, the play was tak , Johnson.of the .American league, to- .en..; ;;' - c ; - ' '' ' day gave out the: explanation Of his l The official batting Averages issued , i ruling allottihgjthe disputed hifc to Ty December; 4, showed . Cobb credited '.Cobb, manager "of the Detroit Ameri- with the hit,' but no announcement , . I cans' which' made CObb's 1922 batting concerning the.: ruling was made by .average v.4 CI,- This, makes his third v year over . 40 and tied the major , lea- ,; gue record ' "The official dc&re of the game of V ?'ay 15, ,Xat New Tprk between! Jari kees and Detroa) ,' was !not authenti caxea, - tTesiaent. joftnson said in a ,, statement giVeft 40Ut ; as s a reply to an ; - inquiry f rom Btookiyni; Repbrts i that the Baseball Writers' association of New York was preparing a! ' formal protest. against over-ruling of the of- nciai scorer also , were received at - league ; headq.uaf tersi' "Kir. Johnson im in -Excelsior Springs. Mo. -'President', Johnson's statement ex- 1 plained 4an arrangement made by the , Anjericari league official statisUcian r for-co-operation with the -Associated ; Press Jn checking box scores from all Amerlcah league parks. "This" provision Was carried' out In the game in Question and Cobb cred ited with a hit," the statement saiL "If a change In the box score was made it was without notice to the - Associated Press and the. American league official statistician sensibly ac . cepted the Associated press account." :. Reports from New , York that the official scorer reversed his decision were .unsubstantiated at the Ameri can league headquarters here, and it f was said that no poll of baseball writ- : nnnnri ill :. - .. ." . j ..... '. ' . T 4 . cz: zz " THE G .:7,i 4 All the proceeds go toward fighting TubercUloSis There ' are many cases in 'New Bern. : -On sale, at WHITEHURST'S 30: their town was burning up. And we're going to - be on - hand next week to help them win the championship.; j New; Bern ia going ..: to get busy within the next few days, undergoing final practice for the game. -Members of - the team and coaches have been giving practically all their time since the fire to , relief work and guard duty. They greatly appreciate Ashe ville's action in agreeing to a post ponement of the game: and feel that this shows- a good spirit , ,of sports uu Liic ya.i I. vi ahv uuiuu lads.- - . ' While there probably will be no special train run from - here to the fame, oulte a few local fans will be on band hand to support the New Bern !team. Jphnson at the time, except that the averages spoke fer themselves. V'" j Needs Anotber -Governor i. Raleigh, Dec. 8. Craig saved him from the electric, chair, Bickett gave hin ; new hope when he reduced his sentence, to 30 years, and it wis . be ginning !to tlook i now V. like Mosej Drankford Will need a- third exercise of executive clemency . to save him from the law. Committted to the State Prison - for. rape he added to hi'f? criminal Tecord yesterday' morning by murdering - Leroy Moore with a shovel as they worked together on the roads in Transylvania county.. ' - 3 Beheaded by Saw - , , ' v., Sanford, pec, 8. Seth" Douglass, colored, had his head sawed off Mon day morning while . working at a saw mill near Buckthorn. J&e Was raking the saw dust.frora around the saw With a stick.-when. he lost.ljis equili brium and fen over on the saw, whicii almost completely severed , his head from his body; i ;- '. -.1 " ' -i Douglass owned and Operated the saw . mill, iti is said, and was a highly respected darkey. , ; : v ; ; s Read The Classified Ad UM-M-M. ICE- X 't . ecrfi Ts - , I j j m , f ( good! VI . . J t i ' " iSKETBALL IT T TONIGHT Washington And New Bern Girja - Hitfh School Teams Will ' Open Season Here The girls, of the New Bern High School ;" and : . the eirls of the Washington High school will play a game of basketball tonight at 7:30 o'clock at . the Y. M. C. A. ' i .. The local team is a very good one and . a . good game is . looked for as Washington has long , had a reputa tion for turning out beautiful and ath letic girls. v. - : . , J . A small admission fee of 25 cents, will be charged, which goes to. defray theexpenses of f thg . visiting team. A big crowd is "expected. TREAT COLDS AND THE FLU Are Nausealess, Safe and Brisk Purgative With Calo tabss, the Purified and Re- 5; fined Calomel Tablets That Are Njeusealess, Safe and sure. Doctors have found ' hv eTni , rf , vjjrv VUW inav . no., medicine for colds, .coughs sure inroat. ana influenza can be de pended upon for full effectiveness un til the -liver is made thornnerhiv .. tive. This is why the first step in the treatment is the new. riAiiRnlooa Aoi omel tablets . calipfl . . - vh.u is, . rr .i ii axe iree irom tne sickening and weak ciuuK enecis or tne nir ctuio i - ' .v v.aiuilltl. Doctors also tioint out th fant tvit an active ljver may go a long way towaras preventing influenza and colds and Is one of the mrt im-n ant factors ' in enabling the patient io Buccessruuy withstand an attack and ward off nneUmonla. One or two Calotabs on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, pleasure or work. Next morn ing your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is puri fied, and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Gen uine Calotabs are sold only in origi nal sealed packages, price thirty-five cents for the large, family-package; ten cents for the small, vest-pocket 6ize- (adv) PABLM3Y BISPXiEASES TURKS; MENTION AB3IY- IN THRE ATS ' CONSTANTINOPLE. Turk 7. Turkish today they were not satisfied with events at Lausanne, anri nt-intei . warning directed at the Near East peace delegates that "thp Tiirtioi, n-- Uny led by Kemal Pasha is the strong est in tne world and has the final say whether there shall be pence or war." Mrs. H. C. Davis, of Morehead City, returned home last night after spend ing the day here shopping with frineds. SH1ERS ill ASSEMBLE HERE Large Number Are Expected To Attend the Win-winter Ceremonial at New Bern ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, pec. 8. Notice . of 1 the mid-winter business meeting and ' ceremonial of" Sudan Temple in New Bern December 28 has been received here and .approxi mately 3000 Shriners and Masons of eastern North Carolina are expected to attend. , ' - - v Although New Bern suffered a heavy loss from the fire of last week, Shrine officials jthfire aire making pre parations to holdthe ceremonial." The organization has contributed' a $1000 to.; the , relief . fund for New Bern. Shriners in this' county viUl hold their regular fall banquet next week. At this, .time, arrangements .' will be completed for special pullmans f or the trip to New Bern. ... Read The Classified Ads NEW AND OLD RULERS IN GREECE. W f-V 5 . ; It fi. " mi r XmSiSa riS&C it It i Prince Andrew Of Greece, brother his wife, Princess Alice, a cousin of King George of England. Prince Andrew was tried by a courtmartial on charges of treason in losing the war with the' Turks, but was spared the death penalty, suffered by others. He and Princess Alice were banished from Greece for all times ana tney are now on their way to England. Insert: Colonel Plastiras, the director of Greece today, chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, Colonel Plastiras signed the order creating a Revolutionary Tribunal which, tried Frvc.ce Andreas and condemned him to exile. cU&U Many Chambers of Commerce In State Are In Accord With His Boat Line Plan ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, Dec. 8. Twenty-two chambers of commerce in North Carolina have endorsed Gover nor Cameron Morrison's shipping line corporation commission, according to an announcement today by; Norman Y. Chambliss, president, of the North Carolina Commercial Secretries As sociation. .. - Western North Carolina "is strong for the proposal," said Mr. . Cham bliss, naming Asheville and . Hender sonville as two of the cities voting in favor of the plan. Votes received from the eastern section Indicated that the entire territory is the governor's pro posal, he asserted. , . ; The balloting is expected to be com pleted within the next several days it was stated. - v , READ SUN-JOURNAIi WANT ' ADS nf fnrmpr Kin? rnnstantino r,Vl San Antinio, Texas has again been selected as the training camp of the New York Giants, world baseball champions. The Order of Native Sons,' which has been boosting the qualifi cations of California as ' the finest State of the whole forty-eight for the conditioning of ball payers, lost their fight to kidnap the Giants next Spring, but the Far "Westerners were virtually promised that in 1924 Man ager McGraw would take all his hired hands to Fresno, Cal., and thereby test the glorious promises . made by President W. H., McCarthy Charles H. Strube and genial George A.. Put-name,- of the San Francisco Ball Club. . ' ) .."- An alert newspaper scribe ' in Louisville, where the minor leagues are now in annual session, tipped off his pals here yesterday morning that the management v of the Giants had made ' this decision.': When. Edward Brannick, traffic manager Of the New York National League club, was in Big Fuss Stkry'Up'S?:-' Over French Bojdrig PARIS, Dec. 8. '.'If the charges made by Siki are sustained, not only his and Carpentier's license will be permanently revoked, but everyone concerned with that fight will be barred from the boxing foreverJV This was declared today by Paul Gerard,' an f official of the French Boxing Federation. v : ; ' Meanwhile a liberal storm of pro tests and ' accusations is scandalizing the sporting world. Following the lead of Siki, Louis Jeunard, former light weight champion; affirms that "eight out of every ten fights are fixed be-1 forehad. Jeunard added: j.h;. y "It is customary , for champions nowadays to refuse an agreement for victory or heavy indemnity ' for defeat."-,. ;, 4--;,;:.v" 1 .:; ' Extremely worried, Hellers, Siki's former manager, whonu the Senega lese accuses of framing1 the fight with Deschamps, manager for . Carpentier, demanded tearfully today that Siki's : II . ' SE'DA:Nv..:;:;;,;;'. jl 5fe I j I At the new low price the Ford HI Sedan represents a greater val- J 1 HI ue than has ever been offered. , jj 1 1 HI It provides enclosed car com: HI fort in a dependable, quality i t mi , product at a minimum cost. -ilf H I Your order placed now will II insure reasonably prompt de- .; HI livery. Terms if desired NEW BERN MOTOR CO. j 1 HI I IJNXOLN DEALERS lit I Subscribe to The Dearborn fill J formed of the "leak" down in Ken tucky, he was obliged Jo surrender after a ten-minute hemming and haw- , . ' . Eddie Surrenders "Why,; we were goingto announce that tomorrow,".. Sir Edward finally gasped. Vlt's ail ; true except the re- , port that the Giants are going to train' at Freno, Cal., in 1924. The Califor nia trip is dependent on all our con ditions being met.' ,. : . -. So there you are. when a fellow de-i sires to find, out what the ball club in his own home town is planning,, .'send a sleuth to- Louisville or some other place a thousand miles away and he'll get-the information sought. . Practically the same arrangements as those of last Spring'; will toe fol lowed by the.-, Giants. There .will be a " series with the White . Sox, who will train again at Seguin. Texas the two teams travelling northward together and winding up . their clashes with contests at the - Polo Grounds. ' charges be suppressed. Hellers said: " "His charges are -a etring-of absolute- lies. ;It i is . the negro's revenga . because I would not back him up be fore the Bdxing Federation when 'the latter cancelled his license." ' ' Carpentier" said:"'' ; , "I, court the fullest 4nvestigationu I never framed "a fight in jny4 life." . .; Deputy Diagne; Sikj's champion, filed suit today,.,; for 00,00.0 francs' damages , against ", the Boxing Feder ation, ch&rging that Siki was unlaw fully of his license. T The Federation Is said to be likely , to retaliate ;with .ai' cross auit for lib- v ( el, Descamps ; has , left paris and has gone ltao the country. - " ) ' ' - - - ' ' ' - ' ' AMERICAN LEQION AUXILIARY . TO.' ELECT OFFICERS. ' - , The American Legion Auxiliary will meet this evening-at-jSOtOtcIock. Of ficers for the year are to be elected at that time' and it is hoped that every -member will be present. - i i

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