SHREI FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER ft, 1922. .THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL t i HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - - - - " By DWIG mwa ' in ' 4 R i iiiiiiirriim irnr, I Ml ,0I ttmCOK.&iN.IU: . defer wmmm present Explains vTfcat; Attention of New; Bern at the Present Time Is Being Taken Up With Fire Relief Situation. Proposed Change Would Be Against the City's Interests, It Is Felt. im,-ehnge in- th,aehedule of the -fclorf'ollt Southern between New Bern and Oriental -is ."contemplated by rail roads ofSci.alaaci;ording , to. a letter recelve'd by, Mayor Clark today from the Corporation Commission. . Coming ;as this action does at this particular .time,- city-officials, and the : Chamber - Commerce1 . are '.request --tar that the: matter be deferred until New Bern has --partially,, solved . its difficulties- and" problems arising from rlasf weeVs fire,-' .- ' r :Thft letter received from the Cor poration Commission reads - as fol lows: . i , ' i4 , : Raleigh, Dec. 5, 1922. ; Mayor of New Bern, - - New', Bern, N. v Dear Sirt , ; - : ."-I "enclose herewith; a,eopy of s a letter application from Mr,- F, P. Pes ter general ' manager, Norf olk Sour tlrn Railroad Company, petitioning ihe 5" Commission .. to , allow- his company- to discontinue the Operation of grains 55. and 5ff and substitute in stead a mixed- train - leaving. Oriental 6:30 a m., conectin with train Nbs. 7 -and 8 at Nw Bern returning leav ing. New -Bern 3;15 p. m. arriving Oriental 5:3Q p. m. , : -,. . 'The Commission requests that an swer be filed" to this petition within ten days fromVthe date, of this com munication. ' v . ; : .1. -;. i Respectfully, v - 1 (Sigifed). R O. SEtF, ' - S 1 . . ' . Clerk? The morning (rain, as suggested in the letter, wouM make connections at New Bern all right with other trains but if the- proposed schedule ?. for having; the tram leave here at.3;15 is carried 6ut, it will mean that, noj con nections can be made . with- evening trains arriving here.- ' v The Chamber" of Commerce .? this xnofning se'nl- the following .telegram to the Corporation Commerce"., this morning sent the following telegram to ' the -Corporation Commission v , : ' New -Bern; Dec. 7, 1922. William" T. Lee. f - v : ' .-v, Chairmani' Corporation Commission, . Raleigh, N. C. Letter this A.. M. to 'Mayor,? City New Bern -relative petition filed ..Nor folk Southern discontinue train fifty five, fifty-' six1 Oriental branch. Please postpone time - to, file - exception this petition In view" of fact of great ca lamity at New Bern, all 'time being paid to aid distress. . ... 5 V . ; H. .E.'. BARLOW, Sec, " '." Charnber of Commerce. CliPiilEII AT, MEOUILLE i Hi PROGRESS Mayor l D. M. Clark- Urge the Pebple To Give Liberally -To' Fire Victims n't; ENTIRE QIL. FIELD IS THREATENED BY FIRE By Associated Press y r - ; ELDORAD6, Ark., t- Dec. 8.-rFire which ,, last tiight ; threatened the en tire Smackover. oil iield when , hght-ning-. ignited an oil , pit of ih& North American .Oil Company and! later spread to five pits containing approx imately 400,000 barrels . of , Jul,- still was -burning early, today. Talth6ugh officials of -the company expressed the belief that will continued wet weath er 4 the blaze- would be confined to, a comparatively... small area.. . . NEW CHAIRMAN OF TRADE COMMISSION .-Mb R :': GREENVILLE, Dec v8.TT-The cam p' solicit'funds for the suffer ing pcople of.;New ,Bern kot well Am dor wbv" followine a meetins at the .chamber of commerce this morning atr tfcn o'clock and the public is ur'g- ed to contribute a .liberally as pos sible. f K f . . vMayor D." ;M. ; Ch'-rk; has. issued a caty requesting; all people.40 give .as liberally-as possible to the relief , of the several, hundred ' .. people made homeless by the disastrous conflagra tion last Week. The disjter is . the greatest in history --of North Carolina and it is impossible for New Bern to cope with the situation without out-, side aid. : - .';- : . ' This is the first time our people have been called upon to give -. to pe6pfe of their own state. That they should' -rally, as they --never,, rallied., to any . other cause cannotl bequestioned. No definite amount has been set as. a goal for Greenville, but, it -is expect ed - $he amount . subscribed, will run 'into several hundred dollars. ; .j,- ... -. ft While- no report as t$ the complete amount raised today, was . available this, afternoon it will , be made public at the - earliest moment possible. ' There . ia.-no 4 question, about the ser- lousness of the situation at JCew1 Bern. Conditions have been . Investigated by Governor (Morrison and . others.7., in. whom the people Jiavev Implicit con-v fidence, . therefore, everyone can give and rest-ssure& of helping alcjng, a worthy cause. Committees- wilf cover th, business- Section- today and 'to morrow -and it js hoped a report will be' available by that time." , - v Exchange to Close NEW- YORK, - Dec. 8.r The, New Tork Cotton , , Exchange today an- nouncea -11 wouta De -crus-eu un Saturday preceidlng' Christmas and New Tears, .v . .v ... v, ' v . ..- ...... - -J ' - v. I- - V. Studio portrait of Vietor JVIur-. dock, - of Wichita, Kansas, .and Washington," D; C; who -' has just been elected Chairman .of - the Fed eral - Trade Commission on whiclt he has served since 1917, - and or which hiS termv will expire in 1925 to succeed' Nelson 'B.- Gaskilt,' of New Jersey, whose term as a mem ber has xpireL The new chairman is well knowd throughout' the coun try. Formerly a newspaper editor, he.. has ser;edV.,his. state for six terms- a a Representative. - He was chairman' of Hhei ; Progressive Ka tional Committee i dufing ;1914 . .and 1916. " cU&U STEP 00T5-De OF THIS UIzM VTII W 1 1 BIVIHfi HELP The ,Greemboro KiwanU Cub Take Up Collection bt - Relief of Sufferers " -OREENSBORO, N." C-r Dec. BThe Greeriboro idjwa'nis' cIUb- yesterday at-its' lUnoheon-heatfd ?; a' ."report" by ;f ormer District' ; ..Governor - W. B. Merrlmori Pn -ne ??ew Bern fire and raised- i.wIniftaryJoltehoT;$f 66.50 for the relief of the sufferers. In put ting the matter before th.e club Pres ident Preyer explained mat it woum b$ simply, a . volAntary natter on the part of each5-member ahd-the request met with a most hearty response. " ;j Thet mefat'5e"r3:: iridoraed" the- idea at havine . a joint- mefttingL. 'with. Tall of the, other" cliihS of th cUy.c Decem ber; 13. til P m.,'tO .consider the ques- on of prison- Reform, in North Caro lina. Tlie" Vomrhfttee 'of , by-laws ' pre sehtedr iU rept.-"grwiding2; tor a' pires- .. (Contlotied onkpagefive) . : - a- 1 - . . .... J :L-fc--t. " Each package- of "Diamond Dy contains : idlreetions so simple; woman 4;aa dye vor tint her, lod. wor. faded' things-' ntew'. Even; iJC ' she . ha never' lore,'he' ea&ttiut a ricl fadeless', tolor Intb' - shabby skirts -dressed, ; waists; '.Xo'ktS,' v. 'stockings sweaters; : coverings' draperies, hang-' ings, everything. ayj Diamond Dyes -i-nd' ptlier..'klhtheA ,' peTf eel" Home dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether 4He 1 material you wish to aye is .wdbw .nut,, .w. . u"c' tt: is, 'iiecbtfQXb -aic 'mixed' .'-goods. Diamond vDy- ever . streak, fspio-. adcpr riiQy. .::,::,,. . ;l-V,V.-v..wy y-.-j. , , r ; -. - - MAKRlES ADOPTED SON. . BRENTWOOD, Eng., Dec, ;7.j Mrs, Matilda Hudson, widow, married Richard Shickell, one , of three chil- d mi she and her first husband adopt ed in1 early life. ...... FATIIV A7 CIGARETTES for TWENTY At this price, where i the man who can't he discriminating? FOUR y IRISH REBELS ARE EXECUTED. TOD AY (By' Associated Tress).-. -kJ v " D1?BI,IN; -Dec' 8. Rory O'Connor and La'am -. Wellowes, . together -with two --othfer-Irish1 rebels,- were executed in ' Mt. Joy ; prison this morning, . it was officially announced. ', The other .two men executed were named t-. Coney v and ; Barrett both pronllnent-r-republicans. ' - Roderick,-..(itory) O'Connor and : LiiamtMellowes ,were. . leaders , of the band "of ;Jrisb ; insurgents., that, held 'the Four . Courts, Building in publin In ifa sta-nd.-against the Free' State troops ' last-i June,-, . Eath was : taken prisoner when the- building was cap tured -after a , 3-day fight. ; . ; i WW- . -..IOND05N..Dc. 8tf rThe Irish re publicans, 'says. a - dispatch, to The Evening'.JStandard fr6m, Dublin, have i issued a"; manlfest6 , describing Timo . thy', Governor-General, as a lifelong enemy of the n'ation. The manifestq adda" , I "The fight will go on as long as there, is a' man in Ireland.. It is war to the :-death.V ;:. r , CCtlSED MIXISTERS WIDIi NOT( PJVQW FATE FOR MONTH SOFA,wBUlgaria'Dec. 7.-It is ex pected, that another month will elapse before the-former ministers of the Radoslavoff cabinet learn' their fate. The. .trial which has been in progress fourteen monthsj is drawing - to a Let Fatima smokers tell you LrGGE-rr Si Vipers Tobacco Co. 3S UP FROM THE ASHES! J. T. HAVENS, Proprietor. Of . The .,; THE ACME SHOE SHOP is temporarily, located at 71 Craven St. adjacent l to The O. G. Dunn Printing Co. Building. Patrons will please take cogni zance. Telephone service later. Yours truly, THE ACME SHOE SHOP. , , J. T, HAVENS, PropHetor. "4 I '. Let U V s Your Gh avings L-lub r Bring yoiir Christmas Savings Club Checks to our store we will be glad to cash them for you. , - ' ? : :. -: - ....... .-.. . , . Carry A Full Line of- Ghmaware Stoves - T lutlery And 01 all oris Come in and look over our stock we will be pleased to aid you in the selection of any article that you desire. 4- WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU. CALL ON US AT ANY TIME.' 1 4 iafiwarl . . "Everything In Hardware' Corner Middle and Pollock Sts. Phone 99 -A-, & ,' nose.5 cur. t