Every Alien Ex Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to use tor republica tion of all news dispatches cred ited to it or not otherwise cred ited in this paper and also the local news publisher herein. . . THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL ' - i 'Ami t Period By Carrier By Mai cept Sunday Entered as second cla t matter at the postofice at New j Bern, N. C under act ol March1 3, 1879. Cart Goerch .Editor One year ,. ..TJtf-'09 Six Months ... 3.50 - - - 3.00 Three Months 1.75 1.60 One Mom ;".65-f.-& I .60 One Week .16 .EDITORIAL, PAG Friday Afternoon, December 8, 1 U.A4-kdl E. 1922. ' i COLORED LEA1TERS HELP. Certain of the colore. V leaders of New Bern have been giving sp. lendid assistance to the whites in the relief work which . has been, in progress. They have been sparing neither ef their time nor ti-ieir efforts but have labored strenuously.: in. .trying to pre--vent distress among the me libers of their own race. !. - , ' ' . - i ' f 7 "The j Lord helps those whV help them- selves,'- is a well known ada!e. The more "we see the colored people trj.ing to help ", themselves, the greater incentive it is for 1 us to help them. ; ' i" - THE CO-OPERATIVE SPL IT . .. .. . ., . . . . r . . - .;! , Greater co-operation between ,the far-' niers pd 'the manufacturers of t e State, had promotion at yesterday's, gathering in v. Salisbury of representatives of the various fanners' units, throughout : the State ? C- operative marketing has been given) con-' v siderable i advancement in this "State V and -the possibilities forrgreater : advantage in r keeping our, money at home .by purchase of things: made at' home were forcibly i forth by Mr. Hriot Clarkson, A who wai ' speaker for the day. Gradually, but steadU ; ily, the people of 'North Carolina are lin ing up for a larger degree of utilization: of their , home resources. They are strik ing out in a direction that is bound to . inake North Carolina the(most prosperous end the ' most independent State in : the - Union. Charlotte Observer. destined to bring results. The Observer believes the machinery put into operation by this organized body of workers will promote the welfare of n the farmers in every Southern State. , r.l ORE MACHINERY FOR THE FARMER . A further step in practical organization was taken by the representatives of , the Southern Cotton Commission at the Mem phis meeting, when that association, here tofore unofficial, was continued-upon an , o facial basis, with Mr. R. O. Everett as its head. , . There is possibility; of much use- ; fulness before this organization, especially in the matter" of bringing about a more perfect degree of co-operation with the ' United States Department of Agriculture, ' in helping - eradicate the boll weevil and other pests, - and in securing better mar- ' keting conditions, for. all farmers, fcoyer i. :g -alKkinds of products The - legislative 1 rogram outlined appears one which is FRANCE GETTING PAY. -France is promptly getting its pay 'for supporting England on the Dardanelles at the eleventh hour. Of course, a good deal depends on the new Ministry, but as the prime Minister is the man who warned France to support England in Turkey or England would not support France in Europe, there is little danger of any change from the announced policy of Great Britain to support France nTthe matter of reparations. England con-" sents to call Germany in default if it shall fail in the internal reforms required by the Allies. ' ' If Mr. Law had only showed his un pleasant alternative in ; the face of the Quai d' Orsay two or three years ago this whole horror in Anatolia and the flighjt of 14,000 Christians from Cilicia and 230, OOOfrom Thrace might,have been averted. T-Goldsboro Argus. STENTS AS HOMES. - . u" i ' - - :t -.. , In discarding the idea of - erecting a ?. v large number of tents ; to house . New! Bern's homeless, population temporarily, we believe that the . housing: ' committee Tents, in this climate 'and at this sea son of the year - are very unsatisfactory, . 4. regardless of - conditions., Negroes, used to being in warm houses, would ; be in dan of contracting pneumonia and other .iseases. It is r doubtful' whether they would stay in the tents more than a night or, two. " : . " v ' CThe new plan proposed by the com .. mftt.ee': for c&nstructing homes in the na ture , of army barracks is far more suit- -v able vjor meeting , the emergency,, condi- tion. ) . -. ' ' . . .-: ; WITH OTHER EDITORS ; ' - Pcannt , Growing' Upon the. first appearance of the boll weevil ln, the lower "part of i the State the ' people of Colleton, Beau fort, Jasper and other counties went headlong into peanutt -growing. At planting time a good quality of pea nuts was worth in the Virginia mar kets $120 a ton. , lany of the farmers planted 50 to 75 acres each 'atrd they made - bumper crope; but owing to ; the . 8ate ' of the market at ' narvesi time the peanuts were not. salable at all. There were no oil ' if itls In that immediate section affording' a mar ket for peanuts; tiotsi and cattle were scarce and the crops rotted In the fields in great. pile. The best way to handle peanuts, it seems to us, 'is to look after the pro curing of the necessary livestock. Then plant with reference to the live stock . rather than the market; but taking care to produce rather more than less than the livestock can use. This will insure the saving of most of the peanuts whether they shall be salable or not. . Then also peanut all U marketable at a good price an das the tupply of cotton . seed is diminishing i-ach year, the mills will gladly look to peanuts, with which to sbupply the deficiency. Torkville Enquirer. THE T0UH GOSSIP 0 L : 1 AND I opened tne nrst one. II ' IT contained. II f V A gift - of $35,000 from the American Red Cross helps us ' to realize more than eyerthe great good of this, organization, New Bern isn't going to forget the work that the Red Cross has done' here. More Evidence The American vineyard in Califor nia has been sold for $1,200,000. The transaction is significant for three reasons. It is the largest vineyard In the world; it was sold for the largest price ever recorded for a vineyard and it Is located in the United States, which is under prohibition. More evi dence of how prohibition has killed the grapegrowing industry in Ameri ca. Houston Post. : . . : - m A Stone ge Trick Kemal started out' claiming the earth so tha!t he could "yield" a lot and still have 4eft all he" wants. Washington Post. ' Why They Parted , A "I was down with pain in my right side which at times almost crazed me. Most all of the doctors said opera tion. But what I want to tell you is the , pain disappeared .with the . first dose1 of your" medicine' and ,1'never see any since. Mayrte Wonderful Rem edy has the ; right name gas, sour stomachand dyspepsin have left too." It is a 'simple, harmless preparation that removes, the- (catarrhal f .mucus from- the 'Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and intest inal' ailments, , including appendlclits. 'One dose will convince or money re funded. At all .druggists. A JOKE'S a joke. - " ... ' i ' ., i AND I can i take one. . i ;,. ,. . , :' n t . ; - - i t. . JUST AS well; " V ; AS THE next fellow. Lr '; . - A . sMS' ' BUT THERE are soma persons. WHO GO too far. AND BECAUSE of that fact. I WISH to state. THAT I'VE closed the fund. WHICH I started. TWO DAYS ago. , TO GET up donations, . FOR THE loss of ray laundry. 1ST FRIDAY'S big fire. ' AND ON the first day. -' I ENCOUNTERED nothing. , , .,. , -7 BUT DEEP sympathy. ' f ; AND EVERYBODY. v" ' f . WHO SPOKE to me. r - ABOUT MY loss. ' A I HAD A kind word to say. , v AND I want to tell them. THAT I .appreciate. THEIR ATTITUDE. AND ONE or two donations. . ALSO BEGAN to come In. AND I took them.' 'AND WAS satisfied.. , ' BUT THIS morning. I WENT, down to the office. AND ON my desk. ' ' I p WERE SEVERAL, packages. NICELY TIED up. : m ;r,- ; v, , AND ADDRESSED to me. '..'.."........' . AND I felt tickled. . , - BECAUSE I realized. THAT MY , appeaL . WAS HAVING , an effect. ; AND SOME contained ' DEAD leaves. AND ANOTHER one. DIDN'T HOLD a thing. EXXCEPT SOME old rags. A third one. AFTER ANOTHER AND WAS NOTHING but newspapers. AND I threw. : 1 i ' r THE WHOLE business. ( ' DOWN ON the ffoor. . IN DISGUST. ' - ' 0 AND THERE was one letter. ON THE desk for me. .'' . ; ff AND MY hopes arose, . ' ' J AS L looked at it. " y AND HELD it to the lighC - " AND It was mighty thin. ;. .; . , : LIKE LETTERS usually are. WHEN THEY contain checks. ,. . SO I opened It. . AND IT was avbillV . - .-I . Lumber Co. FROM THE Neuse . - .. FOR FOUR dollars.' : AND FROM now on. ; :; .! I WISH to say again. : ; . , THE RELIEF fund Is closed. AND NO more contributions. :. , . s ARE EXPECTED, .. I THANK you. Pile Sufferers -Don't become despondent try Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID no - greasy salves no cutting a harmless : rem edy that is guaranteed to quickly banish ' all misery or ' costs nothing. Joe Anderson's Drug Store. Advt. : CLEARED BY DYING MAX. DENVER; Col., Dec 7. When Les ter' Colby. was struck by Frank t-arr's automobile he lived only long nough to tell a policeman: "It was my fault." ' N IW. H OiH JUU y, JAIW UVUW I JUST KNOW T-BERE'LIi BB TALK' (From the ..Transcrip,'. Peoria) ; Birth" Registrattons , t Alice Meads born' t6 ClarehceK Al-'i bert and Evelyn Meads, 104 Spencer' street,' first 'cMld.' - ? .... n-.H.k V - -;t i -.4 --a ,v I WOULDN'T SAY TrfATf " " Ad in the, Post-Crescent, Appleton)'- ; FURNISHED, RQOMS f or . rnt;,.gen-; tiemen or , eollege, students, prefer -red. 663i.JMea4!.W-- -.:. Probably he might consider a. nrn. hibtionist If Jae caie.well rccomanend' : HIS TAKE . CARE-, !? CREDITORS (Froni Commercial .Servicer, iReporta) GODHELP-HOFFMAN. -Incw" nian-. ufacturers of cloaks and . sulU, 148 Madison avenueBahkruptcy ache . dules filed tyesteday-;by God-help HoffmattInci show liabiliUea-of $27. 793 and assets of $12,00r'! 4 1 ; NO I WON'T! I'LL KEEP MY DOG Sign in -a,restahrant 'WFbrt"'lRra;nch.' V don't DivokCE? ' your; :wrm , BECAUSE SHE CAN'T COOK" i. -EAT HERE . r AND' KEEF'HER FOR 'A PET v - ' AND THE COW JUMPED - oHlBR - . THE MOON (From ValparaisoIpdvMessengrV-, " 'Mr. Chester', when'ightning' strvck the barn, jumped over the' co-y' he '; was milking, and isrestipp very.easy; r this afternoon:' . . . . YOU SHOULD HAVE TSEEJf Httt. ' (From- the 'Superior, Wia.. Telegram) . ... The bride wore a gown of . orchid organdy , and-Aaee and, carried, a bouquet of sweet; pea -and asters. Mr. Diehl, wore 'flesh, . colored sgeor. gette with a. corsage1 of sweets peas. - ' . . ; '(' t.."-.a.l HOW COULD ,YOUl , , HOW COULD YOUfc .,' : HOW COULD YOU1 ' Too Late "to Classify'" ' A BARN FOR RENT-'-Sunable ; f orV ; high school students' or horse,- "or team, 805 S." Popular 'street ' He ia well pepared to 'entertain, the boys in most Hostile manner.-' ' HOWEVER; HE JMAY HATE' : V ' SOMETHING TO ' SAY-'SAT . ' V ' 1 ' " THE INQUEST " s;' 'vj, (From' the -Pana, ill' 'PAlladlumT, ' . ' At the hospital the wounded , man refused while ; alive - td -'jtriake any statement -concernini? 'ilie stabbing affray or to givs 'but . the' faame''bf hia , assailant. He made5 no' 'poslmtfrtfem statement, S't 1 said. , , i. i t tn m tit fiy '-'? v m rr.r- - in n ? WW i Xf (t u m fr1 L By Coming To Kinston and Attending the Great nn ; n r: .- J: El UvJ Bias BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 8th CONDUCTED BY: u uu ft n u c EM ; fi(. P , fit BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING, DEQ8tK i iWe consider this an appropriate-time to offer special reductions to our thousands of friends and custom ers. Our store is well-filled with seasonable merchandise. The things most needed by Men, Women and Children at this season will be found here at very low prices. Many articles in our stock are situable for useful. Christmas" presents. The main thing is our Unusually Low Prices. That's the thing that will interest the buyers at this season. Read the partial list of Bargains, A then' cptne to niisiuiciu a yvhcic jruui uiuiicjr win octui c uic ucsl Values. , Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Everything Will Go At Reduced Prices During Sale Lack of space prohibits us from giving a list of the thousands of bargains that will be found here during this sale. We do say; however, that it will pay you to come here and see our stock, even if you live fifty miles away. NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY OF BUYING GOODS AT SUCH A LOW PRICE. COME AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE GREAT VALUES. HI KINSTON, TED S TUT LA NEXT TO NATIONAL BANK NORTH CAROLINA

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