THE NEW- BERWSUN-JOURNXE FRIDAY, AFTERNOON, ' DECEMBER S, 1622, A- CHARLOTTE IS LIBERAL WITH HR DONATION Not A . Single Business Man. Solicited For Relief Work Refuse! Is Rcpona -f1fjl in iiiii rii " 3. - NSfiflM Charlotte. N. Cr 1 - 4 December 6, 1022. Mr; - H. M. . Jacobs, Chairman, . ; - v New Bern,' Relief. Committee, V NewBern;;N..t!, . , -.,',. Dear Mr. Jacobs, The Citizenship of Charlotte .;, in connection; with the Reds Cross- are Beadins over . Norfolk-Southern lit j package car ten boxes of t clothing, I some new and other worn, all of this ? Ja-leaving- this , afternoon : and will reach yon on - Friday morning. : ; t , : ;, We hm separated th ckrtbingr o that : it Wilt assist, in the distribution, t- bat 'in ordeT s- to get :-thingsr through ' promptly wtf have had? to do' the work v. too hurriedly to. get it i the- shape we would liked to have had, but for the1 " emergency guess it' will answer ' the" purpose.'- . v ' "' . '"'' The things in two boxes were con 5 tributed by Tate Brown & Co., a list i enclosed. Belle Bros.,' Ivey and alldf the ' leading etores have sent their things to us for packing, and stf' far ' not a concern .solicite dhas - failed,1 to do their part.- . . : t y- I'.E' "'ching'a check fer;JJl6tf ;nvacellaneousV Subscriptions - that - have ieen. handed to ine 'and: mailed in and other money has been handed f 'iotue Tfoc'aT Red Cross "Uf be 'nt-you. I. am sending this individually as it was the request of soma of those givlnp it to; me that they hal already i earAtibH&id- the .Red Cross -ana this t w as aJ adtional amdunt; V ' : Will .send other money as it comes in and we hop to pack more cloth : .ing toni arrow' and' Fri 4a '.." - -a; . w v . j.J.t cra... any jt urthetv assistance v -csya v you,, kindly -advise., - . " ".-" ' Yo'uT8 Very truly,. ' - .' . - v .' '. -; -; ' - rr. .iU?--.3i.,-0; Walk, s Mayorvi, FELT SO TIRED iTI ALL THE I Indiana Lady Says She Was Rnn r Down," Suffered With Her Back, Took Cardai, and Got Well ..... ' Richmond, Ind. ' thought I would write a line, to say that I I owe' my good health and strengtn to v-arauii Bays a. lei-icr iium Cora Courtney, of 31 Railroad Street, this city. . - - ' "I was all run-down -nntil my fam ily thought they. ! v would . lose me' writes Mrs. ; Courtney. "My husband coaxed me - to take Cardui, so, to please him, ,1, .did, : and will say.. I do nbt reigret Jt.'forVl 'am able to. 'do all my Work and dot my shopping.' - I have five children, four in school. my husband and a' boarder to 'do for. and I do all my own work for" all of us, and find time to play. We all praise Cardui. Bvery sick and " runvdowh woman should take' this .'wonderful medicine. . : - : 5 I suffered, with my-back; a very weak "feeling In - my limbs.- , I felt hardly able to drag;- just tiredso tired all the time. N; 1 "It was an effort for me to, do any thing, but Cardui helped me so 1 felt like a different woman."-- " . If you are in a run-down physical condition, , suffering as , this .Indiana lady, says she did, give Cardui a fair trial.flt should help you:. ' Cardni is a pttrely vegetable,, tonitf medicine for woman's ailments, found valuable in thousands of 'such '- cases as described . above. Adyt. . . ' 'f is If. I 01 11 600 IS SUBSCRIBE mm 01 People" of i Neighboring Towns Are Zeaiou In, Their Ef forts To Assist New Bert - 4 WASHINGTON, '-IfX Dec, 8. 4Jp ; 7 ; (to noon today $1,649 in. cash had been ' ' donated towards the New Bern- relief , : fund and by tonight when the-canvass li l of the city comes to a close Washing--ii -y l ton'.s contribution in cash rwill prob : ably be as much as $2,000 besides a t ' ton or more of . clothing, etc. .' i The. different committees named at ' t the 'mass -.meeting Tuesday ;(night! of . .twhich Captain Wiley C. Rodman was the general chairman have? reported . around $600 as a, result of. their caCn i vass .up to noon. These committees will-, function this afternoon - and up to eight . o'clock' . tonight when'"the irive ends. A final report of what Washington-, has done , to aid the New 3ern sufferers will be made through the Daily News tomorrow-afternoon I So far- the' -"First Methodist; church i has donated $$T 5, the Elks Lkdge J 250,-the Rotary C1U 1100. eontri JONES COUNTY , IS HELPING OUT People of That Section Are Greatly Grieved Over New Bern's Great Loss " Blble Oasa Tables ' Resolution . -Greensboro, Dec: S.The ' resolu tion of condemnation against the Ku- "Klux ' Klan " proposed -at the . execu- five-meeting of :the .Ireland Bible class of- the .West' Market Street day. SERVICE OP SUMMONS AND WAR- JfcANTi.-OF- ATTACHMENT BY PUBMCATION -, Hon. Edward Clark, Mayor. City of New Bern, New Bern,' N. C. My.. dear. Mr.- Clark: - The Board of Commissioners of the County ' and the Board of - Education have requested me' to mail you the enclosed Vouchers' for J3000 to be u ed by you in the relief work for the distressed people 'of your city. We know . that your splendid City arid County are more than measuring '.up to every need of your- fire stricken People, but this County wants , to show- some evidence of its sympathy and interest in the affairs of its neighbor county. . The- Boards . re quested me" to' say further that we stand -ready, and will count it a priv ilege, to respond to any call financial or . otherwise, . within" its power, as "far s,its assistnCe may be desired by yo.Ujr pepole.. There has been no effort to fake up general contributions for th, eaon,; I assume, that the peo ple of thp county felt a delicacy ' in feftdferiftg outside aid".' ( ijal'sartf enclosing my;-.persoriai check and' if there' is any service I ; can . hope you will not. hesitate to 'call on me. , , '"' ' '"VVith.-'-very best wishes, I am, - . .tLi - H Tour very truly, -J -' Is - f ' --,j;.lKv..Warren. SERVICE OF UMM;QNS AND WAR nRANT ""OP' ' ATTACHMENT BY PUBLICATION. - North Caro.!lna Craven Coiimty ".; i " Methodist churcli -was tabled by a4 Superior Court .before LiJIrLancas large' majority, it Was learned yestertterl Cle-rk.' ' : i ' A. 'tWard- and "W: .;-i.4 vx- M.' Ofltoltori-; T Defendant M." Ol ;HoltOn: . .Take-notice,, that an actionln. fav otn fit f plaintiff s- and against you was begun- in the "Superior Court of Craven-'Coanty,. North Carolina, on the 15th day of November 1922, for the purpose of recovering agnst you $225.00 '.due by account, and that summonses- and warrants of attach ment "to- ; the" Counties of ' Craven, i Pamlico and Beaufort -were issued on. the; 15tlr? day of November 1922, re-' turnable on the 23rd day .'of '.Decem ber 1922, and that the, complaint herein has been .filed and that said warrants of . attachment have 'been' levied on , your interest in. lands sit uate in said threeieounties, and' that you can appear ; at the - office- of the Clerk of Superior, Court of Craven County, in ,New Bern, - N. C, on or before thft 23rd day of December 1922 and make defense, - if you have, to the complaint and warranty of a4r, tchment. 1 v - ? r" This 24th day, of November 1922. .i ' ' Clerk-Superior Court (11)24(12)1-8-16 North Carolina Craven County ? Superior Court tef ore'L. E. Lancas ter, Clerk. - The National Bank of New Berne. .'' , M. O. Holton. To Defendant. M. ' O. Holton: Take notice; (that an action in fav or of plaintiffs and against, you was begun, in the Superior Court of Crav en County, North ; Carolina, on the 15th flay: of November 1922,. for the purpose of -. recovering against you $557.50due by account, and that summonses' and warrants of attach ment . to the Counties of Craven. Pamlico and Beaufort were Issued on the 15th day of November' 1922, re turnable on the 23rd day of .Decem ber 1922, and" ; that the complaint herein . has been filed and that said warrants of attachment) have been levied ; on - your - interest in lands sit uate in said three cotmties,- and that you can: appear at the office of the Clerk of' Superior Court of Crarven County, in New Bern, N. C, on or before the 23rd day of December 1922 and make ? defense, if you have, .to the complaint -and . warrants of at tachment. This.' 24th . day - of : November 1922. .- : sLi. E. LANCASTER, ' (11)24(12)1-8-15 NOTICE OF 'SALE OR PERSONAL - PROPERTY :;For the purpose" of making division of property owned jointly . by B; R. Taylor ' and : the festate of Wilson Hodges, deceased, and 1 for . the pur pose of settling the ', said , estate of Wilson Hodges, deceased the under signed will 6ff er for sale to the liigh est Diuuer lyr uasn uji. uio jjiciurara butions through corhmlttees $600 and "L " -if A.,- ZZ? $394 has been received at the' Daily 'News office, "which make a- total of $1,649. r '- --'i . , . "' l '.- .. In , tomorrow's Daily News' will ': be published the list of the contribu tors through the several committees: While a -large "number1 of the citizens en County, North Carolina," at about the hour of twelve o'clock M., 6n Friday, December 8th, 1922, the fol lowing - .described . personal property. to-wit: , - . ; '::-: v.--. ' Seven", muleV, two two-horse wag . . - . , n. ons, three carts, one;"transplanter,;ene have-made denoaUons . others aa-ve;. ' . o1, , ii . ,t.i -11 fi ' .u ' ft- ; not. -So if ybtt wish to add our bi towards' thitf Worthy cause- don't - wait for the committees to seek you but i seek; them. New-" Bem - needs 1 unds t right-tfow. and thfl -sooner Wshin6 i ton's contribution in cash and cloth j faagi :can reaclt . that distressed . city- the '. betted.1,- If yotf.-are ' to -make a . contribution ' your ' time is short' for the drive -ends toniht at eight o'clock. hay press, onehalf interest in a bean harvester owned. ijointJ- by B. R.1 Tay lor and ' the estate of Wilson Hodges, deceased, with Neal Wallace," two rhilk .ctowV. one ibt of hp'gs.'.about nfty bushels of soy beans, about five hun dred bushels of corn, about twenty tons -of -hay, one' lot ';; of .cotton, 'eeed. sts: tdbacCO - trucks, 6ne lot of farm Ing ' Impleiiients . consisting of plows, harrows, hoes, spades, shovels, et cet- In publishing thii list of the c;ntri-MthAii with all th. nprantiai butors yesterday , in the Daily News j propert y , owned i jointly by the: said inadM'rtenfly the naniea of Miss Clara Earns feat who contributed $1:00 'and the Cherryurmture Cd. contribut ing ?,$ 2.00 wre : omittedif ; y ou .1 want to help Nw Bern do do quick as .all ms-cldfhing ;fefc,:1!wilt; go 'tomdf-' .row. Search out one of the committee jjart,- No 2 this. afternoon- and - do your j ;, f cause - is more worthy. . ' : 1ITHE MARKETS , i" " , JOE COTTON 1-TJTT7RES YdRK. Dec. 8: Cotton - tureS opened barely steady ? ;?"T"Deeeraber to b'-i''V'?--- fu- 1 r. 24.81 ' 24.80 24.90 ; 24.87 . 24.48 . THE COTTON MARKET NEW YORK. Dec' 8. The cotton fmarket' opened steady at 'an advance of 4' to 17 points on higher Liverpool 1' cablma-ibetter , Manchester trade re -ports.-and '-ra. more optimistic feeling over Europe 'affairs, promoted by the -steady opening, the stock market land ' firmness, of foregin exchange. vv ";,.- - ' --v-$"- - ' -.. -i: THE STOCK MARKET VH NEW YORK? .Dec. " 8. i-Ir regular ' price ' changes at the opening of to day's "stock .market continued: to re fleet, the reply, of '. opposing specula five forces. Special buying Cperations were conducted in a few specialties: Nationaf.Lead being vushed up 2 3-4 to a new high record for. the year, - Foriflprn exchange opened firm. t M I 1 .. " - IS . ALL PROPERTY OWNERS in the burned arei desiring to build or sell are requested to meet at ...ivyi-Mv' -- : - ' - -' - ;' V -' .- .- " -' ..-.-.", tlTY HALL AT 8 OClCK FRiE)AY NiHt. -. ; . ' ' '' '.' '": "- . . ''''. ' . 7 ".' Matters dl Great interest will be discussed arid it will be to your 'mfefest to attend. - ' ; -'' -' . -, -' -- - ..4; I.-" I .;-. --.,v-: L... 1 -. Sv 'f ' -.j ' ".v.----'.-. , ..-'-v ..... '.. . ' r t. PEftJVlNENf BUILDING COMMITTEE fenairmam .;' :"-: .-"' ' -' ': '-";i-';--:.V'v: v ;.';': r- , ...',.' ',, : .. ........ ..-,: . - ,,,.,ij:-';. :.;.,.v,'"'i -"5-.-. -I 3 IV- SUNOURNAL,WAffTA B; R; Taylor and the estate; of Wilson Hodges, deceased, and . used -by them hi connection with farms operated by thent joitrtiy;'?ri: v-j'f i Immediate delivery of said proper ty can . be had at- the time "f o- the safe; This ' the 15th day-, of. Nevember, 1922. -'-' . :-':'r B.V7': Taylor and Mary C Hodges, adminisf ratix ' of the' estate'1 of Wilson Hodges, de ! ceased.-- f ' 17-14(d)i-8 . ;wi r' ...m' mi ' ' r '"; '" :'- -J j. . 'mJ.LiMmiiu .iwrt m .,,,.. W.;, ; i. Mi- ,r'.i., --,1,, -,:; '-, ci.,- ' ; Al ' Drawing to A 06 ; Oar corn meaL - JFsh f 6e3 meal, . Wheat middling - Wheat bran, corn will make them what you want them to be. "'' J. A. MEADOWS Every member of our Savings Club is requested to pay all of his or her payments before Saturdaynight of this week in orcter to get a full check. This is very essential. ; Checks to members will beedi GilM HI M&tter Yd0 Attention "tf . - is Week Christmas is near at h'andnd your Savings Club Check will come in mighty nicely TT 7 mi ofSotne Time Tki "Oldest and Strongest . - t "is-"- - .-rj,"- 1 1 : l

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