i, v - - . ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1922. THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL' SEVEN 'X v.- rTIDu'AL BfiriK TO PAY OUT BIG SUM JVill Mail Out Christmas Sav- ings Checks For $15,000 . Early in Week -'" 'f The National Bank of New Berne " : la calling the attention of the mem- sVa bers of its Christmas Savings Club . ; to the fact that, if they, will call . at ' the bank toda3;and pay;uE"all back ' dues that the checks which will be : mailed to them early; in, the week will '" 5 "be for the full amount. ' i The .bank is anxious to mai lout a , . check to each member for the ; full , amount of the- club.' $15,006 will be r , paid out in these , Christmas Savings Club checks, early Ujvjthe week. . . The bank will start a new Christmas 'i, Savings Club during the coming week. 'mm 7ANX AD RATES: This type words to tin) J.0o - line. ' ,," r This type (5 word to line) 16e lise. Els cboBeeutSir insertions 19 per . cent off this price. Whit epsee nai price; sa print" ; t& lines. , , ..;. : ALL XSTAST ADS ARB CASS ; ibos't Hk u te charge them. W kd token for leu than 90s. ,:,,.. WANTED COMPETENT, ;EXPER ienced and. unmarried saleslady -to work in ready-to-wear depart ; ' ment.' Good wages. Steady employ ', ment. References required; Apply -' Box 14, New. Bern, N. C. t en SALE I FOB SALE -RESIDENCE, 8 ROOMS location ideal. "Residence," care !-v Sun-Journal. .' : y . 4-lwp 3 X FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UN furnished rooms In good neighbor i hood. Apply by letter a only.; .;Ad ; t "dressy Box ,7tt-"I.--. l.- FOIi , KEa-SEVERAI.TOBAOCO and 'icotton; larms,' close' Jh' to New Bern Oft- Trent.- roatt. ' Apply to J. " J." Smith", R.1T'. ; D. lfo. 3 1 New Bern ' N.-O ,w - -3t-pd.' FOR. RENT HOCSE 124 CRAVEN - St.; also, furnished. -apartment; Both have .every convenience; -thorough ; Jy screened and heated " with fur i "naces. Phone 860. ? j 2-lw FOR . RENT FURNISHED ROOM. r ! Apply ' by le'tter niy.- Afidress Box ; 771. , ,- : - I L6T ANt) FOUHl5l LOST FLAT TOP TRUNK. TWO v-' strap. Name inside Clara Humph ey. Care Cart . Fisher, , 'phone 315- - J.. . -7-3trpd LOST DRAWER i FROM ; OAK ' wash stnd. full of pillow cases, .; towels, r napkins aftd tableV cloth during 'tth fire;:; Please return" to , John De. -.Forest.,, at jO. G. Dunn's printing office or tell .the Sun Journal "offifce. , D H tf. Miscellaneous 1 1 EXPERT PIANO TUNING. WORKj guaranteed. ' Phone 968-w. z. . v. c ,'Butts, Jr. 7-5t-pd. ' I WE CAN DO ANY KIND OF HAULc (" 1'; it ing, - anytime,' anywhere. For par ' i I ticulars -'call ' R. .A.' Gaskins, Phone . 'j 325-J. . i 7-2tp i JUST , RECEIVED N. C. - HAMS, :. all pork .sausage, - frankfurters, i smoked .''daitssiriij - enrar mred ; " hams,' corned ; hams. - Complete stocK staple ana fancy groceries. J STAR GROCERY 4 CO., Phone 6 7, ou jHiacue street.; r .. Norfolk Southern R. R. Reduced Fares : - Norths Carolina , State Baptist Convention : I , .- rAnnomices 1 -. To : Winston-Salem, N. C. December- lS-14tht 1923., . "- Tickets, oq sale . December 8th t14tli inclusive bearing final limit to and including December 18th. I ; - J. P. D ALTON General ' Passenger '- Agent ' Norfolk Southern Railroad . , .;' Passenger schedule - -Effective September 30, 1922 I At New Bern, N.,C. w , Daily Except a Bhown ; Leave ; For . . . ; Arrive - From '9:30 Am .i.. Norfolk; ,.5;00 PM (Parlor Car) 1:C AM ..Norfolk.:. . 5:35 .PM (Sleeping Car) ' -'6:50 AMiGoIdsborai 12:50 AM S:50 AM l. ..GoldsborO. . 9:14 AM S:20 PM ...Goldsboro4.- 6:10 PM 9:20 AM ...Beaufort ... 8:40 AM 6:22 PM . . .Beaufort. . . 6:10 PM 9:35 AM ... Oriental ; . 4 : 4 0 PM .Information, schedules and reser vations on application to L. PUGH, ; - '"' Ticket Aseot: - Mrs;; J. If Russell returned home to Beaufort, last night after -spending th day with friend bert Lw-lt a-i IF SICK TODAY! "A "Dodson's Liver Tone"; Straightens You, Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset ' YouDon't Lose a Day's WorkRead Guarantee , I discovered a vegetable compound that .does the work ' of dangerous, sickening calomel and I , want every teader of; this- paper to buy a , bottle for. a few 'Cents and . if . it doesn't; straighten you up better, and 'quicker than salivating calomel just go back to the store and get your, money back I guarantee that one' spoonful ot Dodson's , Liver Tons. will 1 put k youi sluggish liver to work and clean; your thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile and constipation poison which is clog ging your system and making, you feel miserable. ' I guarantee that one spoonful of this ; harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, biliousness, Colored Insurance Will Pay All Durham, N. C. peceraber 7, 1922, Chamber of Commerce, New" Bern Ni C 1 "".''.' Gentlement; . Our president has been sick for several months and I have been out of the state for ten days. ' At a meeting of our Board of Direc tors today, It was unanimously decid ed that the company would pay the premiums for . all policy-holders who suffered loss . in the . recent great fire in New Bern.' : In addition,' we beg to enclose our check' for ? 100 to be - used - as your committee sees fit in relieving, the situation among the. sufferers.' i '.v -We - are ' also sending ' our . special agent, Mr, C. C. Thorpe, to assist' the local committee taking car.e of those in need. ' " . 4 - The Community. Helpers Club, . a colored -organization doing civic and social -work among our people .: in Durham, has underetkea to raise as large a fund and to gather as much Tea Barrels Donated By Dur ham' Company For Relief v - of Sufferers Here V; , " 1 Durham, N-i (X s Dear Mr.' Maxwell: ' ' . 1 i . , December.. 6. 1922. I confirm talking with you this morning when advice, was given that your car . of flour left Durham this morning. We will trace it vigorously and' will lend best efforts to see that It is rushed through.. . We added to' your shipment 10 bar rels of Superb Self-Rising Flour, (1C0 12 lb. bags) which we. want you to use in .relieving the fire sufferers. We did not add more because we did not know whether these ;' people are m position to do their own baking. If flour can be used satisfactory we shall have pleasure in adding a duplicate quantity with another car which you will no doubt have moving out .to you at an early' date.- -.. x .i " We have been deeply moved by the catastrophe which1 has : befallen your city and we want you to krfow of our desire to, assist in overcoming the aur fering so far as our ability lies. . : A copy of this letter goes to Mayor Clark. When we, can be of service please command us. p.-. Yours truly,- i I ' ' Austin-Heaton. Company. 4 ' ' by W. M. Speed, Pres.' , Reidsville Sella Bonds i; Reidsville, Dec. 8. The sale of $300,000 street improvement bonds of the city 6f ' Reidsville was had on Monday at which time more than a dozen companies filed bids. The Dia was) awarded to R.. M. Grant com pany, of New York city, who paid a premium of $1,080 on the issue Of 6 1-4 per . cent bonds. The net high est bidders ( were A. B. Leach com pany -at' a " premium of $903 and Stacey and Braum, carrying a prem ium of 362, Miss Theresa Higgins, of BeaufOrt, spent " yesterday in New Bern shop ping and visiting friends. ; ifiDFL0iT0s JAIL. AC,AN coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour stomach or any other distress caused by av torpid liver as quickly as a d.ose of .vile,, nauseating calomel, besides ItvWill not make youf sick or keep you from a day's work. r: Calomel is poison it's mercury it;? "attacks : the bones often causing rjheumatismi Calomel is dangerous. It sickens while my Dodson's Liver Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat anything afterwards, because it can not salivate. Give it to the chil dren because it doesn't upset the stomach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake ffp , feel ing fine and ready for a full day's works.-Advt. Policy Claims clothing as possible and we intend making a daily, report, beginning tor morrow, until we collect whatever we can. -1 . ; ? -' . The citizens of Durham are in deep sympathy with the situation, and hope to prove it in a very tangible way." "'-'-, Yours very truly, ' North Carolina Mutual Life Insur ance Company. , . . C. C. Spaulding, . Secretary-Treasurer Open Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Hurry Mother! A teaspoonf ul of "California". Fig Syrup" now .will thoroughly clean - the . little bowels and in a few. hours you have a well, playful child again. Even a cross, feverish,-:?' constipated child- loves .its ''fruity' taste, and mothers can rest easy because if never fails to work all the sour bile and poisons right out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting the child. "r Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "'California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and chil dren of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California." Refuse any imitation. Advt. .'. Skeifea Work Of Every Description Roffing-tih, slate and slag. Automobile rad iator repairing and building. m BEN GEL and PARKER Phono 40419 Craven St. Company MOTHER "BRINGING UP FATHER" MMSSSSaBlB' CHNAv THREE WFF X" A.NI TWO OF IT 1 WEVE PENT I m OEGH N JJ I '"-Lag:- C-"- JET U ' " & CHNA THREE 1 ' - Q ' ' Town of Ahoskie Is Working For ReKef AHOSKIE, N. C. Dep. 6, 1922. Mr. H. E. Barlow, Secretary. ; Chamber of Commerce, New Bern, N. C. Friend Barlow: I don't : know how to express my sympathy for you and your towns men ; but I i.want you to know that the little town of Ahoskie feels your loss almost a personal one. Yesterday, we shipped to your town three iboxes of clothes for the unfortunate,--and can assure you -that 90 per cent of same will be appreciat ed by almost anyone who is fortunate enough to secure it. -I inspected practically every ar ticle and you will find practically all of the linen and lingerie sent were laundered not discarded garments. Knowing full well the vast majority of the sufferers were negroes. I am sure they will appreciate these ar ticles. It was our misfortune to experi ence one of the longest and hardest ATTEMPTED TO ATTACK CHILD OF. FIVE YEARS 1 Sanf ord, Dec. 8. On last Thurs day morning James McNeill, a 15- year-oia coiorea Doy - attempted a criminal assault upon the 5-year-old daughter of , Mr. Lloyd Cashion, who lives a mile west of Sanf ord. The screams' of . the child . brought ' her mother to her side in time to pre vent the commission ; of the criminal assault. The father who was notified gave .the negro a thrashing. Judge Mclver had him sent to the State Prison in Raleigh, where he will be held for safe keeping pending his trial. ' The Turk's foothold- in Europe ap pears to be on its neck. A People Who Know Not Defeat '-ffC' ,''!''. - ' - ' - - v , it WjsJ i-f ..Sffe- - i ' - . ' . - I VE OT A'OECK WE HAp A, TAvekE HAS ls li : It- .. ;. - : -V " ' ' THE NATIONAL JBANfe; OF NEW BERNE CONVENlNCE&- TO rains of the season Monday. It sim ply poured almost all day, but at that, we were abue to gather the above mentioned articles and express same to your Mayor. We have more going forward to day. There will be another expression of our sympathy coming forward at a nearly date; please write or wire me the proper parties, or can 1 send same to you? If there is any way that we can be of service to the citizens of New Betrn, we want you to know we stand ready to serve to the best of our lim ited ability. Sincerly, C. O. Harris, Secretray. P. S. Just sent two more large boxes to "The Mayor" New Bern, N. C, via Express, for fire sufferers. Pale and Thin (Many feel uaeqaal to tiiei dail y task. They are prooe I to frequent colds or coughs, I xjr are pais and thin. Whatl lis needful Is rich, nooEishteg Scott's Emulsion of pure vitaiDinebesiini Ajj cod-liver oil, to help strengthen and build up use viiai icrees 01 the body. Bu3d up resistance duily I Scott 4k Bowoc, Vica,id,K.J The National Bank of. New Berne offers its sympathy to every sufferer from our great fire and trusts that each of us will endeavor to think now as much as possi ble of our civic responsibilities in the work of complete recovery. Soon we shall hear the whine of the saw and the ring of the hammer. ' We shall have a greater New Bern than ever before. It cannot be otherwise -for the citizens of this city are a people who know no de feat. This institution is more than ever resolved to do. ail that it humanly can for New Bern. k' VJOTSOER HOW 'M - k CtONtSA MAKE Trtlv FlRC-C RACKED 'MAKW UNDERSTAND ME? For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache,;; : Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxatvie in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or " Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like "Casca rets." One or two tonight will empty DOLLAR COURAGE , v Money in the bank gives the sort r of courAgv " that enables men to get on in the world. J , - Many an able man . has let opportunities slip by because he was a dollar shy. , , , 1 t We suggest that you open a . savings account with us and begin now to build up a cash reserve. . Your account is welcome here regardless : of size ,? vv Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Gbmnanv Subscribe f o BY TA.UK UOAJO TQ" HIM 40 OK AH PLAV OlMTV - Cipxrlght. If 22. kr tL - ----- -2s . r i v- - -v'M'i i fir : . 11 - -if r VftMiisu your bowels completely ' by morniftg; and you will feel splendid-"They work -while you sleep." Casoarets never stir! you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Cal omel, or Oil and they cost only ten- cents a box. Children love Cascarets;; too. f'- mmmmmmmmmmi 111.11 The Sun-Joiiriial 'i (( ,, .c,1. , ti ti. v i i GEORGE MacMANUQ DQtS' T THROW XOO "4 nt t Fmtn SiviM lo . i .