SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 16, 1522. x. A lAsheville And New Bern . ; Fight It Out Today University To Pfey Thirteen Games HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - By DWIG GONNA THE NEW BEfttfT SUN-JOUttNAC - -r i I ' I Ill I. I I WMW II.. X , ' I II I 1 I i. U " 1.IJ. . "' " I . . ' ' ' ' ' ' M '"''''('"'" p (f8K3g); 5 final High School! fey ; SPEIRBSj; (.By Assciated Press ) , CHAPEL. HILJU Dec. . JG.-The i'carse shout of "signals" boomed a cross th chalk-lined field at the Uruvsriity; of -North Carolina's stamp ing ground' here - today- when two - powerful, ...undefeated football elev- em--Aslaeville. from, -the- .wesjt .and " New Bern from, the East met to de cide thfe. atate high school champ ion -fenP . A full weckMate, the game prom laed-to be one of the; greatest - that luSi echool . football ; followers . ..eyep have witnessed, AKhpvill flushed with, expectancy of ultimate triumph, j :.. showed csnfidence - in ..every move. .-' mw Uenu equally as strong and no J6-3 uro ,of victory, rolled its heavy-' ' raiiUns scoring machine, to th.' f ray,, hnekies all.: red : of: cheek, powerful cf hmld and fleet of foot. . ,r 'I$Wstern;'. : aggregation ;.well - rrirne4 'HU jlent3i! of practice, came : tii:t5x$' fieW with an.s nviabl season's ; f 6 -fird, .Sjahind' -it. " Ashevillet his met : tn elisoJs' since t,1ia' flsl: fciclfoE of U'.ij yepr. Only three of .these were in the championship matches. A to ti! ;of . 198, points were, piled up by ountaineer- in. theser games" a eaiuisfr 2 for .their optionent. ,, :; '-Trio- team ha met stiff ;.opposition all through, but has won most f .its ' i'bja83 by decisive sceresi.' AsirevJire ?.. pJa-yed two . tie games-ooe jTFith KoxviHc, . -Tennessee . champions; vjich resulted iw a ff-Os score;., and With Bingham, which ended 6-C. '' 4 a the three state high : school 'iliftmpioaalup tbattles, sAsheville toll-r l Griffin - ed vt-.SalislitUfj!:4l to, Oi clawed. 1 j Grantham . Pt-hita out of Chaclotte, , while . the , Ruval -Matter -went scoreless, and' won the 1 Henrtes ' right to represent the West io the Morton ' ftMals by taking Monroe's measure I TT. McSorley to 7. , (Simpson .- On tlie other side of theficld, the j Whitford P.nus . TSevr Bern outfit laid claim j Phillip : ri as many,, or more, : laurels! New KTcSorley . . t ' - "; 1 1 t Arms Have Akri ved For iptain Albert T. Willis tfcc .local battery unit yesterday had received its' firet &hip n:tnt of r arms and amunition. - ''- ' ' -1 " " . The , shipment consists of 89 .side-arms tenM rifles and "QuanUty .of ammunition. -These h-ave been -distributecf pmougr the members of the. guard duty and were used by them last niht. . ,- J m . The arms were rushed here abend of time with" the co operation of .Adjutant" General Metts. " - " - '. ' I rs - - . , - ,;.... 'J"- VilrfiTnrr iiinn ' JCIJ LUiJ . niuti : MT IRE CJcod GainQ! !$ promised at the T. tX A. Tonight. Fans Arer fjrgod T Attend Bikfiithii fanw will- sea . a .good Same at . the Y, , II. -C. A. gymnasium towjshtf whew, thcr-f . Jd-' :; A. ' team metti Trenton High School. ' f. The-.. &ame , will start at T:S0X o'clcvcl:. , t ; the 'fY'f-boys have a mighty-fast teivrj., , Wjth athe exception rt ,. the first' game; they, played against Jack- Scnvsjle,:- they haven't ; met : with' a single defeat and have been show ing- improvement of form right along.J ; It 13. iioped, that a laVge number f 'tend wlHean- hand'-to root' for 'the boya at tonight's game. 15" JEfa IS ASY VIGTOB i ' K' ' New Bern Higlv School guds con ' tinned.:, their winning .. stretik w last jiii?it when they defeated -the Kinyion, ,&iria bisXetbiU team, by he score -ef 0-12. -. v . -- The . game was played at , the - Y. M. C. A. gymnasium here and " was t witnefcsesd' by- a large ..number, of spectators, The locals got -away to a uoed start and managed to hold their lead throughought. Kinston displayed SpodXtahiywrli huf were; inclined' tb be. inaccurate aa to their shooting for baak-OtSi -j -. .:;r, ; .-. . .- , ; 4v .. j :,.- i'liB. JJfW Berq girl have? developed ft .spfertdrd team .and they expect - to through tba- season without meet inz with defeat. ... - SMALL AUDIENCE SEES MUSICAL COMEDY HERE . ."Sally, - Irene, and Molly,'., musical ' . ffomdy,iiwa8 -witnessed -by -a rather 3iualV -audience . at the Show . Shop ."last lilghL : .v .; . . '. i Whia It-is: true- fhsMt the attraction was not oft.- outetandmsr merit, still i5-Ta'fi along fan-ly weir and- keptthe audience amused with its .different lumbers, n, - Cr Overton, s the I Ucrn came down the season's grind I with n. nf . 1 flfl . nninto. otrflinst fi for" her, opponents. This' lone' 6 was scored by .Washington, the only team: tQ. cross ?Tew Bern's goal line. vThose that fell before this powerful' eleven included the Choice teams - of the' Eastern .'section . 'foremost anion;; Which- 'were - Washingtony'- ICinston, Wilmington, Rocky Mount and San ford."'- , ' ;-Every, team' that New Bern- played was a 5 championship' - contender. Rocky Mount was- the first to- fall be- fore tne New -Bern ians( 2T to 6: New liern scorea z points aerainst. wash- ngton's 0 ; 1 9 . against .Kinston ; 39 against. Goltlsboroi 24 against Wash ipgtoni . which scored. 6 this time; .13 against Wilmington;; 31 " againtsr Rocky". Mount and 6 against Sanford, the. hardest fought game of the sea- son-- .- - . V - , ... ..New Berh swung, into practice early t him week., after -six of her first- string men twere , relieved f guard duty at the' fire- area. These boys have been serving, in the 117th Field Artillery battalion of the North Carolina Na tional Guard. ' .. . . , While ' so - large delegation accom panied,. New Bern's . plans in this di rection were somewhat interf erred with because of the recent fire: In terest in. that city, however, has never laxed despite the catastrophe which swept- it, .. - - : ' The lmeup: New Bern Position DiU , 1, E. Asheville Fitzgerald - Frady " ' H. Weir Smith 1 Felmet W,' Weir Atkinson (C) James . .. Brandel Green Chekales : L.T. L..G. ' CV -It G. n.T. . U.K. C.1J. UI. F.B. Local Battery arfnounced this morning" - that battery' who- are -Engaged m "tired business "man," was the ce'n: tor ;of,. attraction- and. broutrht-? fi'P- I quent laughs with his . comic antics. Kathleen; King, as the nagging wife, also played her part well. The'chorus was fair. ' ' - 1 " f " Suit: of ;iarfc Griy Oxford Cloth. ' , 'is tit? ' U - -" I ' P? J ' " Iff" II' - i, I r ! if i ''' U ft:;: - - Pip !r , ' I't:"i J "X- - -H . t It is made with a box coat, hasv a its trimming, stitching of meat, at "the wrist 'is the duuble fqund in an inset of flannel on the cuff and coat. No! tv J)ST TftKlt? IT? vfoO POOft SAP '(ov? Poop WOT I, I 1 1 I i II - . . a VUJlkl t ' . - III. --.-:-''-: W MEW ip. gSI j! ,, . Install New Ilant Hickory, j-Uec. 16. The,; Timo3 Mercury, foi-.the past several years printed in Gastonia and Xincolnton, is installing a modern plant on Tenth avenue here and will begin the pub lication next week of a semi-weekly. Mr. .Frwl White .Says, "Don't Idle Be : oiusc vYou Only See One Rat.?" -"I did, pretty soon I found my cel lar fulK They, ate n1y potatoes..' After trying RATrSNAP I got 5-dead rats. The rest later. They. pass up'-te po tatoes to: eat RAT-SNAP." lf,nthre are rats around your placefojlow "Ir. White's example. Three sizei-35e 6&e $1.25." , us4 -Sold and guaranteed , by J. . S-Baa-night Hardware Co., and. F. S.'DUv. . . ' . . J - Study. Co-p. Plan r ' '' Raleigh, Dec. 16. RaleighWas the mcccaf yesterday for leaders -in the co-operative cotton selllngf.iwovehvent from- several ; Southern f?ttes. They were particularly interested .in learn-v ing that North Carolina'-na stepped riEfltt up to the. front and proims-ei to stand at the-head )f the list, v '"1 ' Tlrey; y,f re especially - pleased , to learn that deliveries to the. Tar Heel cotton co-operative -conynue to be large; and the fact that, over eight worn over a straight line dress, and; heavy white silk. A novel arrange-! cuff, and the interesting white is I collar and ivory buttons trinimins: ' -th'-t; ' hundred -bales had been received on theprevious day was favorably com mented on. . - -. . Pinckney Arthur Jead Kinston, - Dec. 16. Pinckney Ar thur fatally injured by a truck near the intersection of Queen anVl Blount street here Tuesday,, was best imowM'pnediate section on as, the originator oS a famous variety of ;?tobacco bearijtg his name. The ., ' r , - l. 4 1 :1 a. Now 1923 Our Christmas Savings Club opene d last Monday morning and already a large number of members have ",een enrolled i n one qr more of the five classes, V. Yesterday We Paid $15,000 To Our 1 ' 1922 Club Members We want you to be among those wh'o will receive checks ;next year; When you receive your weekly salary today come in and enroll in the new club or if you pan t come in today, come in next Monday. Join The 'Pinckney Arthur Tobacco" is . wide ly grown in this belt and elsewhere, it is a prolific type of fine texture and color. Just what experiments' led to it,-, development are not generally known, . but its introduction had a considerable, influence, in the culture of the. crop' reintroduced to this ira-i -1 ify &, generation or. two'- ago. It was. the recrowning pride of a quiet old-man's life. . Is the Christmas the Happy Throng of Peoples Christmas Club Savers PEOPLES BANK RALEIGH, Dec. R-Xerth'Caru- Una State this season will nlav one of the lightest basketball schedules in the history of the institution, only . thirteen games being arranged, ac cording to an announcement of offi cials today, x - Five of the "contests will be played here, and eight in foreign territory. Trinity, Wake Forest, JSIoiu' Guilford, Davidson, . Woiford, 1 Furman and North Carolina University will be the opponents. The season ' will be open with Trinity' at-Durham: on January 20 and close' with the Methodists here on February 24 '' J "In addition to, the numerous -other attractions staged .. each winter at the cityvauditorium, all 'the road shows booked for? Raleigh this year will, be presented in the municipal building." -it was. stated.: "This. Kiearis the Tech tossera mut :o:ifine their practice to the wholly-"nadociuate y. Mi C.'A. court at th4 college ;tnd he makers- of the schedurei' hav- found It: very; hard' to arrange honw ganws without - conflict with other attrac tions. For this reason Graduate Man ager. J. W. Harrelson has scheduled only, thirteen games." . . ', The schedule follows:' '. ' January .20- Trinty, Dm4iani. February 3 Wafke . Forest,. , Ra leigh. " February - February College. February. February burg, S. C S Elon, ' Elon- r-olkge. . SB Guilford, Guiiford 7 Davidson, 8 Woiford, Davidson. Spartan- . February s. c. 9 Furman, Greenville, .COMMUNICATE fi O RF-OLK, VIRGINIA '.' v ' BtFORE- DldPOSllSe OF- VDVR mi EXCELUEMTTORAE PAClUtlEA. Latest market information furnished on REQuerr FREE OP'CHARSB,,BY . TELE FHONJr OR" TELEGRAPH CORRESPONDENCE; INV1TCD-' HOUSE' ESTABLISHED t&70 .',w- Time To Join Saving s V " -'it 13 Guilford. KaMgh 1 4 Davidson, Kalef J. 1 7 Wake Forest, U ke February February February Forest. February Hill. February February 19 Carolina, :itaue 2 2Garolina Itateia.ii. 24- Trinity, Raleiglr. a- TO PROHIBIT FURTHER V 'TAX EXEMPTION PLAN : . (By Associated Press) .: WASHINGTON, Dec' 15. House and Rujea Committee - todayv voted to give privileged statua, ta :hf Green - resolution; proposing "an" niendment to. the constitution -undei which further issuance - of- tax 1 fx--empt securities would.. be prohibited '';"-'V'' Sv- " v 1 . ' . " "' "' v-'r "".i'' . Adopt Prison Charges .' t ,.: Ralcigb, Dec 16--Diectota a( state v prison adopted' Superintendeni. George Pou's recommendations forf. the abolition of the criminal insa'o department, fop the establishment 0' prison industries. In which to' tralrf ' prisoner; - for a. tubercular colony which not only state, but county, pri oners, may be eent fo. treatment,' ptiv ferably near t the sanatorium ' now; state maintined for that purpose, andi r for the purpose' oi constructing eult-, able quarters fox employees and ivr(e oners at the Cary i farm. Architect Franks B. Simpson,' of Raleigh, ,-wasC employed.' ...t . i--r : :s:. -:-:;:--'' "''' '' ' i- 5. . Give tight shoes. They look-fine itfV and feel fine oft. ' , , , yiTH t Is. Our Club Bank 5 V- i t' X' -)." v4

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