any Dramatic Granges- port World Tfiis "Year laiits j HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - - - - - By DWIG;j H 1 UGAJ t -il- J V 'j f25T2V'rOrvK, )ec-''2?. JoTin 'J. Md Gi-aw will slurtf the damung- neHv year , ''i a -' president ' of the New York Nation al Lteaue clUb' aswell as inajnager; CiuuAM 'rf ..Sttrtivh'anv who has 'served as t'hief executive of the Giant's Since "thov yjre bought from the eatate of t;v'v :! :hn T-' Brush- fTve-yiears' agtv ii r.'-nuift" as' principal' sfcoeKfiolder tho. i iW CJit" will turn t'ne conduct I artairs over to McGrar.V. "- . if lvis .T-oii'-t. been, " rumored . that sfiT7t&ove.p&.,tiing contemplated, it the aecebsaiy action "was n6t tak . i until- a few -days ago when the OJants ftoc khoicera held their an imal meiktng. . . ' :' . t i No more fitting . testimonial as to f'5e liigh eminence McGraw has at '; uncd in. the world of baseball could given than his selection as sup . ji ine controller of the destinies of the . :ji aost . prosperous and successful i club h either ma jor league. :;. 'i JiJrlv "Years in the Game It dujj to the amazing energy terfity- 'toV McGraw, a prod uvt th cobblestone. . diamonds jOf Trux iV Lif-iS.L'-? Netf i'orll, thjLt'.th'e nme- anci- .k-fatieol t&eOjtaats tjckjed '.to evei-y backwoods hamlet Of" this ounfcry stlcV vet danced across.. the sups' of -the 'Heven. RpaiT. .''."'!- -T . "' v So why, pray, shouldn't this ' most rweeful fignrp.iiv. 11; national game '.. a v, vith fair rrsfymff and tbAnrdrti; : nines and vntlci umpires and club .yityj.. receive thet biggest ' reward :-obail can beetow?- ' i.-.. -. : McGraw came to" New. York iwvfity :ears -ago a-f ter- sellins his ball SlUll 1 -zrr Basketball. , Quiz . I I. nsportsman . v , Titlio rcfeies give a' decision - that - if , v1.'icr who. talks back ' tUw.oCii'ja! and conducts himself In v unsportsmanlike manner",' what ac Ji:n can the referee take? -i The referee has it in his power to Jve the oilier team the right to make 1 trvr'.-ii foa eroai fon such- cort-,i 1 -1, V WW.: J? i' , Injuries. , I T r a team starts the r game with " '-'vot-s. roirlnrs and two V 1 ,ujn As venes tne reconvening ag the .Christirias High School bas- vvill get down to prac Jpation of the eight' or i hich will be . played this 'ru f :od;s material on eason in every way. being arranged; with Kinston Morehead Ctty. and other; towns In this DUCATION : - FOR PROHIBITION i, Dec. 27."On the subject , lion, . I, have ho satisfactory i to trie auiuLiun ui tuia long as man id a sl&ye'.to'' t,he ,'he' fit sh.' it will be unsolved. Hp need education as well uVrhere oTighl to be cam ; 'f ' cduNation by discreet men ' .matics Kigid legislation- will ,e betltV people, and that is hi 'of tie hour: .The, church exercise more power e Oliver AV AlleH, font 36 years I o in Smjitvlor ourtT)JV orth .' , . . a i .. .. Alt. J 1 -. . . m Ja strvici -tyii d v , t inlay ice i a the history -.of-the irho" retires January ,1, txniav -cxvresst?d this opinion to o yfssoc'.atfd PreySsi " j "Oineehawgft :ttt idr lawVhe con i iitiad, '"i .sv'oiild .ftiggest is the man-acjtuei-s-'ttf. w&is'koy for the firtst of i 'made aJfelony, punishable by j:yiiwui!int;uL in irio stuie inaun ffiojii one to iA ';:tcond' offejis. :! years and for . the from two to - ten 5 ) JJurinp last term of court, refdsed. to try a case in- fvfeying r )jital i punishment. , 'I cannot ?av I am otmosed to caw- hiil ..vuishnient, because' .the public 1 not yprenari'd- for it, and it saboli ? E n, liw r.ij'f opinron, would promote i''X aVe. tried, during my'long term f 'ioflice only four men for capital ijllony? i.w.ho were , jcanvictftil."- nd T c ommended and itrt'ed the: pommi)- iuon of - two of them to i life sen- in Baltimore,, the far-famed Orioles, because of continual wrangling with Ban Johnson- head ' of the American League, to' which -Baltimore then be longed! The fiery leader found base ball in Big Town a, complete 'wreck, with the then manager of the Giants trying to make 'a first basetnah out or C-h ri topher , Math ewon!"v; Franchise and 'players together wouldn't 'have brought a song - even onelwithout. words. ' v - . , May'Qult as' Manager ' iu 1924; ' But what a miracle McGraw work ed. ' He -noured a fortune Into the pockets !of John T. Brush. He pour ed another into' those of Charles -A. Stoneham, and made himself fairly well off in the bargain. That's thfe crude commercial side, however,,. ep it might be aaded'that all this time while the shekels wre rolling in pent- rants came rolling in as well. Eight nonnnnts nnd three world .series, -is the mark set byMcGraW fjr ti e playing end Of the1, game. ' The f stockholders of the Giaifc need have " no m'Sgifrings with John J. McGraw, at the helm. He haa sr suf-ed-'them 'hat Sthey ineeh "mi wtAry a.W6utJ6i. giviogluD the jnanagenK9t: of the team for ' this coming ycai at least. Should he 'decide afier I Gut'-. incr"all records" bv winning three world series' flags in succession to ; few. .off the. flayers benh in '1924 anq inerey foccpy. the presidential chat?. Xiertr-wuuiu a&cuii iwi iiilc tau ;v Worry, for he has .builded up a stajf! 1 assistants,; headed ,by Hugie iing5; which should be fully , capabk' of attending to that little matter, .of winning ball -games. - : A. team must start play with "five men in the geld, but if it has no sub- sUtutes to replace players forced o leave the' 'gaie,lt Tii'iyj;'icOrttlnueiiwith less tlian- five players.. -f v- ' - SixM'tators. . Who is, responsible for' tnfe ondugt r)f,iil-iRTwc(&rtr's.'t . jt, . I Iff i j Pjt,biskbOfli; Ijke aa fthf r spoi-J. Ifltw? 6oAtHiet -of tle spectators is' air wars fin to. the. mannarement of vtho home team . . ' -1 ' , "t i n- wha5 3pIayj-does 3 fh referee fctaeitlmo -cut?, it jif-L ; Ti j, The refree shall order time outifbjr a double foul, injuries to players the.making of substitutions. . tf? GOLFERS W NSTI second Tournamnt . Betvven 1 Two' Cities' Is To Be Staged i Witliin A- feW Days1 Local golf stars will golover to Kiij- stonwithin the next few days toieyi- g&ige in a tournament with ; the 14 j ing golfers or. that community. Muehj interest is being taken in the touSn.i-jl ment and the '.local nlavers have hotvin iitjdeVgoing . steady . praqticin anii-i j pation of the-event;.- I' ' : ';' , This ivill be;the teconl contest!l:-j tween -golfers of th two towns.? Jt the last tournament, which was sf.g- d in New Bern, teh local players wan! a 'decisive 'victory.. Kinston is R'uniio do her best to wipe oiu -hi defeat tyy. I scoring a -victory . in - forthcoming matcn ' ana - making' it . necessary ro play a rubber in order" to decide"' -the championship.- - . 3 , , Sport Notes New York, Dec. 28 Three na.tion a, organizations concerned witli' ath letics will hold annual meetings j in New York this week. The physical re search association meets" OH' -Wednesday; the,' nationar collegiate1 athletic association on ;Thursday and the' na tiooalj'amateur ; athletic . .federation gathers.' Friday for. its first annual conference.., ' ','' ?ew Orleans, !;Dec. .2S--ComiC -Sdng at 8 :to 1, easily -finished first-in the onevjnile handicap' hore yesterday af ternoon before . the largest crowd' of the racing season at Jefferson track. Ralco was second and Tippcty Witch ct third. . Twelve- horses ran : for a puree of $2,500. Comic Song ridden by Chic Lang, carried 117 pounds. Cleveland, Dec." 27. The ' veteran battery men of the Cleveland Indians will, report at' Hot Springs,' Ark., for preliminary work and a course of the oatns oiore . preceamg to tne spring i training , camp at Lakeland, Fla., it was announced today. Titchers Cove leskie, yhle and Sherrod ..Smith, the latter acquired from Brooklyn the .. Another comet has appeared, mak ing three, none of which is as high as fried chicken in Russia.. San Francisco bandits blew a safe and escaped with $4 6,000. Police think robbery was the motive. I , i iiih, villi jifLUfrfsr-' - wiv nrax mm '' ' -. - - -. --'- ' ' ' ! ' - - -' " r . N 1 ... I I . ' lattery part of last season," and Catch er ; teve : O'Neill will - report at Hot Springs, February -10., The remainder of the battery men Iwill report at Lakeland March 1, one week ahead of the remainder-Of the squad.. .Philadelphia. .-...Dec:" ."27. Sailor Preedrpan, of Chicago, won. decisively over, - Bobby ... Barrett,) f .Clifton JJcights, Pennf ,-. iu the, principal - $ round bout' on a: Christmas ; day card hereiV yesterday. i iElreedman t-weighed Ilia. .1111,. t - - - -1, . ' ' - - -t"l' J. i - it zti ' ' '" '"- r' ' f-1" ! . .x .... . -vr ttt.. . ra jpt jfr tft" Oktt - '-J- ' v,i,,',,,t,N- i m on.. no , . m ...... no . . u ' in .iu . u vj , ut y v t A,m; : HAS BEEN SUPPLEMENTED UNTIL PARED TO , SERVE YQ'UiR EVERY NEED IN TmS LINE. REASONABLE. IF YOU NEED A STOVE OF Ai Y DESCRIPTION, BE SURE TO INSPECT OUR STOCK. YOU WILL FIND UNUSUAL VALUES IN THIS DEPARTMENT OF OURv STORE. ' ll :;i.r !"T" JUST RECEIVED: A BIG SHIPMENT OF OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX IT RANKS AS THE BEST FLOOR POLISHER ON THE MARKET. , 138 3-4 pounds,' and Barrett-139 1-2. Alex Hart, of Cleveland, beat George Chaney, of Baltimore; each weighed 136 1-2 pounds. Ad Stone, the "fight ing marine," of Philadelphia,: defeat ed George Shade of California in the light heavyweight bout. Stone weigh ed 1(, Shade 174 ?'l-2. ' Whlttev" Fitzgerald, Philadelphia, won a pi) ular decision. ove:l,'"Jimmy 1 Haufon, Den,vei'. ' ' ' Philadelphia, ' Dec. 27. Weston TJ. alues i -E Ml" "JL-l. "Wes" Fisler, a noted baseball pla er of a half-century, ago, and- first baseman ' of the' Athletics, dies in -a hospital yesterday. He jvroa 8 1 years of age, and was born in Camden, New Jersey. . ... " Mr: Fisler in his -'baseball ' davs wore white cuffs nd a. collar and necktie and was-known as the flindy of the baseball diJiYir-nl. II" rfstJrod fr-om. baseba.ll in 1377 to t-nter busi rOss;nd was active ap t o lufe iinal illness- ' ' IT IS COMPLETE IN in '- ' '..' " fix . i-'." , ."'.:'-'- :.;.j-,.J.!;'V'-..:-f.!'i';(.'.J:-i,eAy ' ' ' ',n a 4 fiftj , . ? ; r' . t..i,; toyes and Ranges SUCCESSOR TO J.'sJ BASNIGHT. Decrepit 1922 staggering, oil its' venerable pins toward a complete fin ish, saw . numerous exciting and dramatic moments in the. world of sport. Seven or eight events that transpired during the year, that soon will be expunged from calendar con sideration are worth the typewriter of the scribe and the eye -of the reader: things, momentous in general and .Set forth in their stellar relation to sports spectacular in particular they would rank thusly to the mind of this scrivener: . 1 -Jack Scott s remarkable come back after he had been Hurled into the discard. This chap, . released , by Cincinnati, was given a "- beggar's chance with the Giants, won several gamesgames' and shut out the Yan kees! in the world's ' series pitching the best game of that exclusive feud in Manhattan. - 2 Connie Mack's purchase of Sam my: Hale for a price reputed , to be $75,000 and William. Baker's simi lar- dicker for Heinie Sand for an'esti mated 140,000. i . " 3 - Willie i Hoppe's stunt in regain-f ing his laurels as champiom billlardist of the world when he defeated ;Jak$ Schaefer who had snatched his crown away , from him the year before. j 4 -PHnceton's wonderful tf ootball ; record. With an eleven which had lost J Keck, Lourie, Gilroy, Gharrity ,Wit itmef and Etinson and with hosingle defeated, through the season' and i4 the general , opinion of football ex perts rated as the champions of the east.- i' Gene Sarazen's tremendous- sue cess sat ' golf,. - Winning -A the United States open - title v he ; defeated Jim Barnes,- Jock Hutchinson and- Walter Hageft, ihi admittedly 'thre greatest antagonists, -in ma'tch ' play after wards. ' T- .' .'."..."'.. : ' 6 Rogers Hornsby's fe"at in hold ing the lead in the National league batting -averages for the third 'succes sive year; breaking all his league's home run records with 42; hitting 400, and thus smashing all high 'water marks for 20 odd years, while fn long distance clouting the Cardinal's star gathered all the laurels. ..:- .' ' -7 Bill Tilden;- firfet1 tennis Tking to win three championships 'in a. row since, the days v of ' BilP LarnedJ: beat all opponents 'bri tho- turf and again was '.successful in' playing-' a-- tremen- EVERY RESPECT AND WE ARE PRE- YOTJ WILL FIND OUR -I r& riot r;,;j p i . i ni. v: i: x e . ' - ' I !'.-. i- -'.. I- 'fc . J . .... .... H 1 trtasH if-. , dous game that did much to hold Cfye Davis cup on this side of. the Atlanta. Viewed with ah' linparfcal 'eye fan, as a najority, . think that the feat;'4f lanky Jak - iseotVi. of; itidgewayt4, this state. In coming back' to' DeJ trfeetar tirler of the -world's-series by far the paran;ounfe featura ef al jthee glittering- evente.'.'- i - 7; y 7, For,Sarazen wasalways novYns a great golfer; tne Tigere were al ways rated as a. dangerous, foe on. the -white-ribbed- battlefield Hoppfe" A'.ul billiards have, long been synonymous knd this is the. case :with Tilden and tennis and Hornsby and hitting, -But for a downright,v,...dyed-in-the-w!C'" blown-in-the-bottle, stunt give us th' the feat that' Mister Scott perforneu when h.e shut: out the: Yankees-wth out' a run and paucity fo,.hits on,.that drab ; and . dnzzly, October . af t,ernoou at the Polo grounds. ' - . ' . iVife HelpEleqti Hubby After having Jaeen in- bed half the timej, f or . a ' years with; eevece gains in .my, right jide fwpKiJbf lVapeiicUE, . siomacu i.iou.Diei-tina ?' pjoayng.wJi . the doctors seemed ..unable "to.j,f ea&h with ' medicine," &nd s"advised ' opera- tionas th onTjf jemecjyngtirse.. ad vised ..roe.., to. . tryMayr's ,'jondjsffiil' Remedy., awl itn-?j:esu,U3.4 have, tridy been rwonderfuJ ;as I: ajn,- nov (ei$ir,yy well and strong anJ at the last elecr tiOn-- worked - hard . tg. plect', rny.-ius-band." It is fi, simple'harml.ess prepa tion ' that - removes N the ; mucus from - the intestinal tract and allays, the inflammation , whichpauses practically, all. stomach.- liverv and. in- tis. One dose will. .convJnce.Qr 'money testlnal s ailments,, icluaig iappe'dici-i refunded. AD VT. ' v ' COXSUIjATE js, bombjed, by a : FASCISTI WHILE IS liSBQX Doorn, Holland, Dec. 27. A Christ mas tree, i trimmed .' the" former Kaiser," was", the chief decoration at the Christmas ' celebration . 'at,'-j,the House' of Doom Christmas' Day." The fain- figure w,as little .Princess Henri etta," : "Princess- Sunshine,''- :.eeyen, step-daughter of the fbrmei''Iaser by his second; married, that t'o Prin cess Herminp.,;- , UiilK All the cream on milk must . be - vanishing crearrv, because. you- seldom gee any cream onjmlk, ;3ra PRICES MIOST r , ftt.-.-'-MV'l1 Y 1

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