LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, Page Seven A REPLY TO THE EDITQR "'Walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly," and the editor walked in. In a bitter tirade and criticism of our article in the paper last week, addressed to the yoters of Caldwell county, the editor has thrown the fat inthe fire, and .now a discussion of the bond issue is in full swing, and -what seemed to be a cer tain victory for the bonds ten days aero seems nOW tO be a dOUDtlUl ISSUe. If the pepole can only understand , what thev are voting for the bond issue wiffi be voted down, but such misleading statements have gone out that the people do not understand the real issue. The impression is be ing made that if the bond issue should carry the State and Federal govern ments would give $750,000 to help the county, when, as a matter of fact (and every intelligent man knows it) the State and Federal governments will not give one cent if the bond is sue carries to work in the rural dis tricts. The State and nation will onCy give such amount in case the county will give one-fourth, and there is no necessity for an election ;n order to obtain State and r ederal ; f rom the blood, which causes rheu aid. The commissioners already have matiSm, and brings back the flush of the power to 'issue bonds for the ; health to pale cheeks by enriching State highways roads, and if they an(j purifying the blood, will the State will give one-fourth, ! Mr p g Futrell of 102 Orange the nation one-half and county one- gt., Wilmington, N. C, says: "I fourth. Why don't the county com- , have been bothered with constipa missioners act on that law? As . tlon ancj stomach full of gas, indi stated before, it does not require an estion and dyspensia. I have taken election to do this, and when the Dreco and the results are wonderful; highways are built, which will take an my troubles are over and I feel several years, then if the rural dis- ; fine ajrajn. i am giad to endorse this tricts want to huiBd branch lines from medicine." their districts into the State high- Draco is sold by all good druggists way the matter can be voted on. ; throughout the country and is highly The editor says we are making a . recommended in Lenoir by the Le desperate effort to get the matter j nojr rjrUg q0 into politics, and to help line up the I Republicans against the measure. He tney like what is being done and ask intimates that the Republicans will f or an election to vote on a bond is follow his leadership and judgment sue for the rural districts. I admit rather than this writer's. That may jt js doubtful if the countv coufld get be so, but we are willing to accept , state and Federal aid. there is so the challenge. much red tape about it, but that is This editor has been running a i the best we can do. The Federal newspaper in Lenoir for several government offers $40,000 a year for years, pretending to be independent, i ten years. when he has never lost an opportu- If the discussion of this bond is nity to hit the Republicans and to sue can be carried on and the people Qaud the Democrats, even to refusing i informed as to the true manin? of One Republicans space in his paper for pay to state their views. Now is this not independentsm with a vim? Again, the editor says that the new registration was not called in order to aid in voting for bonds, but to aid in selline the bonds to better advan tage. Now, we do not know whether the editor meant to be facetious or ; did not know what he was talking Under the present operation of the about or was attempting to mislead election, in our opinion, if the bond the people. There is not an intelli- issue carries, no bonds could be sold, gent man in the county but knows I and if they were our courts would that the registration was ordered in not hold that they were Qegal and order to carry the bond issue, and valid. that fourteen Democrats and only I We trust the editor will continue two Republicans were named as reg- : his bitter and sarcastic attack upon istrars, and yet he says there is no ; our article, for nothing can do more politics in it. We canfess we are to bring about the defeat of the bond surprised at the three gentlemen ,who issue than these attacks. I surmise did this, for they are usually fair 1 that the editor did not consult with men. With fourteen Democratic reg- older and wiser heads when he wrote istrars and the election machinery t his bitter editorial last week criticis behind them, when they appfly the ing our position. It is a mighty bad steam roller and the election machin- time right now, in our opinion, to ery as they usually do in this county, j build public roads. Never before has the Republicans know what that means, for they are past masters in manipulating an election. If the Re. Dublicans want to follow that sort of leadership the opportunity is offered to them. ! The editor again, under the head- 1 ing, "Why the change of heart?" at- , tempts to misrepresent this writer, when the article itself shows that I favored working public highways by State and Federal aid, and favor it now. Be fair. Mr. Editor, and do not make such palpable blunders. You say my argument is not legiti- ! mate and that I am resorting to polit- ical prejudice. You know, or ought to know, better. The people pay you for your paper and you should not pervert or conceal any public matter, and if you are not informed about these things you ought not to attempt to discuss them. You are getting up a splendid paper in our county; you are energetic, newsy, and have a promising future before . vou. if vou will be fair, but you can-' not make it by concealing matters of public interest from your readers. Chapter 67 of the laws of 1917 ex pressly states 'that a new registration shall be required at the first eOection, which was held two years ago, and still the county commissioners had no registration. If the bonds had car ried in 1-917 it would have been null and void. See section 9 of this chap ter. Section 11 provides that a sec ond election may be held, and that election has been called for next month, and the law says no new reg istration for such second election shall be required; and yet in the face of adl law the commissioners have ordered a new registration. In our opinion, if the bond issue should carry the election would be null and void and no bonds could be issued. Why the commissioners made such a blunder we do not understand. What the ror missioners ought to do, in our opinion, is to take advantage of the Pharr-Matthews bill and issue $100,000 in bonds, ask the State to give a like amount, and the Federal government $200,000; go to work on our highways, and when they are completed the people can see whether THE; EVERYDA Y BA TTLE Battles are n6t I1 bought witK -cannon and shell. The most vital! are the everyday battles against the debilitating tendencies that invite weak ness. F6r nearly five decades has been a definite help patties against weakness. Scott s is as rich in blood-forming properties and as powerful in strength-supporting qualities now as of yore. Let SoQti'a Emulsion help you win your battles. ' Scott &BowM,Blooaflcld.IT.. 184 THE RESULTS VERY WONDERFUL Wilmington Man Claim Dreco, the New Herbal Remedy, Did Him Much Good Tnt iartnio vnn are Tint ireanai". jtated from your business or pleas- ure, the warning of stomach trouble should not go unheeded, or serious results are bound to follow. These warnings take the form of dyspepsia, indigestion, dizziness, nervousness, constipation, headache, backache, pains the back and side, that tired, rundown feeling and various other symptoms of a deranged stomach, which can be restored to its normal condition by Dreco, the great herbal compound. Under the influence of its great restorative, effect these symp toms rapidly subside. It clears up the liver, kidneys, bladder, and en ables these organs to perform their proper functions; eliminates uric acid what is ,roing on the bonds will fa od the tditor has fallen into the hole and the people are interested in wha tis being said and done. Did you ever see a minnow dart at a piece of bread thrown it on the water and pull the bread in a few inches, when it rebounded and threw the. minnow high and dry? See? labor and material been so high, and it perhaps will never be so again, but who cares for expenses when the county has to pay them? And how many men right now have their eyes on realizing liberaMy should this $250,000 be spent in the next few yea" ln 'hjs county? But the boys V S will have to pay the j"11' while the gentlemen in town will be comfortably fixed. This is largely f fiSht between the country and the twns- and we are with the country boys. V? Ka.ln urge an voters to see the !"r 1,1 "''r lownsn.p ana nave their names put on the books. These "pstrars will see that the names of al;' ters who favor the bonds are Plaeed on the registration books in "".tVf'v ' 8 ma-n 18 .PSed the bo.nds hls name will not be on there unless he asks the registrar to put. 11 t"ere- w say thls lsKth T?1 T Prtant matter ever submitted to the Try This To Banish All Rheumatic Pains PeopCe who have been tormented for years yes, even so crippled that they were unable to help themselves have been brought back to robust health through the mighty power of Rheum a. Rheuma acts with speed it brings in a few days the relief you have prayer for. it antagonizes the poi sons that cause agony and pain in the joints and muscles and quickly the torturing soreness completely disap pears. It is a harmless and inexpensive remedy, but sure and certain, be cause it is one discovery that has forced rheumatism and sciatica to yield and disappear. Begin the Rheuma treatment to day, and if you do not get the joyful relief you expect your money will, be refunded. Ballew's Cash Phar macy aQways has a supply and guar antees it to you. to millions in the trying voters of this county. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars principal and $750,000 interest is a pretty big amount to pay for the little work that the county would receive from this bond issue. In all matters the party who makes the first move is entitled to close the argument, and we shall see if the editor is fair enough to follow precedence of this kind. We hope it witl not be neces sary for us to have anything further to say in the paper about this matter If the editor treats us fairly in his rejoinder we shall be content. M. N. HARSHAW. DR. SOLF TO BE GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO THE U. S. A dispatch from Berlin says that Dr. William S. Solf, former German minister of coConies, will probably be the first German ambassador to the United States after peace is signed, it was learned at the foreign office. After the revolution Dr. Solf be came foreign secretary, but resigned on Dec. 11 last because of the un- friendly and the was coli relations. between himself indepernR'nt socialists. He secretary in the kaiser's "... ;l:u! one of the most un govern r. compromising imperialists until the war went against Germany. Begin to think about the Victory Liberty loan. COLDS INTERFERE WITH BUSINESS Dr. 'King's New Discovery relieves them and keep you going on the job Fifty continuous years of almost Unfailing checking and relieving coughs, colds and kindred sufferings is the Eroud achievement of Dr. King's New iscovery. Grandparents, fathers, mothers, the kiddies all have used and are using it as the safest, surest, most pleasant to-take remedy they know of. . Sold by all druggists everywhere. Keep Bowel3 On Schedule Late, retarded functioning throws the whole day's duties out of gear. Keep the system cleansed, the appe tite lively, the stomach staunch with Dr. King's New Life Pills Mild and tonic in action. Sold everywhere. MASS MEETING For the purpose, of nominating a Mayor and seven Commissioners for the ensuing year a mass meeting of the citizens of Lenoir will be held in the court house on Friday, May 2, at 8:30 p.m. By order of the Board, this April 11, 1919. W. J. LENOIR, Mayor. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Forest Service, Asheville, N. C, up to and including May 9, 1919, for the merchantable live and dead chestnut acidwood, standing or down, designated for cut ting, located on Unit No. 2 of Rock House Creek, a tributary of Wilson Creek, about two miles north of Edgemont, Caldwell county, North Carolina, within the Boone National Forest, including the watershed of the creek on the lef., side of Green & CoiVs road, estimated to be 500 cords of acidwood. No bid of less than Sl.?5 per ori for acidwood will be considered. Deposit with bid, $100. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted full information concern ing timber and conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be ob tained from Forest Ranger at Edge mont, N. C. 28&30 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of J. Stewart Greer, deceased, I hreeby notify all persons having claims against his es tate to present them to me on or be fore the 19th day of March, 1920. Those, indebted to the estate are re quested to make prompt settlement. This 19th day of March, 1919. JESSE GREER, Executor. TOWN ELECTION An election is ordered held on the first Monday of May, 1919, being the 6th day of May, 1919, for the elec tion of a Mayor and seven Commis sioners to serve for a term of one year. This 3rd day of April, 1919. W. J. LENOIR, Mayor. E. F. ALLEN, Clerk. By order of the Board. 27-4t CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina. Department of State. To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all stockholders, desposit ed in my office, that the McShane Mercantile Company, a corporation of this State, whose 'principal office is situated in the town of Valmead, county of Caldwell, State of North Carolina (P. McShane being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, enti tled "Conporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis Bolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 26th day of March, 1919, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dis solution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 26th day of March, A. D. 1919. ' J. BRYAN GRIMES, 27-4t Secretary of State. TRUSTEE'S SALE North Carolina, " Caldwell County. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust, dated Oct. 3, 1918, executed by E. C. Ivey and wife, Annie C. Ivey, to A. G. Foard, trustee, to secure the payment of debts therein mentioned, the un dersigned, at the request of the hold ers of some of the notes thereby se cured, will expose to sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Caldwell county, at Lenoir, N. C, on MONDAY, MAY 19, 1919, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the premises by said deed conveyed and therein described as follows, viz.: All of the following described property in Yadkin Valley township, Caldwell county, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of John McLeod, H. A. Steel, ladkin Lumber Company and L. L. Hawkins, and bounded as follows, viz.: First Tract: Being that tract con veyed by Edmund Jones to J. M. Bernhardt, by deed dated May 23, 1904, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Caldwell county in Book 39, at page 50 (old number) Second Tract: Being that tract granted by the State of North Caro lina to Sarah Cottreffi by Grant No 471, recorded in the office of the , Register of Deeds in Book 4, at page SI 9 ami rnnvpvpd hv J H Pincns I Administrator, to J. M. Bernhardt by turnable before his Honor Judge pre Heed dated Nov. 2. 1 91S. siding at Caldwell Superior Court, Third Tract: Being that tract of ; land granted by the State of North Carolina to Rufus Cottrell, by Grant No. 46G. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book 4, at page 94, conveyed by J. H. Pincus, Admin istrator, and by W. R. Cottrell and wife to J. M. Bernhardt by deed dated Nov. 2, 1908, and Aug. 29, 1907. Fourth Tract: Being that tract conveyed by E. M. Coffey and wife to J. M. Bernhardt by deed dated Nov. 19, 1908, recorded in the office of the Resistor of Deeds in Rook 46. at page 235. Laxton and wife to the undersigned Containing in all 200 acres, more trustee, dafault having been made in or less; excepting, however, any part the payment of the debt thereby se that may be held by John McLeod or cured, at the request of the holder of his assignees by deed or adverse pos- the note therein mentioned I will, on session on the 14th day of February, I MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919, 1916. Reference is made to all the at H o clock in the forenoon, expose above mentioned deeds and to a deed to sale and 'ell at public auction to from J. M. Bernhardt and wife, dated the highest bidder for cash, at the 29th clay of January, 1916, to E. C. court house door of Caldwell county, Ivey, which deed is of record in the the lands conveyed by said deed of RegWter of Deed's office in Book PI. trust therein described as follows: at page 458, of the public records of A11 that certain tract of land lying Caldwell county. and being in King's Creek township, Also another 'tract of land lving Caldwell county, North Carolina, and and being in Yadkin Valley township, more particularly defined as follows: State of North Carolina, containing 11 being a tract of land containing 100 acres more or less, same being about 25 acres, and being all the the lands conveyed by deed of Hugh lands now owned by the said L. A. A Stpolo tn F. C. Tvev which Heed is Laxton, except that portion thereof of record in Book No. 93. at page 107, of the records of deeds for to J. G. Medlock, said mortgage be-1 Wilson Creek Monroe Coffev, Caldwell county, and bears date of in recorded in Book No. 83, at page ' registrar; W. C. Moore, Sr., and C. S. February 14, 1916; reference is here- 525, and also excepting the lands , Curlee, judges. by made to this deed for a full and embraced in a mortgage executed by Yadkin Valley Francis Hawkins, more complete description of said,the said Laxton to E. H. Kirby, re- j registrar ; Pat McSl.ane and John L. lands. corded in Book No. 88, at page 564, : Jones, judges. Also the concrete dam built on the it being the intention hereof to con- j Buffalo Cove J. W. Hamlet, reg waters of Buffalo Creek; the power vey a11 the lands now owned by the istrar; J. W. Cottrell and R. L. Mil house used in connection therewith; sal L- A.. Laxton except the lands ler, judges. the pole line and alll rights of way embraced in the two mortgages here- I Gamewell F. B. Mitchell, regis- and' privileges that the. said E. C. Ivey's power plant has acquired, or. may acquire;' all electrical and hy- draulic machinery used to generate transmit electrical current from Buffalo Creek to Lenoir, N. C; and also all rights, titles, privileges and properties that may be used, and that have been acquired, or may be here after acquired by the said E. C. Ivey in connection with said power plant. The said deed does not embrace and the salle will not include the of- : fice. office equipment or land on which office stands, now occupied by E. C. Ivey. The said deed of trust is registered in Caldwell county in Book No. 96, page 203, and is supplementary to one registered in Book 73, page 390 This April 16, 1919. A. G. FOARD, Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Caldwell County. Bv virtue of a decree of the Supe- rior court of Caldwell countv. made in the special proceeding .nt "tb 1 "Baltimore Bargain House and oth ers against J. S. Green," the under signed Commissioner will, on MONDAY, MAY 19, 1919, at the court house door of Caldwell county, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, expose to salle and sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, the follow ing described lands in Caldwell coun ty, North Carolina: Beginning on a water oak south of Cold creek; then South with Robert Green's line to a stake, second corner of the Arthur Pritchard tract; then South 50 poles to a stake; then East 104 poles to a stake; then North to a Spanish oak, beginning corner of Tobacco Cove tract; thence East 60 poles to a stake; thence North 70 poles to a stake on top of the divid ing ridge between John's river and Cold creek; thence with the ridge North 45 degrees West 50 poles to a stake on the same; thence Westward to the seventh corner of the Arthur Pritchard tract; thence Southwest 170 poles to a stake; thence with the conditional line to a rock marked X in the point of the ridge; thence Southwest to a white oak; thence South, crossing the creek, to the top of the hiQl to a white pine; thence Southwest to the beginning, contain ing 160,acres more or less, lying on Cold creek. See deed to D. M. Green, dated May 22nd, 1880, registered in Book No. 12, page 547, for full and com plete description. From the foregoing is excopted so much thereof as was conveyed to Tate Moore by deed dated April 17, 1894, and recorded in Caldwell coun ty in Book 28, page 291. The purchaser at this sale will be required to deposit 10 per cent of the I amount of his bid to be treated as a forfeit in event that such purchaser should thereafter decline to perform his bid. Sale subject to confirmation by the Court. This April 19, 1919. JOHN M. CRISP, 30-4t ' Commissioner, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of Item 5 of the last will , and testament of Elizabeth Hayes, the undersigned executors will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Lenoir, N. C, on I MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919 at 12 o'clock noon, the fofilowing de scribed real estate, lying and being t n l. , j n. ,u u ",$.at a time not exceeding forty years JlS LTVVlf i from the date thereof, fuch bind, to "c. T J 6 . -o i, r i thony Jones on the west, Rev. Bethea . .u j n f, . i ntheuttta"dDoon Davenport on I the north this lot being the east half j ui aaiu iuu uie west nan mereoi nav- , , , . T n 11 u. . . ' which includes the dwelling. Said sale being made for assets to pay any debts due and costs of administra tion. This April 7th, 1919. JOE STEELE, SAM JONES, Executors of Elizabeth Hayes, Dec'd. M. X. Harshaw, Atty. 28-4t NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUB LICATION Xorth Carolina, Caldwell County. Xora Wilson vs. Willie H. Wilson. The defendant above named will t?ke notice that a summons in the ' aoove enuueu acuon was issueu , against the said defendant on the 1st aay 01 APr". Dy tne L-ierK oii1919) at su,lset. The registrars and l?,""-;1"1 .VOUIl Yaluwta cuumy, JNorth Carolina, which summons is re. Caldwell county May 19, 1919. The 1 ucieimaiu wm lane nonce uiai u ne . ians 10 appear or to uemur me renei asked for will be granted. This the 1st day of April, 1919. W. C. MOORE, Jr., 27-4t Clerk Superior Court. TRUSTEE'S SALE North Carolina, Caldwell Countv. By virtue of the provisions of a ! deed of trust, dated March 13, 1916, John's River John V. Gragg, reg registered in Caldwell county in ; istrar; C. M. Rader and Mack Moore. Book 92, page 2 17, executed by L. A which has heretofore been mortgaged mbetore reterred to. This April 1st, 1919. J- W. WHISNANT, Trustee. 27-5t MORTGAGE SALE North Carolina, Caldwell County. By virtue or the power of sale con- 1 i ne said election shall De held in tained in a mortgage deed, dated all respects as provided by Lrw for Aug. 26, 1914, executed by James election of members of the General Coffey and wife, Rachel E. Coffey, Assembly except as differently pro registered in Book 89, page 54, in vided by said Chapter 67. On each the office of the Register of Deeds of Saturday during th period of regis- Caldwell county, the undersigned will expose to sale and sell at public auction to the hiirheat bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Cald- well county, on MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the lands conveyed by said mortgage, therein described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Pink Pu- ette, Lee Smith, J. P. Harris and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning on a stake in a branch, Lee Smith's corner, and runs east- wardlv 70 yards to the public road;1 thence with the public road to road leading to J. P. Puette's house; thence with said road to J. P. Pu- ette's line; thence with Puette's line to the beginning, containing two acres more or less. This April 1, 1919. CITIZENS' BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee. By W. L. Minish, Sec. & Treas. 27-ut ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T. J. Pennell, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve, months from date of publication, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 15th day of March, 1919. R. J. PENNELL, Administrator. W. C. Newland, Atty. 127-6t NOTICE North Carolina, Caldwell County. In Superior Court, May Term, 1919 Grover Walker vs. Emma Walker. The defendant above named wilfl take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Caldwell county to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the May term of the Superior Court of Caldwell coun ty, to be held at the courthouse in said County, commencing on the 19th day of May, 1919, and answer or de- mur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the refiief demanded n said corn- plaint. - Thi3 the 1st day of Arpil, 1919. W. C. MOORE, Jr., Clerk Superior Court. W. C. Newland, Atty for Plaintiff. 29-4t CALL FOR ELECTION North Carolina, Caldwell County. For the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of the voters of Caldwell county upon the question of the is- suance of $250,000.00 in bonds of said county at a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and payable yajaui be issued for the purpose of lmprov- j :;:.. .u u-. .) ing and maintaining the public roads ofssaid count f is provided in ch ter Public Law, of v nnr:n 1.: 1 m -7 orth LaroUna, session of 1917, an election shall be held at the several voting precincts of Caldwell county on THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1919. At the said election all voters in Caldwell county qualified to vote in said election may vote a written or printed ticket. Those who favor the purpose of said act shall vote a ticket with the words "For Road Improve ment written or printed thereon, j and those who oppose the purpose of I this act shall vote the ticket with the words "Against Road Improvement" 1 written or printed thereon. There ' shall be a new registration of the vot ers of said county for said election, and the registration books shall be open on Friday, April 11, and shall be elosed on Saturday, May 3rd, judges of election shall meet on Sat urday, May 3rd, 1919, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and hear any complaint for refusing registration and also all challenges made against any person admitted to registration. For the purpose of holding said eCection the following registrars and judges are hereby appointed for the said several precincts: Globe F. P. Moore, registrar; Roby Green and J. D. R. Moore, judges. Hudson A. G. Hartley, registrar; E. J. Bowman and C. E. Conlev, iude-es judges. King's Creek R. A. Parlier, reiris- trar; John C. Steele and C. P. Mc Ghee, judges. Lenoir H. W. Courtney, regis trar; C. E. Rabb am judges. A. Bradshaw, Little River D. C. Flowers, regis-, trar; F. M. Whitener and A. F. Downs, judges. Lovelady C. A. Teague, regis trar; C. G. Houck and J. S. Leonard, judges. Lower Creek Russell Presnell, registrar; M. G. Shearer and S. E. Dula, judges. North Catawba R. E. McCall, registrar; Thos. J. Setzer and W. J. Bean, judges. Patterson A. E. NeHson, regis trar; H. O. Steele and A. M. Powell, j judges. trar; Geo. W. Greene and L. E. Cor pening, judges. Richland M. P. Smlderth, regis trar; J. N. Harrison and J. R. Boflick, judges. Mulberry J. Ross Coffey, regis trar; Robt. Glass and L. H. Moore, judges. j tration the registrar shall attend with registration books at his precinct for registration of voters. The returns for said election shall be opened and canvassed on the second Monday in 'May, 1919. If the majority of the votes cast in said ellection shall be for road improvement then the bonds provided for by said chapter shall be issued and sold. If a majority of the votes cast in said election shall not be for road improvement then the pro- visions ot said act shall not be op- erative By order of the Board of Commis- sioners for the County of Caldwell, made at the:r meeting had this April 7th, 1919. JOHN M. CRISP, ' Clerk to the Board. North Carolina, Caldwell Countv. At a meeting of the Board of Elec tions for the County of Cafldwell had on this 7th day of April, 1919, it was "Ordered, that the order of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Caldwell, made at their I meeting had this day, in so far as it ' directs and orders a new registration for the several precincts of the Coun ty of Caldwell and nominates and appoints registrars and judges of election for the several precincts of the said county of Caldwell, such new registration and such judges of elec tion and registrars being for the pur pose of holding a special! election in the said county on May 8th, 1919, upon the adoption of the provisions of Chapter 67, Public Local Laws of North Carolina, Session 1917, and the issuance of the bonds therein pro vided as will fully appear from and by said order of said Board of Com missioners be and the same is ap proved and is directed to be entered as and for the order of this board as fully to all intents and purposes as though the same had been originally made by the Board of Elections for Caldwell County." The foregoing is a true copy of the order of said board. J. C. SEAGLE, Chairman. C. E. RABB, Secretary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. Coleman Craig, deceased, this (is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit, t.hum the undersigned within 12 month from date of publication, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re- . covexy, All persons indebted to said ' estate will make immediate payment This 19th day of March, 1919. . C, W.MOORE, '' 127-6t , ,y Administrator. '

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