LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1919 Page Seven NOTICE In the District Court of the United States for the West ern District of North Carolina. At Greensboro, No. 1015. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. i 4118.47 acres of land in Burke and and Caldwell counties. North Car olina; Brown Mountain Manufac turing Company and others; 469.38 acres of land in Avery and Caldwell counties, North Carolina; J. M. Bernhardt and others; 14.r-05.90 acres of land in Avery and Caldwell counties, North Caro lina; Caldwell Land and Lumber Company and others; 217.05 acres of land in Avery and aldwell counties. North Carolina; the 'Globe Lumber Company and others. To J. G. Holloway, T. 0. Pritch axd, Henrietta M. Short and W. R. Short, Nan Coffey, William Baldwin, Lincoln Simms, W. H. Simms and Mary Simms, Leona Gragg, Carroll Setzer, Lawrence Setzer, Fred Set zer, Joe Green and wife, Junie Ches ter, Tempie Chester Stulls and Sam Stalls, Dempsie Chester and wife, Na poleon Coffey and Lllen Coffey, Perkins, unknown heirs at law of b- Lance Estes, unknown heirs at law of Lot Estes, unknown heirs of Larkin Estes, unknown heirs at law of Lang ston Estes, unknown heirs 'at law of Mir a Estes, heirs at law of Sophia Estes, Lot Estes and wife, Annie Es tes, widow, Ed Estes and wife, Lank Estes and wife, Pink Estes and wife, Alice Estes, Ervin Estes and Fannie Estes, Felix Estes and wife, William A. Estes or his unknown heirs at law, Kate R. Gibson and husband, un known heirs at law of Sena Green, unknown heirs at law of Rhoda Green, Ella Estes Glass and husband, Mack Green and wife, Joe Green and wife, unknown heirs at law of John Green, unknown heirs at law of Freeland Hanson, Leonard Harrison and wife, William Hasafield, un known heirs at law of Lora Estee Hartley, unknown heirs at law of Delphia Estes Hartley, unknown heirs at law of Linkey Estes Hartley, Mary Estes Harmon and Frank Har mon, Leason Hartley and wife, Har rison Hartley and wife, Polly Green Harmon, Amos Henley and wife, Jo seph Hunter and wife, unknown heirs at law of John Jones, George Keppan and wife, Samuel Linn and wife, un known heirs at law of Laban Lindsey, unknown heirs at law of Eliza Lewis, Abe L. Miller and wife, Lillie Miller, unmarried. Horace B. Packer and wife, unknown heirs at law of John Sale of Land for Town Taxes By virtue of power invested in me as Tax Collector for the town of Le noir and Graded School of Lenoir, I will, on the 7th day of July, 1919, at the court house door in Lenoir, offer for sale the following named real es tate to satisfy the taxes due on the same for the year 1918. This June 5th, 1919. F. T. SHERRILL, Tax Collector. White Clay, J. B., 1 lot 14.18 Corpening, D. M., 1 lot 2.40 Campbell, Mrs. Mollie, 1 lot-. 8.00 Gilbert, Roby, 1 lot 5.00 Hall, R. S. 1 lot 20.04 Hoyle, J. W., 1 lot, Gr. School. 4.00 Holder, T. L., 1 lot, Gr. School 5.97 Hays, J. A., 1 lot 24.10 Higgins, A. W., 1 lot 2.00 Keziah, J. II., 1 lot 10.80 Prestwood, C. C, 1 lot 23.62 Powell, L. V. 1 lot 11.30 4.80 8.96 CATAWBA COUNTY NEGRO PAYS THE DEATH PENALTY Tom Gwynn, who was convicted in Catawba county a short time ago for criminal assault on a school girl, paid the death penalty for his crime last Friday. The electrocution took place without a hitch of any sort. While Gwynn made no special confession to the prison authorities, he always ad mitted his guilt. He went to the death chair with composure and in the presence of the usual group of a score or more of witnesses, some of them from Catawba county. 1 1 lot- Sanders, Gi'.more, Wall, L. M., 1 lot Co. orcd Berry, T.'ei.y, 1 lot 3.00 Bower, Martha, 1 lot .50 Bower, Tillev, 1 lot 2.40 Corpening, John H., 1 lot 2.40 Corpening, Harvey, 1 lot 2.58 Thomas A. Coffey and L. B. Coffey, Alfred Church, a minor; Rosa Houck (same as Rosa Jones), Kenneth Jobe and wife, Mattie Coffey Smith and lena Estes Phillips, unknown heirs at law of William rhilhrs and wife, Waightstill Phillips and wife, L. D. Phillips and wife, T. A. Phillips and Cotton, T. W.. 1 lot. Corpening, Robert, 2 lots. Corpening, J. II., 1 lot Dula, Laura, 1 lot Emmett Smith, Hattie Miller Smith, wife, Albert L. Phillips and Esther and husband, Rosalie Barrier, Har- R. Phillips, unknown heirs at law of riet Barrier, Sam Barrier, Noah L. ! John Pritchard, unknown heirs at law of Mrs. S. M. Blalock, Jack Blalock, unknown heirs at law of Will Bla lock, Mrs. Will Blalock, three chil dren, heirs at law of Will Blalock, unknown heirs at law of Stephen Pearcey, unknown heirs at law of Davis, Francis White Davis, A. L. IJoel Phillips, Rosa Estes Rheim and Phillips and Etta L. Phillips, Anna : Calvin Rheim, Jane Reid and Alex 2.00 13.64 10.80 2.40 Dellinger, Robert, 1 lot 8.40 5.70 9.28 8.88 ot 2.40 lot.... 8.60 Dickson, Bill, 1 lot. Dula, Filniore, 1 lot Dula, F. A., 1 lot Frvin, Emma Shade, 1 ' Ferguson, Mansfield, 1 Bois and Matilda Bois, Mrs. Harrison Gragg, Clyde Gragg, Leonard Phil yaw and Nora Chester Philyaw, Bud Corpening and Corpening, his wife; Lucinda Corpening, John Sisk, Mary Spainhour Sisk, Henry Pole Estes, Piedmont Lumber and Ranch Mining Company, Piedmont Springs Lumber Company, Reuben Phillips, William Bean, Nancy Coffey Bean, John Phillips, Jesse Coffey, Kate Estes, Carter Estes and Nora Estes, Btrthu Estes, William Curtis, G. P. Moore and wife, John Shoup and Eliza Shoup, Tilden Shoup and Julia Shoup, Walter Simms, W. M. Tate, W. H. Williams and Mrs. W. II. Williams, Jinimie Annie Estes Cole and husband, Nicholas L. Gibbon and Ethel M. Gibbon, Charles M. Allen, W. T. Abbott, trustee; Alice Estes Ballew and E. L. Ballew, Jessie Bean, John Coffey, Zack Coffey and wife, Holland Coffey and wife, Central Trust Company of Illinois, Edwin H. Coane, Albert J. Cliff, Everett C. Cliff, Ellen Estes Cook and William Cook, R. C. Coffey and Ellen Coffey, Vanda Coffey, J. A. Coffey and wife, Ada Boone Coffey, Belle Estes Chan dler and Roy Chandler, Orlando Col lett, Charles Collett and wife, John Collett and wife.Callie Collett Phil lips, Rachel Collett, Will Holoway, Waightstill Phillips, Hattie Parks Scott, Charles Parks, William Pr.rks and wife, Felix Parks and wife Reid, George E. Stone and Martha ! K. Stone, unknown heirs at law of Samuel Stewart, unknown heirs at law of I.eRoy Taylor, Josie Estes Triplett and husband, unknown heirs at law of William Tatu, James Simp son, unknown heirs at law of Joseph Wilson, W. H. Williams and wife, Robert F. Whitmer and wife, Mary P. Whitmer, Isaac N. Wise and wife, Watauga Turnpike Company, un known heirs at law of James C. Webb, unknown heirs at law of S. Webb Clem Colloway, M. I. Pritch ard, J. B. Ingram (Tugman), Nora Coffev, Cornelius Phillips, Flora Hol loway, Tate Scott, Mildred Tarks, Dixon, husband of Bettie Dixon, Dixon, wife of Dyke Dixon, Dixon, wife of Leon ard Dixon, J. H. Gibson, Dr. E. E. Hunter, Helen Kirby, William Sher rill, Robert McGimsey, husband of McGimsey, Reuben Wingard, husband of Minnie T. Wingard, An nie Simpson, wife, of R. E. Simpson, ; Emanuel Rose, husband of Buena Rose, heirs at law of Ann Green Baldwin, heirs nt law of Jackson I Gragg, heirs at law of W. J. Gray, heirs at law of Samuel Barrier; and Foster, Walter, 1 Hayes, Ed, 1 lot Hays, Angus, 1 lot I Hedrick, James. 1 lot ' Horton, Lelia M., 1 lot Horton, Arthur, 1 lot , Hood, Lizzie, 1 l.)t I Harshaw, Maria, 1 lot Harper, James, 1 lot Hood, Will, 1 lot Horton, Jone, 1 lot . Jones, G. H. 1 lot ; Jones, Addie, 1 lot . Lightfoot, Essie. 1 iot. Michaux, Jake, 1 lot Miller, Sarah B.. 1 lot - Norwood, Lucinda, 1 lot. Norwood, Emma, 1 lot ' Norwood, James, 1 lot i Patterson, Miles, 1 lot ! Patterson, George, Jr., 1 1 ! Patterson, Dan, 1 lot Patterson, James, 1 lot I'oweii, .Mark, 1 lot Patterson, Jake, 1 lot Sudderth, Robert, Sr., 1 lot Sudderth, Robert, Jr., 1 lot Sudderth, Tilman, estate, 1 SudderUi Sidney, 1 lot Witherspoon, Marshall, 1 lot- Williams, Ed., 1 lot Williams. Tavlor, 1 lot Wilson, W. M., 1 lot MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the provisions of a certain mortgage deed, dated March 24, 1919, executed by J. N. Braswell and wife to the undersigned, regis tered in Caldwell county, in Book 84, page 4o2, I will, on MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1919, at noon, expose to sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands, conveyed by said mortgage: Beginning on J. N. Braswell's cor ner in the old line and running with T. F. Clark's line to the Wilson Lum ber and Milling Company's line to top of ridge; then with the meanders of the ridge J. N. Braswell's corner; then with the division lineof J. N. Braswell and T. S. Braswell to the beginning; containing 50 acres more or less. This 2nd dav of Julv, 1919. 40-4t E. F. ALLEN, Mortgagee. Foster, Ed, 1 lot, 7.88 lot 10.08 9.26 4.00 7.20 3.00 7.02 .48 1.00 3.80 13.54 13.20 8.40 1.20 .96 4.18 2.40 4.40 5.50 9.02 4.80 10.94 7.60 7.20 2.40 5.18 4.60 7.50 2.40 6.00 1.44 9 42 3.14 2.40 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mirth i El len Porch, deceased, 1 heresy notify all persons having el i ais against es tate of said deceased to present them to me on or before -'line 28, 1920. Those indebted to the i.-ta'.e are l e-que-Ud to make prompt seUkment. Th. .June 28, 1919. DR. O. J. CORPENING. W. C. Newland, Atty. Executor. 40-tite C. & N.-W. RAILROAD SCHEDULE Effective June 22, 19 19 Ot- ot EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of James M. Bolick, lWinAl f VinriiKi, YinfHr all James Parks and wife, Carolina and jail persons whomsoever, owning or persons having claims against his es- rtoruuve-Mern nauwn.v , 1 1 lainniig lo own any esuue, lien or tak fa present them to me on or be- Dixon, widow; Bettie Dixon, ; interest of any kind or character in fore june 25 1920. Those indebted Dyke Dixon, Margaret Dixon, Leon-j and to the premises described in the t0 (,e estate' are requested to make ard Dixon, Patterson Estes and Alma petition in this proceeding: ! prompt settlement. testes, willani estes, Juna tsies, r.s- iuu WILL lArvt, iNUllLt, tnat i This 25th dav of June telle r,stes, Lonnie estes anu wire, an action entitled as aDove nas Deen George Este.s and wife, Lawrence Es- I commenced in the District Court of tea and wife, W. T. Estes and Millie j the United States for the Western Sstes, George W. Estes and Mattie i District of North Carolina, at Estes, Henry Estes and wife, Jesse ' Greensboro, for the condemnation of Estes and wife, Larkin Estes and the following described tracts of Ritta Estes, Bob Estes and Ida Estes, iland: David Bastes and wife, Ozier Estes i Four tracts in the counties of Chester and Lenoir frain No. 1U Ar. Lenoir 12 :" Train No. 9 Lv. Lenoir 1:15 Lenoir and Edgemont Train No. 54 Ar. Lenoir 10:10 Train No. .VI Lv. Lenoir 1 :30 Train No. "," Ar. Lenoir 7:20 Train No. 55 Lv. Lenoir 8:30 p.m. p in. a.m. p.m. a.m. a. m MORTGAGE SALE 39-0 1919. J. F. BOLICK, Executor. and wife, Coleman Estes, widow, Ju- Burke and Caldwell, and State 0f , .e to preseni lius Estes and wife, Nancy Estes, : North Carolina, containing in the ag- j u'rs'iPed on or befo Charity Estes, Virginia Ervin, Jessie gregate 4118.47 ncres, known as or tnis notice will b EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the executor of the estate of Lucy A. Miller, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the un- re May 24, 1920, be pleaded in bar Ervin. unknown heirs of Reuben Es-, "The Brown Mountain Mining and i "r , V ,cover-v persons m- tes, Marion S. Gibbs and Albert S. , Manufacturing Company Tract;" I ue"l.tl! 10 lne une musl maKe lm- Gibbs. Calvin Green and wife, By-! Four tracts in Avery county, North , mc','ate ',ayn?nt- num Gragg, Inez Gragg Florence Es- Carolina, containing in the aggregate 'S May kR.K MH LER ...... v . 4. i.rtu acres. Known as i ne .1 . ivi. i or: a. t. t", . m . ,, ------- , 0t)-UL executor. liernnaruc i racis. Twenty-four tracts in the counties of Avery and Caldwell and State of North Carolina, containing in the ag- North Carolina, Caldwell County. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of mortgage executed by John A. Bush and wife, A. V. Bush, and registered in Cald well countv, N. C, in Book No. 48, page, 228," dated July 23, 1917, I will, on MONDAY, JULY 7, 1919, at the court house door of Caldwell county at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, expose to sale and sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the lands conveyed by said mortgage deed and therein described as fol lows: Being a part of Lenoir Heights, in Lenoir township, Caldwell county, N. C. Lots Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, as oJotted by E. M. Yoder and sold Nov. 30, 1914; also lots Nos. 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, as plotted by John L. Kirby. Above lots will be sold as a whole to satisfy debt of $178, plus the costs. This Mav 26, 1919. WILEY G. HARTZOG, 36-4t Mortgagee. Estes Houston and Ed Houston, Hen ry Hartley, Millard Hartley and wife, Sarah Ingram, Joseph W. Jen ny, Mrs. N. E. Harris and N. E. Har ris, Mrs. W. W. Lambert and W. W. Lambert, Mrs. J. II. Gibson, Mrs. E. E. Hunter, Alf T. and wife, Dudley Jobe, Jr., Cleveland Jobe, A. Jobe, Pearl Jobe, Fred Jobe, Elva Jobe, Anita Jobe, Robert Jobe, Eu gene Jobe, minor, Mollie Hunter and husband, unknown heirs at law of Dudley Jobe, unknown heirs at law of Mrs. Jerrv Miller, George J. W. B. Kirk, L. H. Kirby, H. E. Litchford, trustee; G. W. Lex, individually and as trustee; Edgar Little, Maude Lit tle and husband, Elbridge Little and wife, Robert Montgomery, Mary M. Merriman and George T. Merriman, William M. McCormick, Dudley J. Miller and wife, Orrin B. Nichols, Samuel Newman and wife, Albert J. Phillips and Esta R. Phillips, Rosa Coffey Powell and Henry L. Powell, D. C. Pritchard, Mrs. T. S. Smalling, Mrs. M. L. Hooper, C. P. Blalock, W. M. Ritter Lumber Company, Harri- North Carolina, containing in an ag gregate 217.05 acres, known as "The Globe Lumber Company Tracts." All of which lands are fully de scribed in the petition filed in the above entitled proceeding, to which reference is made for a more partie ular description. The said lands are now claimed by Brown Mountain Mining and Manu facturing Company, John M. Bern hardt, Caldwell Land and Lumber Company, Globe Lumber Company, and others, and have been selected by the Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission, and found necessary for the purpose of carrying on a. Kiley, rJmaline rJstes Simms, "u" "- ui ui juiiu W. R. Spainhour and Ida Spainhour, i States approved March 1, 1911, be- StnHArH Trust. Cnmnnnv nf Now fng Chapter 188, page, 961, VOL 86, York. Sarah Simms Sherrill. P. J. jStat at Large, as amended by the ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified h administrators FnKn m t aireS' nIown.as; ceased, this is to notify all persons The Caldwell Land and Lumber havillR clflimg ,aid estate to Company tracts; present them to the undersigned Four tracts in the counties of , within twelve months from the date Avery and Caldwell, and State of j hereof or this notice will be pleaded in oar oi uieir recovery, ah persons indebted to said estate will please make payment to the undersigned. This May 31, 1919. R. O. CRAIG, J. A. CRAIG, Administrators. M. N. Harshaw, Atty. 30-6tc LAND ENTRY No. 6784 Shell and Mary Shell, Junius C. Tate smd wife, Tate, who inters married with Robert McGimsia, Min nie Tate Wingard, Robert E. Simp son, Rufus White and Maggie White, Jim White and wife, George W. Wait, Wtlmm Oeelr T.iimhar Gnmnsnv Jn- sepb W. Young, unknown heirs of premises described m thy petition of William J. Alexander, unknown heirs said proceedings, defendants named of Wallace Alexander, J. D. Bowman " aforesaid, will further take notice and Veraie E. Bowman, unknown wwy. rajuirwu w rpr in act of August 10, 1912 (37 Stat, 269-800, ch. 284.) And the said non-resident defend ants above named, and all persons whomsoever, owning or claiming to own any estate, lien or interest of any kind or character in and to the heirs at law of David Barker, un known heirs at law of John Brown ing, unknown heirs at law of William Barrier, Buena Rose, unknown heirs at law of Silas Coffey, unknown heirs at law of Marsha Coffey Clark, chil dren and heirs at law of Martha Cof Wf Clark, Marion Clark, unknown heirs at law of Jama H. Collett, Jane Collett Campbell and husband, un known heirs at law of William Coch ran, Roy Church, Martin Crump or his unknown heirs at law, John Clark or his hairs at law, Mary Coffey or ner unknown heirs at law, DUworth, wife of N. B. Dilwortfc, un known heirs at law of A. H. Erwin, Alfred E. Edgecombe and Ada R. Edgecombe, unknown heirs at law of James C. Estes, William H. Ellis and wtft, unknown heirs at law of Len If you spend your money and get Sites, unknown heirs at law of La-1 your money's worth what kick can ban Estes, unknown heirs at law af !you have? the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina at Greensboro, on the 18th day of July, 1919, and an swer or demur to the petition or com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tka relief demanded in said petition. This) notice issued by order of Court, directing that publication be made once a week for six consecutive weeks in the News-Topic, Lenoir, N. C. ; the Herald, Morganton, K. C. ; the Avery Vim, Elk Park, N. C. This 3rd day of June, 1919. B. L. BLAYLOCK, Clerk, District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina. 86-ot State of North Carolina, County of Caldwell. Office of Entry Taker for Caldwell County. R. A. Kendall, a citizen of Wilkes county, in said State, enters and lays claim to the following described lands in Caldwell county, N. C, con taining 50 acres more or less, in Yad kin Valley township, on the waters of the Yadkin river: Beginning on a black gum, T. H. Annis corner, on top of the mountain, running with top of the mountain and Annis line North 70 East 20 poles to a stake; then East 11 poles to a gum; thence North 45 degrees East 20 poles to a white oak; then North 56 degrees East 24 poles to a stake; then North 65 degrees East 16 poles to a stake; then North 60 degrees East 18 poles to a stake-; thence East 15 poles to a poplar, Thomas Hendrix corner; thence South to the William Dula 200-acre grant line; thence West 212 poles to a stake; the northwest cor ner of eaid Dula tract; thence various courses for complements to the be ginning, so as to include all vacant land in said boundary. Entered this the 12th day of June, 1919. R. A. KENDALL. Filed at 11:06 o'clock a.m. June 12, 1919. A True Copy: JOHN M. CRISP, Entry Taker for Caldwell Co. 37-4tp CONTINUE STUDY OF GERMAN The Virginia State board of edu cation has voted to continue the study of German in the State high schools, the course to be of four years' duration. i RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a real estate mortgage ex ecuted to the undersigned by G. L Clark and wife, Odell Clark, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Lenoir, N. C, on THE 12th DAY OF JULY, 1919, the following described tract or par cel of land : Lying and being in Lenoir town ship, Caldwell county, N. C, adjoin ing the lands of Troy McNeil and others and bounded as follows: Be ginning on a stone in Troy McNeil's line on the C. & N.-W. Rafflway Co. and running a northwestwardly course with right of way of said C. A N.-W. Railway Company 210 feet to a stone on a ridge. Then a soutb etftwardly course 210 fees to a stake in Troy McNeil's line; then a southwestwardly course 210 feet to the hegioning, containing l acre more or lees. Said mortgage being recorded in the Register of Deeda' of fice for Caldwell county in Book No. 84 at page 82. Bid raised 10 per cent and will start at $343.36. This June 26, 1919. N. J. CLARK. MotfevM. M. N. Harshaw, Atty. 39-3t CRIMSON CLOVER THS WONSESTTTTi SOEL XH- FBOYIXlOr CHOP. Aa Excellent Winter and Spring CrraEisg- Crop Btst of Early Green TttCL Qood Ksy Crop Crimson Clover can be pown from the first of July to early In October. It is partlcular'y valu able as a soil: Improver for corn and cotton, sowing- it at the last working, turning it undor the following May, and growing in breaaed crops each year. SB BXTZM TO SOW WOOD SEEDS They are carefully selected and tutted for (termination and free from" Immirfrles and ebjectlon able weed seeds, SEED POTATOES for Fall Crop Totato growers are getting won derful prices Juat now. Plant a liberal acreage in June and July. VnlmnM mav aell htsrh again J next winter. Writ lor "WOMI Vrcp ojr- cUV giving time'y Information and prices. Mailed free. t T.W.WOOD & SONS, SBSSSMXN, SlOhmoaa, TO. Attention, Mr. Farmer! We have 450 farmers who are stockholders in our plant. Our business is to serve and please them. If you are a patron let us have your EGGS, POULTRY, CREAM, Etc. If you are not a patron get in touch with us for our mutual benefit. New. routes started in any territory. CATAWBA CREAMERY CO. Hickory, N. C. mm I Iff '1 3 MiSM mm -A Jk-J Go There and Back Ride a Bicycle Nothing better for children and grownups even the old men love it. I have them for all ages, and the price is right. Let me know your wants. I have pleased others and can please you. Remember I also sell the Standard Sewing Machine for $32.50 SEE ME FOR REPAIRS Frank F. Smith THE BICYCLE MAN Hudson, N. C. 1 SUNG CREATION EVERY li WANTS DON'T SEND A PENNY. MAIL ORDER ONLY RAINCOATS DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO WEARER Send no money. Pay when received at postoffice from factory. Made to your "individual order. Our Raincoats are superior to ordinary Voats. Seams cemented and reinforced. They art tested thoroughly anw are as near waterproof as it is possible to make raincoats. LATEST STYLE COMBINATION RAIN CAPES Fancy collar insert $1.50 extra. Made of beautiful silks, cash meres and twills, with plain or fancy collars. Mailed. No. A 17 Raincape Blue twill cloth, featherweight coat, in a beautiful style. No. A 17, Ladies' Model, made to your order. Send measure. Sizes " 1 to 40 and 50 to 54 length. Only $12.00 Without Cape $8.00 No. A 2 Raincoat. This style is made in men's and ladies' sizes, 48 inches length for men, 50 and 54 for women. Bust measure 84 to 4i. All Canto cloth. Delivered without extra cost-. $4.98 No. A 19 Beautiful tweed, small checked, suitable also for over coat for men $19.00 No. A 20 Ladies' blue check silk Raincoat and Cape $18.00 Raincoat $17.00 Writ Your Order Plainly and Send to Robert Miller Dependable Raincoats Mail Orders Only BOX 22, HUDSON, N. C. PHONOGRAPHS The Universal Phonograph is now on the market and the price is within the reach of many who have wanted just this machine It is made on the lines of other standard machines and is equipped with the famous Heienman Motor Weekly Demonstrations are held on Saturday after noons at Lenoir Hardware and Furniture Store COME IN AND LOOK THE OVER I Hear the records of any machine played, as it plays them UNIVERSAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY MOLTON TRIPLETT Manager ,Li M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS " BEST THAT CAN BS MACK f Cost to yoQ $3.23 a GaHoa when made ready to use RSCOMMCNDEO BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS ' Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Aftntt or LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturers New Yeric