Page Twelve LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919 FAIR WORK BREAKS THE NATIONAL RECORD AGAIN (Continued from page ten) ty fairs, and thirty-nine community fairs for his territory. In the western district, of which District Agent E. S. Millsaps of Statesville is in earge, there have been organized three district fairs, eight county fairs and sixty commu nity fairs, all within the twenty three counties included in that dis trict. Mr. T. D. McLean of Aberdeen, who has charge of the central dis trilct of twenty-one counties, has a record of one State fair, one district fair, twelve county fairs and forty four community fairs. Mr. N. B. Stevens, district agent for the eastern district, with head quarters at Wilson, supervising nine teen counties, will have this fall one special fair, two district fairs, eight county fairs, and thirty-three com munity fairs. The tidewater district has also done splendidly, and, the three distric tfairs, five county fairs, and twelve community fairs for this district of nineteen counties are a tribute to the work of District Aent O. F. McCrary, located at Washing ton N. C, and his fine c-oworkers. The negro fairs have also done splendidly, and District Agent L. E. Hall, with headquarters at Chad bourn, is maintaining supervision over one State fair, eight county fa'rs and twenty-two community fairs, scattered all over the State. This total record of 275 fairs is a record of splendid achievement and has made a national reputation for North Carolina in this phase of ex tension work. Judges are now being assigned for the various fairs on the basis of two judges for each com munity fair, three judges for each county fair, four judges for each dis trict fair and a special corps of judges for the special fairs, Co-operating in this work are the "State department of agriculture, the fitate College of Agriculture, the ag ricultural experiment station, the ex tension service, and the United States department of agriculture. Among the institutions which will be repre sented by exhibits, literature, plac ards an dlecturers at these fairs are the State board of health, State in surance department, the national war loan organization, the department of war, the North Carolina Cotton As sociation, the State department of education, and many other institu tions of State and national charac ter. The complete list of North Car olina fairs is now available and will be mailed out upon request to S. G. Rubinow, Raleigh, X. C. The good things in the domestic department the good women of Cald well will have on exhibition at the Caldwell county fair will make your eyes dazzle with delight, and make your mouth water for a taste of the prest-'ves and pickles. They will be worth going miles to see and talk about their excellencies. HARVEST TIME "Earth is so kind that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest." The husbandman has been honored in all lands and in all ages. It is a life fed by the bounty of earth and sweetened by the airs of heaven. In this respect Caldwell county is thrice blessed. This grand old county, fa mous in history and romance, in fru gality and farming, in progress and prosperity, is now about to show the fruits of the husbandman's toil and the activities of her citizenship, which saves humanity from the degregation and subservience to despotism and ruthless cruelty, in a county fair in which every citizen of the county should participate, and show his county pride by either making an ex hibit or attending its days of display with his entire family. It is a great agricultural educational opportunity for the county and our neighboring counties. A plenteous harvest is upon us a harvest dedicated to peace and to be enjoyed by the peopl eof Caldwell, every soul within her borders. This fair will b one unit to strengthen the sinews of reconstruction among our people. It should be greeted as a blessed manifestation of brotherly love in a land of plenty. It will mean health, strength, love, hope and en couragement from God and relief and blessings to the just, the brave, the righteous and the downtrodden who suffered in humanity's cause. It is to be a fair with a purpose, with gratitude and blessings. It should be the religious duty, there fore, of every citizen to give every encouragement possible to making it the greatest success ever undertaken in any endeavor in this county here tofore. s0 get ready for the fair, which begins next Tuesday and runs through Friday. Just get so full of it that you will talk about nothing else but the fair until it is over. Tell everybody else about it and all come to it. GET IN THE SWIM The Caldwell county fair is on the way in great shape. Are you ready for it with an exhibit of your prod ucts, wares and handiwork? Get in the swim with the exhibitors. Make every department of the fair fairly astound the great throngs of behold ers with its excellence, beauty, utility and progress of every household, farm and factory. That will make Caldwell talk as she has never talked before. It will be something worth while talking about, too. Caldwell's cornucopia will pour out its wealth of products and human en deavors at the county fair, Oct. 7 to 10. Be on hand to enjoy its beauty and revel in its delights. We are expecting you at the fair. The work of double-tracking the entire line of the Southern railway between Atlanta and Washington, which was started in 1902, has just been completed. Electric automatic block signals will be installed over the entire line. ARE YOU READY 7 The Caldwell county fair is coming on apace. Are you ready for it? It will be an eye-opener this year. You will not know what your good old county can do until you see this coming exhibition of her products. And every farm, every manufacturer and every man and woman who has anything produced or made in the county should have an exhibit Show your neighbors, and the outside world, what you can do. Don't for get the children. Let them exhibit their handiwork and genius. They are the future citizens of Caldwell. In showing what we produce others are stimulated to greater endeavors. The friendly rivalry of county men and women is the heart of progres siveness. It is the spur of endeavor. It is the seed of growth. Examine the premium list this year and you will find that a very attract ive list has been made out. While the premiums are not as big as some of the State fairs, still they are worth contending for, and they will grow bigger, as the years pass, with your enthusiasm and your products. The greater the unity and co-operation in this fair the greater will be the fair. Talk about it, and come and bring the best you have produced and place your products on exhibition. We are going to have record-breaking crowds this year. Give them something to talk about when they return to their homes. Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10 are the four red letter days in Caldwell's history making this year. THE FAIR SPIRIT Father's hitching up old Xed To the big fam'ly surry; Mother's packing up preserves In a terrible flurry; Sister's counting canned goods And getting out the sewing; The hired man's bagging crops, Doing lots of tangoing; The cook has gone to the fair Left with a shout and laugh; Only folks that's left at home Is me and our brindle calf. But we, too, will certainly be on deck, For we's going to the Caldwell fair, by heck! nBsiiisimiixxzxizniEiiin i-zxixxxzzxzzz-zzxxsxxxizzxxi3xuxixzxzxxxxxxxuii HAVE NO REGRETS Wish that I was with 'em, in the glory of the days Then fellers in Lenoir, a-"hollerin' " their "hoorays!" Where the fair is faring well, and bands play a refrain; Where they ride the "merry rounds" and up in that arryplane. Wish I was with 'em to see what old Caldwell has done. Why wish? I'll be there, Mr. Fair man I'm comin' on the run. EXPERIENCE To have experience is to live. The more experience one gets the more he will know about lif. That's why they say experience is the best teacher. A county fair is one of the best places in the country to get ex perience. That's why we urge you to attend the Caldwell county fair, on the 7th of October, and for three davs thereafter. GEIHBIIBI m s - s a a 1 M a a m : M - : FA0R VISITORS Will find us in our new home on South Main street, where we are better equipped and better fixed in every way to give them the best service they have ever had in Lenoir Our new home was' arranged and equipped with the idea of giving our patrons the very best service that it is possible to give. Everything is new and the entire arrange ment of the cafe and all fixtures are put in along the most sanitary lines : : : : We want Fair Visitors to inspect our new home. We are somewhat proud of it, and we believe that you will agree with us when you have once loake it over. From the front door clear back and through the kitchen you will find the same idea of cleanliness. WE HAVE ROOMS TO RENT, TOO nitith's Caf e South Main Street W. E. STARNES, OWNER Lenoir, N. C. laiZTCGNIXmiEMIBIEIBlEBIiaaBS 8 B : U n FA i f n tn u u zs u u When You Come to The Fair We want You to Make our Store Your Headquarters If you are going to need anything in Hardware and Furniture we will be glad to show you our large stock and serve you. As a re minder we mention some of the things you might need : Range, Cook Stove, a Wood or Coal Heater for the Winter Linoleum, Carpets, Art Squares or Rugs for the floors Bed 'Springs, Mattresses, Cotton and Wool Blankets Furniture in Suites and Odd Pieces, such as Tables, Chairs, Cabinets, Stands and many other pieces HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Farming Implements Empire Grain Drills, Cole Grain Drills, Lime Spreaders any special implements secured for customers We hope the people of the county will give this Caldwell County Fair their undivided support. The fair is a great thing for the county, if all the people of the county get behind it. We hope to see more people here during the fair days Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10 than , , have ever been in Lenoir before Lenoir Hardware I For. COM! P ANY Everything in Hardware and Furniture iniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiEiiimiii My Fall Announcement I m ! 1 B i M llffl f FY per yard Good Overalls, Men's, at My motto is the same as it has always been : GOOD COOIIS AT MEDIUM PRICES I have tried, if possible, harder than ever to get good merchandise that I can still sell at moderate prices. I am glad to say that in many lines of goods I have succeeded. Good Gingham at, o JUC $2.00 t0 $2.50 .$1.00 1 $5.00 up .....$18.00 1 ... .$15.00 t0 $27.50 $17.50 . .... .. ... ..... $1.50 Good Shirts, work and dress, at Good Boys' Suits at Good Men's Suits at Good Ladies' All Wool Coat Suits at Good All-Wool Middy Suits at All-Wool Dress Serge, at, per yard . ALL LEATHER SHOES for Men. Women, Boys and Girls, with this.' Guarantee on every pair; "$5 and a new pair of shoe to everyone who finds paper or any substi tute for leather in a single pair of these shoes." SEE MY GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY mm m A. A. BLACKWELDER, Prop. -kje.' :vt'"'.-.;, , i ' - ; .1.