Page Three S2 -'.--.' ruea K3 tfl S3 S3 A SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF 1 "GENTLEMIAN" JOHN PEIRKONS and of his contemporaries, successors and descendants; together with av glance at the history, customs and de velopment of what is now Caldwell county and of the adjacent country, during the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919 by W. W. Scott. The above is the title of a serial article that is to be begun in the News-Topic with the issue of October 10th, and to continue in every succeeding issue until completed. The article will probably not be finished for several months. The compiler of these memoranda says: "These compila tions do not assume the dignity of history or biography, but are submitted as material tnat may be used by exact historians after verification." The compiler has been collecting the interesting data for publication for at least ten years, and these articles, independ ent of the interest it is hoped they will be to the general reader, will be read with special pleasure by the hundreds of descend ants of "Gentleman" John Perkins living in Western North Carolina. Those of his descendants who do not subscribe for this paper but who wish to read and preserve these articles, are invited to subscribe at once, as the management desires to print a suffi cient edition to provide new subscribers with the whole series. ORGANIZE NOW TO COMBAT PLAGUE OF INFLUENZA The State board of health has sent a copy of the following letter to pa pers throughout the State, with the request that it be published: In view of the fact that we may have an epidemic of influenza this fall .and winter, and remembering the devastation and havoc wrought by this disease last fall and winter, it behooves us to get each county and community thoroughly organized to care for those stricken if this disease should again show itself in an epi demic form. Thorough organization inspires confidence in battling with any foe and there is no doubt that thorough organization will allay the fears of the people and tend to lessen the nervous condition of those strick n. There is not a particle of doubt that fear and a nervous condition in creased our mortality in the influenza epidemic of last fall and winter. We are writing to ask that you call a meeting AT ONCE of all the public welfare agencies in your county health officers, public welfare officers, farm and horn edemonstrators, super intendents and supervisors of schools, both white and colored, ministers, doctors, lawyers and all other patri otic citizens. Let these patriotic citi zens form an organization after the plan outlined below. If influenza comes you will be prepared. If it does not come, so much the better. Plan of Organization The public welfare agents and pa triotic citizens in meeting assembled should appoint a county supervisor of health to co-operate with the county board of health and the county health officer. Tho county supervisor should appoint a local supervisor in each township. Duties of the local super visor are to keep in touch with the people in order to learn the degree in which each community is affected by influenza; to keep the county su-, perintendent informed of local condi-' tinos and needs, and, should it be- j come necessary, assist in relieving the helpless. The chairman of the board of county commissioners should send to the State board of health the name of the county's su pervisor and the township supervis ors. All calls for outside aid should be made through your county super visor. These calls only will be. re garded as official by the State board of health. The State board of health is at this time perfecting an emergen cy organization of physicians and nurses of the State, who will be will ing and ready to answer any emer gency call sent them by the State board of health. The State board of health urges that the men or women selected as township supervisors realize that a great responsibility rests upon them for the saving of lives and the alleviation of suffering in their community. To aid them in their work the following plan of local organization is suggested to town ship supervisors: The supervisors of the townships should appoint a chairman for the following committees: (a) Intelligence committee. The chairman of this committee should be especially active and intel ligent, thoroughly acquainted with the community, and willing to gather accurate information daily in regard to the sick. -This chairman should re port daily to the township supervisors the number of new cases, the condi tion of previous cases, and any emer gency need, food, medicine or nurs ing aid. (b) Food committee. This committee should be held in readiness to supply simple, whole some food to those families in actual need. (c) Nursing committee. This committee should have a list of all available persons in the com munity who will voluteer to do ordi nary nursing in case of need. Many persons sick with influenza do not need the services of a trained, nurse, even if one could be obtained, but many families do need the simple home attention which can and should be supplied through this committee. Any who have taken the Red Cross course in first aid and hyme hygiene should be especially valuable for this work. (d) Finance committee. This committee should secure vol untary contributions for the neces sary relief of afflicted families, which may be destitute. There are likely also to be families who are tempo rarily in need of financial assistance because of the epidemic. (e) Transportation committee. This committee should be prepared to furnish mean sof conveyance and a local guide in case a doctor or a nurse is sent to the community from some distant point. They should also be prepared to meet the needs of the other four committees. The State board of health advises that the local township supervisors appoint only the chairman of each of these con. .littees, leaving the chairman to secure such assistance as is deemed necessary for the work. Either a man or a woman can serve acceptably as chairman or as a mem ber of any of these committees. The main point is that the chairman should be a worker and should be held responsible for the work of the committee of which he or she is chairman. This plan of organization may seem to go into unnecessary de tails, but past experience tells us that we cannot be too strongly organ ized. In the late epidemic of influ enza whole families were stricken so that no member of the family was able to get out and ask for aid. We do not want this to happen again in North Carolina. The State board of health urges you to ACT promptly. Don't wait until your community is actually stricken before taking steps to combat the epidemic that may come. MINERS WANT 60 PER CENT IN CREASE AND SIX-HOUR DAY Demands for a 60 per cent increase in all mine wages, a limit of six hours upon the day's labor underground, a five-day week, with time and a half for overtime and double time, for .work on Sundays and holidays and important improvements in condi tions of labor were adopted Tuesday afternoon by the United Mine Work ers of America in convention at Cleveland, 0. The convention then adjourned to await the result of the joint wage scale conference with the operators of the central competitive district, which opened in Buffalo yes terday. Should no agreement be reached in time to be ratified and come into effect by Nov. 1, a general strike of all bituminous coal miners in the United States will automati cally ensue on that date if the inter national executive committee and the representatives of the Canadian dis tr'H o determine. JONES COUNTY GIRL IS SHOT WHILE ASLEEP; DIDN'T WAKE Quo Vadis Wkoten took a nap at her home in Jones county. She awoke to find that she could not move. Quo Vadis is white. Members of the fam ily doctored her for "aches." They gave her cooking soda and other things. They worked over an hour without success. Then a fleck of blood on her back was discovered by accident. An investigation developed the fact that while she had slept a 7-year-old sister, playing with a .22 rifle, had shot her in the back. A doctor was summoned and said the bullet had probably lodged in her spine. The lower part of her body was entirely paralyzed. She was taken to Kinston and will be sub jected to an X-ray examination. An extraordinary fact about the case is that the girl was not aroused by the bullet, but slept until she awoke at someone's call. She did not hear the report. Her condition is serious. Negro veterans of the world war are eligible to membership in the American Legion, but the composi tion of local posts and State organi zations will be left to the members themselves, according to instructions made public by Henry D. Lindsley, chairman of the national executive committee. To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take The purified end refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c. THE MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE Ae organ of tho htnasji body aro oo taaswrtant to health ana Ions His the klsncya. When they alow up and com nvence to lag In their duties, look out! rind out what the trouble l without delay. Whenever you fesl nervous, weak, eMacy, suffer from sleeplessness, or -nave pains In the back icase up at one. Your kidneys need help. These aro signs to warn you that your kld aeys are not performing their fnno tloaa properly. They aro only half doing their work and are allowing Im purities to occom u late and bo convert ed Into uric acid and other poisons, which aro causing yoa distress and will destroy yxn unless they are driven from your system. km. After you eatalways take ATONIC Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat d (jasar r eeling, stops food souring;, repeating, and all stomach miseries. -Aide digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. IATONIC Is the best remedy. Tent of thou sand! wonderfully benefited. Onlyeostsaoant r two a day to uee it Positively guaranteed $o please or we will refund money, Get a big etas today, Yoa will see, Ballew's Cash Pharmacy, Lenoir. Get some OOU MEDAL Haarlem OH Capsule at once. They aro an old. tried preparation used all over tho world tor centuries. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and oystem-cleanslng herbs, well known and used by physi cians In tbolr dally practloe. OOU 14EDAX Haarlem Oil Capsules are Ita- Sorted direct from the laboratories is olland. They are convenient to take, and will either give prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but bo sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDuUi brand. Accept no substitutes. In ssalsd packages. Three sizes. $ WB fre LEATHER LIQUIDS PASTES -.For Black,mi!e.Tanx Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT 0 v . tdUFFDAUfr COBPOlUTtON LTD. BUFFALO, N.Y. A number of negroes residing near Lexington, Ga., have met and adopt ed resolutions approving the action of whites who recently lynched Obe Cox, a negro accused of assaulting and murdering the wife of a white farmer. The resolutions condemned in strong terms the crime that aroused 1,000 men and set them to a 24 hours' search of swamps and woods which was concluded with the shooting of the negro and the burn ing of the body. Negroes who took the stand that the lynching was jus tified were said to have consisted of some of the most orderly and pros perous in Oglethorpe county, where the white woman was killed. The Whole Secret of A Better Tire Simply a Matter of the Maker's Policies This you will realize once you try a Brunswick that a super-tire is possible only when the name certifies that the maker is follow ing the highest standards. ' For tire making is chiefly a mat ter of standards and policies cost plus care. Any maker can build a good tire if he cares to pay per fection's price. All men know Brunswick stand ards, for Brunswick products have been famous for 74 years. Formulas, fabrics and standards vary vastly in cost. Reinforce ments, plies and thickness are a matter of expense. And these vari ations affect endurance. It rests with the maker how far he wishes to go how much he can afford to give. For there are no secrets nor pat ents to hold one back. To ascertain what each maker offers one must analyze and test some 200 tires as our laboratories have done. Then it is a matter of combining the best features and building ac cording to the highest standards. Once you try a Brunswick you will understand how we have built model tires, regardless of factory expense. Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the same as other like-type tires. Our saving is on selling cost, through our nation-wide organization. We realize that you expect more from Brunswicks, and we assure you that you get it. ONE Bruns wick will tell you the story. And then you'll want ALL Brunswicks. No other tire, you'll agree, gives so much for your money. THE BRUNS WICK-B ALKE-COLLEN DER CO. Baltimore Headquarters: 107 Hopkins Place There's a Brunswick Tire for Every Car Cord Fabric Solid Truck Cord Tire, with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads Solid Truck Tires in all sizes authorized by the Society of Automotive Engineer RUFU8 L.GWYN C. E. BOBBINS