LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1019 Page Three HOME AND FARM DEPARTMENT Br D. W. Roberts, Cossrfy Aet T Bay P-Brd Animals Mr. George Evans, sheep extension worker of the Agricultural extension service, has just returned from a trip to the farms of pure-bred sheep breeders in different sections of the country, where he purchased 140 grade ewes and 40 pure-bred rams and ewes at prices ranging from $50 to tlOO ver head. This is one of the largest orders I1 for sheep that as ever oeen piacea by North Carolina farmers at any one time. Mr. .Evans had orders for several more, but, because of the great demand for better sheep by farmers all over the country, he was unable to secure the animals desired at the prices which he was commis sioned to pay. This purchase demonstrated the growing popularity of pure-bred sheep in th eState, says Mr. R. S. Curtis, and is an indication of the growth of North Carolina as a better livestock State. Mr. J. W. Sloss, beef cattle field agent, is also away on a trip at this time, trying to buy a carload of pure bred milking Shorthorn cattle for farmers in the western section of the State. Most of the orders have been given by men it Ashe and Buncombe counties. Frown on Marring Nature with Sign The Rock County Banner, of Clin ton, Wis., in a sensible editorial ob jects to glaring signs which so often mar an otherwise, beautiful outdoor view, on the ground that nature is desecrated and in most cases the ad vertiser is wasting his money. Savs the Banner: "Several of the English counties prohibit under heavy penalties the disfiguring or fences, country build' ings and other places with advertis ing signs. They do this on the two fold ground that such doings disfigure the landscape, and offend the good taste of most Tieople. They are right There is something deeply offensive to see some Spot naturally beautiful to the eye and refining to the senses mad hideous by some loud-appearing advertisement. And as for returns, it is the poorest kind of advertising. No doubt many who resort to it have the ildea that because a man can be hired for a day or two to go around execrably about the virtu of some patent medicine warranted to cure all the ills that mankind is heir to, or the iron-clad qualities of sbme article to wear, that it is very much cheaper for him and that the financial returns are better for him than if he had put a local or display ad in his home pa per. But it is a costly mistake which most business men have in the long run realized. All things considered, there is nothing in advertising that pays like an attractive, well-written announcement regularly inserted, but, occasionally changed as to wording, and which appears conspicuously in the paper that the people contiguous to one's place of business read. And in so doing the business man also es capes the reproach of offending good taste by disfiguring the scenery." Well-Fed Cow Make the Profit Records of cow-testing associations go to show that it is the well-fed cow that makes the profit. Often the man who is keeping ten cows would make more proht if he sold two or three of the poorest and gave all the feed to the others, say the specialist of the animal industry division, agri cultural extension service. Owners should see, first of all. say these dairy specialists, that the dairy cow has the necessary raw material from which to make milk. It re quires a long experience for some cattle owners to realize that it pays to feed a cow well. The fact is that the dairy cow is a milk factory, and, like all factories, requires consider able of what is called, in connection with business enterprises, "overhead charges." The cow first takes out enough from the ration to maintain her body, and this is about the same, whether she is milking heavy or giving only a few pounds. She can produce milk only with that part of her ration that she receives above what is required to support life. A cow of medium quality uses at least half of a full ration to support her body, and the second half of her ration is the only part she can use to produce milk. If she does not receive a full ration she does the only thing possible to do cuts the milk flow to fit the feed. The point is that, after going to the expense of feeding the cow enough to support her body, and do ing chores for her, and giving her a place in the barn, it is anything but wise to fail to give her as much feed as she can use for producing milk. ONLY A POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matters not whether yoa have sad agonizing rheumatic pains for 20 years or distressing twitches for 20 weeks, Rheuma is mighty and power ful enough to help drive rheumatic poisons from your body and abolrsh all misery, or the cost, small as it is, will be cheerfully refunded. Druggists everywere are author ized to sell Rheuma on a no-cure-no-pay basis. It's absolutely harmless, and after taking the small dose as di rected once a day for two days you should know that at last you have obtained a remedy that will conquer rheumatism. For ever ten years throughout America Rheuma has been prescribed and has released thousands from ag ony. Ballew's Cash Pharmacy will supply you and guarantee money re funded if not satisfactory. ACHES AND PAINS QinCKLYRELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it m. Just let it ptnttratt naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows I External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" those ailments can't fight off the relieving, qualities of Sloan's Liniment Clean, convenient, economical. 35c, 70c, $1.40. Your coal goes a long way when burned in Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. with paint and paint pot and write They are fuel savers. MEMORIAL FOR TROOPS WHO FELL AT CANTIGNY The memory of the American sol diers who fell at Cantigny is to be perpetuated at Montdidier by the es tablishment of a municipal hospital constructed from American Red Cross barracks. Over the entrance to the administration building will be an inscription reading: "Gift of the American Red Cross to the Town of Montdidier. In Memory of the American Soldiers Who Fell at Can tigny." Contigny, in the valley below Montdidier, was the first American battlefield in France. In the begin ning of the allied advance last sum mer the American captured Can tigny against tremendous odds, ad vancing further than any other troops in taking it Many Americans lie buried on the hillsides about the town. The French country people are keeping the graves green, many of the families having "adopted" American graves. In the country surrounding Mont didier the soldier-peasant is returning to the soil. Crops are growing where in January there were hundreds of shell holes, dugouts and trenches. Nearly half of the devastated fields in the district have been reclaimed. But while this has been going on the villages have in a large measure been neglected. Social life, however, is bing rapidly restored. Churches and schools ar springing up everywhere, and in many cases Red Cross bar racks are serving for this purpose. and from there we went to Japan SAVE the Leather 4 SHOE POLISHES Keep Your Shoes Neat LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR BLACK. WHITE. TAN. AND OX-BLOOD (DARK BROWN) SHOES THE KK DALLE Y CORPORATIONS UMITC0L AuFFALQ N.V. HITCHCOCK WENT ARTER THE G. O. P. ELEPHANT Senator Gilbert H. Hitchcock, Democrat, of Nebraska, who is lead ing the fight for the German peace treaty and the league of nations in the Senate, threw real fear into the Republican leaders last week when he declared that defeat was better than inaction. The agreement to dispose of the so-called Fall amendments was arranged. Senator Lodge did not like the charge of deliberate filibuster to defeat the treaty. Responding to a dare from Senator Fall, Republican, of New Mexico, Mr. Hitchcock said: "The Senator can defv until he is black in the face, but he knows, and all the Senators know, who are here holding up this treaty and delaying ratification by a hlibus ter, in spite of the will of the people of the United States, that the su preme council exists in Europe, and will exist until the nations are at peace." CONFERENCE ASKED TO EN DORSE ARBITRATION PLAN Concrete proposals designed to bring about better relations between employers and their employed were laid before the national industrial conference last week by members of the various groups making up the gathering. The proposals included: Arbitration of the nation-wide steel strike with return of the men to work pending settlement; an indus trial truce starting immediately and continuing three months; creation of an arbitration board by the President and Congress and including among its members all ex-Presidents ; and a comprehensive plan for adjudication of industrial disputes through boards of arbitration in the various indus tries. The conference also took its first concrete action in adopting a motion, offered by Thomas L. Chadwick, a representative of the public, provid ing that a committee consisting of three members from each of the groups of employers, labor and the public be appointed to investigate the high cost of living. The proposals were all, under the conference rules, referred to the gen eral committee, composed of five rep resentatives of each group. It was generally believed that the proposals would be in the hands of the commit tee for some time. French authorities estimate that one in every 30 of the allied soldiers who entered that country married a French bride. PEERLESS STARTER FOR FORDS -$19.00 5farf Your Car from the Seat with a Peerless The Peerless Starting System is a sirnple, mechanical device easy to install impossible to get out of or der most efficient starter for Ford cars ever on the market. An unusual opportunity for the Ford owner. Write us and we will tell you who handles the Peerless Starter in your locality. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR LIVE AGENTS We have a money making propo- Big returns on small investment We 8ition to offer live men as county give exclusive territory and furnish agents for the Peerless Starter. all possible co-operation. Wire or write immediately. We will have an exhibit at the State Fair at Raleigh, October 20th to 25th. Don't fail to call on us at the exhibit THE PEERLESS STARTER SALES COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. V ! "These Rat Wouldn't Eat My Bet Grain," Say Fred Lamb It's hard to keep rats out of a feed store. Tried for years. A neighbor ing store sold me some RAT-SNAP. It worked wonders. Gathered up dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT-SNAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP around." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Bernhardt Seagle Co., Lenoir Hardware ami Furniture Co., Ballew's Cash Phar macy and Hoffman & Son. NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY HAS ITS BIGGEST OPENING The University of North Carolina flung wide her doors last Friday for the beginning of the 125th session. The largest crowds of students which has ever assembled at Chapel Hill was present and large numbers are still coming. One thousand and seventy-six students had registered, of whom 389 were freshmen. Talk about adventures i Men in the Navy come home with the kind of experiences that most chaps read of only in the books. Here's your chancel Uncle Sam has, as you know, a big Navy and gives red blooded young fellows like you an opportunity to step aboard and "shove off". V What will you get out of it? Just this: A chance to rub elbows with I foreign folks in strange parts of the world. The chance for good honest work on shipboard the kind of work that teaches you something real; the kind of vork that putt beef on your shoulder and hai on your chest. You will get 30 care-free vaca tion day a year, not counting ihore leave in home or foreign ports. You will have the kind of com radeship in travel that sailor know. You will have regular pay; over and above your meals, lodg ing and your first uniform outfit good stuff all of it. You can join for two year. When you get through you'll be physically and mentally "tuned up" for the rest of your life. You'll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There' a Recruiting Station right near you. If you don't know where it is, your Post master will be glad to tell you. 7e any Fathar and Mothmrt In thm Nary your boy' ' food, health, work and play, and I moral wallal arm looked attar by ratponaibla azpartm. Shove off ! - Join the HJ. IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease Is no respecter of per sons. A majority of the ills afflicting people today can be traced back to kidney trouble. The kidneys are the most ImpoTtant organs of the body. They are the fllterers, the purifiers, of your blood. Kidney disease Is usually Indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, pain In loins and lower abdomen, grail stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these derangements are nature's signals to warn you that the kidney need help. Tou should use GOLD MJSDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule imme diately. The soothing, healing ell stim ulates the kidneys, relieves Inflamma tions and destroys the germs which have caused it. Do not wait until to morrow. Go to your druggist today and Insist on GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OV Capsules. In twenty-four hour y should feel health and vigor returning and will bless the day you first hear! of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cored yourself, continue to take one er tws capsules each day, so aa to keep ta first-class condition and ward off tha danger of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Three ilea. Mossy r- funded K they do not help you. tea -1 -te "wjw Heardyou the first time The live wire dealer doesn't have to hear you, at all, for that matter. He gives you Polarine Motor Oils because he knows they are the best. Polarine Motor Oils provide an unbreakable film which keeps the cylinder walls smooth and the piston rings fitting tight. They hold ev ery ounce of power right behind the pistons, and don't break down as the cylinder heat rises. ONE UNIFORM QUALITY THREE CONSISTENCIES . Polarine Oil Polarine Oil Heavy Polarine Oil Extra Heavy Also, Polarine Transmission Oils and Greases for the lubrication of Motor Cars; MotorTrucks, Kerosene and Gaso line Tractors; Farm and Stationary Gas Engines; Motorcycles: Motor, Boats, etc. For Sale by all Reliable Garages. Accessory and Hardware StoreSi Standard Motor Gasoline assures you maximum power, mileage and satisfaction. Uniform everywhere. Look for the sign the sign of a reliable dealer tFQR MOTO R CAR S STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) ,' L I Phone any item of news to The News-Topic

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