Page Six LENOIR NEWS-IOPIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919 CROPS IN THE STATE SHOW A DECLINE IN SEPTEMBER All North Carolina crops on Oct 1 showed a decline in-condition and prospective yield since Sept 1, due largely to the continued serious dry weather conditions, according to the State co-operative crop ' reporting service. Pastures show the remarkable de cline of from 91 to 65 per cent Dur ing September cotton declined 9 per cent field peas 5, vegetables and pea nuts 6 per cent Compared with last year the condition of corn is 7 per cent lower, cotton 13 per cent below, tobacco 20, oats yielded much lower, and sweet potatoes are 6 per cent less. North Carolina's place last yar f sixth among the States in crop pro duction will probably be lost this year. Tobacco with a 15 per cent in crease in acreage, due to the 20 per cent decrease in condition, will make much less production than last year. The yield expected is near 825,000, 000 pounds. Corn is forecasted at about 6,000,000 bushels below the 1918 crop (64.365,000 bushels). The Oct. 1 State conditions of crops were: Corn 79 per cent of a full crop or normal condition; cotton 61, tobacco 66, oats 75, Irish pota toes 72, sweets 80, peanuts 74, pas tures 65, field peas 70. soy beans 71, vegetables 73, apples 35 (commercial 20), and sorghum cane 81 per cent. The State's corn crop has 3,126, 000 acres that promise 58,769,000 bushels. Tobacco on 460,000 acres is forecasted to produce 285,000,000 pounds, 6econd largest State in pro duction. The 89,000 acres of sweet potatoes are expected to produce 8, 775,000 bushels, making it the third largest potato producing State. The piedmont and southwestern belt have suffered severely from the long dry weather seasons. In fact September is expected by Lee A. Denson, director of the district weather bureau, to be the dry est on record ; against our past month's rec ord of about one inch, according to about 100 recording stations over the State, while August was two inches short SALTING BABIES (Charlotte Observer) "I received a letter today from a friend who has been traveling in Eu rop eand Asia," said a well known woman yesterday, "and she was tell ing of a custom that she had run upon that of salting new-born ba bise, a custom which is practiced in certain regions of Europe and Asia. The Armenians of Russia, she writes, cover the entire skin of the baby with very fine salt, which is left on for three or four hours. A mountain tribe of Asia Minor are even more peculiar, It is said that they keep their new-born babies covered with salt for a period of 24 hours. The Greeks also sprinkle their babies with salt. The mothers believe that this practice brings health and serves to keep away the evil spirits as well." THE UNIVERSAL CAR The simplicity of the Ford car, its stability in construction, the famous heat treated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength and flexibility, the low cost of operation and maintenance, its ease in operation, all have made the Ford car the great favorite in every land in the world. It's the one car that always satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question that all can afford. We will be pleased to have your order. Don't delay because the demand is heavy all the time. We have almost every thing in motor car accessories, sell the genuine Ford Parts, and assure the best in mechanical repair work. RUFUS L. GWYN Lenoir, N. C. c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! HE HUD SUFFERED FOURTEEN YEARS Hick Says Sine Tkinf Tanlac AU Hi Trouble. Hav Disappear! "Tanlac made a well man of me after I had suffered for fourteen years and spent hundreds of dollars m trying to get relief," said E. A. Hicks, well known merchant of Bakewell, Tenn. "I was in miserable shape," he con tinned, "and ten years ago I became so much worse that I had to quit working at my trade and bought a store where the work would be light er on me. I had hardly any appetite, and after forcing down anything I would become nauseated and begin vomiting. Gas pressed so on my heart that I would almost smother to death and would feel as though there was a hard lump in my stom ach, and often I would be in so much misery that I would have to go to bed. "I tried everything I could think of but got no relief till I started on Tanlac. By the time 1 had taken half a bottle I was feeling like, a new man. When I had taken three bot tles I found I had gained ten pounds and my food did not hurt me at all. My appetite picked up right away, and now I don't have a bit of trouble with gas or indigestion and every body around here is talking about how well I am looking. I sure do feel fine and it was nothing but Tan lac that fixed me up." All druggists sell Tanlac. SEEKING MORE FUNDS FOR THE AYCOCK MEMORIAL The Aycock memorial commission, to raise funds for a fitting memorial to Charles Brantley Aycock, "edu cational governor," has decided to combine North Carolina day, Aycock memorial day and Arbor day in one special state-wide holiday with spe cial effort for this fund, now amount ing to $9,344.13. All schools will be asked to make special contributions along with citizens generally. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Leonard Hice, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate te present them to the undersigned within 12 months from the date here of or this notice will be pleaded i bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 18th day of September, 1919. J. A. MULLIS, 51-6t Administrator. VIRGINIA COUNTY METES OUT QUICK JUSTICE Justice was swiftly meted out last Friday afternoon at Danville, Va., in the Henry county circuit court when Paul Hairston, a ncirro not over 17 years of ae who, Wdenesday even ing criminally assaulted a 14-year-old white girl, was sentenced to expiate his crime in the electric chair. No further tight will be made for the defendant, who will accept his pun ishment. The trial occupied three hours anil the jury remained out less than fifteen minutes. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catan-h. It Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produoes such won derful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Where There' a Baby on Farm Keep Rat-Snap Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house look out. Rats kill infants biting them is not unu sual. Nuring bottles attract rats. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by BernhardtSeagle Co., Lenoir Hardware and furniture Co. Bal lew's Cash Pharmay and Hoffman & Son. PRESIDENT IS NOW IMPROVING EVERY DAY President Wilson's condition con tinues to improve daily, and his ap petite, the. failure of which has been one of the serious drawbacks to his recovery, shows a decided change to- the President s personal physiciansh ward normal. Messages of solicitude and sympa thy continue to pour into the White House from all parts of the world. Needed Protection Keep your body well nourished and strong and there is little danger. It' essential that you keep up your resistance. There are thousands of families who would not dream of being without the protection that SCOTT'S EMULSION affords. The right idea is to start in. the fall with Scott's Emuision and be protected for a strenuous winter. , It's Scotf s you ask for. f The Korweirlan cod-Hvr oil used In Scatt' Emulsion if super-nfined in oar American Labomtwica. It parity (nil quality is uniurpaMcd, 8coUfcBowae,MooBfiekI,ftJ. 1M3 The Most Welcome Tire That Ever Came to Market Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick In every great tire factory, the chief question is: "How much can we give for the money?" And the product depends on the policy adopted. Every man who has become ac quainted with Brunswick Tires knows that Brunswick standards are again evident. This famous con cern, noted as a leader in every line it entered since 1845 has once more proved that its policy is right A perfect tire is simply a matter of knowledge and standards and skill. No secrets nor patents pre vent making an ideal tire. But standards come first. For in tire making there is vast room for skimping, for subtle economies, for hidden shortcomings. Makers with out the highest standards don't build high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization of tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical experts. Not a man among them has spent less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master of his craft And the new ideas they bring to the attention of Brunswick direc tors receive sincere consideration. Every proved betterment is adopted unanimously. The Brunswick Tire is a combi nation of acknowledged features plus Brunswick standards of manu facture. The result is a super-tire, the like of which you have never known be fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswicks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick. We prom ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want ALL Bruns wicks. Then good tires will have a new meaning to you. THE BRUNS WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY Baltimore Headquarter: 107 Hopkins Place There9 s a Brunswick Tire for Every Car Cord Fabric Solid Truck Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Tread Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads Solid Truck Tires in all sizes authorized by the Society of Automotive Engineers RUFUS L. GWYN C. E. BOBBINS ft NEGLECTING THAT GOLD OR COUGH? Why, when Dr. King's New Discovery so promptly check it r"S natural yon don't want to b careless and let that old cold oi cough drag on or that new attack develop seriously. Not when you can get such a proved successful remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery. Cold, cough, grippe, croup does not resist this standard reliever very long. Its quality is as high today as It al ways has been and it's been growing steadily in popularity for more than fifty years. 60c. and $1.30 a bottle at all druggists. Give it a trial. .. . M1 Constipated? Here' Relief Not that often harmful, always vUk lent and temporary help that comes from harsh 'purgatives, but the com fortable, gratifying, corrective regula tion of stubborn bowels so pronounced in Dr. King's New Life Pills, i Tonic In action, they promote free bile flow, stir up the lazy, thoroughly but gently cleanse the system of waste matter and fermenting foods, and give yon keen. est .for hard work and feealthful recreation. All druggists ft cento, , Bernhardt-Seagle Co. Does This Saving took Good to You? Fuel is high here is a way to gain big fuel economy and a perfectly heated home. Why not save the gas half of ther coal wasted by all other stoves, with the fuel saving Cole's Original Hot Blast aMiPirtifiiimSi Read the News-Topic Want Ad. Column No. 1S