LENOIR, N. C. LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919 Page Three; n n IT W n Vyv t") ni Ln 1& of Valuable Real Estate Mr. C. T. Parson will offer at Public Auction his Farm of 400 (four hundred) acres of Valuable Farm and Timbered lands WL xQo BECEMEEE Ml 1(M This fine Farm of 400 acres lying and being in Lenoir Township, Caldwell County, has been subdivided into sever al tracts, each tract has been conveniently arranged, accessible to public road and water, which makes each tract very desirable and attractive to the Home Seeker, Investor or Speculator. Terms: 1-2 Cash, Balance 1 and 2 Years Property known as the Lafayette Houck lands, located on Harrington Creek, Lenoir and Collettsville public road, 4 miles from Lenoir, 6 miles from Collettsville. One 9-room House on the Home Tract, one tract contains 4-room house, one tract contains 2-room House, one Store House Every man, woman and the children are invited to this sale. Take a day off, bring the entire family and hear the fine music. Come for business, make this day worth a hundred-fold in dollars and cents. If you haven't a home, come and buy one. This is your opportunity. The above property lies well and is absolutely the best piece of Real Estate in Caldwell to be offered at Auction. Some Valuable Presents will be given at this sale, everybody will take a hand in the presents C. T. PARSON, Owner Lenoir, N. C SALE CONDUCTED BYC.T. MORRISON. DEC. 6, AT t0:30 A. M. 322 SOME OF THE WAR ACTIVITIES OF THE FORD MOTOR CO. Without going into particulars the following items will give some idea of the value the Ford Motor Com pany was to the government of the United States in its call for the sin ews of war: More than 2,000,000 steel helmets; order for 5,000 12-cylindex Liberty motors. Over 1,500 had been deliv ered when the armistice was signed, and the company was just striking its producing capacity; 10,000 caissons, mainly for 155-mm. guns, something over 8,000 delivered; order for 112 "Eagle" boats, 200 feet long, 25 feet beam; something like 25 delivered, when the order was reaucea to o; the balance will 'be finished by the first of August; more than 8,000 trucks; more than 25,000 regular Ford cars; more than 6,000 ambu lances; 400,000 cylinders for Liberty motors. Because of the superiority of the work on this article the gov ernment placed the order with the Ford Motor Company to make all the cylinders for all the Liberty motors made, in America. The original order was practically completed when the armistice was signed, and a new or der for 300,000 had just been en tered. 700,000 bearings for the Lib erty motor. Here, again the govern ment recognized the superior quality of the bearings made by this com pany, and placed the order with it for all the bearings for all the Lib erty motors made in the United States. On this order over 400,000 bearings had been delivered. 700,000 cylinder forcings for Liberty motors. Once again the government recog nized the superiority of Ford work and placed orders with the company for all the cylinder forgings for all the Liberty motors made in America. Over 400,000 had been delivered. A large volume of experimental work was done in building three-ton mili tary tanks, and the government had just placed orders for 15,000 of the small, two-man military tanks, and 3,000 of the six-ton military tanks. Cancellation came before mpre than a dozen or so tanks had been deliv nraA knf tho foundations had been laid ' and the superstructure almost completea lor a nenormous uuuumg It which it was intended making tanks alone. Of course this build ing comes in mighty useful in the enlargement of the Ford business. Motion picture reels in behalf of T iKaiu lnan Rorl Oom and Datri- otic fund work were made by the company and supplied to tne govern- nanf in anfftcianr. nuantities to serve llldl'V i . . tVa onfi TTnitarf States in motion pictures. Motion picture reels in volumes sufficient to serve tne armies of the United in France, Italy and furnished the mo- tion picture department of the Ford Motor company. . The company also did more than 1 nnn nnrt nt nrnrk in the nroduction of special devices for the naval ae partment of the British government. It also furnished the government with 275 skilled mechanics for work in France, and also, through its chemical laboratory, co-operated ' with the manufacturers of gas masks OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Selene says that old age begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true. It la easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and di gestive organs cleansed and in proper working order old age can be deferred and life prolonged far beyond that en Joyed by the average person. For over !00 years GOTvD MEDAL Haarlem On has boon relieving the weaknesses and disability due to ad vancing years. It is a standard old time horn remedy and needs no Intro duction. GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil is Inclosed In odorless, tasteless cannulas containing about a drops each. Take them as you would a pill, with a small swallow of water. The oil stlmulatM the kidney action and enables the organs to throw oft the poisons which cause premature old age. New life and strength increase as you continue the treatment. When completely restored continue taking- a capsule or two eaca day. GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Cap sules will keep you In health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease have settled down for good. Go to your druggist and get a box bt GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded If they do not help you. Three sizes. But remember to ask for the origfnal Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed packages. for the United States army. An average of 34,000 men and women were employed by the main factory a tHighland Park; 6,800 at the. shipbuilding plant on the River Kouge; 4,000 men employed at the new blast furnace in course of con struction on the Rouge; 250 men em ployed at the carburetor plant, or an averag eof 45,000 employes, practi cally all on 100 per cent government work, under a standard eight-hour day and a minimum wage of $5 a day. Your Money Back If Rat-Snap Does Not Come Up to These Claims RAT-SNAP is absolutely guaran teed to kill rats and mice. Cremates them. Rodents killed with RAT SNAP leave no smell. Rats pass up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Their first meal is their last. RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. No mixing. Cat or dogs won't touch it. Three s'utes, 25c, 50c, SI. 00. Sold and guaran teed by Bernhardt-Seagle Co., Le noir Hardware and Furniture Co., Ballew's Cash Pharmacy and Hoff man & Son. I was there to make a sketch of Her. Luncheon was just over, and she was talking to a little knot of women. The first words I heard, I slid quietly into a nearby seat, wer "National Biscuit," recalling pleas autly my owu tasty Uneeda Luni eon. I liked her, and roriaojy as sne spoce BytMpnw ani ears busy. "Between the dark and daylight she was quoting, "there's always ; bit of'paufif seems waiting and listening for children. Since they were tin: things, I've given that hour to babies. First I had Then, when the to toddle, I me In no one. Child "II an thJ b vrrt rr dren's Hour like a feast. Tor the tiny toddlers there is a varied menu, sometimes Uneeda Biscuit nd milk, sometimes Graham Craek- rsr Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis cuit. This to changed on special occasions to Old Time Sugar Cook- CSauaKdNewtona and, rarest of 'i mm ire days when we had ce cream and Nabisco, and those ere our party days. 'IP"" Ltn'nli -m Y hFr ,s Just 8 Him ' ii 1 us hauDilv. hat Is all, and made us sure they ouia seep coming every day for ou and I both know we must feed children, as we must 8, if we would d after their ways like ady U rry je-r- i - vxun in ff. ... I VWfimt W .1:. 1; "0topof today's L - market list bv yifeir v -St. . " r ' . "V imsv .... f r . -t ' - ..73. " . ' - .a"' MRS. TOM THUMB IS DEAD Countess Primo Margi, known to the general public as Mrs. Tom Thumb, and one of the best known Liliputians in the world, died at her home last week after a long illness. She was 77 years of age and had traveled around the world several times under the management of the late P. T. Barnum. Countess Margi was the daughter of James S. and Rhoda Bump. Count Magri, her hus band, survives. The Old Fashioned Kind that do the work. The same formula for JO "rHuaiicu ior Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipa tion and Malaria. At all druggists. Manufactured by Polk M.ller Drug Co. Inc. Richmond, Va. Miller's Liver Pills 10c. The News-Topic Want Ads. Bring Results, Us? too-: ten t pad of were wai . Hour, "You see, even" went on,' "are much mals. most tractable after At the top of today's market list by vote ot tne lamuy. zt seem rtivy eaougn NATIONAtBtSCUtT COMMKT out always aways dainty, al- ii i i i if as ouijr mm nnlv njaflnal They are most lovable aoaTBiscuit Products can be. During the years when my babies were growing up "ve never missed the Chil dren's Hour with Its fusty feast they're had something to eat National Biscuit daintle always, begin . our Chll- SsSS $M " a Package .A Jt; s.yjj V AMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anvthine . . . you ever experienced I You never tasted such full bodied mellow-mildness; such refreshing, appetizing flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the greater becomes your delight Camels are such a ciga rette revelation I Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to their quality to the expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. You'll say Camels are in a class by themselves they seem made to meet your own personal taste in so many ways I Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un pleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your taste 1 You are alwavs keen for thm cigarette satisfaction that makes Camels so attractive. Smokers real ize that the value is in the cigarettes and do not expect premiums or cou pons! Compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any price I Cma arc mold mvmrywhmrm Ai meimntillomllJ ssaisd pmokmf n of 20 cifrrmttmt or tvn pact, atfaa (300 ajmnttmrn) in a ttmmmlm-pmpmi. eenrad carton. Wm mtnnily moammmnd JAia carton for thm noma or eMom aapoir wirimmttnnl, .. .. R. J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY 4ft ;'rsVS rt-i m W-m-'.i mi