.Page Twelve" -JLLESOIBKEW&TOFia. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919 LENOIR, N. C. " i. A OLD-FOLK TALE RELATES A PRETTY LEGEND OF CHRIST When the child of Nazareth was txrn the sun, according to the Bos ; siian legend, "leaped in the heavens and the stars around it danced. A peace came over mountain and for est. Even the rotten stump stood straight and healthy on the green hillside. The grass was beflowered with open blossoms, incense sweet as myrrh pervaded upland and forest, birds sang on the mountain top and all gave thanks to the great God." It is naught but an old-folk tale, tmt it has truth hidden at its heart, lor a strange, subtle force, a spirit of genial good will, a new-born kind ness, seem to animate child and man alike when the world pays its tribute to the "heaven-sent youngling," as the poet, Drummond, calls the in fant Christ. When the three wise men rode from the east into the west on their addle bows were three caskets filled with gold and frankincense and myrrh, to be laid at the feet of the manger-cradled babe of Bethlehem. Beginning with this old, old journey the spirit of giving crept into the world's heart. As the magi came bearing gifts, so do we also; gifts that relieve want, gifts that are sweet and fragrant with friendship, gifts that breathe love, gifts that mean service, gits inspired still by the star that shone over the City of David 2,000 years ago. Then hang the green coronet of the Christmas tree with glittering baubles and jewels of flame; heap offerings on its emerald branches; bring Yule logs to the firing; deck the house with holly and mistletoe. And all the bells on earth shall ring On Christmas day in the morning." PRETTY THINGS TO TRIM THE CHRISTMAS TREE As to trimming the Christmas tree, first of all don't trim your tree with cotton batting and lighted can dles, as there is always danger in, this combination, and "safety first" should be the slogan in all Christmas iestivities. You can purchase a whole lot of pretty decorations for your tree at the shops, and these come very cheaply, too. But almost any home fan furnish the decorations for a really lovely tree without very much expense, and there is no reason why every family where there are chil dren should not have their Christmas tree. Strings of popcorn and red cran berries looped from the branches make an effective decoration. And strings of yellow field corn ggleam beautifully in the Christmas light. Crescents, stars and hearts cut from heavy cardboard and covered with silver and gilt, or -.en colored pa per, and cornucopias of bright colors filled with candy and popcorn are very pretty. Form cotton batting into balls th esize of oranges and cover with orange-colored crepe paper, twUt tightly and tie to the tree with a bit of narrow ribbon. These are pretty on the tree and look like or anges. It is best to place all the larger packages under the tree, tying only the smaller gifts which are tied up in bright-colored paper to the branches. In this way the tree will not look frayed and denuded when the gifts are distributed, and it may be kept a long time for the children to enjoy. PRESIDENT SAYS NO COMPRO MISE ON TREATY IS POSSIBLE President Wilson Sunday inter vened in the peace treaty dilemma with an announcement that he had no comptomise or concession of any kind in mind," would make no moye toward- the treaty's disposition, and would continue to hold the Republi can members of the Senate respon sible for results and conditions at tending delay. The President's position, regard ed as peculiarly significant in view of the recent discussion in the Sen ate of a compromise, was set forth in the following statement issued from the White House: "It was learned from the highest authority at the executive offices to day that the hope of the Republican leaders in the Senate that the Presi dent would presently make some move which will relieve the situation with regard to treaty is entirely with out foundation; he has no compro mise or concession of any kind in mind, but intends, so far as he is con cerned, that the Republican leaders of the Senate shall continue to bear the undivided responsibility for the fate of the treaty and the present condition of the world in conse quence of that fate." The White House statement appar ently had no effect in changing the treaty situation. Democratic lead ers, indorsing the President's view, declared that it did not preclude a Senate compromise and that compro mise efforts would proceed. Repub lican leaders reiterated that the President was responsible for the present status and must make" the first move toward a solution. Sena tors hoping to kill the treaty alone expressed satisfaction. On one point only, apparently, were all Senate factions in harmony namely, that decisive action on the treaty probably would be deferred until next month, after the proposed recess of Congress, planned to end Jan. 5. Senate debate, probably cen tered about the White House state ment, is expected to be reopened with fresh vigor. The Demoeratc compromise campaign als ois to be pressed, according to Senator Hitch cock of Nebraska, administration leader, but unless some unexpected development this week ensues the leaders believe the final action can Cot be reached until next month. Senator Hitchcock, commenting on the White House statement, de clared the Democrats would continue efforts for compromising the reser vations and that the Senate and not the President must act first. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts and other prominent Republicans re served public comment on the White House statement, but the Republican viewpoint, indicated beyond doubt, was that the President must con tinue to be held responsible for the deadlock and until he acts the treaty must remain at a standstill, proba bly until January at least. .!Mt fmiIHSMiti.' wsm ! i; ! i Jilliii I I I J't fl! H ill I I I P ;3 l! 41 ,:1 ' HPhl I 1 tow M lilLiiii bsIslmjslMs, At The Hen's Store t Christmas is just one week from today and our stock is very complete. We exercised great care in the selection of this stock of Christmas Gifts for men. We offer here a few suggestions taken at random. Remember that there are many other items not mentioned here: .s Mufflers Belts Cuff Buttons Collar Pins Tie Clasps Hats Scarf Pins Shirt Studs Umbrellas Canes v Comfort Slippers Shirts Bath Robes Lounging Robes Sweaters Pajamas Automobile Gauntlets Suits Gloves Hose Ties Handkerchiefs Overcoats Ours is the Gift Store for Men. Examine our stock now and select the gifts while the stock is complete. We respectfully urge that you do your shopping early. It will be more satisfactory to ypu'to find what you want now and not be disappointed to find that just the things you intended to get areail'gdne. Tine Courtney Clothing Company THE QUALITY SHOP feH5Z52SE52S2SH5Z525Z5Z5HSE5HS25H5S2SH5H52SHSZ5H5H HIRAM W. JOHNSON IS A CAN DIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cal ifornia has formally announced that he would be a candidate for the Re publican nomination for the presi dency. The Senator said he would make a personal campaign in every State, explaining that he did not in tend to have his candidacy deter mined by "politicians in convention." Don't put off selecting your Christmas Cards until the very last moment Christmas Cards carry the Spirit of Christmas everywhere, renew ac quaintances, strengthen the bonds of friendship and bring us into closer touch with our fellow beings There are hundreds of other Gift Things to be sug gested by a trip to this store The Book Store K The News-Topic Want Ads. Bring: Results. CHRISTMAS Groceries Fruits Fresh Meat Next Thursday is Christmas and the coming week is the time for putting on the finishing touches and getting everything ready for Christmas dinner. You want the best of all there is and this will be found at Hoffman's Market. Fruits Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Cranberries Nuts and Oysters Fresh Meats the Choicest Cuts Groceries Fresh and of the Best Brand i A lot of other things carried in a first-class Grocery Store and Meat Market 11 J Phone 170 N. Main St. The Spirit of The Season United States Railroad Administration la Director General of Railroads Passenger train service which was withdrawn by Southern Railroad Lines account the coal shortage will be restored effective 12:01 A. M. Monday, December 15, 1919. Trains 137 and 138 between Washington and 'At lanta. Augusta Special train 32 will be operated on reg ular schedule. All Pullman sleeping car lines withdrawn December 9, 1919, are restored. For detail information and schedule call on Local Ticket Agent SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES Read The Want Ads. The Salesmen in this store wish you a Merry Christmas. May the New Year trulv brinr "P..... u ' 'j j ' ! 8 (J m iuu gUOU Will j.,r to men," and may you and yours enjoy to the fullest a future filled with happiness, comfort and prosperity. PULLIAM 1 t '""Br Cash System Store, - VV.' -- m i iniis

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