Page Eight LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919 LENOIR, N. C. - THE READER HAS A BIG PART IN MAKING HOME PAPER Sometimes, perhaps, readers of the New3-Topic think there is an item missing from the paper which should be there. There is just one reason why it was not there because the editor did not know about it. The Suffolk County Review has the fol lowing sensible editorial headed "SuGrtrestions" : "There is nothing that an editor likes better than suggestions which will make his paper a better paper. Of course these suggestions must be constructive and not something like this: "An irate subscriber enters the of fice the day after press day and, fix ing his beady eye on the editor, de mands an explanation of why his wife's sister's cousin didn't get a "lo cal. ' 'She's been in town three days,' he concludes. 22 m SAYS ATLANTA MAN Well Known eaboard Air Line Engi neer Says TmnUc Ha Straightened Him Out "I have gained twenty-two pounds by taking Tanlac and never felt bet ter in my life before," said B. F. House, for several years an engineer for the Seaboard Air Line railroad at Howell Yards, and whos address is R. F. D. Xo. 5, Box 1 15, Atlanta, Ga. "My apretite failed," he contin ued, "and I got so I couldn't eat any breakfast at all. A few bites of anything would nauseate me and I 'Yes, it does look like a bad case fi nainJ. in thp n;t ,,f m, against the editor. Of course no one had told him said 'cousin' was in town. He is an editor and should have known it. That's what he's there for. "Remember, friends, an editor is just like the rest of you and bound to make mistakes. But, granting that, no human being could cover all the field which the editor is expected to cove rar.d not miss something oc casionally. "We try to get all the 'personals,' but if somebody's wife's sister's cousin slips in about 10:30 at night in an automobile we can't be expect ed to know it unless you tell us about it. "And if you have a party on the same day there happens to be a fu neral, a ball game, and a runaway in town, just to make, sure that we know it call us up and give us the details. Yo uknow we are just as anxious to have our paper cram full of news as you are to find it that wav." Why Mr. Joe Armstrong, Celebrated Dog Trainer, Use Rat-Snap "Noticed rats around my kennles; having hundreds of prize dogs, could not take chances. Tried RAT-SNAP; in three weeks every r::t disappear ed. Noticed that the doirs never went near RAT-SNAP. f tell my friends about RAT-SNAP." Use this sure rodent killer: it's safe. Comes in three sizes, '.Tie, 50c, $1.00. Sol. and guaranteed .by Bernhardt-Seagle Co., I.enoir Hardware & Furniture Co., Ballew's Cash Pharmacy and Hoffman & Son. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ADOPT LOTTERY TO RAISE MONEY A "premium loan" is planned by the German finance minister to raise money for internal needs. The sum to be raised in this way is placed for the time being at " 5,000,000,000 marks, and as an attraction to lure investors it has some of the features of a lottery in the form of premiums that may be won. The budget com mittee of the national assembly has agreed to the bill. It provides for five million shares of 1,01)0 marks each, each running SO years. Three billion marks will be paid back dur ing the first 10 years, and two more during the succeeding 40 years. It is understood that France and Russia intend to adopt a somewhat similar plan to raise funds to pay war debts. COAL STRIKE INSPIRES WATER POWER DEVELOPMENT Steps for the formation of an as sociation to urge the development of all water power of the United States, which is estimated at 100,000,000 horsepower, with an annual value of $5,000,000,000, have been taken in New York by a number of scientists and leaders in banking and industry. The government will be asked to take the initiative and private capital would be enlisted for the develop ment of power sites. The promoters of the association regard the time as opportune because of the coal strike, the. high cost of living and the news print shortage, in connection with which the last meeting of the Ameri can Newspaper Publishers' Associa tion urge dthat Congress facilitate water power production. TO WATAUGA SHIPS LUMBER NEW ZEALAND (Watauga Democrat) The J. Loizeaus Lumber Com pany, which has some very fine tim ber holdings in Watauga, with ex tensive yards in Boone, shipped a car of 15,000 feet of choice oak lumber from the head of Elk, its ulti mate destination being some point in New Zealand. Each board was squared and bound with strip steel at the ends, and was possibly the best bunch of lumber shipped from the county thus far. WANTS HEAVIER BURDEN ON NORMAL INCOME In his annual report to Congress ecretary Glass urges revision of the revenue laws so as to place heavier burdens of taxes on the normal in- WANTED Apple Wood Logs We will pay good " price " for apple wood logs 13 inches and over in diameter, sound ails' green.! Apple tree that axe not bearing or that are not paying you profit can be turned into cash. We use the wood for taw and,' tool handles. '' . """ .... If you have any apple wood for slerite us end we will tend our local buyer to call on you. Address ' . ' HENRY DISSTON & SONS, Inc, . ttakara ot Diuton Saw, Tool and Fiha . .. - Philadelphia, Pt, What little I did eat failed to nour ish me and I lost weight and strength right along, and it was an actual strain for me to handle my engine. 1 was going down hill so steadily that I knew if I didn't get something to fix me up I would have to lay off from work entirely. "One of my friends advised me to take Tanlac, and I actually gained twenty-two pounds in less than a month. I have a big appetite now. can eat anything I want and don't Rave any more of that puffed-up feeling or pain in my stomach. Tan lac certainly has kept me on my en gine and it wouldn't be right for me not to tell others about how much it has helped me." All druggists sell Tanlac. come. Mr. Glass declared that the excess profit tax provisions of the present law should be eliminated and the revenue thus sacrificed be made up from an increase in the taxes on the average income. Revenue derived from the lower amounts assessed under surtax pro visions of the laws may well be in creased, said Mr. Glass, who added that the topmost amounts listed un der these provisions already had passed their usefulness. The only consequence of increasing the tax on the larger sums under the surtax law, he said, would be to drive "pos sessors of great incomes to invest their wealth in billions of State and municipal securities," which are wholly tax exempt. The treasury plan seeks to more revenue from incomes above $4,000 without attempting to disturb incomes of persons whose salaries barely meet living costs, as any change in that tax would only add a burdt'n on a class unable to bear it. THE OLD HOME PAPER It's printed old-fashioned and home ly. Bearing name of a small country town ; With an unfeigned sneer at its wrap per queer The postman, in scorn, throws it down. But I scan every line that it offers, Each item brings something to view; Through the vista of years, through youth's pleasures and fears It serves their keen touch to re new.. The death of the girl I once courted, The. growth of a firm I once peered, The rise of a friend I love to com mend, The fall of a man I revered. As I read I drift dreamily backward To the days when to live was a joy. I think and I pore, till the city's dull roar Grows faint, and again I'm a boy. Rare perfume of green country by ways, Fair music of flowers and bees, And-the quaint little town with the streets leading down To the creek, and the low-Jaending trees. Around me the form3 of my com rades, About us earth's glories unfurled, Each heart undefiled, with the faith of a child, Looking forth to a place in the wrold. And the paper tells how all have prospered : I follow their lives as they flow, Applauding each gain and regretting each pain For the sake of the days long ago. Above all the hug ecity dailies, With wondrous utterance wise, This scant page hath power to spread for an hour A fairyland sweet to my eyes! GET READY FOR FLO" Keep Your Liver Active, Your System Purified and Free From v Colds by Taking Calotabs, . the Nausealess Calomel Tablets, that are De lightful, Safe and Sure. Physicians and Druggists are advis ing their friends to keep theirvsys.yiiiB purified and their organs in perfect working order as a protection agaiust the return of influenza. They know that clogged up system and a lazy liver favor colds, Influenza and serious complications. i r Ta ent short a cold overnight and to nrpTo-.t seriouB complications take oue Calotab at bedtime with a swallow of water that 's all. No salts, no naasont no griping, no sickening after effects. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is piiri' fied and refreshed and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for bieak fast. Eat what you please no danger. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Every druggist is authorized to refund your moaey if you are not perfectly dolighted with Calotabs. (Adv.) If w? i mm m&XA see a ph pi gin Vs : to. H; aa V 1 If fj ? y ' I it tv. -.Jt-i-vV iMvk. i.i i m i hi. m i . i. i. miiM'ti.i iinn i m t '-'rx,-fz no Ssu liuuLii. , r (i 'fiiiirulgl , mi mi..- . Read This Remark Edison, the greatest inventor of the age whose numerous inventions have brought greater comfort and enjoyment into the daily lives of countless millions cf people has expressed the wish to onograpn m every home in the the U. S. A. this Christmas I Edison knows how much brightness and cheer music brings to the family circle how a phonograph makes home more attractive to young and old alike and he doesn't went money to stand in the way cf any family obtaining this su preme enjoyment. Fhat is why we are able to offer you Edison's New Diamond Amberola the world's greatest phonograph value' on practically your own terms! Never mind how heavily theChristmas season will tx your financial resources you don't have to go without a pho nograph a day longer you can have an Amberola in your home right away. able&ffer! Come today to our store, and bring the family along. Pick out your Amberola and a selection of records to fill your Christmas with music. Then tell us just what terms of payment will suit you best and we will come to a satisfactory agree ment. Whereupon we will send the Amberola and records to your home at once, and you will have the merriest Christmas your family has ever known. The genius of Edison makes his Amberola superior to ordinary phonographs and "talk ing machines" in purity of tone; in the per manent Diamond Point Reproducer (no needles to change); in the wonderful Amberol Records that are almost unbreakable and everlasting. You can get all the world's best music on Amberol Records; famous opera singers, latest popular songs and dances, bands, ballads, hymns. New records issued every month. Amberolas are priced from $41.00 up. This ofier open until Christmas day un less our stock of Amberolas is exhausted before then. So make sure of yours come see us without delay. Don't Miss This Chance To Get Edison's New Diamond Amberola On Your Own Terms Phone 6 1 Lenoir Phonograph Shop Lenoir, North Carolina SOLAR HAPPENINGS IN THE YEAR 1920 In the year 1920 there will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. "First, a total eclipse of the moon, May 2, visible in North America; time of eclipse. 8:14 p.m. Second, a partial eclipse of the sun May 17, invisible in North America. Third, a total eclipse of the moon Oct. 26-27, invisible here. Fourth, a partial eclipse, of the sun, Nov. 10, visible here. February, 1920, will have five Sundays, which will not occur again until 1948. The last time it occurred was 1880. Good Friday will occur on April 2 and Easter Sunday on April 4. In the year 1921 Easter Sunday will fall as early as March 27. SAMMIES "SPOILING" GIRLS, GERMANS COMPLAIN Associated press dispatches from overseas say that among the civilians in the American-occupied area com plaints, originating with the German men, are often heard to the elfcet that the American soldiers are "spoil ing" the German girls by heaping luxuries upon them and by spending money recklessly for presents, wines and good things to eat. Since the anti-fraternization reg ulation was revoked by army head quarters several weeks ago the cafes in Coblenz have been crowded each night with soldiers and frauleins, and many of the German men have openly asserted that the Americans were entirely too considerate of the German women and girls. YOUR AMBITION Do you tire out easily? Have you lost some of your accustomed vim and is your ambition to do things at low ebb? Your resistance is broken. You should find help and invigoration in rich, nourishing LIVER DIDN'T ACT DIGESTION WAS Says 65 year Old Kentucky Lady, Wbo TeDs How She Was ReBered After a Few Dosei of Black-Drauglit. BAD MeadorsTilla, Ky. Mrs. Cynthia Hlgglnbotham, of this town. Bays: "At my age, which Is 65, the , liver does not act so well as wlien young. A few yean ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was constipated, , my" liver didn't act My digestion was bad, and It took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gone. I was very weak; . . I decided! would 1 give Black Draught a thorough trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble. I began takig It I felt better after a few doses. My appetite improved and I became stronger. My bowefs acted naturally and-the least trouble was soon- righted with a tew doses of Black-Draught" . ' Seventy years of successful use has made Thedford's Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member,' of every, family, at times, need the help that Black-Draught can give in cleansing (the systenTaM re lieving the troubles that come from constipation, indigestion, lazy liver, etc. You cannot keep well unless your stomach, Jlver and bowels are in good working order. Keep them that way. Try Black-Draught s It acts' promptly, gently and in a natural way. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight Tou will-feel fresh tomorrow. Pries 25c a package One cent a dose AH druggists. J, M IV fi fill m K?K?9 mm Taken faithfully for a reasonable lencth of time. ScoU'm seldom fails to freshen' the blood, build up the general health and impart a feeling of well-being to the body. For that tired-out feeling take Scott's Emulsion, The ezcltuta grade of cod-Ifoer oil used In Scott's EmnUoa b the famous S. At B, Proem," made in Norway and refined in our own American laboratories, . It it a guarantee of parity and palatabilitr uaaurpaued. :.. Scott ft Bownn, Bloom field. N. J, 19-ff SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 100 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil haa enabled aufferinc humanity to withaUnd attacks of ddney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble) and all dlaeaaea connected with the urinary organa and to build up and restore to health organs weakened by disease. These most Important org-ana must be watched, because they Alter and purify the blood; unless the do 'their work you are doomed. ' i , Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, pains in the loins and lower ab domen, irravel,' difficulty when urinat ing;, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbaa-o all warn you of trouble, with your kid ey GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap- sulea r the remedy you need. Take three or four every day. The healing oil soaks into the cells and lining- of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. New life and n' will surely follow. When your normal vig-or has been re stored Continue treatment for a while to keep yourself in condition and pre vent a return of the disease. Don't wait untn you are Incapable of trgrhtiriB-. Start takln OOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Tour drug gist will cheerfully refund your money If yu are not satisfied with result. ' BiltJ,.'lSr et th original import- -ed QOLD MEDAL and accept no sub stltutes. In three sixes.' Sealed pack ages.. At all drug- stores. Polk Miller's Liver Pills 1 : The Good Old Kind that always do the work. ' Same formula for 50 Unequalled tor Biliousness. Constipation and ear Sick Headache. "Malaria. At all druggists. Manufac tured by Polk Miller Drug Co fnc Richmond, Va.' The News-Topic Want Ads. Bring Results.