HSE52SZS2S2SZ2S2S2SZSZ.'.S25ZS2Sfl 5HSZS2SZSZSZSZ55 Merry Christ-: . All 1 1 SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 16 mas to sill. oSS2SZ5H525ES2SZ52S2SZSSS2S2SL Volume XLVnn wis LENOIR, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919. Prica, Fit Cents tit Copy No. 12 i iif1ir SOME BRIEF FACTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS Christmas day is the anniversary of the birth of Christ, and has been celebrated as a Christian festival for several centuries. The Christmastide lasts from the 25th of December to the 6th of January, the twelfth day after Christ's nativity. V The origin of the Christmas tree is obscure;, tn thought of Christ as the Light of the World and the Tree of Life may have given rise to the light-bearing tree, or the popular old belief that every Christmas eve trees blossomed and bore fruot may have been the foundation of the custom. Gift-bearing is, of course, the ich of the Wise Men's gifts; and mince pie, turkey and plum puddings are modern relics of the pagan feasts. Santa Claus, known to every child in every land in this old world, is the personification of the spirit of loving and giving. The holly, synonymous of Christ mas, was a sacred plant, and the mis tletoe a mysterious plant, supposed by the ancient Druids to have some mysterious power of healing and pre venting misfortune. It was never al lowed to touch the ground, hence the modern superstition that it is un lucky for a mistletoe bough to fall from its place. It was dedicated to the Goddess of Love, which explains the custom of kissing under the mistletoe. HERE IS SOMETHING THAT IS ENTIRELY NEW The Hotel La Salle, Chicago, has made a substantial reduction in the price of everything on the menu. "The idea," said the manager of th eLa Salle, "is that somebody had to start the job of bringing down the high cost of living. -.We have had a good year a splendid year and we are prepared now to operate the hotel at cost for the next two or three months if by so doing we mav register a moral protest against prof iteering. In addition to cutting prices on the menu we have also re duced room rates, the reductions ranging from $3 a room to 50 cents. It is not that we can afford lo do it we can't, for supplies are still go ing up." "No, sah, Ah don't neber ride on lem things," said an old colored lady looking in on the merry-go-round. "Why, de odder day I seen dat Ras tus Johnson git on an' ride as much as a dollah's worth and git off at de very same place he got on at. an' I sez to him, 'Rastus,' I sez, 'yo spent yo' money, but whar yo' been?' " WANT AN AMPLE NAVY "SEC OND TO NONE" 1 Recommendations of the navy gen eral board for the building progsam for 1921 include two battleships, one battle cruiser, ten scout cruisers, five destroyers, "flotilla leaders," and six submarines. In its recommendation the general board urged a policy of naval expansion that will guarantee protection of coast lines and the rap- r against any naval power in the world, ouch protection, the board declared, can be had only by in creasing American sea power to a point where it is "second to pone" and maintaining it at that level. A Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Goldfish has been organ ized. Among the "don't" for gold fish lovers are found: "Don't change the water on the fish. It gives them pneumonia. Don't feed them crumbs. It is bad for their digestion and gives the mthe stomach ache. 1JES25HSE5Z5ZS25252SE5H5ZSZ525HSZSHSS HARRISON & No panic in your Christmas pantry if you will leave us your orders. Oysters Turkeys Large Fat Hens Celery and Cranberries Mince Meat Nuts Etc. Oranges HARRISON & COMPANY 5ESE5ESESE5H5ESH5H52SE5ESESESH5a Community Christmas Tree Christmas Night The Community Christmas Tree is for everybody, both young and old, in Lenoir and surrounding country. Come to the Square Christmas night at 6 o'clock and help sing Christmas carols. A short program, including the Story of Christmas in pictures, will be rendered. There will be a gift for every child under fifteen years of age. The tree will be the largest illuminated tree you have ever seen. Make your plans now to come and mingle with the merry crowd and make this a great occasion. The Priscilla Club is the promoter of the Community Christ mas Tree, and the following business men have contributed the means which made possible its success: Town of Lenoir . $25.00 Lenoir Mirror C&mpany 10.00 Lenoir Chair Manufacturing Company 10.00 Harper Furniture Company 10.00 Lenoir Furniture Corporation 10.00 Lenoir Cotton Mill 10.00 Caldwell Furniture Company 10.00 J. H. Beall 10.00 Hibriten Lodge, A. F. & A. M. 10.00 Lenoir Veneer Company 7.50 Courtney Clothing Company 5.00 Bernhardt Chair Company 5.00 Ethel Chair Company 5.00 First National Bank ' , 5.00 Bernhardt-Seagle Company 5.00 Lenoir Mills 5. 00 Bank of Lenoir 5.00 Hefstines 5. 00 Gwyn's Garage 5.00 Lenoir Camp, No. 95, Woodmen of the World 5.00 I. O. O. F. Lodge 5.00 Knights of Pythias Lodge 5.00 A. A. Blackwelder 5. 00 Price-Cline Harness Company 2.50 J. H. Dinglehoef 5.00 Kent's Drug Store 2.00 The Leader 2. 00 Lenoir Drug Company j 5.00 Lenoir Book Company 3 00 H. T. Newland " 1 00 J. W. Hollifield 1 00 W. F. Wakefield .1" 1.00 T. B. Lenoir 1.00 Lenoir Hardware Company 5 00 W. A. & A. V. Miller 1.00 Robbins' Garage 1.00 Lenoir Feed Store 1.00 E. A. Abernethy 1.00 H. M. Teague 1.00 Ballew's Cash Pharmacy 1.00 W. C Brannon 1.00 K. A. Link , 1.00 Harrison & Co. 1.00 "F. J. Gash 1.00 W. S. Miller & Son, 50c; Lenoir Grocery Co., 50c; G. W. Cloer & Son, 50c; A. N. Todd, 50c; Cloer's Barber Shop, 50c; Boldin & Turner, 2 crates oranges; Hoffman & Son, 1 crate oranges; Hick ory Grocery Co., 1 crate oranges; Citizens' Light & Power Co., lights; Mrs. J. B. Atkinson donated the Christmas tree. s HOOVER PREDICTS BIG SLUMP IN FOOD PRICES Herbert Hoover, chairman of the inter-allied relief commission, on the eve of his departure from Europe, expressed his views on the food sit uation in an interview with the As sociated Press. Mr. Hoover is firm in the belief that prices of foodstuffs are going to drop in the near future, and, looking at the situation from th eproducer's side, he is rather pes simistic in the following: The situation is one that may well cause anxiety also from another point of view. We are now coming into a flood of production of food stuffs in the United States. If in the meantime Eurape has not found credits to purchase the coming win ter supplies we are likely to have a glut and prices may fall below the cost of production to American farm ers. Mr. Hoover may be wrong in his conclusion that a glut of products is likely to cause prices to fall below "the cost of production to American farmers." No sensible, fair-minded person wants to see farm products so cheap the farmers will lose money in raising them. Such a state of af fairs would soon prove ruinous to all interests. But the consumers (the ul timate consumers) would hail the day when they could buy good food, no luxuries, at something like rea sonable prices. And by "ultimate consumers" we do not mean the rich, the buyers of automobiles, the joy riders, or any of that class; we re fer to the millions of people in mod erate circumstances and to millions of needy widows with families. Mr. Hoover may be wrong in his conclusion that "a distressing era of speculation in foodstuffs in the Unit ed States and throughout the world's COL. WILLIAM S. PEARSON OF MORGANTON IS DEAD Col. William S. Pearson, aged 70 years, was struck and instantly killed by a street car in Charlotte last Thursday evening. Col. Pearson was a native of Morganton and a lawyer by profession. Some years ago he was appointed assajer of the Char lotte mint and he and his family took up their residence there. He returned to Morganton to live but had lately again moved to Charlotte. WEATHER IN MONTANA A dispatch from Butte, Mont., last week says "th elast 24 hours have been the coldest and brought more suffering in Butte than any similar I period since 1889, when official rec ords of weather were first tabulated in this community. Reliable records run from 35 below zero at the Mon tana power station to 50 below in exposed section on the south side. Since Oct. 19 of this year 51 inches of snow have fallen. The recent snowfall for 36 hours totalled 18 inches." Lice sap the life blood from your poultry and decreases the egg pro duction. Get them of T. E. Brindle, Druggist. Wilmington Journal. The population of India speak about 150 different languages, and are divided up into 43 different na tionalities. primary food markets is largely re sponsible for high food costs," but there is a cause somewhere of course and if it can be remedied it is to be hoped that the remedy will be ap plied as soon as possible. Fayette ville Observer. What Do You Want Your Christmas Gift SHSHSESSSHSSSHSSSSSaS2Sa5SSHS2SSSZS5SSHSHSBSHSBSHSHSHSESS5E52SHSHSHSBSS PAY CASHCASH PAYS Let us supply you with GROCERIES, PRODUCE, CHRISTMAS FRUITS, NUTS and CANDIES ..; WHY? Because we sell for CASH ONLY. We make your money go further. PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO. Bernhardt Bldg. Phone 19 W. Harper Ave. To iSay? The most delightful gift is the one that carries a real message of thoughtfulness of happiness of good cheer me NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" fills every requirement of an acceptable gift at Christmas c c c c fi c c c c 0 c c c c D G C C C c G C ti C t c 1 Our music rooms offer you a choice selec tion of period models of The New Edison also a practically unlimited list of ReCreations . - LENOIR. PHONOGRAPH. SHOP . ; ' DEALER 120 South Main Street Phone 61 and 76 '': Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt "Attention V.. V I IT IS 01111 PlfASURE To again express to you our appreciation of the continued and even multiplied evidences of your confidence and good will,and to again remind you that our very best service is available to you and to your friends every business day in the year a service backed by an up-to-date equipment, a capable and obliging working force, large resources, and a record of 26 years successful Banking experience. We invite personal calls and correspondence. Yours for Service, ffftl G. W. F. HARPER, President J. H. BEALL, Cashier J. C, SEAGLE, Vice-President A. G. FOARD, Assistant Cashier DEPOSIT guaranteed by CASH ASSETS and Shareholders. Liability .. over One Million Dollars v V,'