Page Eight LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, THURSUAY, APRIL 8, 1920 LENOIR, N. C. OUR LETTER BOX COLLETTSVILLE Easter brought as another cold blizzard, which is a little hard to stand after haying several warm days. Mr. Ocsar Hood and family re turned to Hickory Monday after spending Easter at Mr. C. H. Thomp son's. Messrs. W. G. and R. H. Setser and Adam Rader, who are employed in and near Gastonia, spent Easter with home folks and returned to their work Monday. Mr. L. W. Anderson and daueh ter, Virginia, returned to Lenoir School, Boone, spent Monday after visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. B. Rader. The heavy rains and great over flow of last week caused quite a dam age to the farmers, especially those who had their land plowed. The farmers are certainly anxious for some drv weather, as thev are so behind with all their spring work, j of Rutherford College and Mr. and Mr. A. C. Estes returned Sunday ! Mrs. William Alexander of Lenoir from a short visit in Lenoir. " spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mrs. Hardie Gragg and children Steele. snent Sunday mirht at Mr. J. V. ! Messrs. Eubert and Eugene Hols- Gragg's en route to their home at j houser and Miss Sadie Holshouser of YADKIN VALLEY Miss Hassie Moore of Dunn is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. John B. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Dobbin of Banner Elk visited Mr. Dobbin's par ents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Dobbin, last week. Mrs. Jesse Greer and Miss Flora Greer spent the week end in Lenoir. Mr. Henry Voncannoa and Mr. Banner of Banner Elk-visited at the home of Mr. James Guignard last week. Mr. R. T. Lenoir and Mr. Steele Greer made a business trip to Blow ing Rock last week. Miss Lucy Sullivan and Miss Sa rah Banner, of Appalachian Training taster with Miss Sullivan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sullivan. Mr. Charles C. Steele is in Boone this week on business. Miss Ruth Greer of Davenport College is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. H. Greer. Mrs. Glass and Miss Daisy Glass HARTLAND Mrs. N. C Clay of Hobart visited her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Kaylor, last week. Miss Lizzie Clay spent the day with her aunt, her first trip out since having the flu Miss Floster Crisp has gone to the hospital at Morgan ton, where ,ahe has a position as nurse. ...... The Clay brothers are moving their saw mill from Steele's Creek to Mr. Henry Well's place near Col-: lettsville. Mrs. L. C. Arney of Morganton is i visiting her sister, Mrs. M. p. Kia caid, this week. t The good people of this neighbor hood gave. Miss Catherine Arney a big dinner March 30 in honpr of "her 76th birthday. Mr. M. H. Kaylor of Greensboro is at home to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Kaylor. He is just recovering from a bad case of flu. Mrs. R. P. Nichols of Greensboro is expected home Saturday. Mr. Virgil Woodrow Nichols will accompany his mother. Saturday to spend. Easter with Mrs. John . McLemore. They report a heavy storm there Sunday night Rev. G. L. Hodge will preach in the Presbyterian church here the sec ond Saturday night in April and also Sunday at 10:45j Everybody is in vited to attend. Mr. John Alley is here visiting his son, Mr. Jescs Alley. Mr. Alley has been away from this county quite a while and his friends are pleased to have him back again. Mrs. Susia Session is here this week visiting her mother, Mrs. Eliza Baldwin. We notice Grandfather mountain has on its white cap again this week. PRICES INCREASE APRIL 12 j The publishers write me that on 'April 12 prices will be largely in creased on "The BookV of Knowl edge." This set of books interests, charms and educates the children and jthe child's parents. Write today for 'present low prices and easy terms. J. T. Norsworthy, The Book Man, Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. I sell "Anything and Everything in Books." Prices right Easy terms. EUROPE June, August, 1920. Sunny France, picturesque Bel gium, scenic Switzerland, Merrie England) the Battlefields, historic Italy. If interested in this trip send for complete Itinerary, Sight seeing Program and Battlefield . Map. Address Miss Lucy M. Esh-. elman. High Point N. C. Under , business' management of Temple Tours, Boston Mass. 28-3 The News-Topic $1.50 the year. Blowing Rock and Miss Agnes Gar- and of Newland spent the week end Dallas Misses Gertrude and Thula Har vey of Adako spent the week end at the home Of Mr. C. W. Sullivan. . . . . yr i I visiting .Miss raye hstes ana attend ed the box supper Saturday night. Miss Dora lark, who has been Mr. A. K. Anderson of Lenoir was a visitor here last week. Those whom we recently reported nursing in Hickory, is spending some as being sick with influenza are time at her uncle s, Mr. hlisna , mucn lmoroveu. ao new cases nave Puptt. Mr. J. V. Phil'ips, express agent leveloped. Mr. Kinley Hawkins of the Miller for the C. & N.-W., spent Easter with: Van Ness Co., Charlotte, spent Eas his family. i ter with home folks here. Mr. Jerome C.rasrir and family of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wike visited Gastonia spent Saturday and Sunday ' relatives on King's Creek last Satur visitmg Messrs ... C. Tolbert's and day and Sunday. V. V Crtes' ! Mr and Mrs. Ed Driver of Lenoir COTTRELL HILL The Betterment Association will meet with Mrs. S. Alice Coffey today (Thursday) at 3 p.m. All members are requested to be preesnt. j Mrs. Barbara Minish and children are visiting friends here this week, j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherrill, Mrs. Frank Maynard and children of Le- j noir spent Easter with relatives here, i School closed here Saturday with an egg hunt, given at Mrs. S. Alice j Coffey's, which, the children all seemed to enjov. j Miss Pearl Bowman spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowman. Mrs. Bill Hartley is right sick. Our box supper was a great suc cess last Saturday night, even tho the weather wa: visited Airs. Driver's parents. Mr. a-. I Mrs. J. J. Mitchell, last Sunday. bad and there wa The sum of about All who attended a pleasant and en- OAK HILL The debate to be held in the au d.torium here at 8 o'clock Friday eveninir. Anril 9. Dromises to be one Nelson Hackney of 0f the most interesting we've ever Sunday with had the pleasure of hearing. The much sickness. $05 was realize seemed to have jovabie time. 'Mr. and Mrs. Newborn spent over- Mrs. Hackney s sister, .Mrs. V . P. j query, "Resolved, that the United Spencer, en route to viit her par- States should adopt a policy of fur eMs, Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Franklin, at 'ther material restriction of 'immigra Green Valley. j t;on," is one that is attracting the We are sorry to say that a num- attention of our national statesmen bcr of our peop.e are sick with some- perhaps more than any other inter- GRANITE FALLS Rev. 11. G. Allen, pastor of the Methodist church here, will deliver a series of sermons on immortality each Sunday at 1 1 a.m., beginning next Sunday. Large congregations are expected to hear these sermons. ROUTE FOUR Mr. Henry Setzer has purchased property at Whitnel and is planning to move within a few days. Mr. George Washington Sumrose has taken charge of Mr. Henry Set zer's farm on Boone creek and is planning to raise more grass and not so much corn. ,Mr. George Price has moved to Mr. J. M. Crisp's farm and is planning to raise more corn and not so much grass. Mr. Fred Sudderth and Mr. Bax ter Hood are going into the tobacco business. They have put up a fine barn. Mr. Sudderth says all he stands on is worming his tobacco. Mr. Tom Campbell told him the Rev. Henry Crisp, when he used to raise tobacco and wheat, always kept hot water on hanil to scald them. Mr. Jim Craig is visiting home folks this week from Edgemont. Mr. Lank Estes and James Kin caid are going int othe Irish potatoes business and have planted two bush els and planning on when the weather gets warmer to plant another gallon. And it is rumored thiit the Hartley brothers have planted three bushels. thing like a light form of influenza. We hope all will soon be well. Messrs. Columbus Rader, E. T. Estes and Zack Raby made a trip to Booi.e last week to move some ma chinery for brick-niakin Steele and Powell Bros. Mr. A. T. Sudderth visite question. Uur team will uphold the affirmative, while the Hudson team will defend the negative. "Esther Wake" will be played in the auditorium bv members of the for Mr. school on Saturday night, April 17, at S o'clock. A small admission fee will b charired to cover exnense father. Mr. J. M. Sudderth of Lenoir, fVotumes. etc. Further details of Route 4. who is critically ill and not the nlav will be given next week. In each of the tirst two basebal his VALMEAD Mr. W. H. Munday and wife and little granddaughter went to Hickory expected to live long. Mr. T. VV. Roberts spent Easter games of the season the Hickory high visiting his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. William Huberts of Little River. Mr. E. T. C rites is moving h:s fam ily to C.istonv. tins week, where he enoo! let t our team in the ceilar position. In the tirst game, played on our diamond last Thursday, the core stood 1 i to o at the end ot the has employment. Wt are sorry to seventh, when the game was called to allow the Hickory boys time to reach home before dark. The infield Mr. Ruby Keller of King's Creek Was very slippery in this and lose sucn ni.e neignoors out nop' they will enjoy their new home. was a Sunday .s:tor in our town. Miss llerta Anderson returned to Lenoir Monday after spending the tne playing was ivy loose all a'-ourid. The second game was play- at Hickoty on Monday of this week end with her sister, .Miss. Dora w.,,,l and this time our te..m lost bv Anderson, and attending the supper, the score of 11 to 3. Each game .M. Kauer, demonstrated a good sportsmanlike spirit on all sides, and. although our bovs were beaten each time, we ortense Rader, Eu- t,i,k tht.y should not be discour- ige.i, as it is tneir v.ri attempt at a team and some good stiff practice put them in shape to render a better account of themselves. Mr. Henry Steele of Boydton, Va., is visiting friends and relatives in tue community this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C Fridav, April 2, a girl. Honor roll for eighth month First Grade gene Rader. Second Grade Jay Spencer Third Grade Murk Rader, David w Rader, Bessie Rader. F'ourth Grade Ray Tolbert. Fifth Grade Annie Rader, Gertie Rader, Daisy Spencer, Robert Tol bert. Sixth Grade Carl Rabv, Bela Gragg, Hal Estes, Callie Greene, Claude Helton. Seventh Grade Mattie Rader, Samuel Helton. Eighth Grade Mary Bryson. ri nth Grade Horace Tolbert, Lil 1. i Grisett, Faye Estes. ' .ster iioby Dickson of Lenoir b,jdnt the week end with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Webb. Mrs. I. G. Greene, Mrs. Julius Gri sett and daughter. Miss LiHian, spent last Saturday in Lenoir shopping. Master Donald and Miss Lucy Franklin of Green Valley spent Sat urday and Sunday visiting at their sister's, Mrs. W. P. Spencer. Mr. G. T. Perkins spent Sunday night at Mr. L. N. Estes en route to Lenoir to atten.i HUDSON Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cloriinger made a flying trip to Charlotte Sun day. While there Mr. Cloninger purchased a ten-passenger "jitney" bus. Mrs. Bettie Rader and family moved to Gastonia last week. Mrs. Frank F. Smith visited her daughter, Mrs. P. M. Keever, in Lin colnton last week. Mr. Fred Kirby and Mr. Lee Ben field have moved their families to Gastonia. It is too bad that the inclement weather of last Sunday knocked so many young ladies out of wearing their Easter hats and dresses after they had gone to so much trouble the meeting of the and nse ettin them for that county board of education Monday. occasion. The cold snap Monday night played havoc with our peach crop and HIBRITEN other fruit that had blossomed out. r.rnvr.r farttnn nn nf Mr .T P ' John A. KUSh Of UaStOnia Was in Carlton, died last Tuesday and was Hudson the first of the week buymg buried Wednesday at Tabernacle . firewood for his trade, cemetery. The funeral services were I Frank Smith says advertising sure conducted by Elders I. W. Thomas 1 pays, and especially if you have .and R. L. Isbell. Deceased was 27 , ood, reliable goods to sell the peo years old. Ple- He put an ad in the News- Mr. A. A. Teague, keeper of the Topic and last week he. sold four or countv home, at his own' expense has hve new bicycles and had several cleaned off the burying grounds there, which, years before the coun ty came into possession of the. lands, was the burying ground of one of Caldwell's prominent families, who, no doubt, would be glad to help in the upkeep of the grounds. Any help in this line will be appreciated by Mr. Teague. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pen nell, at the home of Mrs. J. S. Hass of this place, the 28 of last month, a son. It is said by some that the smile that Carl is wearing compares favorably with the one he wore on returning from France. The grand father, Mr. Hass, also wears one that is very respectable. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King of Chat tanooga, Tenn., are visiting Mrs. King's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Powell. Honor roll of Hibriten school: First Grade Edna Barlow, Nora Teague, Ina Hass. Second Grade Rufus Clippard, Mary Swanson. Fourth Grade Enroll Hass, Louis Austin, ' Fifth Grade Floy Barlow. Sixth Grade Edna Austin. ' Seventh Grade Beulah Austin. GREEN MOUNTAIN , Everybody is Invited to a box so cial at Green Mountain school honse Saturday night, April 10. The pro ceeds are to be used for painting the school building. - inquiries about other things he sells. He sold out of automobile tires be for ethe newspaper had been out twenty-four hours. MONT VIEW Mr. A. C. Clark spent the week end with his family here. He is working at Stanly, N. C, and says money grows on trees there. We are in the market for some seed or nursery stock of that variety of tree. Mr. W. A. Benbley of Hutchison, N. C, spent the week end here. Mr. Robert Craig of Stanley re turned home Monday after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig. Mr. A. C Craig is at Wilkesboro on a business trip. Mr. Dewey Craig says driving a slow team of mules in the mud mak ing roads is too slow for him. He says the team he had to drive was like the slow train through Arkan sas. He has gone to Stanley, where he has a position in a cotton mill. Miss -'Moore of Lenoir spent the week end here with Miss Pauline Corpening. Miss Essie Prestwood went to Charlotte Monday. , i Elder Williams of Monroe preach ed at Philadelphia (Primitive Bap tist church) here Saturday. It is believed that Monday night's freeze killed or seriously damaged the peach crop. Tim cet 25 to 88 Actual OverstrenBth In a Molliimer Eitra IMy Tire. Danner of etnno bruise or blow out is reduced to a minimum. Mdlingi'r Evtr I l'ly Tires arc Hund Mane of Super-Yitallred, WUite KuMmt hare, the Vacuum I tread and ore GUARANTEED 1 8000 MILES Our representative will tell TOO t:.e savin? Ton make in buying Mellinirer Tires. Also ask about ,CIover Leaf Tiros, a qoaU lty tire at a Fopulag DISROOTED ExaBsvar 87 ELGIE ESTES ALLEN W. LAXTON LENOIR, N. C. tli" si ha Si; i ii VANS THE SUPREME COURT LEAK IS CHARGED TO EMBRY For the first time in history a criminal indictment was returned last week apainst persons alleged to have obtained advance information of a Supreme Court decision for the purpose of stock market speculation. Ashton F. Enibry, former secretary to Associate Justice McKenna, was named as the man who disclosed the substance of the hiphest court's forthcoming decision in the Southern Pacific case last November. He was said to have received $000 for the information whereby the other de fendants, a N'ew York broker, a law yer of Washington and former as sistant attorney in the department of ju-tice, were enabled to sell "short" oOO shares of Southern Pacific on which a profit of $1,412.50 was made. BERGDOLL GIVEN FIVE YEARS ('rover Cleveland Bergdoll, weal thy young Phiadelphian recently court-martialed for desertion be cause of his alleged failure to report for military service under the draft, was sentenced to five years in prison. The sentence is for hard labor in the jail at Governor's Island. In addi tion Bcrgdoll's rights of citizenship are forfeited, he is to be dishonorably discharged from the army and all pay and allowances are forfeited. 1IIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IH1I1IIII For Sale THIS 'WEEK One 2500-pound Russell Wagon, new. One 2000-pound Russell Wagon, new. One 1500-pound J. P. Nissen Wagon, not 25 per cent worn. second-hand Farm Wagons; cheap price. Three second-hand Buggies. A full line of new Buggies. One pair of Mules, weight about 2200 ; suitable for lumber or logging. Four Farm Mules. FULL LINE OF BUGGIES j T. F. SEEHORN j Depot St. Old Home Milling Co. Stand i. L. B. Crayton G. M. Long Stock and Bonds Subject we offer: 25 Rhyne-Anderson 10 Globe B0 Marlboro 25 Superior 25 Eastern - 30 Sterling 50 Aileen , 25 Acme CRAYTON & LONG 12 South Tryon Phones 4316-4317 Postal Phone You Need Glasses Then why put off having, them fitted when you can have the ser vices of skilled Eye Specialist right in your own town? YOU WILL COME TO ME EVENTUALLY WHY NOT NOW T I will be in my Office in Lenoir Saturday,. April 3rd V to Saturday, April 10th DR. ALFRED W. DULA ' EYE SPECIALIST - EARLY VEGETABLES FROM FLORIDA Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes and other vegetables as they come from the truckers by express Fruits is always a big line with this store ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS and GRAPE FRUIT The fruits that suit the most careful buyer EASTER EGGS AND DYES Easter Monday comes on April 5th this year. Give the kiddies the time of their lives.. They all look for ward to the Easter egg hunt. We have egg dyes that will bring entire satisfaction. We have the Easter eggs, too. BRANNON'S Phone 164 om Are Invited j I TO ATTEND the Tailoring Opening of Henry H. Sagners, Balti more's Best Merchant Tailors FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 9th AND 10th at W, E Wakefield's 121 North Main Street :HIIIIUHIHIIIHU IB j VIRGINIA FARMS f 1060 ACRES ONLY $39,500 jj Located in 3"2 miles of good railway towns, improved road to one town and East and West Highway. Fenced and cross fenced. J g About two-thirds cleared. Running water and wells at dwellings. J S Dwellings consist of mansion house, built nearly 150 years ago; then four good dwellings which were built for children of former owner, with five good sets of farm buildings, a farm for each, J S complete. J Can be bought as a whole, or separately, as follows: 182 acres $12,500 5 g G34 acres 10,000 H 100 acres 5,500 J 160 acres 5,000 S 288 fccres 7,500 ! Dandy land, good section. Immediate possession. S ANOTHER BARGAIN 5 Within three miles of station. 640 acres. Only $30 an acre. Q Good buildings. ' Term at to payment. Write and gee. S W. A. C. PETTIT ' FREDERICKS HALL, VA. S j Valuable Property I FOR SALE ! Saturday, April 24th, 1 920 3 s A. FIFTY-BARREL ROLLER MILL situated in the heart of the growing town of Granite Falls. Private side-track at the door. All machinery in excellent condition. The mill has been and is now enjoying a good trade of exchange and merchant work. The above property will be sold to the highest bid der on the following terms: One-third cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months, with approved security or deferred payments. i Anyone wanting further information see or write J. O. DEAL Granite Falls, N. C. iazsssxssxzzxzxzzx8uauaizzzssszzz3:

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