Page Two LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1920 LENOIR, N. C. HOME AND FARM DEPARTMENT By D. W. Roberts, County Agent April Report of Co-operatire Crop Reporting Service (By Frank Parker, Director and Field Agent) " The shortage of farm labor in North Carolina is the chief concern of the farmers at this season. Farm wages have advanced until they av erage $47.78 per month without board. Good cultivated lands aver age $91.34, and all farm lands, ex clusive of improvements, average 155.37 per acre. Breeding hogs de creased 8 per cent in number since -one year ago. Excepting that to bacco will again be considerably in creased and grains decreased, the in tended total crop acreages will be bout 2 per cent less than last year. The condition of winter grain crops h good, averaging 88 per cent of a normal or "full crop." According to reports from more than 2,000 farmers the labor supply is about 13 per cent short of last year and 30 less than the usual. The greatest deficiency is reported from the central or piedmont territory, where grain crops are grown. The shortage also extends to the efficien cy and working hours of labor along with an increase in the wages paid. It is no idle dream that the farm ers are "up against it," as they can not be expected to make a living in come from crops no one but them selves and children to produce enough to feed themselves and the otner nail of the non-food-producing world, under present conditions. There is a distinct and growing un dercurrent of discontent and indif ference that should be taken as a warning, lest the food productoin be further greatly decreased in the face of greater requirements. The ten dency is to produce the cash crops, such as tobacco and cotton. Grains do not promise a market value suffi cient to make them profitable crops. Some think that a monthly farm wage of $48 is low, in, comparison with wages paid in town. Perhaps so, but on farms there are furnished additionally a house, wood, garden, a team and implements to use when needed. Much of their "free" food supplies also come from the orchard and fields. The values of farm lands have ad vanced as follows: Good cultivated land was worth in 1917, per acre, $4'J; 19 IS, $58; 1919, $70; 1920, $87. Average cultivated land 1917, $35; 1918, $42; 1919, $51; 1920, $63. Poor eultivtaed land 1917, $24; 1918, $29; 1919, $-'S4; 1920, $42. All land, wooded included 1917, 30; 1918, $36; 1919, $45; 1920, $54. All land, with improvements -1917, $43; 1918, $49; 1919, $58; 1920, $75. The present wheat crop shows the best condition in the central pied mont, and the poorest along the cen tral mountain counties. The condi tion of the rye crop is about the same as that of wheat. The high costs of feeds, housing and labor make it unprofitable to pro duce pork at the recent market prices. This has led to an estimated 8 per cent decrease in the breeding sows. The high price of tobacco, sup ported by the heavy demands for the North Carolina bright leaf, has had its effect on our farmers. Plant beds are in evidence everywhere. The in crease of 15 per cent last year is expected to be again equaled. Grain crops show decreases, on ac count of the low yields and crop vaiue returns of the past few years. Cotton will occupy about the same acreage as last year. The labor sup ply will hold down any increase. The cold and wet conditions of March further belated farm work. Since the middle of the month con ditions have been better, although interrupted by frequent rains. The cold wave on the 6th to 8th of April probably damaged the peach crop considerably, but apples were not enough advanced to be affected." The figures for Caldwell county ar eas follows: Labor supply as com pared with last year, 98 per cent; wages per month without board, $41.50 value of good cultivated land, $71; value of all farm land, not in eluding improvements, $39; breeding Why Be Dull and Languid This Spring "Spring FeTer" I Natural, But Not Necessary It's Dua to Sluggish Blood KEEP FEELING YOUR HAPPIEST Purify and Tone Up Your Blood With That Famous Tonic, Pepto-Mangan Do you seem unable to do any work, to concentrate, to take any fn terest in things, during the wonder ful Spring days? oD you feel just useless and "no account"? Nothing is really the matter, ex cept that, as happens every Spring, your blood is clogged it is sluggish with poisons from its long Winter fight. In time your blood will probably adjust itself. But meanwhile you fret and worry, feel unhappy and accomplish nothing. Why do it, when it is easy to clear up your blood by taking Pepto-Mangan for a while? For thirty years, doctors have been recommending this effective and agreeable tonic to purify and build up the blood of run-down, listless people. Feel your best. 'Have a fine color, and spring in your step. Be vigor ous, happy, red-blooded. Get a bot tl eof Pepto-Mangan today. The nearest druggist has it, and in either liquid or tablet form, just as you pre fer. There's no difference in medic inal value. But be' sure you get the genuine Gude's Pepto-Mangan. Ask for it by that name "Gude's Pepto-Mangan," and be sure the full name is on the package. Adv. sows compared with last year, 101 per cent; winter wheat condition, 91 per cent; rye condition, 86 per cent; intended crop acreage com pared with last year Wheat, 94 per cent; hay, 104; oats, 87; tobacco, 108; soy beans, 78 per cent. Tested Seeds I For Field and Garden Get our free Catalog which tells about the best varieties of Garden Seeds for home use, conning and shipping what field seeds to plant for heavy yields of grain or hay which to sow for abundant pasturage. WOOD'S SEEDS are choice strains of the best varieties, re-cleaned and tested for germination ana purity. Write for Catalog and "Wood's Crop Special," giving timely information and current prices. Mailed free. T.W.WOOD & SONS SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND, .... VIROINIA After you eat always take ATONIC a a m MM WWW mm SW And a Little Child Shall Lead Them Little Jane was busy figuring when dad came in and told her she had bet ter move up closer to the light. Moth er, who was darning stockings, looked up and moved her own ch:iir to make room for Jane and dad near the damp. Dad looked at Jane and her papers covered with figures and said: "What are you doing, g.rl? Not arithmetic?" "Yes," replied Jane; "I've just been figuring on a problem teacher gave us today," and she went on carefully making large wobbly fig ures with her pencil. At last she stopped and sighed. Dad was filling his pipe and looked up with an other question: "If you're through figuring, tell me what it's all about." "Oh," said Jane, "I've just been figuring up how many steps mother would save in a year if we had water piped into the kitchen and she didn't nave to go out to the well every time sh ewanted a bucket full." "Well, how many steps would mother save?" asked dad. "If jjhe made only three trips a day to theAvell she'd save 63,510 steps in a year by having a tap in the kitch en," said Jane. "Let's see your figures," said dad, and after he'd seen them he began to do some figuring himself, and his figures were not about steps, but about pipe and tanks and dollars and cents and mother will not have to take the 63,510 steps this year. roh your Acarst omach ) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aiii dig tiou, and appetite. Keepi stomach weet and trong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONIC is tbe best remedy. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to nee it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money. Get a big box today. Yon will sea. Ballew's Cash Pharmacy, Lenoir. THIS STATE IS SHORT OF , SCHOOL TEACHERS I A reecnt dispatch from Washing : ton says North Carolina had a short tage of 700 school teachers and is i one of the six States leading in the , teacher shortage situation confront ing the country. This is the observa tion of Commissioner Claxton of the Federal bii-eau of education, who has completed a survey of tecahing con ditions and compiled figures showing . the serious conditions. ' The returns from State school offi cers showed that there a'e 18.271 schools closed because of lack of teachers, and 41.9UU schools utugiii by teachers characterized as "below standard but taken on temporarily in the emergency." The largest 'shortages are as follows: Kentucky, ' U50; Texas. 2,055; Virginia, 2,000; Georgia. 1,500; North Carolina, 700; Iowa, 600. Pure Cream Kisses For Mile by all Grocers. The best you can buy for quality, with a guarantee twelve months in every year. BOLD1N & TURNER Wholesale Grocers Distributers Manufactured by GATE CITY CANDY CO., Greensboro, N. C. PUT CREAM IN NOSE M AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. DRUGS 1R KIDNEYS. USE SALTS If your Sack is aching or Bladder bothers, drink lots of water nd eat less meat When yatir kidneys hurt and yonr back Jaala sore, don't get scared and proceed 4o lead your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the antifs urinary tract Keep your kidneys wleen like you keep your bowels clean, tor flushing them with a mild, harmless alts which removes the body's urinous S waste ana stimulates them to their nor mal activity. The function of the kid neys is to Alter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of acid sua waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid aeyt active. Prink lots of water you cant drink too much; also get from any pharmacist stout four ounces of Jad Salts take tablespoonful in glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few Jays and your kidneys will act. fine. This famous salts is made from th said of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera tiona to clean and stimulate dogged kid awyst also to neutralize the acids In Mine so it no laager is a source of Irrfr i tation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive cannot fat tore; makes a. delightful effervescent Ithia-water drink which everyone should take sow and then to keep their kid saeys clean and active. Try this, also keep op the water drinking, and bo doubt you will wonder what became of jour kidney trouble and backache. Formula for Whitewash As the clean-up season is now ap proaching, the agricultural extension seryice is receiving requests daily for the formula for making white wash, which is effective in killing mites and other vermin and may be used freely in spraying the houses, brood coops, roosts, and on trees. Here's the formula: Slake half a peck of lime and di lute it with 20 gallons of water; add 1 pound of salt previously dissolved in water; to this mixture add 2 quarts of crude, carbolic 'acid. Ap ply with a spray pump or brusn. This mixture, if properly put on, not only kills the mites, but destroys the eggs, and will make the house, or anv building where it is used, fresh and clean. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of $)1T head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug gling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in vour nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal tne swollen, innamea mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Dont stay stuffed-up and miserable. IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION OF FORD-NEWBERRY ELECTION The Senate election acommittee ! last Friday ordered a full and imme diate investigation of the rord-New-berry election by the sub-committee of which Senator Watkins, Republi can, of Indiana, is chairman, and which was appointed for the purpose of recounting the ballots cost in Michigan for both candidates. In ten generations the descendants of a single sow would number 6,-000,000. TENNESSEE LADY RUN-DOWH Hud Hurt In Side Of Her Held. Is Bene fited By The UssofZIRON Iron Tonic. sriei. accidents, etc.. the greatest need of the weakened system is a tonic that gives quicK. cepenaaoie strengtn. in such cases, try Ziron Iron Tonic. Zlron Is a pleasant medicine, having the strengthening effects of iron with other valuable building ingredients. Read what Mrs. Emma Man us, of Las cassas, Tenn., says about it "I was weak and run-down, not able to do my work. Mr trouble was all in the side of my head. I heard of Ziron and cot a bottle, and I am glad to say it has done me more good than anything. Ziron is a splendid tonic." - Try Ziron. ' It may be Jusi the medi cine you need, Ziron contains no habit forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonic, good for children; men and women. 1 Sold by druggists on a money-back guarantee. DRINK HOT TEA FOB A BAD COLD Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relievftig congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. LI I bur Blood Needs con do Bub Paan and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest St Jacobs Liniment 'When your back is sore and lame or i lumbago, sciatica or rneumatism has I yon stiffened up, don't suffer i Get a ' SO cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Liniment at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the paia or ache, and by the time yon count fifty, (bo soreness and lameness is gone,. 1 , Don't stay crippled 1 This soothing. penetrating oil Deeds to be used only ' once. It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. ' If is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing AImc stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly J POWER FARHLW With One Man and a Fordson Tractor I MEANS' AS MUCH AS 3 TO 6 MEN $ WITH 6 TO 12 GQOD MULES A Fordson will solve your labor troubles, save you money, as well as worry, and help you make a Bigger and Better Crop. With a Fordson Tractor you can plant on time and plant more acres. You can overcome the delays caused by spring rains and the Fordson enables you to cultivate and harvest the increased acreage. IF YOU EVER TRY A FORDSON YOU ARE SURE TO BUY A FORDSON REMEMBER: The Power Farming Unit can be operated by one man. Place your order now. Delay may mean your loss, as the factory may not be able to supply the demands this spring. PRICE ONLY $850.00 F. O. B. FACTORY RVFVS L GWYN LENOIR, N. C Corner East Harper and South Mulberry Phone 26 "ST" When about to 17 lUCildSe U JTIUW weigh every fact well. You of course want to secure the plow that will wear the . longest, ts the easiest to handle, has the lightest draft. Is made the strongest and of the best material, hns the best turning and scouring qualttiesi tn fact you want a plow first-class to every respect. , THE OLIVER CHILLED PLOW answers allot these requirements and while many different manes of so r ceuiad chilled plows have Men Brougnt out ana a lOlUW S1UI1UJW I1BVO B1IJUTOU Mm BOLAO, UWJ lUV. been forced to iva way to that superior merits of the OLIVER. The only safo plan is to buy the GENUINE ULIVEP at tne atari ana tnen no ques tion cab arise as to tbe quality ol your slow. Genuine Oliver Chilled Flows ' , , and Repairs for Stale by Lenoir Ildwe. & furniture Co.. ; 1 tENOia. n. c. , - - : - 1 yX,' ' ss i aaasisaai aa Ti' i a mm m waiiiiiaaviari iw hiiitiiiiiriiiiiiaiiiwiaw'iiBiiiss TUEBEST-.rrPAYS