CCIXETTSVILLE (Crowded oat last week) Eev. Mr. Trivett was here the end ti the Veek to fill his appointment at the Adventist church, but the rain prevented. Rev. S. E. Gragg visited his moth er, Mrs. Nancy Gragg, and his sister, Mrs. J. T. Crisp, the last of the -week And returned to his home at Shull's . Hills Monday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Adams went to Char lotte Friday afternoon and returned Sunday night . - .. . Mrs. J. T. Crisp and granddaugh ir, Jessie Rader, visited Mrs. Crisp's daughter, Mrs. Grace Rader, last Tuesday. ' Messrs. T. J. Moore, I. G. Green, C M. Rader, Mack Moore and J. N. Moore went to Newton Wednesday on business. Mr. John Gragg, who lives near he Globe, visited his son, J. V. Gragg, last week. Mr. Tom Roberts went back to his work at Mayworth Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Romulus Gragg visit ed at Mr. Carroll Tolbert's Wednes day en rou$e to the Globe. Mrs. Nera Gragg and children went to Rufus Tuesday to visit her grand parents and other relatives. Mr. J. V. Gragg and family visited at Mr. Lawrence Moore's last Tues day night. Mrs. Hessie Roberts and daughter went to Lenoir Tuesday. Mr. Wallace Estes of Morganton visited Mr. H. M. Webb last week. Mrs. Cordelia Setser returned home Tuesday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Gaither Gragg, at Le noir. Miss Ellen Hood went to Lenoir Tuesday and returned Wednesday. Mrs. C. M. Rader went to Lenoir Thursday shopping. Mrs. Ella Johnson has been very eick, but is improving some. Miss Mary Tilley and brother and mother of Granite Falls were here Friday morning a little while to let the folks wnow Miss Tilley would ac cept the school here again this year. Messrs. 1. G. Green, J. V. Gragg and wife and son went to Hickory Thursday. M;s Aim i Green gave a b:r:hday party to her little fi'.iii.i- rr.d.iy af ternoon. Mif was n.iie years old. Those present wire .Mabel and Ruth Thompson, eniie and Lois Tolberi, Bessie, Hortense and Saliie Rader, Moselle Estes. Bessie Gr.sett. Mamie Roberts, lai-y and Julia Spencer. Cake,- candy and lemonade were served. Mr. D. I". Moor.- va- lure Wednes day on im-ii,e.-. Sheriff i'n, let: and Revenues pass ed here Tue.-day. Mr. Howard uragu and little broth er, Arnol !, we::: to the Globe Fri day witn the.r uncle, I ncie Will Moore, who was here on business. "L'ncle B.ii" Moore, a colored man, died last .Monday evening. Mr. C. ti. l'liompsoti and family went to Lenoir Saturday shopping. Miss Martna J. Campbell, who is employed at Valmead, visited home IoIks the last of the week. Mr. Julius Grisett's family has been very sick for the past wee.-v, but they are .niproving some. way worse than the lives a long distance id market, and we are lor better roaus great deal cf these good people, and especially of their spirit in helping each other. If this spirit were pre dominant, in every neighborhood, in every good undertaking, out country would be m hundred times better place to live in. Rainy days Hke last Sunday are gasoline savers. Wheat is just ready for harvest and some of It is flat down, and much of it tangled till it cannot be har vested nicely at alL We are hoping for better" weather until wheat can be put in the stack. Don't glance over the News-Topic and throw it down because you don't see an account of a big fight or big fire or some other big thing. Read it all and you wUhget all the news, and the Topic, too. IN SAD ENOUGH PLIGHT (Charlotte Observer) The fate of the kaiser-as-was is about .is hard as his bitterest foes could have desired. While some of the allied countries might have been concerned lest he be not sufficiently guarded to prevent escape and return to Germany, the concern of Mr. Ho henzollern himself is that he might not be guarded sufficiently close to prevent any possibility of making es cape from his asylum. There is no country to which he might flee. Should he make his appearance in Germany it would be but to make himself a target for pistol or bomb. And unless he is closely guarded there are assassins waiting the first opportunity to get at him. The first attempt of which the public has been given any knowledge has come to light. It was either a Belgian or a German who got into the kaiser's castle and made an unsuccessful at tempt to kill him. So far as hoping to get out among the people, it is perhaps the former emperor's daily prayer that the guard saround his retreat should never for a moment relax their vigilance. What would seem to be his special care is not that he should get out, but that none who are out should get in. son, writlrig from H-lc' .. i to the Charlotte Observer. As tne special session of the legislature approaches sentiment is crystallizing in all parts of the State, report those who go to Raleigh on various missions. In spite of the ratification talk that has been heard, it is said that when the "scratch" comes there Is no guar antee that the Susan B, Anthony amendment will be ratified. Anti-suffragists are circulating lit erature connecting the name of Fred Douglas with the amendment. One piece of literature being distributed from headquarters in Raleigh is a leaflet .bearing the picture of a negro woman, a delegate to a Kentucky Republican convention. Quotations from the "Suffrage Bible" are also being sent out and the antis .are openly asserting that ratification by North Carolina will be an insult to the rest' of the South, each southern State having voted rejection as fast as the measure came up. iS RATIFICATION DPOOMED IN NORTH CAROLINA? Second only to that bearing on the! srubernatori il situation is the talk haerd on every hand concernin; woman suffrage, savs W. H. Richard NOTICE N'orth Carolina, C.ld.vell County. in the iMiperior I ourt. Raluh Pe Penned, Iseliie band, Co; and husband, - Rom Penile' I. urn Cotiey and hus fev: Anniu Austin Au.-tin; Mossie RUFUS The busy season and lack of help is causing our farmeis to do some of tneir marketing in automobiles. The difference in time is fast becom ing a big item with us. No one needs the moiorin farmer who from church still iiving 1.1 lion some time. Mr. J. P. Coffey says when he starts out witn a trucK load of stutf to market, and turns over, or fails to puil up Dixon's hill, and runs bacsward on a bank, or spills every thing off on the ground, and don't bre.u anyt.'.ing but the windshield, and don't ge. nun, nor break any tiling from oer his head but the sun shieid, just say nothing about it; so we won't tell it on him this time. Thousands of sweet potato plants were set out last week, and they are r.ot lacking for rain. Every time we get out from home some one is trying to solve that little problem in division of fractions. Some get 10 for the answer, some 40-, and one boy says it is just 40, while others say it is just a ketch. It is not independence that makes a man disregard the interests of his fellow man, but first feeling that way. Speaking in last week's News Topic of the generosity of the Little River folks, the writer is not sur prised that the rights of way for a road were secured without trouble. We spent two winters, about twenty years ago, teaching school in that neighborhood and boarding from house to house, learned to know a Havnes and husband, Haynes; Meaue i eniiei., LiZiie Cooper and husband, Cooper; Will Carl ton, Milton I'eni.eil ,;:;d Harrison Penaeil, vs. Maggie Downs, et'al. Thp Hi-t'pn(l.-inf flhnvp named wil! take notice that an action entitled as above has bvn commenced in the Su perior Court of Caldwell county, Xorth Carolina, to sell real estate to make assets to pay debts of intestate, Thomas Pennell; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before W. C. Moore, Jr., Clerk of Superior Court of said county, on June 29th, 1920, at the courthouse of said coun ty in Lenoir, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion ,or the plaintiff will a"p!y to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 2;h dav of Mav, 1920. W. C. MOORE, Jr., vo-4 Clerk of Superior Court. E TEA IN If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulehut Whenever her hftlr took on that dull faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture wu applied with wonder ful effect By asking at any drug tore for '.'Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot tle of this old-time recipe, Improved hr the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to use, at very little coat. Thia sdraple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beautx to-) we nair. . . . v - . A well-known downtown -druggist ays everybody uses Wyeth's feagefrnd , Sulphur Compound now . because it v darkens so naturally and evenly that -nobody can tell It haa been applied Jt'e ao easy to use, .too. " You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through- your hair,' faking on etrand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application "or, two, it Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy,, toft and beautiful. This preparation. Is a delightful toilet requisite. Jt Is not ln ' tended for the cure, mitigation or pro- i s-entlon of disease. , LESS MEAT IF BACK HURT Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bother you Drink Iota of vatez. Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be cause the nrie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; elo up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis cry in the kidney region; rheumatic twin gee, severe headaches, acid stomach, con ' etipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. i . The moment your back hurt or kid neys arent acting right, or if bladder bothers- yon- get about' four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a teMaspoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidney will then act fine. This famous salts is mad from tht acid of grape and 'lemon juice, combined with lithia, and ha been nsed f of generations to flush clogged kidnaya and stimulate them to normal activity i also to neutralize the acids in the- urine ao it no longer Irri tates, thus ending bladder .disorders. Jad Salts ' cannot 'Injure ' anyone J snake a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which million of men and wanes, take how sad then to keep the kidneys and urinary organ eked, tbuf avoiding seriou kidney diaeoM, . TRUCK AND TRANSFER SERVICE Haul Anything, Anywhere, at Any Time PRICES REASONABLE SMITH BROS. .Phone No. 1602 Lenoir, N. C. Unusual Tires TIRES that are different in their distinctive good locks and in their construction. An extra ply of fabric, an extra heavy tread and generous oversize make a tire of remarkable endurance, . Next Time BUY FISK PEOPLE'S SUPPLY COMPANY West Harper Avenue ' Lenoir, N. C VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first waiting they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL a C 3l C 3 -3 The world's standard remedy for thess t ilisordsrs, will often ward off these dis- j eases and strengthen the body against i further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists, i - - Look for th. nun. Gold Medal oo rrr bo ! 1 he ICU)S- 1 OpfC and no imitation CMnZaajjjiZ Fir a i n r .11 t- .1 f warn ias are Dusmess Duuaers. l ry lem anc Baling Presses for Immediate Delivery : ; I have the "Money- ' Maker balers in stock and can make immediate de- !; !; livery; however, only a j !; limited number. " ; ' Orders for Threshers ! ! must be placed at once in ; order that delivery be ; ; made for this season. D. H. TURNER ! Statesville, N. C. Tires for the Smaller Cars Built With Goodyear Methods In using its immense resources and inventive skill to build the highest relative value pos sible into tires, this company has never made its work more effective than in Goodyear Tires for the smaller cars. TheSe have the full advantages of Goodyear competence and care, plus the modern facili ties of the factory we are devoting to the world's largest production of 30x3-,"30x3V2-, and 31x4'inch sizes. The sum of this extraordinary effort is avail able to you, as the owner of a Ford, Chevro let, Dort, Maxwell, or other car using these sizes, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer's place of business. Go to this Service Station TJealer for these tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He is ready to supply you. 30x3 Goodyear Double-Cure $") 150 Fabric, All-Weather Tread v LJ 30x3V4 Good rear Single-Cure Fabric, And-Skid Tread $212 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubee art thick, atrong tube that reinforce eatings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube cost little more than rubes of leas merit. 30x3!4 six in waUt- $ f 5O proot oag , . .. -j ia III ....... .11 .... . .-.- 1 ' f- ' ll.o....aaaaiaaa(aiaslsssssSlilHSBIlSSSSSSSSliaaaai viU- ' n.-- , ; ,-' .. , , , , ; 1 - '".'.'.v - Ve have ai full line of Goodyear Tires, both fabrics and cor ds, in all sizes, : ! GALD WELL MOTOR COMPANY, Lenoir; N. Ca , t 1 . Jt X'j.vf-a3K'i?,

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