LE'OIP., N. C. LENOIB NEWS-TOPIC, THLT-SDAY, JULY 1, 1920 Page Eleven Jrtrk ' St w- FARMS FOR SALE VIRGINIA FARMS Excellent prop erty, 1Q7 acres, one-fourth mile to station, good village, nice dwell ing, orchard, about one-half clear ed, price $6,000. Terms, one third cash, balance in one to four years with interest. ,. 300 acres, two miles of county seat, splendid town, fronting on main . road, good dwelling house, orchard. more than half cleared, strong land; price $9,000; reasonable terms. Write W. A. C. P ettit, Fredericks Hall. Va. 89-3 F .r iSAfcE Farm known as the U Spring place, 2 miles from ovn on Lenoir and Blowing Rock , turnpike; also on C. & N.-W. rail road; 66 acres; 10 acres inwheat; 1000 to 1500 cords wood; 50Q0 to 6000 feet merchantable timber. Will sell all or -would sell wood and Ttimber. Molton Triplett, Lenoir, N. C. 1 34 OHIO FARMS FOR SALE Inv the Blue Grass section of this State. Fif teen to twenty-five miles from Cin cinnati; good pike, roads, good markets,' good schools, good water, good farming section for grain and livestock. For further information write or see J. R. Gragg, Amelia, Clermont County, Ohio. 31-26 FARM WANTED Want to hear from owner of farm or' rood land for sale. Send price and descrip tion. Fall delivery. L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, 111. 40-1 FOR SALE Small farm of 87 acres, 15 acres cleared, balance in woods: three-room dwellings. Second tract, 100; two dwellings, 40 acres in cultivation, land adapted to cot ton, corn and tobacco. Write Box 704, St Pauls, N. C. 29-13 BLUEGRASS, ALFALFA, GRAIN and poultry farms. Large list; easy terms. Catalogue free. B. F. Perrow, Remington, Farquier Co., Virginia. 51-80 FOR SALE FOR SALE Good gentle family horse; buggy and harness; good Jersey milk cow; thoroughbred Po land-China sow witn nve pigs. H. L. Houck. 4-5 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey milk cow. See L. Kincaid at farm. F. B. Mitchell. 40tf FOR SALE 800 to 100 feet dressed 1 flooring and about 500 feet of other lumber. B. F. Herman, Hud son, N. C. 40 i 11 " 1 NEW LOT of Remnant Rolls just ar rived at W. F. Wakefield's. 36-tf FOR SALE 1,500 feet one-inch pipe, 4 cents per foot in lots of 100 feet or more. Also one gal vanized iron wagon tank, about 250 gallons capacity, light and suitable for hauling water for any ' purpose. Less than naif price. A. D. Farlow, Bahama, N. C. 39-3 NEW SONG BALLAD "Taps," the song the bugler playe"d. Beautiful words and melody with bugle call "taps"' in chorus. Send fifteen cents to publisher for complete copy. Marvin Morton, 922 West TenthSt., Dallas, Tex. 36-5 BIG LINE' of children's and misses' dresses at popular prices. See my lines. I can save you money. ,W. F.- Wakefield. 37 THREE-TON TRUCK, practically new, for sale at a bargain or ex change for smaller truck. H. C. Johnston, Belmont, N. C. 34-7c NEW LOT of Overalls, and Work Shirts just arrived at W. F. Wake . .field's. ...... , 36-tf t WHEN you need a pair of all-leather shoes at lower prices see w. r. Wakefield. ' . 36-tf REGISTERED Hampshire Boar for service. See J. R. McNairy. 37-tf A ' BIG LINE of ; popular priced misses' and children's dresses just arrived at' W. F. Wakefield's. 37 PREPAID Dark Natural Leaf To bacco produced on our farm, 10 " pounds mild smoking," $2.25; 6 pounds smoking or chewing, $1.75; 10 pounds, $3,000; 5. pounds, per sonally selectid," extra chewing, ; $2.50; 10 pounds,) $4.50. We guar antee satisfaction. Elm Grove Live 1 stock & Produce Farm, John Hat- ler & Sons,' Martin,. Tenn. Hatlex v is reliable The Martin Bank. - '36-10, i 4-". ' ' REGISTERED : Big ! Type" Poland Chinas. Ten weeks, pigs $15 to ' $20; eight months boars $60; sons ' 11 1.1. - M "I : L T. .(.,. ana aHUgnnjxs iu umut uoi.e , tried sows;' satisfaction guaran teed. W. J. - Winchester, Hayes ville, N. C. , , . 34-7 GASOLINE ENGINE for sale;' 10 horsepower and in good running fix.' -. Price-Cline Harness and Tanning 0-,;A-v;rr:r;v'r.-.r...'-..'.-ll. FOR SALE Team of good .draft horses, wagon and harness. Lenoir ' Mirror Co. :- .' 25-tf , STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING ' The. annual meeting of the ' stock - holders of the Hudson -Cotton Mfg". Pa will Vio hoM 1n f q SfanYutfow an4 Treasurer's office in Lenoir, N. C, at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, July $ 8, 1920, and the meeting of the stockholders of the Lenoir Cotton Mills will be held at 2 O'clock p.m., same day and place. ' . v J. L. NELSON."; . . Secretary and Treasurer. . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BEST STOCK AND GRAIN FARM IN EAST TENNESSEE. This noted farm contains 255 acres, 100 acres bottom land, tub bed 78 bushels of corn per acre last year; makes from 25 to 35 bushels of wheat per acre; pro duces the very best of everything -you wish to grow; soil is deep mu latto top soil and red clay sub-soil; 40 acres in timber; 115 acres in pasture, blue grass predominating; carries on an average of 75 head of two-year-old cattle; 60 head now on pasture.; five springs on proper ty. 'ThU year' crop astimatw at from $8,000 to $10,000. The im provements are high class; one 9 roojn modernly arranged frame residence, metal roof, first class re pair; excellent spring house, large barns, with all necessary outbuild ings; two good tenant houses, barns, etc. Farm well fenced, wov en wire. Farm "all been limed from deposit en property. This property is located in the heart of Watauga Valley; aujoms the town of Hun ter; on the Southern railroad, pike road, whereMugh schsols, churches, mills, stores .and community are unsurpassed. Excellent location. Four miles of Elizabeth ton, 14 miles of Johnson City and 24 miles of Bristol. On account of the owner's decision to enter business at once this mag nificent property can be purchased for' $42,500; reasonable terms, a good portion on ilong time. We wish to state that last year we sold over $650,000 of farm properties, but we are very confident that we have never had a bargain like this . for the last eight years business. We will also give you with this trade the following, no charge: One. manure spreader, one-half in terest in binder, one wheat drill, one turning plow, one hillside plow, four corn cultivators, one steel drag-harrow; one disc-harrow, one feed cutter, one fanning mill, one registered Percheron stallion, and one-third of all the com and hay. This is a business proposition and un less you wire me that you will see this property at once we will be duty bound to serve first comers. For further information communi cate with The SOUTHERN REAL TY CO.,' C. H. White, Manager, Elizabethton, Tenn, 40-3 HELP WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Lubricating Oil, Grease, Paint, Specialties; whole or part time; commission ba sis; samples free; men with car or rig;write for the attractive terms. Riverside Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. . ' 40-3 HAVE YOU A HOUSE OR FARM to rent? Advertise it, here and find you a renter. WANTED WANTED Will at Puett mill. iay $2.45 for corn 3. F. Puett. 39tf NOTICE All accounts due me at the time of my sale to Efird Department Store were retained by me. The books are open in the office of Efird Depart ment Store and I will appreciate it if all who owed me accounts will call and make settlement. x , 33-tf H. T. NEWLAND. CHICKENS AND EGGS GET CASH for those Eggs at Smith's Cafe. . tt SILVER WYANDOTTES Fowls for meat, beauty and winter eggs. High-class cockerels and pullets, $2.50 each; trio, $7; 15 eggs $1 now. Mrs. A. R. Barlow, Phone 69-M. " 40-5 Sale of Land for Town Taxes By virtue of power , vested in -me as Tax Collector for the town of Le noir and Graded School of Lenoir, I will,' on the ' : 5th Day of July. 1920. at the court house door in Lenoir, offer for sale the following named real estate to. satisfy the taxes due on the same for the year 1919. Tims June 7th, mo. F. T. SHERRILL, ; Tax Collector. '-, White Clark. H. D. L,, 1 lot . 5.00 Evins, A. J., 1 lot'- - - 1.20 Hartline, O. C, 1 lot- 2.88 Lutz, Mrs. Ida, 1 lot.. 38.40 Colored ; 1 , t . Bower, Tilley, est, 1 lot 2.40 Corpening,. Robert, 2 lots.. 13.38 Carter. Martha, 1 lot ... 1.20 Dixon, Adelaide,. 1 lot ,. -: 4.88 Dula, F. A., 1 lot -i-;.-:-; 9;02 Dula, Kelley, Sr., 1 lot j.' 2.40 Dula, Bessie, 1 lot - 2.12 Dula, Octavia, 1 lot 4.08 Foster, Ed, 1 lot .7.18 ureer, .Janet, 1 Jot-- v 7.2CU Harper, James, 1 lot, Gr. Sch. 2,40 Hayes, J. 1 lot - 4.00 Hayes, Angus, 1 lot - 4.00 Hayes, Ed, 1 lot. -- 12.14 Horton. T. W 1. lbt, "12.28" Johnhpn, S. C, 1 lot-., 6.88 Jones, G. II., 1 lot... . 8.70 Jones, Mamie, 1 lot. , 3.5U Jones, John krl lotjiVi.- 8.82 Jones, Anthony, 1 lot, balance - 2.28 Kincaid,- Simps & Sarah,; 1 lot 7.08 Love, Isaac, 1 lot -,v-:. Z.08 McKerzie, Albert, 1 lot, 1.20 Michaux. Jake, 1 lot 4.00 Norwood. Jim, 1 lot.--i.- 8.54 Norwood, Lucinda, l,lot- 4.40 Perkins, Emma, 1 lot-. 2.00 Powell, Mark, 1 lot Z.40 Powell, Robert, 1 lot. 4.00 Patterson. Miles. Sr.,"l lot-' 4 4.80 Patterson, James, 1 lot ; 7.20 Salley, Joe, 1 loti 13.60 Sudderth, Sidney, 1 lot 1.80 Sudderth, Est., 1 lot. - 2.40 Wilson, W.'M., 1 lot 2.40 Witherspoon, Blaine, 1 lot. 1.80 MISCELLANEOUS AGENT'S FREE SAMPLE Great est Washing Tablet Proposition, Enormous profits as high as 18c on - 25e sale. B. Trayer, 2142 Cly- bourn Ave., Dept. J-, Chicago, 111. 40-1 V . PLANTS FOR SALE Larkspur, Scarlet Sage and Digitalis, 50c per Hni fjprarmim and Hvdranceas. 15c each; Rex Begonias and Fuch sias, 25c each. Mrs. k. a. lnrone buxgj Hudson, N. C. 38-3p JUST ARRIVED Car load of Inter national Fertilizer, 'including' 16 per cent acid. W. A. & A. V. Mil ler. . 39-3 JUST RECEIVED Car of Cuban JBlack Molasses. Extra fine qual ity. 30 gallon barrels, 60 cents gallon; 60 gallon barrels 55 cents per gallon. Cash with order. Win ston Grain Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. S9-10p HMESTITCHINGand- Pecoting Ad dress all orders for hemstitching and pecoting to Hickory Sewing Room, Hickory, N. C. Good work and prompt servlice guaranteed. 36-9 PRETTY YOUNG WIDOW, worth $37,000. wishes to hear from hon orable gentlemen under 60; object matrimony. White Mrs. Hill, 14 East 6th St., Jacksonville, fla. . 38-12 MR. LUMBERMAN or carpenter, send 25c in stamps to me and re ceive by return mail a lumber cal culation you would not be without at any price. I. L. Lanier, Hick ory, N. C. N 38-3p LOT OF LADIES silk waists just arrived. See yiem before you buy. I can save, you money. W. F. Wakefield, always lowest in price. 37 JITNEY SERVICES between Patter son and Lenoir, Saturdays only. Leave Patterson at 8:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Leave Lenoir. 12 noon, 5 p.m. and about 9 p.m. G. R. McLean. 3a-10 LONELY WIDOW, age 30, worth $40,000, wishes to hear from. hon orable gentleman under 60. Ob ject matrimony. Wrie Mrs. Hill, 14 East 6th at., Jacksonville, f la, 33-0 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS leading varieties of sweet potato, tomato, cabbage, collard, Bermuda onion plants; 100, 50c; 500, $1: 1,000, $1.75, cash with order. I ship mail or express, transportation collect, Southern Plant Specialist, Madi son, Fla. 31-10 NIE LINE of medium price jewelry at W. F. Wakefield's. 36-tf BOOKKEEPING and SHORTHAND thoroughly taught; enroll any time. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C, for cat alogue. - 32-10 JUST ARRIVED A lot of women's, and children s dresses at W. t. Wakefield's. 36-tf YOUR HOROSCOPE Life reading and description of your affinity. Safety Hair Cutter free. Send 25c and birthdate. St.. Germain So ciety, Box 478, Pittsburgh, Pa. 36-10 LET ME TAKE your measure today for your new suit. Prices have " been reduced on the entire line for the month of June. W. F. Wake field. 37 A BIG REDUCTION on made-to-. measure clothing for the month of : June at W. F. Wakefield's. 37 FOOT REST HOSIERY wears the longest an dlooks the best For sale only at W, F. Wakefield's. 32-tf SET AN EXTRA PAIR of pants witl. your new sun ox domes at nau price this week at W. F. Wake weld's. V 32-ti SUMMER UNDERWEAR at last year's prices at W. F. Wakefields. 36-tf . ' MEN TROUBLED WITH URIN.iit. frejiuency or bladder irritation prostate disorder,' piles or constipa tion, will learn something amazing ly helpful without drugs, diet, mas; sage or operation,' by merely writ ing for free brochure to Electro thermal Co., 420-A, Homan Bldg. Steubenville, O.'-"' . 24-26 .'See me at any time -. for' home, PUSINESS PROPERTY , FARM LANDS r The Real Estate Man Catarrh Cannot Be Cured' by LOCAL APP1JCATION3, as they cannot reach the seat ot . the dlseasa, enced by conRtitutlonal conditions. HALL'S UATAKHH MH-uiciiN m win cure catarrn. It la taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la composed of some of the beat tonlca known, combined with some of the beat blood puriftera. The perfect combination of the Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won derful result In catarrhal conditions. , ' Druggists 75c. Testlmonlala iree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Real Estate , LAND ENTRY No. 6794 State of North Carolina, Caldwell County. E. G. Suttlemyre enters and. lays claim to 10 acres of land, more or less, in Lovelady township, Caldwell county, N. C., on the waters of the Catawba river, bounded as follows: Beginning on a hickory on the bank of the Catawba river, the old Sherrill and Suttlemyre corner, and runs north 70 degrees east to the cen ter of said river; then up the river with center of same to a point oppo site two birches and a willow on the bank of said river, the beginning cor ner of the G. P. Suttlemyre 180-acre tract; then with the meanders of the river to the beginning, containing tea acres more or less, so as to include vacant land only, which said land is vacant and subject to entry. E. G. SUTTLEMYRE, Claimant Entered this June 1, 1920. Filed at 11 o'clock a.m. June 1, 1920. A true copy. JNO. M. CRISP, Entry Taker for Caldwell Co. H0NE7 BACK without question If Hunl'tSaU fsil ia the treatment of Bcaena. Tttter Ringworm. Itch. c Dua l become discounted bscauMothss treatments failed. Hunt's Sato bas relieved bondreds of such casss. Yon can't loss oa out Manas ac Cuaraitree- Try It at our risk TODAY Pries 7 V tor aala locally by Ballew'a Cask Pharmacy NOTICE O FSALE North Carolina, Caldwell County. Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Mrs. M. M. Craig, widow of A. A. Craig, deceased; Avery Craig, Roby Craig, Bessie Dockery, and hus band, Charlie Dockery; Jessie Shoemaker and husband, T. P. Shoemaker, and Johnsie Craig, vs. ' Ada Craig, Roscoe Craig and Eugene Craig, and Roby Craig, guardian of Ada Craig, Roscoe Craig and Eu gene Craig, minors. By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Cour tof Caldwell county, made in the above entitled cause, I, as commissioner appointed by said court, will, on the 5th Day of July, 1S20, offer for sale to the highest bidder DR. SPEAS' INFIRMARY FOR EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Over Hickory Drug Co. Hickory, N. C. DR. E. J. McCOY VETERINARY SURGEON Calls Mad Night or Day HICKORY, N. C. J- Stmk thm c tot he owemtf M k potuiblm. If not, limply 9Ck tor whilm m cotf lrator. Slitvm K btr ot Clean Emir NmpthoMnm Somp into 4 tfsl. tons of water. Boil, M rt dim- , aora ana put in thm efofAea. Stir with a mtick for ton mn ute. Rm&e thru two char w . tmrn, bu and drj in open ja he rj i I II I Follow direction " S fTXV; ; J0 1 1 S-S2SZiS-5-SZS2cS2SZS ton Up , and Pit Up In Shabbytown In Shabbytown they do not care if things, look seedy everywhere : They have no pep, they've lost their grip, they simply sit around and yip, in envy's tones, of Glossyville,the shining village on the hill.. Oh, Shab bytown is punk and gray, and it shows symptoms of decay, and strangers passing through remark, "It sure ly dates back to the Ark." "Clean Up and Paint Up" makes men frown along the streets of Shabbytown. A can of paint makes no appeal to this bum village, down at heel; the people think there is no sense in going to so much expense ; so things are always going down, and getting worse in Shabbytown. It always gives my soul a thrill when I arrive, at Glossyville. The town looks like a blooming bride ; the people take a hearty prfde in making things look clean and bright, and in their labors take delight. They're lavish with the help ful paint, selecting colors chaste or quaint, and deco rating every shack; thus warding. off decay's attapk, and making all the building look like buildings read' of in a book. And strangers, when they see the town, say, "Here we'll come and settle down, and raise, us nineteen kids apiece, and live and die as slick as grease." This happy burg goes right ahead, while Shabbytown is prone and dead. WALT MASON. Paint with STAG and make your home look like Glossyville GET THE BEST Bernhardt-Seagle Co. Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE 5SSc!SS-SS-S5-SrSScSScSacii CLEAN EASY Naptholeine Wash Soap is the greatest dirt chaser the work, has ever known 1 Women every where say it has done more for them than anything ever made to make heavy work easier and more pleasant. Look what it does: Washes, cleans and sterilizes an average week's washing in ten minutes, without rubbing or scrubbing, and for only a few cents I Can you beat it ? t. Can't harm the clothes, either. No mis erable scrub board or back breaking, hands scrubbing work. . The boiling kills the germs, too. Clean .Easy gets the dirt, grime and grease out of everything, froth overalls to shirtwaists. Try. it once and youllbe a happy woman. ' Ask your grocer for a bar of Clean Easy today. Louisville Food Products Co., Incorporated ' . - , Louiqville Ky. m m 4m alt, A sfl a1aWakafVaai A,'1)ii'fs tl D D D C D D C D D C C C rv 1 A i 4 4 4 SAVES THE RUB 4 4 A 3 4

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