CALDWELL COUNTY IS RUNNING BEHIND THIS YEAR IN THE PRODUCTION OF WHEAT, REPORT Government owner-':.'? v.; a dem ocratic operation of ri..roa-s. Curb on profiteering and h:g cost of living. Jailing of food and clothing prof iteers. Right to strike and abolition of compulsory arbitration and anti strike legislation. ? . Hands off in Mexico by the United States government. Endorsement of the Irish republic. Right of collective bargaining. Advances in wages wherever nec essary t - maintain the American standard of living. . Shorter work day, if nceessary, to prevent unemployment. . Samuel Gompers was re-elected president of the federation for the 39th consecutive time, and his salary was increased from S10.000 to J12, 000, despite his protest Storage Batteries , We are equipped to give you the best of service on any make of battery. v 1 Every repair job guaranteed six months. - When you have 'to replace your old battery we ad vise you to buy a new ;; V.. . .y Willard Thread Rubber . ProducTion Areas fitfurcj indiCflTedinlhousonds cf bushel . (ood'OmiJlfd) Caldwell Is Running Behind Thi Year la Production of Wheat j Caldwell and surrounding counties shew a decided decrease from last j year in the acreage of wheat to be j harvested, according to the official ' announcement from the State's crop j reporting service, which represents the Federal and State departments of agriculture. Incidentally this State ranks at the top in agricultural sta tistical work The latest official report gives Caldwell county 10,it8 acres, with a condition of l7 per cent of normal, which indicates a yield of 9.7 bushels per acre. This is a better yield but less acreage than iat year, when we were cred.ted w.ih 70.-00 bushels to tal vield and ranked 'Mh among the pective yield than a year ago. The State shows 12 per cent less in acreage, with a forecasted yield of ten bushels per acre, whereas it yield ed less than eight last year. The in dicated yield is for 7,306,000 bushels, this being about the same as from last year's larger acreage. The ma turing weather conditions this year have been much better than they were for the past two years, when the growth of crops indicate big pros pects, but went to pieces in the de velopment of the grain. This was caused by the wet followed by hot and dry conditions. The national crop shows some as- '.' figures. The winter wheat counties of the reports were r. but showed 0!. jtvering pract.c above. Our v. -r;tory is repor: our farmers as in acreage but n.ueh le:i :e. The threshers' on-.plete ins; year. '.ache's thre-hed. the san.e y.ehl as evn 'n juntas ter- bv .i Hint H" of 1 0 per cent les n pros- acreage of the United State! is but per cent of that growing a year ago. and the spring wheat of the northwe.: is 16 per cent les Teh ':!! 1 conditions of the crops show very low conditions of 7S 'J per f a full crop of winter wheat s i M' for spring wheat. Fortu '.ite'y the spring wheat promises a ,'! of one-third trove than the ii'. r acreage made lat vear. Teh spring wheat failed last year at and after this date, making a final yield of but 9 bushels p?r acre, which is about the lowest recorded. All wheat is forecasted to make 781,000,000 bushels, averaging 14.5 bushels per acre, with a condition of 81.7 per cent- of normal as compared with 93.8 per cent last year at this date. From the foregoing it is very evi dent that the 17 per cent decrease in the prospective wheat will mean a higher price for the farmer's wheat, and of course a higher price for flour. This strongly indicates the reality of a shortage of labor and probable food production. Farmers will do well to make their own flour and save their seed wheat this year. N.orth Carolina has the advantage of the northwetern wheat belt in that our prospects are for a good iro-i and theirs for a poor one. This -hou'ul enable oar farmers to sell their crop more wsoiy. It may also help us to maintain, our rank of fourth in, total crop values among the States of tl..- Tn on. DRASTIC ACTION IS TAKEN TO RELIEVE FUEL SHORTAGE Drastic action for the relief of the fuel shortage in New England and other sections of the country was taken by the interstate commerce commission Saturday night in the is suance of preference and priority or ders to the railroads for the trans portation of bituminous coal to tide water for trans-shipment by water to destinations within the I'nited States. Stating that "an emergency exists which requires immediate action." the commission ordered all railroads in the eastern and southern territo ries to give preference and priority to carloads of coal consigned for shipment by water to N'ew England or any other domestic destination "unitl the further order of the com mission." The order is effective to day, the 24th. The commission simultaneously or dered all railroads east of the Mis sissippi river serving mines to fur nish the mines with coal cars in pref erence to any other use for a period of thirty days beginning Monday. A virtual embargo on the export of coal is expected to result from the commission's order, because rail road men assert the agents appointed for the direction of coal shipment v.itu.ut issue permits for the move ment of coal for fon-ign destination unless it can be shown that the prof ronce and priorities directed will not be imperiled. At least thirty days will be neces sary to care for domestic wants, it is said, provided congestion is over- come to a point permitting rapid coal ; movement. , "Beeise of a shortage of equip ment and congestion of traffic, ag gravated by unfavorable labor condi tions." sai dthe commission's orders, "which continue to exist upon the 1 lines of each and ail common car riers by railroad within the official classification territory and southern classification territory, subject to the interstate commerce act. and, fur ther, because of the inability of said common carriers properly and com pletely to serve the public, and espe cially in the matter of transportation of butiminous coal to N'ew England, an emergency exists which requires immediate action, particularly to the transportation of bituminous coal to ' tidewater trans-shipment piers at and north of Charleston, S. C, for trans shipment by water to coastwise points within the United States." FEDERATION OF LABOR EN DORSES LEAGUE OF NATIONS The American Federation of Labor 1 adjourned its annual convention at I Montreal. Canada, Saturday night ; after endorsnig the league of nations i without reservations. The closing session of the two i weeks' convention was a stormy one. Irish sympathiiers. supported by the progressive wing of the Federation, opposed the movement to endorse the league, and throughout the de bate on the question President Sam uel Gompers had difficulty in main taining order. His gavel was smash ed in his efforts to quiet the pro ceedings. Mr. Gompers and the executive council left immediately for Wash ington to put into operation the pro gram framed by the convention. The first move, it was said, will be launch ed against the Democratic national convention to obtain incorporation in the party platform of the federa tion's program. They will urge also that the federation's non-partisan po litical policy, which wa unanimous ly approved by the convention, be carried out. Labor's program, as outlined by the convention, demands: Ratification of the peace treaty. lone miie OBJECISJO FORCE Tender Intestinal Tracts Can t Stand Powerful Physics When a physic or miscalled "laxa tive'" causes" the slightest pain or gripe you may know that instead of helping nature throw off the poisons accumulated in the body, it is getting rid cf them by force. This rending, tearing action is ex tremely harmful and painful to the tender membranes of the bowels and int. t.nes. S! :i: i's Relief Tablets, gentle as nat .re itself, work in a soothing, help- i v. They eliminate all poisons i for.stipation, yet do it with U'f or pain to the body. They t habit forming, (let a box of blots todav end use no i thers. i s Relief Tablets are safest, .iributed bv The Sloan Product; .., 1 Factory Street, Derby, t onn. i ONIONS DRUG ON MARKET; PO TAOES 3 TIMES AS HIGH j Onions have become a drug on the I market for the first time in years, the department of agriculture reports in 1 its market review. On the other j nana. Juiatvio aic t n w 11 tuic iimc as high as a year and comparatively scarce. California onion growers are plowing undeV their crops be cause the onions are not worth the I cost of marketing. ful v ami out i are po;. Slo:c 1 ' 1226 Ninth Avenue Hickory, N. CV y AM After you eat always take ATONIC (FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH ) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gay Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. AkJi dlgxtion and appetite. Keeps atomach iwwi and tron8locreaees Vitality and Pep. EATONIC it the best remedy. Teoi of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only coats aeent or two a day to use it. PoaitWely guaranteed to pleaae or we will refund money, Get a bic bos today. You will see, Ballew'a Cash Pharmacy, Lenotr. FORD OWNERS! You Need Advance Cork Insert ' Brake Lining Cork Insert makes Fords work wonderfully smooth stops shaking and rattling makes the brake quick -acting and surprisingly smooth. Requires only slight pressure on the pedals makes Ford driving a real pleasure. Cork Insert is far the cheapest in the end. One set outwears three sets of ordinary lining saves you the expense and inconven ience of relining brakes. Does away with jarring vibration makes your Ford last much longer. Ordinary lining i gel a iliik lurfact from fric tion and oil. This slick surface hasn't any grip ping power. The corks in Cork Insert alujays grip smoothly, instantly and have great wearing quality. Cork Brin in Your Ford Today! Let us equip it with Cork Insert. Our Repair Department is at your service. We do expert repairing. We carry a full line of accessories. The best tires and tubes oils and greases. For Sale By RUFUS L. GWYN, LENOIR, N. C. A Convenient Payment Down and $2.50 a Week Puts a u HOMOGRAPH 5iSH5HSHS2SHS3HSZ52S2SHSHSHSHS2S2S J15E5152SES252SS3HSHSZSHSc32S 5H5ZSSZ52SH5aSZSHSZ5ZSH5Z5S5HS2SHS25ZSH5;n JO In 3 c G C c c c c D D e C D C C C c D C D C C c c c c c c AND YOUR OWN SELECTION OF TWELVE EIGHTY FIVE CENT RECORDS, TWENTY-FOUR PIECES Of MUSIC, IN YOUR HOME IN A DAY'S TIME THE PATHE IS THE BEST PHONOGRAPH IN THE WORLD TO-DAY. ITS SUPREMACY IS BEING REALIZED FASTER THAN ANY MACHINE-MADE. HERE ARE SOME DISTINGUISHING POINTS ABOUT THE PATHE: 1. No needles to change, which means that there are no needles to buy. The SAPHIRE STY LUS WILL LAST A LIFE TIME. 2. It is impossible scratch or damage the Pathe Record with the Sapphire, which fits the slot in the record exactly and eleminates all false tones. 3. The Pathe Duplicates the original voice or instrument instead of merely reproducing it. The music is not scratched or torn from the record, as is the case of many machines on the market, but the SAPPHIRE glides gently over the hills and dales of the record, neither damaging the Sapphire or the Record. 4. The Pathe will play all makes of records, by merely turning the reproducer and inserting the proper needle. 5. The TONE AMPLIFIER, or horn, as it is sometimes called, is made of selected wood, which means that there, is no harsh, thin or metallic sound, rendering the sweetest tone possible. 6. Simple in construction. There is no delicate, clock work, machinery to forever begetting out of order. 7. Supreme in CABINET WORK. The" Cabinet is made by skilled men who are experts in, their trade. 8. The Pathe is a reasonable priced machine and in reach of all who care to own one. - v PI ANNAS BROTHERS GRANITE FALLS, North Carolina iVf it