LENOIR, N. C. Page Four LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1920 THE LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC Utued Thursday by CALDWELL PUBLISHING CO. " " FRED HrMAY r Editor and Manager Entered at the PostofSce at Lenoir, N. C, as second-class mail matter Subscription Rates One year. J2.00 Six months 1.00 Three months .50 Advertising rates on application Telephone No. 54 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1920 HURRYGRAPHS fine voices in this town. Unity and harmony is the thing all along the line. Where there is "a concord of sweet sounds" the people are happy; and a God-fearing,- and God-serving, happy people, are the best on earth. Lenoir has arranged her commer cial side of life in a most attractive manner, and starts off well along that line. Fof the next three weeks she will be engaged in adjusting her spir itual side to the things that pertain to the Kingdom. This should be done by every person of accountability "making their calling and election sure." Lenoir revival. The worst you are i-xpei' in-tt-nt on having a bit: aiwavs l.WZ it. happens when No one is paid for thinking of a! the things he thinks of. None so sinful as one stantly sees sin in others. who eon- A man is educate.! when K whata he ought not to know. lear- The preacher is Gypsy Smithen izing Lenoir with the gospel. The bol.-hevists w:I! the world ever starts be in front backward. A woman with a houseful of babies has plenty of soul-mates without leaving home. ; Lenoir is '"happy on the way thing are g ! and commercially. One way of judg.::i; : a man s hthl ;s !y mouth. People v disconrag.: them so. Why do as an "old worst ones So--, f. your peril' ally judged THE GOSPEL MEETING? Lenoir these days is sitting under the "droppings of the gospel." Rev. Gypsy Smith, Jr., a man of splendid physique, magnetic in manner, at tractive in speech, illuminative in gospel arguments, and winsome in his personality, is preaching with the most intense earnestness, and power, the riches of the saving Grace of God. The people are hearing him gladly, and with growing interest. To put it in a homely way, Lenoir is encaged in a great spiritual house ami heart cleaning. The prayers of the religious ones among this p ople are ascending to the throne of Grace for a great revival, and an aw iken :nir. which will put the de:l on the run in this community, and purify the moral atmosphere of every soul :n this section, and invoking the ben edictions of heaven, in the sacred as surance from holy writ that "blessed .s the people that hath the Lord for he who poKes their God. It is a time for tory of our heart nient of our feel. .ways !or'.' ting. fer h in ' the a searching; inven s, and a reiuliust igs and actions to ourselves and our neighbors. If the !', e of Christ is to constrain us, this ;s the golden opportunity to sett'e all, : ghborhly d; if ere noes: forgive and forget ;il! animosities, bury forever; all personal grievances, and ill-will j 'Ae hold to any mortal being. Make' pe.,ce with our neighbors and with ' God. In other words, this is the oc- ' THE TOLL GATE BILL The News-Topic is printing, this week the full bill authorizing the re moval of the toll gate on the Ler.oir Blowing Eoek turnpike eight miles from the corporate limits of the town, as passed the special session of the legislature. This puts the toll gate a mile above Patterson. This legislation has given universal enjoy ment to the masses of the people at large, so far as it has been able to feel the public pulse. Of course the toll gate company is not pleased with the trend of affairs. It does iuuh. line retriDution. some years ago the company had legislation en acted conducive to their own desires, to move the gate closer to town, and use their own discretion in charging, and the people knew nothing about it, and it was not brought to light until here of late when the subject of set ting the gate further back was agi tated, and the promoters of the move found their hands were tied by an amendment to the laws governing the company, and which they knew nothing of. until it revealed itself in the late movement. The THE ELECTRIC ROAD' TO BLOWING ROCK . - Several Places and Counties Sitting Up and Taking Note of This Line ui 1 nest company has only taken a dose out of the spoon it used to feed the public, and should not take jt so seriously to heart. It's taking its own medicine. But here is the new act, which gives the public so much satisfaction, and will be such a forward move for Lenoir, and a weli-spring of tile .isutp to those over the roa heretofore hi road tax a- u lave to vistl Lenoir on which they have to pay toll, and the 11 .15. -ih.;. S. I',. An act to am, Public Local thousand n.ne i The General Ass,, !'. na do !:,,, ; Section 1. Thar Public Local I.au- v apter (Charlotte Observer) The general public- has known in a vague way that a project is on foot for establishment of an electric rail road from Charlotte to Blowing Rock it has been heretofore referred to as "from Mount Holly" to Blowing Rock but in the existing absence of details the people have been disposed to indifferent interest, rather than to a growing confidence. But with de velopment that the project is backed by a "going" company, the public will be inclined to prick up its ears. The working office of the company is located at Newton, and it is officered by .'. D. Elliott, president; W. T. Shipp. general manager; A. P. Rhine, first vice-president; Thos. H. Coffey, second vice-president; J. L. Cilley, treasurer, and Osborne Brown, secre tary. The capitalists organized into the enterprise are drawn: From Char lotte. A. Arthur Henderson, J. B. King. Jr., J. E. Crayton and A. I. Henderson; from Salisbury, J. D. Norwood; from Mount Holly, A. P. Rhyne, J. A. Costner and H. A. Rhvne; from Long Island, Osborne Brown; fro mXew'oa, W. B. Gaither, A. H. Crowell, Chas. A. Brady, A. B. Kuhn and W. T. Shipp; from Hick ory, G. X. Hutton, J. D. Elliott and J. L. Cilley; from Lenoir, J. H. Beall and T. 11. Broyhill; from Blowing Rock. T. II. Coffey, W. S. Alexander and W. H. Holshouscr. The person nel of the organization, which is known as the Blue Ridge Develop- I inen: Company, is the circumstance that will establish confidence in the ! minds of the people who know it. In dt ntal reference has been made sixtv-iwo iupaper icpoiis m leeent eeij, ;ion one 8 mmw&Mmm &frJ " SS3r5l5 5 Each item of business entrusted to us has our un divided attention until it is discharged to your entire satisfaction. We play no favorites because each friend and patron is the favorite while his affairs are under attention, his needs being met. We invite your business on the basis of your becom ing the most important customer we have. 1 LENOIft1jfCj I Qj W.J irNCIR.PKESIDCNT CH.HOPftlNS.vn"m& F T ALlf M. CASHIEB LF 3TINC, ASST. CASH. L A.OYSART, ASST. CASH. 1 NATIONAL! if lrod and eleven. !y of North Car- a op.e m iy nv rage n'ag 1 but we are irerier bv our worst actions i The dear young thing is always in nocent enough to strike the match for the man w:th nionev to burn. Some of th talking about wives at tile stove. ' men u ho ar keepim a wavs their dear in the cook- .on to lay all of our petty qaar- i ,s ami (luierences upon the ironing board of Faith, and w$h the electric iron of the loving Spirit smooth out all of the wrinkles in our hearts, and li t the love of God possess us to the fullest extent. Forgixe all wrongs uone you by those who would despite fully use you. Right the wrong- you have done others, and seek forg.ve- the end of sect: ter th Don't forget t put for your Chamber of ( ' a Joy to .-peak of it. ai is in it. n a goo, I wur mimerce. It's d the Joy that In tli Brother Allen is going to have Le noir singing sure enough, the first thing you know; and those who are eingimr wj;j know. ll ilh e-t no;r pir.t. the meeting. essmgs that n this frame (,f will be the great ever came to l.e- chapt'.T sixty-two, of North Carolnia, one thousand nine hundred I'M eleven, he am. -tided bv .nl.lino- nt three of said ohnn- follow.ng: "The sa.d company shall not he al lowed to ii' '"ita,n iinv toll ,.,t , thereon nearer than eight miles from ! the corporate limits of the town of ; Lenoir, nor shall it increase its tolls over those charged at present." hat this act shall be in iiml after its rntiKen'inn n the General Assemhlv ro.,,1 t. mi's and ratified this o.;m August. 1HJ0. LINDSAY C. WARREN, Pro Temi ore I'resnlent of the Senate. G. BRCMMITT. House of Represent- ! :1 progress toward trie mountain hie.: ve of the surveying corps, but lie l.ite-t report of the general miiti i r to the stockholders of the com . w.l! give a clearer idea of the , . oinplishments so far of record. In inking note of "satisfactory" prog ess General Manager Shipp says that wh :c we have not boon able to push -anov and outdoor work to the Sec. 2. '1 force from t Ill.e- on in three . Some people separate because of misunderstandings, but the greater majority because they understand j each other too thoroughly. 'ition with Gypsy Smith, the smaller of the UTeat Gvpsv preacher, us; about us: and we'll be dingbhsted if he is not getting into us. There may have been doubt a few years ago how half the world bved, but the fellow who can tell how any ody lives these days is a wondr. The toll gate has been told to move back, and give freedom to Caldwell citizens. Coming to Lenoir thev will move at a gait not before known for some time. The Germans are said to have dis covered a substitute for coal. They are great on the "sub" business and it should hi if there are examined close iy to see I l'u no submarines under it. i wh THE SPIRIT 01- Al"TI".M Spring is the season of budding hopes and glowing promise, au'umn the time of substantial achievement. The farmer and gardener rejoices in generous rewards of his toil. Nature celebrates by her most glowing col i . Mankind enjoys the luscious I roducts which the bounty of the creator provided. Some imaginative people seem to feel the melancholy of falling leaves and decay of vegetation. But more hopeful natures think of crackling tires and bins full of fruits and vege tables. Also the return of cool weath er brings a tonic into the air. Where you idled away the soft days of April with the languor of spring ftver, September spurs you on with her energy and tells you to go out into world and do something worth e. The noise you heard last Monday j was the opening of the schools over the State the jewels strik'ng a tintinnabulation of joy in their wend ings schoolward. Some persons are fearful that the country will be over-run with auto mobiles. How can this be when they are stealing them all over the coun try, judging from the thefts reported in the papers. The way to stop the selling of doubtful stocks in North Carolina is not to license them to sell. The way to stop a mad dog from running over the country is to cut his tail off right behind his ears. Gypsy Smith is very much of a Daily Record, is a very discerning is no doubt about it he is digging close about the hearts of his hearers. Fallowing the soil for good seed-sowing. Col. Sam Farabee, of the Hickory Daily Record, is a very dicserning man. He knows a good thing when he sees it. We appreciate the kindly mention he was pleased to make of the Chamber of Commerce edition of the News-Topic. Such sincere words are encouraging. WOMEN LEAVING FARM LIFE The people who are forsaking the country towns are not all farm hands lured in by factory wages and city excitements. A lot of them are young women who are sick of churning, carrying water in homes where there is no running supply, doing the whole fam ily washing, also helping the men in the fields doing harvesting. Picking a typewriter looks easier to them. But after they have paid high city board they usually realize they are worse off. We want to keep all our girls in Lenoir and Caldwell county, and the only way to do it is to put in modern improvements. They save human en ergy, which is worth more than the improvements cost. Sneaker of the at;v es. am Examine R. 1). SISK. For Committee found correct; METHODIST PAPER IS TO HAVE NEW EDITORS Rev. L. S. Massey, editor, and Rev. H. M. Blair, associate editor and business manager of the North Caro lina ( hristian Advocate, have ten dered their resignations to the Meth odist Board of Publication, Inc., ac cord to Thos. C. Hovle, secretary of the board. They are leaving' the newspaper work of the church in or der to get back to the active min istry, it is said. FOR SALE, QUICK One male calf, three-quarter Holstein and one quarter Jersey; 4 weeks old. Le noir Dairy. "O-L'p PRODUCING A NEW GAS FROM FIELD STRAW Gas which possesses explosive dual ities sufficient to drive an automobile and which may be used for purposes of illumination is being produced at the Arlington, Va., experimental farm for the department of agricul ture from the destructive distillation of ordinary field straw. In making this announcement experts of the de partment added that "the possibili ties of a straw bas are not vet fully determined." People from all parts of this coun ty, and from the neighboring coun ties, are coming to Lenoir for the next three weeks to hear great preaching. Every one is warmly wel come. Lenoir will give them the best of everything she has, and may. it be a pentecostal time. There is preaching in Lenoir today a noted preacher from a distinct race of people two millions of them to which the Christian churches have never sent a missionary or the gospel, and they have been living right here among the American people, and other nations. "Something good can come out of Nazareth after all' Lenoir can acquire a splendid choir when her people come together in unity and harmony. , There are some TWO SPOTS While the city sports are getting smashed up racing automobiles the country folks are having traotor and plowing contests to see which can do the most work. The old-time farmer was supposed to rise early and go to market, but it's no use now, as you can't sell anything to people while they are still in bed. It does not necessarily follow that the country crowd1 will vote for the best hand-shaker at the cattle shows. THEY CAN SING, TOO, LET ME TELL YOU , The colored peop'e are given-one corner of the tent a G ypsy Smith meetingsj and they eginning to come in large number In the sing ing they are called up ; quite fre quently to sing some special hymn by themselves. Well, sir, they Just open their mouths and let it roll out They can sing, too, believe me. , . Thirty-four million immigrants have entered the United States in the past century. In the same time the population of the country has in creased $97,000,000. Blood will tell, and the chap who gets drunk on a dried-grape extract shows his raisin. THE MARES AND HORSES have arrived and will be sold Saturday, Sept. 11th, regardless of price. UNIVERSAL THEATRE PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 13th TO 18th MONDAY "Burnt Wingi" Frank Mayo TUESDAY "The Hell Ship" Madaline Traverte WEDNESDAY "Broadway Cowboy" William Desmond THURSDAY "The Vanishing Dagger" No. 13 Eddie Polo "Summer Girls" Mack Sennett Comedy "Toy Makers" Mutt and Jeff Fox News 'No. 82 Matinee 3:30 p.m. s FRIDAY 'The Cyclone" Tom Mix : extent for the last few days ount of weather conditions, we made progress in other ways. t e our engineers a chance to work up their field notes and get them in shape for making a final ! ovi ii ate of our work for making up i map-, profile, blue prints, etc., all I of winch have to be done. While the weather was good we pushed the out j door work and left this part of the work for just such a time as this." It is developed that profiles and j map- for HO miles of the railroad hai- been finished and that contracts I have been signed for a considerable I mileage in rights of wav. Speaking of one item in the prospective devel opment of business, the genera! man ager says: "We have listed the in coming and outgoing freights of Le noir, Hickory and intermediate points and find it reaching well up into the hundreds of millions of pounds an nually. We have secured the assur ances that our electric railroad will get a very substantial and satisfac tory patronage from the business houses and manufacturing plants of Lenoir Hudson, Granite Falls and Hickory, and it is predicted that pas senger traffic which our line will get from these points will be something enormous." To quote further data of the kind might throw this article into classi fication as advertising propaganda, and we would want to write in avoid ance of that. But it is a fact that interest in the project h is not been confined to the People along the ter ritory of the line. The commercial interests of the surrounding sections have 'been taking note and there is evidence that Jefferson and North Wilkesboro in particular, and Tay lorsville and other towns within the "drainage area," are anxious and waiting to take a hand in the enter prise. They want the project ex tended so as to carry the line on to Jefferson, thence back to North Wilkesboro, to Taylorsville, thence to some convenient connecting point on the parent line. There is wisdom back of the proposition, the argu ment being that with the extensions suggested the Blue Ridge Develop ment Company's line would touch terminal of four steam railroads the Norfolk & Western at Jefferson, the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley at North Wilkesboro; the Taylorsville and Charlotte branch of the Southern at Taylorsville, and the narrow gauge from Johnson City, Tenn., at Boone, picking up and concentrating the freight from all these points (an un developed territory and a transpor tation standpoint) at Charlotte, where it would come in contact with the main line of the Southern and the Seaboard Air Line railroads.' It will be seen that there are tre mendous possibilities in store for the electric line which is being projected for Blowing Rock from the freight ing standpoint, alone. Its benefits to the passenger traffic, great as they would be, are of secondary consider ation. The opening up of these moun tain sections to the travel of the out side world develops a prospect of de lightful, contemplation. The Observer has established sufficient faith in the ultimate accomplishment of the com pany that it writes in assured safety from having aroused false hopes in this instance. -i SATURDAY "The Silent Avenger" No. 15 .,: "A Mori Hero";, ' Century Comedy Fox Nwt No. 83 ' ' Matinee 2 P. M. ' ISN'T IT DELICIOUS! FIRST WOMAN MAGISTRATE Union county boasts of the dis tinction of having the first woman magistrate in North Carolina, Mrs. Julian Griffin having been commis sioned last Friday by Clerk of the Court R. W. Lemmond of Monroe. .' ! - .j,- V. . J ' ,The more"xne reflects concerning the Antwerp games the easier ;t is to understand how Finland licked Russia. THE MARES AND HORSES have . arrived and will be sold Saturday, Sept, 11th, regardless of price. You hear this exclamation on everyone's lips when you use our table delicacies for that luncheon or dinner dessert. The failure or success of a wonderful meal often depends upon the after-course that you use. You can find excellent suggestions for the dessert course in our store and we will gladly assist you in your selection. ERANNON'S Phone 164 K5ZbcBSZSSSiESBSZ5Z53Z5HSSSZSZSZS5H5HSBSHSZ5HS2S25H5E5HSE5HSSSZSZ5ES EAT MORE BREAD You can BEAT a Drum You can BEAT a ride But yoa can't BEAT HICKORY STEAM-BAKED BREAD It's GOOD as the BEST and BETTER than the REST. We receive it. fresh every day, and we will be glad to have your standing ORDER We now carry FLEISCHMAN'S YEAST receiving it fresh Tuesdays and Fridays. Let us fur nish you with yeast, and all of (your Fancy Groceries, Feeds and Produce PEOPLES' SUPPLY (Pay Cash Cash Pays) Phone 19 SPECIAL NOTICE In order that all may try PIKE'S LIVER, KIDNEY AND STOMACH REMEDY, for a short time only we will sell the Dollar Bottle for 75c. Bring in, your coupons now. If you have none you can get them at the Druggist's. We want all to try this remedy. Fine for Rheumatism, Female and Stomach Trouble, as ittleanses the system. It will give you Health and Strength'. SPECIAL 3ALE NOW ON v BALLEWS CASH PHARMACY " LENOIR, N. C. Want Ads. Help Build Business 10 a m

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