- - . . - if -'''');. LENOIR, N. a - - OTTTT'TirTT7T O IftOft Page Eight LENOIR NEWS-TOF1U, TUUlCSUAi, ikmdlm. v, x-v - -- ' 7 - v AMv.r W A. Rplf at Hickorr! ..---"- : "7 man's Barents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas neighbor, Mr. J. i. i?usn n p i " i . i a- t it inn a in me neiL ic I r-vair . I I II I1IUTC - wt fV T L'TI'CP ROY 1 ' collettsviIle Our protracted meeting closed here Tuesday night There were five ad ditions to the Church and a good many professions. . ,. , Dr Lovett spent Tuesday mRht at Mr. J. T. Hayes'. He has improved verv much in heaitn. Mrs Texie Wilson of Manhattan, Kan.r'visited at Mr. Horace Crags Tuesday night. vwnn Mr. Reece Crisp went to K.nston Fridav to teach school. Mr Horace Tolbert went to Lenoir Monday to go to school . Dr White passed here last Tuesday en route to see Mrs. Ed Rader, who w hi very sick, but she is m- Pr?Yin--. , ,. irn(nn visited at Mr. utieu v-ootv .i - k" . , t iar Tuesday night. ir i. uiccu o - T ' Mrs. Vera Gragg went to Lenoir Saturday on business. Wednesday night shrdlup shrdu pup Mrs. Roby Hayes and children spent Wednesday night at her un cle's Mr. J. T. Hayes, en route to . U.i.Lr Va. Invitations have been received at this place announcing me mom--of Mr. Wilson Bryan Coffey son of Dr and Mrs. R. C. Coffey of Port land, Ore., to Miss Marjone Camp bell, also ot roruanu. Mr. Hub Moore and Mr. 1. O. Green of this place have gone to Steele Creek to work in the lumber bUMre5 T Sudderth and two of his prandchildren went to Watauga last Thursday to visit his term Sudderth, and his B"1"1"" V'r ited their grandfather. Mr. Allen Al len Green, and other relatives. Miss Marv Tilley visited her home at Granite Falls the last of the week Mrs. Harriet Green ana cmmic visited at Mr. Tom Moore s on Mul berry Sunday. . . , ,, Mr. Johnnie Franklin of Ashville returned home Saturday. Ho had been visiting his sister for two weeks or more. , , Miss Clauson of atauga has been visiting friends here for the past week. . . Mr Will McGowan of Lenoir spent Thursday night at Mr. Walter Spen- cer's. ... Mr .Felix Grisett and his mother, Mrs. Mary Grisett, went to Asheville last -Saturday on a visit. Deputies Rhodes and Tolbert cap turned a still beyond Mulberry to wards Lenoir last week. The school here is improving ev ery day. There is now an enrollment of 120. i- T F riarV loaded' Bis-lent and went to Hickory to sell lunches at the show Tuesday. He is going from there to Newton to attend the old soldiers' reunion. left last week for Mars Hill, wher ehe will attend school this year. KING'S CREEK We are having a little sunshine along with the rain now, and it looks good. There will be an old-time singing here he third Sunday in this month. Songs will be taken from "Christian Harmony" and "Favorite Song. Lv erybody please come and bring your books and enjoy the day singing these old songs. . . 7 Mr and Mrs. Smith f erguson spent the dav at Mr. Green Barlow s last Sunday. ... Mr. Carl Andrews has gone to V ir ginia to take possession of the home he bought there. The family wih go as soon as possible. Mr. Green Bar low went with him to see the coun try and will possibly locate there in The association at Hollow Spring last Sunday seemed to be weh at tended, judging by the cars, wagons and buggies that went that way. What has become of our Ruf us cor- ).. Has it rained him out: Misses Mae and Allie Oxford spent the day with Miss Viola Brookshire last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Malone Ferguson were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tol bert at Little Kiver last Saturday and Sunday. iriail la see so manv veople enjoying the new road, and we are looking' forward with much pleasure to its completion. rri n.;il Ka an iii rrp&m and DOX lucre " , supper at New Collier's church next , '.vi r:-i. V.;r Knrps. Saturday mguu vmis, ,- and boys "fat pocketbooks. Proceeds to go to the church. ROUTE FOUR Mrs. R. L. Lefevre of Fireco, v. Va' is visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lefevre. f- An,)u Rowman. who has oeen confined to his room for the past few weeks and his condition is still un changed. , . 1 R M. Bowman has returned to Parlers, S. C, where he has a large Funeral services for the late kod ert Lee Lefevre, son of Mr. and Mrs. J T Lefevre, who was killed in the mines at Fireco, W. Va., July 26 wil be preached at Oakwood Sept. II at 1 1 Rpv. Mr. Armentrout ol Lenoir will conduct the services. Miss Wren Prestwood, who spent her vacation with her parents, na re turned to Morganion to resume un duties as a nurse. ui insriN Friend, of Mr. G. H. Messick will be sorrv to learn that he is danger oi iii ar his home in Gastonia. Till recently Mr. Messick Was ma chinist at the Hudson cotton mill. Mrs Frank F. Smith visited in Lincolnton the first part of this week. Work was commenced on J. W. Hickman's new residence this week. Quite a crowd went to Hickory Tuesday to see Sparks' circus. Mr. P. M. Throneburg, who went to Hot Springs some time ago for i .,t,.,v i much imDroved, ac- ucaumti, , - . , cording to a letter received here by his family. Mr. John Crump came up from Gastonia last week and will work on J. W. Hickman's house. The Dixie Book Club will give a pie partv and box supper next Sat urday evening at the graded school building, the proceeds to go to the Dixie library. GRANITE FALLS "College night" was observed by the Granite Falls Methodist church Sunday night, Sept. 5, when about 300 people enjoyed the following program : Song by college students, Awak ening Chorus." Praver bv the pastor. Welcome address, K.stelle Warlick. College songs, Trinity, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Col lege for Women, and Meredith. College Spirit, D. S. Walker. The Y. W. C. A., Nina Hickman. Reading, Mattie Lou Russell. Quartette, Allen, Walker, Russell and Warlick. College Athletics, Ivey Cline Student Government, Ruth I illy. College songs, North Carolina for Women, Vanderbilt, Davenport Workinir One's Way Through Col lege, Prof. Andrews. The purpose of the above program was to inspire the young people to go to college. The program was ren dered in a most commendable and in teresting way. Each student proved the effects of college training in the preparation and delivery of his and her speeches. Even their own par ents were surprised tnai uiey iuuiu speak like that." The audience responded to a lues tionnaire with the following results: How many here have attended any college? Answer, 43. How many would like to attend some college? Answer, 41. YkrUr,t ..nllotrp is vour oreference : Davenport, 5; Rutherford, 5; Greens boro College, 5; University of North Carolina, 7; Trinity, 10; North Car olina College for Women, 3; ten of the 41 indicated that they had not de cided upon any particular college. At the close of the program a so cial hour was enjoyed in one of the Sunday school rooms, when light re freshments were served. BUSHVILLE Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Clore of Lenoir visited Mrs. Cloer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bush, Sunday. Mr. G. C. Bush had the m sfor tune to lose a barn of tobacco by fire last evening. It is supposed the tire was caused by a defective flue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberson were the guests of Mrs. W. D. Sigmon last Sunday. We regret to learn tnac our gouu TAYLORS VILLE Miss Leora Corrin of Canon '"ity, Col., and Mr. Elisha Rogers of Lum bert'on were married Saturday- in Charlotte. Mr. Rogers met Miss Corrin in Charlotte Saturday and they were immediately married. They are spending their honeymoon in Al exander with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rogers. This romance started while Mr. Rogers was at work in Florida and Miss Lor rin was spending the winter there about five years ago. Mrs. Rogers was accompanied by her brother, who will spend some time in this state. m; Father Stanburv of Boone spent the week end here with Miss Sue Campbell. Miss Stanbury was on her way to Louisburg College, where she will teach music this com ing term. , ,. Messrs. George Watts, Ned Watts and Roy Carson left Thursday for the University of Tennessee, where thev will enter school. Mr. ar.d Mrs. G. C. Teague are vicjting relatives and friends in Vir ginia. Mr. Augustus Adams is much betr ter at this writing. Miss Verda Watts of Purlear spent last week with her brother, Mr. J. L. Watts. m-, T r AlsnauB-h and children and Miss Willie Lowrance are visit ing relatives in Petersburg, Va. "We enjoyed reading the News Topic just fine the past week. et us hear again from Lenoir. u- T r Watts of Kannapolis is spending a while here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnes, and also numerous other relatives and friends. Mr. Dock Pennell of Washington, D. C, spent several days recently in the country with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Penhell. W A. Rplf ot Hickorr f the rnnrt house d urine RIU recesalMtmday.L Sept 20- Mr. A. Hi. v atis, aiisses cue vaiujr bell, Emo Alspaugh and Grace Teague, Lon Belle and Beatrice Watts left Monday for a two days' Rlnwinc Rock. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Carson and lit tle son, William uarneia, leave ior Acrrionahnrtr. Kan., nfext Monday, where Mr. Carson is stationed in the army. THOUSANDS OF BUSHELS OF POTATOES GOINU TO waj i Twontv-tbrp thousand dollars worht of Irish potatoes are rotting on boats at New Bern and are to be taken to a point down Neuse river and dumped overboard, while at the same time New Bern residents and millions of other people throughout the length and breadth of the land are paying all the way from five to eight dollars a barrel for potatoes. Tho nntatnps are loaded On two barges of a flock of three which came infn nni-t etivprftl daVS a?0. The cargo was taken on board at Norfolk, Va., consigned to Havana, Cuba, where they were to be sold at a price of 031 a barrel. Off Beaufort the boats were ordered by wireless to seek port, trouble having developed in connection with their papers, and they went into harbor there, later being towed to New Bern. Electric tight and Power For the Farm "it's wondmrfut hardly a oana TAR HEEL WOMEN VOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME Women voted for the first time in North Carolina Saturday in the Ca barrus county Democratic primary for county officers. While the notice of the women's qualifications as vot ers under the nineteenth amendment was shot, 200 or more voted in the town of Concord. MOVED! We have moved our cafe to the Mil ler building, known as the Icard place, back of the Lenoir Graded School building. Meals and luncnes served any hour, day or night. Fur nished rooms. HART & STEIN Install the Celebrated Silent Electric Light nd Power Plant Selecting an electric light and power plant is a serious proposition. You should know how to do it wisely. You know, for instance, that the engine is the most vital part of any plant and that severe vibration which racks the engine to pieces is a menace always to be avoided. No Vibration No Noise The Silent Alamo has a noiseless sleeve valve motor. It is the moat efficient and quietest running type of motor ever built In addition, there is no dangerous vibration in the Silent Alamo. Thus the erh ciency of the motor is maintained, and steady, reliable service assured. See a demonstration of this remarkable plant now. Learn for yourself why it is preferred everywhere. If you cannot come in today, 'phone or write for a representative. SERVICE GARAGE Granite Falls, N. C 1 High School Books We will have them all in stock within the next few days. a 7i i - lips MONT VIEW We are having plenty of rain. The ground hardly gets dry enough to plow. Some corn is rotting in the fields. Miss Betty Craig attended the Primitive Baptist association at Hol- 1 Cn.;nrn nVllirr-Vl lHt Wetk. Miss Edna Justice, who has been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jus-i:- mn timo rpturned to her lice 8 1U1 aimit w..., home at Bridgewater Monday, bne was accompanied Dy mr. ia. - uce anu luiaa nuuio Messrs. Haywood Summerrow and Bartley Parsons spenc pan, oi mc 1. t XTnolcrllla ween ui ncoioimv. Mr. Jessie Justice left Tuesday r nrhnro he has a Dosition. Messrs. George and Vance Craig viBii.eu in mm ..". . -- Miss Ethel Clark is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. J. Clark, in Lenoir mis ween. , , Mr. Lee Craig spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. Laura Mr! Russell Triplett is planning to go west Friday to a neaitn resorv. la 6V,,,6 vv - zona. He will be accompanied by his son and his son's wne, u n nrDUA Tinlott nf ftrnite Falls. Mr. J. J. Clark of Lenoir is spend ing a few days tnis weeK nere suuu b.T lnt -nce ' Mrs. Elisha Craig returned last week from 8 visit to her daughter, Mrs W. F. Jaynes, near Hurlock, Md. She was met there by her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney r-.' t PannovlvATlill : Mr.; Joe Clark and daughter of ' , . MnA witll Mr jNewton spent mc fry j if.. T M rlorlr -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ismian of Mount Holly are visiting Mrs. as- mm ma i n e doo igsasaszsHSgsBsasgszszsBSHsaBsasBssasasasEsasasasas m -Si IN IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declare! That if Mere Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be &pared Much Sickness and Worry. f..,ct I possWJ to Mm T..I kCnaal hiWli r HI The Certain-teed Guarantee as a Basis for Estimating Roofing Cost The Certain-teed guarantee provides a basis for estimat ing the approximate cost per year of, your new root. Certain-teed Roofing, Number 3. Heavy, is guaranteed for fifteen years. It usually lasts longer. Taking fifteen years r3 the assured life end dividing the 1 ,r rrn.tH no eomDared to most rj-USUELV 1UV LUll 11 , . . modern types cf roofaifj, by this figure, you readily see how economical Certain-teed h. Th light and medium weights cf Certain-teed are also guaranteed, five years for the former and ten years for the latter. In eddition to its durability, Certaln-tced is weather-proof, fire-retarding and spark-proof. And it costs less to buy, less to lay and less to maintain than any other type of good roofing. See a Certain-teed dealer about roofing. If he hasnt enoueh of the weight you want in stock he can quickly more from a nearby Certain-teed warehouse or distributing center. Navasota, Texas. Mrs. W. M. Peden, j ofthUplace.relatesthefollowinginterest- ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized flat she was actually losing her health: "Health is the; greatest thing in the nrM and when vou feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did nm lime aoa when 1 found myself in a ran-dowH condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly goatalL- i ia incf no kecount for work. would get a bucket of water and would feet so weak 1 would have to set it down Mntt t felt likftl could lift it to the sneu In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a tasic aimosi w cossible to accomplish. ' MI was . . . nervous and easily upset Certairteed Products Corporation General Office, Jt. Loun OfHcw ad Wrhoue la Princip.1 Citio. t couldn't rest well at night and was . lust lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent tot caram and began it . "In a very snort while alter i oegan mo Cardui Home Treatment 1 saw an Im provement and it wasn't long until 1 was all right good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so max i easuy wj housework. "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a fnnle. I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for if more women knew, It would Save a great deal 01 worry m sickness."-;" 'v. fO I 'V y- The enthusiastic nralse ol thousands ol nib wnnvn whn havfi found Cardui VU1M w------ -. helpful should convince you that It is worth trying.' An aruggistsseu n. , "tWll- PAINT VARNISH ROOFINO & RELATED BUILPTn PRODUCTS FOR SALE BY fro 1. . irJl ilemiiai'dt Co, Wholesale and Retail Hardware and Furniture