LENOIR, N. C. LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1920 Page Nine L. I FARMS FOR SALE . 410 ACRES, lies well, red and dark gray fertile land with clay sub soil; 5 tenant houses, 5 and 4 rooms; good berns; good state of cultivation. Will rent for 13 or 14 bales readilytwo miles of city limits; fine drinking water and branches; no swamps. 13,000; one-half terms. 202 acres hVi miles of a railroad twon; gray land; 5-room house; healthy section; one mile from school; good farm; fine crop on it now. $3,000. All of above are bargains. L. W. Smith, Talbottom, Ga. 49-5 FIFTY-FIVE ACRES, located near the city of Raleigh, on good high way; fine tobacco soil, 36 acres in good state of cultivation, balance in good growth of woodland; small 4-room house; for sale on easy terms. Raleigh Real Estate & , Trust C, Raleigh, N. C. 46-5 OHIO FARMS FOR SALE In the Blue Grass section of this State. Fif teen to twenty-five miles from Cin cinnati; good pike roads, good markets, good schools, good water, good farming section for grain and livestock. For further information write or see J. R. Gragg, Amelia, Clermont County, Ohio. 31-26 VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE : Choice farms at very low price on easy terms. . Write or call for our new list. Bailey & Johnson, Suf folk, Va. 44-7 WANTED WANTED Lady or gentleman agent in the city of Lenoir for Watkins Famous Products. Known every where. Big profits. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 56 New York City. 50-4 WANTED False teeth; we pay high as $6 for full sets; mail; don't mat ter if broken. Western Metal Co., Bloomington, 111. 50-1 WANTED Second-hand show case. J. B. Craven, Davenport College. 50-1 WANTED Lady interested in church or child welfare work. Ex cellent salary guranateed. Address News-Topic. 50-1 PEACH SEED 5,000 bushels want ed at once! Big price! Will send check some dav seed received. Less than 200 pounds express; over, by freight. Whitener & Martin, Hickory, N. C. 49-4 WANTED Four young women, 20 to 30 years, as attendants. Good salary; pleasant living conditions. Caswell Training School, Kinston, N. C. 48-5 FOR SALE Farm of 103 acres lo cated in Dinwiddle county, Vir ginia, on National highway; one mile depot, school, church and postoffice; R. F. D. also. Six-room dwelling in fine condition; good tenant house; foar tobacco barns, stable and other necessary out buildings. Good water; very good orchard. Price $80 per acre; $2,000 cash, balance 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. 65-acre farm; 4-room cottage, new; two tobacco barns; fine orchard; one-half mile school on graded pike road; good neighbors; 40 acres clear; two springs; fine pasture; plenty wood. Price $4,000; terms $1,000 cash, balance 1, 2, 3, 4 years. Apply Piedmont Realty Company, Church Road, Va, 48-3 HIDES WANTED Highest market price paid for hides. See Joe Pow ell or Joe Price. Caldwell Tanning Company. 47-tf WANTED Veal calves. Highest market prices paid. O. W. Cloer, Hudson, N. C. 47-10 NEW 54-PAGE FARM CATALOGUE just out farms all classes, north ern Virginia bluegrass section, near the national capital. Mailed on request. Buell Farm Agency, Herndon, Va. 44-10 HAVE YOU A HOUSE OR FARM to rent? Advertise it here and find you a renter. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh li a local disease greatly lnflu need by constitutional condition!. It therefore requires constitutional treat' RMnt. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB Is taken Internally and acta through tin Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tern. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature Ir doing Its work. 1100.00 for any case ol Catarrh that HALLtS CATARRH MEDICINB falls to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. BABE RUTH BREAKS ALL HOME - RUN RECORDS When Babe Ruth knocked his 46th home run of the season he broke all known world's records for circuit drives in a single season. Ruth last season broke "Buck" Freeman's ma por league record of 25 home runs in a season by driving out 27. Tni?, however, was not tt world's record, for Perry Werden, playing with Min neapolis, then in the Western league, made 45 four-base hits in 1895. Most of his home runs were made in the Minneapolis park, however, which had very close right and left field fences. He very seldom drove the ball over the fence on foreign fields. In 1901 Catcher Roth of the Evansville Central league club made 36 home runs. - Ruth this year has mdae at least one home run in every ball park in the American league, although he has, of course, made more in New York than in any other city. Sll FOR SALE FOR SALE 12,000 pounds baled hay. timothy and red top mixed with wild grass; $2.00 per hundreds at my barn. M. K. Thompson, 1 ft miles east of Lenoir on Route 2. 50-3 FOR SALE Write for my new free price list of Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana farms. Remember I can suit you in any size, price or loca tion desired. Visit our country while the crops are on; see our corn, tobacco, alfalfa, clover and blue grass. Roby L. Johnson, Main office, Somerset, Ky. 50-4 FOR SALE Nice pair 2 Vi -year-old mule colts. Write, phone or see T. E. Rash, Saw Mills.- 50-3 FOR SALE Fresh Jersev milk cow. Albert Miller, Lenoir, R. 5. 50-3 FOR SALE Second-hand Ford tour ing car in good running condition. See Archie Kent. 50-lp FOR SALE Seven-room house, in good conditions, with two lots ad joining; several outhouses also in good conditions; located in west ern part of town, near shops. J. C. Prestwood. 49-3 FOR SALE Ine No. 12 Chattanooga cane mill, one one-horse, buggy and harness; one wagon sheet and set of bows; all in good shape. Z. M. Wilson, Route 2. 47-p FOR SALE Ford, stripped down, with racer body. Motor and com plete car is in good condition. See Wade McGowan at Lenoir Hard ware Store. 48-3 FOR SALE A good 40-acre farm; practically level; 3-room house, other outbuildings; fine orchard; several thousand feet of merchant able timber; one-quarter mile to the graded school; 200 yards to Baptist church; on the road from Lenoir to Connelly Springs. Ad dress Box 84, R. F. D. No. 2, Gran ite Falls, N. C. 4-3 HORSE, wagon and harness, and Smith Form-a-Truck for sale. Le noir Feed Store. 48-tf FOR SALE In South Georgia 2,510 acres of land and timber in fee simple, mile and half to good town, main line of Southern railroad runs through middle of tract; will cut 2,000 feet of lumber or cross ties per acre; three-fourths of land high and can be cultivated without drainage; all for $10 per acre; terms. Write Howard Ashburn, Moultrie, Ga. 47-5 CLOTHING SOLD on weekly pay ments at W. F. Wakefield's. 46tf FOR SALE Several small farms and homes in Pamlio county, in and near Alliance, Bayboro, -Stonewall and Oriental. Also several ' small farms and one large farm in Princess Anne county, four miles out from Norfolk on concrete road. For prices and terms see Rawls & Tingle, Alliance, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., care Fairfax Hotel. 46-5 FOR SALE Team of good draft horses, wagon and harness. Lenoir Mirror Co. . 25-tf FOR SALE High grade Holstein calves; 2 weeks old; weigh around 100 pounds; delivered your station $30. Maplewood Stock Farm, R. F. D. No. 4,. Richmond, Va. 41-10 FOR SALE -Fresh Jersey milk cow. See L. Kincaid at farm. F. B. Mitchell. 40tf REGISTERED Hampshire Boar for service. See J. R. McNairy. 37-tf $100 REWARD Will be paid if we cannot duplicate any lens, regardless of who made the original or who wrote the pre scription. Mail either to Box 415, Lenoir, N. C, or Box 591, Charlotte, N. C. We grind lenses. DR. ALFRED W. DULA GASOLINE ENGINE for sale; 10 horsepower and in good running fix. Price-Cline Harness and Tanning Co. 2-tf The Canadian Pacific railroad is planning to convert waste flax straw to paper pulp. Staircases were not used in dwell ings until the middle ages. INVENTIVE GENIUS ROBS CALOMEL OF NAUSEA AND DANGER Doctors' Iavorite Medicine Now Purified and Refined from All Objectionable Effects. "Calo- tabs" the New Name. What will human Ingenuity do next? Smokeless powder, wireless telegraphy, horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste less quinine, now comes nausealess calo mel. The new improvement called "Calo tabs" is now on sale at drugstores. For biliousness, constipation and indi gestion the new calomel tablet is a prac tically perfect remedy, as evidenced by the fact that the manufacturers have au thorized all druggists to refund the price If the custor is not "perfectly delighted" with Calota One tablet at bedtime with a swallow o. rater that's all. No taste, no nausea, m rriping, no salts. By morn ing your livei 's thoroughly cleansed and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appe tite. Eat what you. please no danger go about your business. Calotab are not sold in bulk. Oct an original package, sealed. Price, thirty 4ve cents. (adv.) . :: ... : . MISCELLANEOUS BELTING 18,000 feet high grade new leather belting in all of the principal sizes, single and double. 32,000 feet leather belting that was used some but re-made in our own factory; 7,000 feet new and 5,000 feet of used rubber belting; 2,500 feet -2-inch, 4-ply new high I grade water hose and some 2Vi, lft, 14 and -inch hose. Large number pressed steel and wood pul leys, hangers, etc. Large quantity of rubber hose. Most of the above released to us by the government, j Send us your inquiries. Our prices 1 are so reasonable that you can save heavily in your purchases. Men tion this paper. Atlantic Manu facturing Co., Wilmington, Dela ware. 50-5 SEE US and get MASCOT limestone ! direct from the car. Millers'. 1 FOR RENT To gentleman, furnish- j ed room, close to center of town. Apply Box 415. , 49-3 j PUREBRED BERKSHIRE PIGS $8.90, 8 weeks old; registered, 9.90. Good breeding; thrifty. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Hollywood Farm, Pores Knob, N. C. 49-3 CAR International Fertilizer just ar rived. Get it now; it may not be here when you need it. A. V. & W. A. Miller. 49-1 GET YOUR MEALS at Hart & Stine's Cafe. Meals at all hours, day or night. Same old stand on Mulberry street. 47-tf FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES see W. F. Wakefield. 46tf FOOT REST HOSIERY Try a pair for longer wear. For sale only at W. F. Wakefield's. 46tf FOR THE BEST work clothing at reasonable prices see W. F, Wake field. 46tf LEARN AT HOME or school, Short hand, Bookkeeping on credit. Posi tions guaranteed. Edwards Col lege, High Point and Winston, N. C. 46-15 WHEN YOU WANT all-leather shoes see W. F. Wakefield. 46-tf WANTED Man with team or auto who can give bond to sell 187 Wat kins home and farm products. Big gest concern of kind in the world. $1,500 to $5,000 yearly income. Territory in thi3 county open. Write today to J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 116, Winona, Minn. 45-5 LOST Black leather pocketbook containing between $9 and $10 and some other articles. Finder will please return to News-Topic office and receive reward. 48-3 CRIMSON CLOVER SEED for sale at Miller's Feed Store, from one of the best companies in the South. Seed should be sown not later than Sept. 15th to get a stand. 48-3p FOUND Soldier's coat. Owner can get same by giving description at this office. 48-3 ROOMS TO RENT Parties without children. P. O. Box 353. 48-tf LOST Pair of glasses in A. W. Dula case, between Wilson Lumber Co. and Fairfield on Ridge St. Reward will be paid to finder if returned to News-Topic office. 48-3 ERING YOUR CHICKENS, butter, eggs and veal calves to Cloer's Market, Phone 139. We pay the highest market price in cash. 48-3 A BIG LINE of men's and boys' hats and caps at W. F. Wakefield's 46tf LITTLE GIANT BRICK MACHINE The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a home. Make your own brick in your back yard at less cost than clay brick. Concrete brick will last until judg ment day. Just sand and cement. We will show you one working any day. Call on or write me. A. A. Blackwelder, Agent, Lenoir, N. C. 41-tf A NICE LINE of medium price jew elry at W. F. Wakefield's. 46tf A MAIDEN OF 22, worth $40,000, wishes to hear from refined gen tlemen from 21 to 60. Write Miss Dorothy, J. 1817 Hubbard St., Jacksonville, i?la., care Mrs. rnu lips. 41-14 WHEN you want the best goods at lowest prices see W. F. Wakefield 46tf GIVE ME yosr order now for your new fall suit and save money. W. F. Wakefield. 46tf BENNIE SPRINGFIELD tireg and tubes for sale in Lenoir only at W. F. Wakefield's. 46tf A NEW LOT of Remnant Rolls this week at W. F. Wakefield's. 46tf NONET BACK without question If Hunt's Salve hilt in the treatment of Ecseau, Tetter.Rinnrorm.ltch.etc. Don't become discounted because other treatments failed. Hunt'aSalTa . sum relieved hundreds of such ' esses. You can't lose on out " Mono Bmek Guaranfe. Try It at our risk TODAY Price 7 V oreelelics'lr BalUw's Cash Pharmacy Although the thistle la the national emblem of Scotland,- no particular variety is specified. , , ma 5m T IF YOUR niiys m baulk Txtt tableepoonAl of Baits If BmIc harts or Bladder bother-TMnk loti of viler. We are a nation of meat eaters ani cur blood is filled with nrio acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to res the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminate tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tables poonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Uthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate dogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and eannoC injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Caldwell County Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Ralph Pennell, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Pennell, deceas ed, et al., vs. Maggie Downs, et al. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Caldwell coun ty, made in a special proceeding enti tled as above, the undersigned Com missioner will, on the 4th Day of October, 1920, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p. m., at the court house door in Le noir, X. C, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, a certain tract of land lying and being in King's Creek township, Caldwell county, N. C ., adjoining the lands of .1. P. Pennell and others, and more partic ularly described as follows: Beginning on a persimmon tree on the west bank of the public road leading from Lenoir to Grandin and runs S. 6!) W., crossing King's Creek at 21 poles, in all 56 poles, to a white pine; then S. 41 V2 W. 4 poles to a white oak; then S. 46 W. 14 poles to a post oak on top of a ridge; then S. 87 W. 10 poles to a black gum; then S. 73 W. 18 poles to a large forest pine, a corner of said tract, on top of a ridge, also a corner of the diviaion line between J. P. and Thos. Pennell; then with the top of the ridge various courses as follows: S. 2 W. 6(4 poles to a black gum, S. 19 E. 2y2 poles., S. 35 E. 7 poles, S. 5 E. 2 poles., S. 20 E. 5 poles, S. 6 poles to a large Spanish oak; then S. 10 E. 10 poles to a Spanish oak on top of a high knob, corner of said tract; then S. with the top of the ridge 8 poles., S. 72 W. 4 poles, S. 47 W. 10 poles, S. 37 E. 6 poles to a black gum; then S. 52 L. b poles; S. 38 W. 10 poles; S. 29 W. 10 poles; S. 22 W. 6 poles; S. 16 W. 11 poles to a black pack, 1 pole S. L. from the top of said ridge; then S. 37 W. 11 poles to a black jack on top of the ridge; then S. 25 .10 poles to a pine, corner of said tract; then S. 43 E. 13 poles to a pine, M. P. Carlton's corner; then S. 36 E. 12 poles down a large ridge various courses as follows: S. 53 E. 18 poles; S. 62 E lu poles; S. 82 E. 5 poles; S. ,r,5 E. 1 poles; S. 75 E. poles; N 83 E. 17 poles; S. 86 E. 11 poles; S. 60 t. VI poles; S. 49 K. 9 poles; S. 64 E. 6 poles to a stake in a compromise line between T. J. and J. P. Pennell and Smith Coffey; then N. 33 E., crossing the creek, 48 poles to a double chestnut tree on the east bank of the public road; then N. 4 W. 15 poles to a black gum; then E. 13 poles to a stake on top of a ridge in Horry Sudderth's line; then with the top of the ridge as follows: N. 57 E. 4 poles; N. 54 E. 6 poles; N. 61 E. 3 poles; N. 79 E. 4 poles; N. 75 E. 4 poles; N. 65 E. 4 poles; N. 85 E. 4 poles; N. 39 E. 7 poles; N. 63 E. 6 poles; N. 51 E. 6 poles; N. 47 E. 4 poles; N. 40 E. 7 poles to a large Spanish oak; N. 39 E. 9 poles to two marked pines; N. 67 E. 7 poles; N. 25 E. 4 poles; N. 4 E. 12 poles; N. 8 E. 4 poles; to a Spanish oak, comer of said tract; then W. 28 poles with some marked trees to a large forest pine standing on the north side of a small branch, corner of said tract; then N. 138 poles to a small post oak standing on the east side of a moun tain road; then S. 55 W. 6 poles; S. 50 W. 5 poles; S. 80 W. 8 poles; S. 69 W. 10 poles: S. 82 W. 7 Doles: S. 55 W. 16 poles; S. 71 W. 24 poles to the beginning, containing 135 acres more or less. This September 4th, 1920 W. C. NEWLAND, 50-4 Commissioner. ej After yon eat always take ATONIC rfrOR Youft ACID-STOMACH ) Instantly relieves Heartburn, BloaN erj Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. - Aids digestion aael appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and traoar.ajncreaaes Vitality and Pep. EATONIC le the best rented. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please e wsj will refund raoney, Vetabuj today. TonwUleee. , ballew's lasts fbarinaoy, Leaolr. Almnaf AirAiar rial, nf Piiirta nrnnpf has sufficient rain for agriculture. Kra Estate See me at any time for a HOME, BUSINESS PROPERTY or FARM LANDS J. W. Self The Real Estate Man L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS MAKES BEST PAINT WEARS LONGEST Co6t to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready to use. V a gallon oat of any you bay, and tf not the btt paint mad; return the balance and get all your money bach, Sld by Dealers LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, Makers, N. Y. nSV15c5rlSHT2Sr2SH5H5Z5H5ES2S25rl! I Chattanooga Plows BEST PLOW MADE FOR THIS MOUNTAIN COUNTRY Disc Plows Bottom Plows Hillside Plows Chattanooga Chattanooga Best For this Country GET THE BEST Bernhardt-Seagle Co. Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE 1 Kentucky Farms For Sale a Farm of 300 acres in Pulaski county, Kentucky, on 3 county road 6 miles from railroad town: handy to K church and school ; 150 acres of creek bottom ; 30 acre3 K of rolling land; remainder in hill land, well timbered; ffi estimated at $4,000 worth of timber; the hill land jjj would make good grazing land ; the bottom is dry and S is good for corn, oats or meadow. Will grow 2,500 a bushels of corn this year. Farm is well fenced and in jjj good state of cultivation, mostly in cultivation. Would 3 make a fine stock farm. Creek water for stock; good. K orchard and good garden. nj Improvements g A good 7-room dwelling in good repair; one tenant q house; a good barn 60x100; a good store building 3 30x48; all kinds of outbuildings. This is a good loca ls tion for a merchant. This is a good home. Price K $20,000, one-half down; balance on easy terms. K Farm of 160 acres, 12 miles from SorAerset; level to Cj gently rolling land; on county road; handy to church C and school and store; 5 acres waste land; about 100 acres cleared; balance in good timber, estimated at S 100,000 feet, such as oak, chestnut and poplar. j Improvements G Two sets of buildings, two houses, ( two barns, a g good orchard, fine garden and good spring. A bargain Cj if bought soon. Price $3,000. Easy terms at 6 per cent a interest. Timber alone worth half the amount. Cj Please write for my free price list of Kentucky, Ohio S and Indiana farms. . Remember I have farms of any a size, price or location desired. .. ROBEY L. JOHNSON g , Main Office: SOMERSET, KY. L. S. Spurting W. M. Lorela.ce SPURLING & LOVELACE Attorneys-at-Law GENERAL PRACTICE Offices Over Lenoir Drag Co. LENOIR, N. C DR. E. J. McCOY VETERINARY SURGEON Calls Made Night or Day HICKORY, N. C an

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