LENOIR, N. C. LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1920 Pjo Threl - 1 SERVICE GARAGE CO. GRANITE FALLS, N. C. Distributor for Clievrolet, Dort, Maxwell and Chalmers Motor Cars Also Chevrolet and Maxwell Trucks Business Had Modest Beginning and Grows to One of the Largest Automobile Enterprises in This Section; Preparing to Build Addition 60x60 Feet in Dimension to Tkeir Already Large Garage Building Do Work on All Makes of Cars. With the -widespread use of the automobile as a means of locomotion and transportation comes the simul taneous need for establishment for the sale, upkeep and repair of these machines.. A recognition of this ne cessity is fonud in the modern ga rage, which is common in every com munity today. Teh Service Garage Company of Granite Falls are distributros for Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell and Chal mers motor cars; also Chevrolet and Maxwell trucks. All these cars are right in design and construction. They are motor cars built to satisfac torily meet all the demands of the people, and form examples of the finest pieces of workmanship that is possible for manufacturers to attain. This enterprise was established in 1919 and occupies a modern two story brick building which is 60x68 fete in size and well adapted for the purposes utilized. A new addition to their present building will be erected this fall and will be 60x60 feet in dimensions. The concern, besides selling the above mentioned cars, handle Good year, Goodrich and " Fick tires and tubes. They also handle a large and complete stock of genuine Ford parts and parts for the cars they handle ; do welding and do repair work on all makes of cars. The garage employs seven people. This firm is composed of W. L. Deal and L. T. Sharpe. Mr. Deal, the active manager, is a man of fine business ability and has an intimate knowledge of this important line. They are both gentlemen of excellent standing and are of that type of American business men, while look ing out for their own interests, are not blind to those of the community as well; and whenever necessity calls they are sure to vbe found working faithfully and conscientiously to that end. HATRED OF THE SOUTH IS TURNED LOOSE (Catawba News-Enterprise) The Southern tSates are honorable members of the Union, but have nev er received any recognition at' the hands of the Republican party. Dur ing .the past eight years, since the Democratic party has been in power, our section has received proper rec ognition where we have been entitled to any rcognition. We have aked for nothing but fair play, as we have granted fair play to other sections of the Union, but there is an intense hatred of the South among Northern Republicans, and the following ap peal by Congressman Fess, Republi can leader and chairman of the Re publican congressional campaign committee, shows th efight that is be ing made on the South. The very fact that the Republican party throws down such a challenge should cause every man and woman in the South to take it up and keep: the South "in the saddle" if it will j continue such prosperity as was nev-1 er know nbefore. As soon as trie great Republican party got control of Congress things have begun to go to pieces, and it looks like a great idea to keep the hated crowd in for a while longer: A dispatch from Washington says that, in a section appeal, Represent ative Simeon D. Fess, chairman of the Republican congressional cam paign committee, has called upon the North, East and West to prevent the election of a Congress that will put the "South again in the saddle" in the Senate and House. Representative Fess assails the South as being politically the most "reactionary" section of the country. He then warns that the election of Cox, which probably would carry with it control of the Senate find House, would mean that Southern men will head all the important com mittees in Congress. Naming these committees, he as serts that Democratic control of Congress means that "Florida, Geor gia, North Carolina, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee and Virginia will control all legisla tion in agriculture, appropriations, foreign affairs, public buildings, riv ers and harbors, roads, interstate and foreign commerce, ways and means, judiciary and the powerful commit tee on rules. In listing the important commit tees of Congress Representative Fess bitterly warns other sections that Southern men now rank on practi cally all of them. Democratic suc cess would mean Democratic chair men of such cormmittees, and he re fers, among others, to these commit tees and their prospective chairman: Senate finance committee, Sim mons of North Carolina; Senate ap propriations committee, Overman of North Carolina; Senate agriculture committee, Smith of South Carolina; Senate banking and currency com mittee, Owen of Oklahoma; Senate commerce committee, Fletcher of Florida; Senate judiciary committee, Culberson of Texas; Senate naval af fairs committee, Swanson of Vir ginia, and so on. Reviewing the situation in the House, Representative Fess finds it equally-larming from the Republi can and Northern viewpoint. He finds: Kitchin of North Carolina slated again to head the ways and means committee; Pou of North Car olina, rules committee; Bynrs of Ten nessee, appropriations committee; Lee of Georgia, agriculture commit tee; Sears of Florida, education com mtitee; Flood of Virginia, foreign affairs committee; Uadgett of Ten nessee, naval affairs committee; Har dy of Texas, merchant marine com mittee; Fields of Kentucky, military affairs committee; Moon of Tennes see, postoffices and post roads com mittee; Clark of Florida, public build ings and grounds committee. Other committees showing Southern men near the top are alarmingly cited by the Republican campaign manager. "The solidarity of the Southern Democracy is not a healthful condi tion either for the country or the South," complains Representative Fess, afte saying that Gov. Cox needs to get only 67 votes from other sections to add to the electoral vote of the Solid South to win. "When the Democrats are. in control section al advantages are sought, as was noted in this administration when prices were fixed on wheat, wool and copper, Northern and Western prod ucts, and refused on .cotton, rice and lumber, Southern products. Referring again in sectional criti cism of the South, Representative Fess says: "Should the Democrats -win the House and Senate, immedi ' ately all legislation would be placed under the control and direction of this section. Ia that case every item productive capacity to nine-tenths of the land in Harris county; yet there is not an acre of land in Harris coun ty five miles from the court house that can be sold for as much as land ten miles from the capital of North Carolina can be sold for. The peopl ewlio have wrought" such a work are awake to every interest. Asheville, with 28,000 population, proposes to spend $20,000 on a re union of the Thirtieth (overseas) di vision, and an expenditure of ?40, 000 a year by her board of trade, much of it for advertising, to bring tourists enough to Asheville each sea son to leave there more than $25, 000,000. It will pay Houston and all Texas to study the example set bv tire Old North State. ' IF WM of important legislation coming up in the House would be completely con trolled by nine States. Each of the seventeen major House committees' will be headed by a Southern man. The same is true of eight of the elev en expenditure committees and thrte of the four election committees. Of the major committees the State of Tennessee alone will control the ap propriations, naval legislations, post ollice and insular affairs." Congressman Fess was president of th enegro college in Ohio for a number of years. IF YOU DON'T KNOW, WRITE THE EFFICIENCY BUREAU Information regarding any activ ity in which the government is inter ested will be furnished to the general public through the information ser vice section of the United States bu reau of efficiency in Washington, ac cording to announcement from the bureau. The information service is an outgrowth of the bureau's investi gation into the duplication of work in government departments, under taken at the direction of Congress. "If you are interested, for in stance in the primitive condition of prehistoric man, in present day ac tivities in agriculture, education or I'ommerce, or desire to know where to apply for the classification and biology of the corn-leaf beetle, write ihe bureau of efficiency, information ection," the announcement said. "The section will act as a reference index to activities and offices." How's This ? We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak. en Internally and acts through the Blooi on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years Price 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. NORTH CAROLINA AN EXAMPLE (Houston Chronicle) States, like inedividuals, can profit by good examples, and North Caro lina has set an example of intelligent comprehension and efficient develop ment and utilization of her material resources which is worthy to be fol lowed by Texas; indeed, by all her sister states of the eSouth. What she. has achieved cannot be fully appreciated unless the histori cal fact be kep tin mind that North Carolina wa sravaged and desolated bv the invading Northern army in ISO"). She had no foundation to build on except ruins. She faced gaunt, bit ter, cruel poverty, and her distressing condition was intensified by ten years of oppressive political misrule, mark ed by debasing corruption and con scienceless plundering of the people. Then her lands were not compar able in fertility or extent to those of Texas, the soil of which was never touched by the foot of an invading foe. In view of such conditions it is amazing that North Carolina should have moved up from the twenty-second to the fourth place in the value of agricultural products among all the states, and what is, if possible, more wonderful, now stands second in the value of textile products and second in the production of tobacco. Every intelligent Texan is obliged to make, the humiliating confession that Texas is woefully deficient in the number of her manufacturing estab lishments. In that respect North Carolina leads the entire South. The traveler is rarely out of sight of a cotton mill, a yarn mill, a ve neer mill or a furniture factory, or a tobacco products factory. Some counties have nearly a hun dreM mills converting cotton into yarn or cloth, and in Durham there is one of the largest tobacco estab lishments in the world, and there is also an immense hosiery factory. North Carolina spins and weaves more cotton than she produces. Just as in time of war she sent more of her sons to the Confederate army than there were voters in the State. The waters of nearly every river have been harnessed and made to furnish light and power, often for distances of fifty miles. She has under one' roof the largest furniture factory in the entire South That there should be in one amall county in Nroth Carolina more cot ton mills than there are in all Texas is a reproach to the people of this State. Ther eis not an acre of land in the county in which the capital of North Carolina stands that is comparable in E OBJECTS!) FORGE Tender Intestinal Tracts Can't Stand powerful Physics When a physic or miscalled 'laxa tive" causes the slightest pain or gripe you may know that instead of helping nature throw off the poisons accumulated in the body, it is getting rid of them by force. This rending, tearing action is ex tremely harmful and painful to the tender membranes of the bowels and intestines. Sloan's Relief Tablets, gentle as nature itself, work in a soothing, help ful way. They eliminate all poisons and end constipation, yet do It with out gripe or pain to the body. They are not habit forming. Get a box of 30 tablets today and use no others. Sloan's Relief Tablets are safest Distributed by The Sloan' Products Co., 18 Factory Street, Derby, Conn. BALLOT NEARLY YARD SQUARE Printing of the ballots for today's election disclosed that the sheet to be handed the voter at Chicago poll ing places will be nearly a yard square, 30 inches bv 30. The paper for the ell. 000, 000 ballots for the city elections weighed 300 tons, it was said. Driak lota of waiar tad atop aatiag uat for a while if jour PMdw trouble 700. iiiiiiizinxxziixxzzixiiinxixxzxixzxxxxHxizxzxzzrT 5 h I Ample Facilities I -PLU5 WORLDS HEAVIEST WOMAN IS DEAD Lucy Moore, described as the "world's heaviest woman," is dead, says a dispatch from Bristol, Eng land. It took nine men to lift her. Se was 43 years old and weighed 668 pounds. DON'T RISK NEGLECT Don't neglect a constant backcaj, sharp, darting pains or urinary dis orders. The danger of dropsy oi Bright's disease is too serious to ig nore. Use Doan's Kidney Kills as have your friends and neighbors. Ask jrour neighbor! A Lenoir case. Mrs. W. H. Dingier, N. Main St., says: "About five years ago I had a bad spell of kidney trouble. It started with severe pains la my loins and 1 had severe headaches. This made ma so nervous I could hardly stand any noise. My kidneys also acted irregu larly and caused me annoyance. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief; they eased the headaches, took away the pains and regulated my kidneys, 'n fact, they made me feel a great leal better." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney PU13 the same that Mrs. Dingier. Foster-MUburn Ot., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. When yon wafce up with ba&iohj ab3 dull misery is the kidney region it gen erally beans yon hare been eating too much moat, says well-known Authority. Heat forma urie acid wtueit orenorks the kidneys in their effort to filler it from the blood and they become sort of paralyxed and loggy. When your ki3er get alugguh and elog yon must relieve them, like you reliev your bowela; re moving all the body's urinous waste, else yon hare backache, siek headache, dizzy spells; your stomach soura, tangos is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urie ia cloudy, full of sediment, hnnU orva get eore, water scalds and you are ohUfad to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonfiH in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and La, been used for generations to Mian 'i':l stimulate Bluggiah kidney, alo to ..e:it ralize acids in the urine so it iu . i , .vitates, thus ending bladder ,ve k:.. i.i ; ib a life saver for regular meut ..... ,i It ia inexpensive, cannot iu-ure n- a delightful, effer V'v''ev.!. mina-water drink ROBBERS MAKE BIG HAUL Robbers early Monday morning looted Brot, tn's store, Raleigh, along side the Supreme Court building, and made awav with goods valued at $20,000 and $600 in cash. The en tire store was visited and costly even ing gowns, coat suits, furs and wom en's apparel carted away in a truck stolen from a nearby building. Ev ery piece of fur in the building ex cept one on display in the front win dow was taken. The Right Spirit Ask the Man Who Banks Here We are gaining new friends by pleasing old ones Bank of Granite GRANITE FALLS, N. C. g s 5 millEIIlIlIIIIIIIIlIIIHIllHIIlllIHIIIlIIUIIUIiai .....H......................a.......n! I If You Want I Real Flour I The result of a perfect process, buy "EVER READY" Self Rising Made in Caldwell County H Granite Falls Milling Co. I GRANITE FALLS, N. C. ! "Go Where They All Go." EIEA Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No- j body can Tell. Tou can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. j Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. I This is the ge of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. Thia preparation Is a toilet requisite and is not Intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. 'CM Electric Light and Power For the Farm "It't wonder fv I hardly a lound" Install tho Celebrated ' &Ja 'bHmmmm Tna if i nan Cline's Drug Store, Granite Falls GET WHAT THEY ALL GET Drug Store Service equal to the larger towns "We Harp on Service" CLINE'S DRUG STORE GRANITE FALLS, N. C. j D. W. DRUM Granite Falls, N. C. S GENERAL MERCHANDISE 5 A big business, made large by our square dealing. A dollar always buys a dollar's worth at the D. W. Drum Storei and with every purchase goes the complete sat- isfaction our patrons are entitled to receive. Our stock is exceptionally up to date in all that is desirable in good merchandise. S Granite Falls' most popular store 3 a s s a a a H HI j Buy Happiness j 8 Nothing is more essential to happiness than a good liv- 8 ing and nothing is more essential to a good living than good groceries and meats. When you buy your Gro- 5 ceries and Meats at our store you buy happiness. J "Things Good to Eat" 8 I M. A.Mackie I J General Merchandise i GRANITE FALLS, N. C. 8 ! Electric Ugkt and Power Plant Selecting ah electric light and power plant is a serious proposition. You should know how to do it wisely. You know, for instance, that the engine is the most vital part of any plant and that severe vibration which racks the engine to pieces is a menace always to be avoided. No Vibration No Noise The'Sileht Alamo has a noiseless sleeve valve motor. It is the mot, t efficient and quietest running type of motor ever built. In addition, there is no dangerous vibration in the Silent Alamo. -Thus the effi ciency of the motor is maintained, and steady, reliable service assured. See a demonstration of this remarkable plant now. Learn for yourself why it is preferred everywhere. If you cannot come ia . today, 'phone or write for a representative. SERVICE GARAGE Granite Falls, N. C. s a s J. LVLooper Garage j B GRANITE FALLS, N. C. Owned by a Mechanic Run by a Mechanic And a Mechanic we are FORD WORK A SPECIALTY Genuine Ford Parta 5 a ihumiiiu -Topic Ads. Are Better

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