Page Six LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1920 LENOIB, N. C. SLATS' DIARY Friday Teeeher give us a Test in Gotfrsiffy today & I done pritty welL I had 2 answers rite. 1 of the questions she ast was How is the Erth devided & I sed By Water which was o. k. Then rite behind that 1 she ast us 2 name 2 kinds of water & I rote down hot & cold which she sed was not rite. Saturday pa is ver yinterested in the hitrh cost I J, : I of liveing &. he ' f f ,fi sed 2 ma it takes I V "JJ all he makes 2 -"'i i live on & ma sed think it is wurth that much. Pa sed We trot 2 ' h a v e Produck shun. the hriek layers are not laying1 .nou,rh neether are the hens. : Sunday the supert (cant spell; that word but its the suy which is j fourman of the s. s. ) sed 2 us kids I should ought 2 all ways tel! the truth and not lye. He ast us if wet - ve rher 1 of enny body gott'.nir 2 be mmortai by lyeing Blisters sed ve?. fhe sup i a::ie as aboe) ed Whom A: Pli.-U-rs replyod x sed An-, rianias. Monday - We un Surar today had 2 r'te a essay & lake red his out '.Olid he At candy ssweet Kinds u i d Su:"ar is found in t'uby '.oris it- 2 cheef Propertys ' s A- Scare. tv. Thev is :? A o : A era tiated. Tuesday - Ma baked s kys today i!i I w:;s tawK had my h;m behind my dish. 1 ast her why i:r. !;ne coo :.U 2 her Av back in the d.ddent the '.vim men s'tikc .vil! sum time, -een the cooky rii; 2 cooky s. hip Pocket. Wednesday -A umntrestinir was absent all i: she sed mebby they As I went out she A- he struck. Bust-1 Which I ha i in niv -Skoo! piae dav. was a today 1 herd very liul ane has in A sh, mdispepsy or sum thirty. Thankir'vtng Plade fat bal! 'he mim:mr A: et a lotta turkv Kranberrys A mints y.v A etc A tal -um nied sine m'tiie eveniai: M.-lr- I can c t out of iro.r.j 2 kio'. to iiorro. INSECT PESTS DESTROY $500, 000,000 WORTH CROPS YEARLY In discovering America Columbus. ' not only opened up a vast new home tor man, but for insect pests or cu.- but for nisi ivated crops and domestic animals , is we. I. r ul rs have ma 100 of the.M' forei-n-tiie r way to Amor fields up to thi' pres- can gardens and tit. Thev have :t. pned : tnat 'oday their destruction of orchards, carden and farm crops is estim ited ii proximately .it $."00.I)0O,Oih ,i ear- more thai. $ 1 .ooo.oOil .i .'a rheir lia(ic would L n.jil. more han this were it hot for the oaar .nit i ih- and control worn conducted by the I'mted States dep.irLment of .itiTieuiture through its bureau of eti onioloy and its Kedera! horticultu ral board. Of all the insect pests and dis eases that cut into the proti'.s of the American farmer severely, tnere are relatively few of the more important ones that are native to tile United -States, lake many other baneful things, insect pests and diseases have followed the course of civilization. They are carried in many ways from one country to another, and it is the work of the department of agricul ture to iruard the United States atrainst their entry and to prevent their spread once they make their appearance here. While many of the pets h iv- come 'r m European countries, A.-i:i has - -'i ributed its share of them. Prom- I'-nt -monsr these for its destructive activities is the San Jose scale, which made its first appearance in the United States forty or fifty years ajro, having made its way here froim C'hina. It became widesnread i throughout the Unitec States in the i late nineties, and at the present time there is practically not a commercial deciduous orchard in. this country that does not haVe to be sprayed once a year to control this pest. Some idea of the burden which this insect puts uno nthe orchardists of th eUnited States can be had when i -'l-'iali.vt consistently accept them? it is realized that the expenditures! This view may accurately repre for apparatus and spraying amount ' "r1t Miss Alice Paul and Margaret to approximately $10,000,000 an-! Hatfield, who repudiates even the nually. In addition to this are the I prefix "Miss," because she says it losses that the insect causes in spite means "womanlet," and she is no of this control treatment, and they hthinir. and some of the other are very large, especially in small leading spirits of the feminist move orchards and household plantings, ment, but it is pretty safe to con where spraying is not commonly prac- J elude that the average new voter ticed. This insect alone u adoubted-' want? to keen the "gallantries" and ly has cost this country during its : woman's o!-her special privileges presence here UDwards of & 1 00.000.-1 along with her ballot. As for the 000. The oriental peach moth, which gained entry in 1912 with imported oriental cherry trees from Japan, has just begun its spread and depreda tion. It affects practically all decid iuous fruits and bids fair to be. as de structive as the ewell-known codling moth, the cause of wormy apples. The Japanese beetle, brought in about the same time as the peach moth, has already gained such firm foothold that in view of its habits and prolonged flight it is probably incipable of extermination, and may ultimately overspread the United States. It attacks not only practical ly all fruits, but also many garden vegetables and corn. Attempts to check the spread of this pest are be ing made by means of Federal and local quarantines, particularly in New Jersey. Under this quarantine , the government maintains a supervis ion over the movements f articles likely to carry the pest from infected areas to other sections of the coun try. Another foreign peat m com paratively recent years which has made its appearance in this country ' is the European corti borer. Infes tations have been discovered in sev eral eastern states and local quaran tines by this Federal horticultural hoard 'have been , instituted to pre vont its BDread to the com belt Rc- cently heavy infestations were dis- .HIND GOT this Y" OF EyeR'THIN' MAM 1 to0 Vlll WeS6LL STUFF AS k Rsbv THATS WHAT KEEPS MJMM- bxVN PRICES UP-LOOK if i c: L-" J&ziM7 m: Si Ml covered in Canada, presenting a more immediate menace to the corn belt. Specialists of the department are now considering steps for guarding against this new source o.' danger. Mexico has contributed its share of insect pests that are now estan i-hed m this country to the destruction of American cros. Chief anions these ; are the boll weovii. the pink boll worm and the little Mexican beetle, known as the bean ladybird. The last, which has been discovered in 1 Alabama, now threatens to spread to other southern states and inflict im mense damaee to the cownoa and j... ,n ..rnlK tup ,,Mn..r-i imhi-e h- ,i-v in line: the department of agriculture to prevent the further spread of m--oct pests and diseases and m co-operating renders a great service to the American farmer, utoiuobilist ; and ethi r persons iounicving through in fest 'd areas should ca; ail regu fully observe itions. being1 creful in transporting art: p.iMe of carrvn.g the insect. ca- DOWN WITH GALLANTRIES ( W i nst on - Salem .Journal ) Croat changes in the present rela t i lis between men and women are to com", if the feminists have right of way, according to a Washington dis patch referring to the bill of rights to be drafteil by the national conven tion of women voters' which Alice Paul, head of the aNtional Woman's Party, announces for February next in the Federal capital. Not only will this convention re pudiate the "branding" of women with their husbands' surnames, but will seek to abolish all the "so-called t,allantries." The "combined femin ist voice" will be raised against "this stuff taught the innocent prirl that when a man doffs his hat to her, rises in her presence, etc., he is expressing innate respect for noble woman hood." Pooh! "Only the harem women want men to commit these so-called gallantries," says Margaret Hatfield, who refused to become an erased identity bv bearing her hus- hand's surname of Chase. Of the foolish gallantries this fully emanci pated woman says- further: "The tired business man finds them a nui sance. So does the self-respecting woman. They are regarded as spe cial privileges granted women. How can a woman who demands full women who are innitlerent or op posed to the naiiot, it is quite prob- able that no few of them will con-1 tmue to consent to te branded with their husbands' surnames and even to wear that "relic of barbar ism," the wedding ring. At any rate, we shall see. STRIKE" OF WHEAT RAISERS BEING WATCHED Grain operators, market officials and State boards of agriculture" throughout the southwest are watch ing closely for the effects of a re ported "strike" of wheat raisers who, it was said, were refusing to ship their product to terminal markets un til a basic price of ?3 a bushel for the wheat was realized. The "strike," called recently by the National Wheat Growers Asso ciation in a proclamation urging members to withhold their wheat from market until the $3 price was obtained, was declared by W. H. Me- Greevy, secretary of the organiza tion, to be in full force. JVir. mc- Greevy. in his statement, asserted the association membership of 70,000 was unanimous in its intention, not to sell, and predicted that the de. sired price would be realized within 90 days. ' Atheists are not 'permitted to vote m North aronna. ' THE WALL PUT FIGHTING QUALITIES IN YOUR BLOOD if You Are Pale and Weak, Without Ambition, Yoo Need a Tonii. TRY TAKING PEPTO-MANGAN R ich. Red Blood Fighti Off Disease and Keep You Well and Enab'es You to Work With Pleasure Serious sicklies suspect often come . noil vim least You may fool a You haven't been ion, vet all of a little ove. -tired, exposed to con tag sudden you are tl it on your bac ; ami in for a siege of sickness. Your blood did not have righting weak an i thin, powers of resist- 'lU.ilities. It was our vitality am. were low. When you overdo you u.-c up en ergy. Your blood is driven to do more than it can. It becomes clog ged with waste. The waste acts like poison. Disease germs get in your blood and dominate. Don't let yourself get run down. Take that good tonic, Pepto-Mangan. It makes rich, red blood that will re sist and rout out disease germs. Pepto-Mang-an is widely and heartily endorsed by physicians. It is effective and easy to take. Comes in either liquid or tablet form. Both have the same effect. Sold at any drug store. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan "Gude's." Ask for it by the name and be sure the full name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan," is on the paskage. MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of power contained in a mortgage deed executed by Horte B. Knight and wife, Grace Knight, to B. G. Holtzclaw on March 31, 1920, and later assigned to the undersign ed, same being registered In Book 108 at page 13, in the office of regis ter of deeds of Caldwell county, and default in payment having been made, I will, on Monday, November 22, 1920, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder the following de scribed tract of land, the same lying in Globe township, Caldwell county: Beginning on a double or forked chetsnut oak, corner of the Wilson Lumber Company and W. S. Cook corner, running north 450 east about 80 poles to a rock in the bank of the Lot Estes Mill creek; then up the said creek with Hamp Penley's line to a stake in Calvin Penley's line; penley's line to W. S. Cook's line; thence with said W. S. Cook's line to the beginning, containing 35 acres more or less. This October 22, 1920. F. C. CHESTER, 8-4 Assignee of B. G. Holtzclaw After you eat always take ATONIC FOR YOUR AOD-STOMAcfa ) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gay Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Ami difcatlaa and apprttta. Keaps tomaeh aweet and tronff. Incnaate Vitality and Pap. ' EATONIC ia tha bait remedy. Teni of tbon. aandt wondarf ally banafltcd. Only aosta a eant or two a day to dm it, PoaitWaly fuarantaad a pleaM or wa will refund money, Cat a bit box today. YoawiUaaa. Ballew's Caah Pharmacy, Lenoir. Lillian Russell in registering gave her age as 48. According to this con fession Lillian was first married at the early age of 3. Rochester Her ald. ' vn tin. NOTICE OF RESALE North Carolina, Caldwell County. Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Ralph Pennell, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Pennell, deceas ed, et al., ts. Maggie Downs, et al. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Caldwell coun ty, made in a special proceeding enti tled as above, the undersigned Com missioner will, on the' 8tk Day of November, 1920, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p. m., at the court house door in Le noir, N. C, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, a certain tract of land lying and being in King's Creek township, Caldwell county, N. C, adjoining the lands of J. P. Pennell and others, and more partic ularly described as follows: Beginning on a persimmon tree on the west bank of the public road leading from Lenoir to Grandin and runs S. 69 W., crossing King's Creek at 21 poles, in all 56 poles, to a white pine; then S. 41 W. 4 poles to a white oak; then S. 46 H W. 14 poles to a post oak on top of a ridge; then S. 87 W. 10 poles to a black gum; then S. 73 W. IS poles to a large forest pine, a corner of 'said tract,' on top of a ridge, also a corner of the division line between J. P. and Thos. Pennell; then with the top of the ridge various courses as follows: S. 1 W. poles to a black gum, S. 19 F poles., S. 35 E. 7 poles, S. . K. 2 poles., S. 20 E. 5 poles, S. 6 ; oles to a large Spanish oak; then S. 10 E. 10 poles to a Spanish oak on top of a high knob, corner of said tract; then S. with the top of the ridge 8 poles., S. 72 W. 4 poles, S. 47 W. 10 poles, S. 37 E. ti poles to a black gum; then S. 52 E. 6 poles; S. :1S V.'. 10 poles; S. 29 W. 10 poles; S. 22 W. 6 poles; S. 16 W. 11 poles to a black pack, 1 pole S. E. from the top of said ridge; then S. 37 W. 11 poles to a black jack on top of the ridge; then S. 25 . 10 poles to a pine, corner of said tract; then S. 43 E. 13 poles to a pine, M. P. Carlton's corner; then S. 36 E. 12 poles down a large ridge various courses as follows: S. 53 E. 18 poles; S. 62 E. 10 poles; S. 82 E. 5 poles; S. f.5 E. 1 poles ;.S. 75 E. 11 poles; N 83 E. 17 poles; S. 86 E. 11 poles; S. 60 E. 12 poles; S. 49 E. 9 palps; S. 64 E. 6 poles to a stake in a compromise line between T. J. and J. P. Pennell and Smith Coffey; then N. 33 E., ' crossing the creek, 48 poles to a double chestnut tree on the east bank of the public road; then N. 4 W. 15 poles to a black gum; then E. 13 poles to a stake on top of a ridge in Horry Sudderth's line; then with the top of the ridge as follows: N. 57 E. 4 poles; N. 54 E. 6 poles; N. 61 E. 3 poles; X. 79 E. 4 poles; X. 75 E. 4 poles; X. 65 E. 4 poles; X. 85 E. 4 poles; X. 39 E. 7 poles; X. 63 E. 6 poles; X. 51'2 E. 6 poles; N. 47 E. 4 : poles; X. 40 E. 7 poles to a large Spanish oak; X. 39 E. 9 poles to two marked pines; X. 57 E. 7 i poles; X. 25 E. 4 poles; N. I 4 E. 12 poles; X. 8 E. 4 poles; to a Spanish oak, corner of said tract; then W . 28 poles with some marked trees to a large forest pine standing on the north side of a small branch, corner of said tract; then N. 138 poles to a small post oak standing on the east side of a moun tain road; then S. 55 W. 6 poles; S. 50 W. 5 poles; S. 80 W. 8 poles; S. 69 W. 10 poles; S. 82 W. 7 poles; S. 55 W. 16 poles; S. 71 W. 24 poles o the beginning, containing 135 acres more or less. This September 4th, 1920 W. C. NEWLAND, 8-2 Commissioner. A Safe and Speedy Rheumatism Remedy That Offen Two Week' Treat . ment to Any Sufferer on Money Back Plan Be fair to yourself, you sufferers from rheumatism, no matter what form. Get from your druggist a package of Rheuma, the guaranteed prescription. Use the entire bottle, and if you don't think it has given you quick and satisfying relief, say s5, and you can hava your money back. Isn't that a fair offer? Then start the Rheuma treatment today. It's a reputable physician's prescription, altogether different from remedies usually prescribed free from narcotics, and perfectly harmless. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from the swollea joints and other lodging places. It will please you in a day and make you hopeful and happy in a week or money refundde. Rheuma has released from bondage rheumatic sufferers who thought nothing would give relief. It should do as much for you it seldom fails. Ballew's Cash Pharmacy will supply you and guarantee money back if not satisfied. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Caldwell Land and Lumber Company will be held at the Company's Office, in Lenoir, N. C, on Wednesday, October 20, 1920, at 10 o'clock ajm., for the transaction of all business that may properly come before it, including the election of directors to serve for the ensuing year. Transfer books will close October 5th at 3 o'clock p.m. and reopen Oc tober 21, 1920. 2-5 GEORGE W. LEX, See. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alonzo McGhinnis, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within 12 months from the date here of, or 'this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement This 30th day of September, 1920. J. C. ANDERSON, I ' G. L. AUSTIN, s ' ' ' Administrators. Mark Squires, Attorney 1-6 NOTICE North Carolina, Caldwell County. In the Superior Court Wayman Caldwell vs. Beulah Cald well The defendant above named wil take notice that aq action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Caldwell county, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce for mthe bonds of matrimny; and the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the fourth Monday in November, 1920, at the courthouse of said county in Lenoir, N. C, and answer or demur to the coimplaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 23rd dav of October, 1920. W. C. MOORE, Jr., Clerk of the Superior Court. J. T. Pritchett, Atty. 8-6 K0NE7 BACK without qoetboa if Hunt' SN fail to the treatment of Besets. Tetter. Rinffworm, Itch. etc. Dva t become discouraged because otber trratmrnts failed Hunt's Salv has relieved hundreds of iu cases. You can't lose oo our Monty Back Curnf Try It at our risk TODAY pricsj For sat locally by BalUw't Cash Pharmacy TURNER'S NEW L 3 PRE-WAR PRICE $450.00 PJ If you want a saw mill to operate with your oil or gas tractor or small steam power, this is the mill you will want, as it designed and manufactured especially for the oil or gas tractor. It is the only mill of this kind manufactured. It has all of the latest im provements, such as Heacock Feed, cable drive, double set works and improved dogs; has heavy balance wheel on saw tniandrel; will cut from 3,000 to 8,000 feet per day, according to power. It is cheaper in price than any mill manufactured today and can be had on easy terms if desired. Write today for folder covering full description and specifications, or call and look this mill over. You will like it. C. H. TURNER MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES En Hco ESown Draft Range Cole's Down Draft Range is built from the strongest, most durable metals and formed in the most rigid manner by expert workmen. Ex clusive features are Cole's copper - famous for its rust resisting durability and malleable iron (non-breakable) found only on higher priced ranges. If you want durability, and Cole'9 Hot Blaet fuel economy you will place Cole's Down Draft Range in your home today. ill DQDDQDDDDDDDDtDDnQDDDDDDQQn I A SYSTEM-BUILDER s People who haw been sick, need a tonic to help them regain their strength. After severe illness, you know the (red, weak, no-account feeling that hangs on, after you get up and begin to go atjout. The sooner you get your strength back the better, and you should derive valuable assistance, in enriching jpur blood, renewing your appetite, helping you to digest your food, and to build up your system, by taking D D The Scientific Iron Tonic Mr. Ertin Horton, a prominent citizen of Horton, Ala., writes: "I have been taking Zlren, and it is a wonderful medicine. It helped mo more than anything else, after 1 had the influenza. , It is a great system builder. I appreciate what Ziron has done for me." 'The merit of Ziron H nas.peen proved by the good results obtained by thousands of men and Q p women who have taken It. You should try Ziron. Your money will be n p refunded if the first bottle of Ziron fails to help you. n pj Ask yjD&r druggist for Ziron. Accept no substitutes. ' ZJ.2 unnnnnnnnonnDTnnnnnnnnnnnuiJ L. S. Spurliag W. M. Lo raise SPURUNG & LOVELACE Attoraeya-at-Law GENERAL PRACTICE Offices Orer Lenoir Drug Co. LENOIR. N. C DR. E. J. McCOY VETERINARY SURGEON Call Mad Night or Day HICKORY. N. C ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of the estate of J. Avery Seaboch, deceased, notice is hereby given te all persons having claims against said estate to present them for payment within twelve months, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recoveyr thereof. All persons indbeted to said estate will make prompt payment. This October 9th, 1920. MRS. BESSIEPAYNE, T. J. SEABOCH, ' Administrators. Mark Squires, Atty. 4-6 PONY SAW MILL STATESV1LLE, N. C. alloy iron For Sale by Bernhardt-Seagle Co. rxn