Page Six LENOIR IsWS-TOriC. TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1920. LENOIS, N. C. TWO NEGROES HELD IN GASTONIA CASE Arrested at Gainsville Ga. An swer Description in Every Respect Two negroes, one a tall singer cake giant, six feet hijrh, the other a short fat, black negro are, held in the Hall county jail here for fur ther investigation bythe authorities of Gaston county, N. C, in connec tion with the murderous outrage of j Gastonia. The tall nesrro is name i i Johnny Jones, lie claims Wilmmg-1 ton as his home. The short, squat ty negro goes by the name of Her- j man Allison and says that he was j born a:ni raised at kannapolis. N. (.'.. i living there! three y?ars ago. i Neither young k:.ian, the partner of I the murdered Ford boy, nor Miss Ertie Gr:oe, one of the outraged girls, I who came here to identify the neg-1 roes are able to swear positively that j the two men held here are the guilty ones. They, however, say that they answer description. One is a tail ; and yellow and has a deformed right : foot which causes a pronounced limp i when he walks. He has tt decided brouge in his talk, a fact which was i commented upon :n G.ito:u.i by the victims. The other i short and bla 'l; and ha a black .mustache. i Both lu-groes were arrested at F.ula, ll.t.. 1") miles north of here j Tuesday ir.oniing after coming out if a bo car full of cotton seed hulls where they they had spent .Monday r.ght. Information from North ( ar a, . aa had reached this sect. on et lit org a Monday and the officers w.rc oa tne lookout every where for .sjsp.c.ous characters. The negroes who were arrested and lodg ed in the Hall county here, claim ed that they had just left a negro ni'.n.s-.ia i ;. m:ie south of here at Tiftoi; ;md were making their way t oNorth larolina. They claim-' ed they left Tifton Saturday night at '2 oVI.k-r ami passed through At lanta Sunday r..g!;t. Owing to the fact that K.Man and Miss llrae are unable to identify positively tne t vo i.egroes they are ix .ng iu .a w ::..e t ,:. ,.--v.; ',N i i if . woman who says her druggist charg ed her $12.00 for the antitoxin. The Board does not raH at the druggist. It appeals to his moral sensibilities and asks him if he will cooperate in saving lives by selling this medicine at cost The family doctor can get the medicine, and he is asked to da jr so as he should xlook after the finan--W ! cial interests of his patients as well j ! as the disease. Whenresults are the j same he shouldsave them money. NO HOME BREWING TO BE PREM1TTED Home brewing was, brought ac tively under the prohibition ban to day when it jvas learned that en forcement officials had ruled against the sale of hops and malt -to others than bakers and confectioners. Great secrecy surrounded the pro hibition bureau's action, but it was ascertained definitely that such in structions had been issued. Details of the order 'were lacking. The only admission made prohibition i officials in the absence of Commis I sioner Kramer was the Volstead act had been construed to mean that the sale of hops and malt as component ; parts of home-made beer were with i out the pale of the law and their .sale must stop. Enforcement officials throughout the country have been notified of the government's deter mination, but they have not been supplied with the technical language of the decision EOPLE " inmiHimmmnuiimimiinnuniHinm j Ample Facilities S -PLUS The Right Spirit Ask the Man Who Banks Here We are gaining new friends by pleasing old ones Bank of Granite GRANITE FALLS, N. C. ELSIE FERGUSON STAG IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES n in tne "a.1: it M a 0 tory at 1.1.1 is he ng inve--.ntney driver, from (last,.!! t ao ttioa I :' ' t i,. says . ie Gr.ce, and al ii' Carrol, th-1' of -iiost strikma c a cr.'uiiial annals, ins told in liastoi,:a San one negro was tall and limped velien he i,n ""' oil'i. r u .is siio:-; and Evi re one of is !lle to tile ietter. won uearaii; army sp.ra. jeriees over the a trou-ei-s Kilam say- ' '" 'in i 'V.Ikhi 1 a or el.e had I'ants an.ien.eath lloth Cr.,c u . r ! say that 1 "ice, features. 1p, ea. !ly tne m- nies vn, assauile.) them. Shentf J row ,s holdiiiir the neuroe, while the l,st0.;., ,,,..i. ..... . ... . 'l'.fton iiuthoritie.s to vcrifv story of the inmistreL old Mali coimtv jail, on one of the dark Ua.-'k dr,,,.... loc. tin, molaim,.- -ir ft... of ." ,,.!. ... " .l ... e v "'v s (oe lliai Beggars description. Arriving (! (..ainesville on train ,, ::r. .1 ."o . - . - - L .o O two dasionl.i oincers. k'il- (irice and the Paper man were met at th,. police and escort- a tew mo- necl.on a tigate.l aie Eowii r. , , .a to a--they are .; vict.m.s, K . so I'h.ef 111 it forms incMences The v., t; day r.iiiht and yellow and that : dunipy a:al these dei.i:! Both iiegiois trousers and regular that :iie h ; trousers Sun tne ai hi.iau and tin the tone of ;. etc., corn-sin. Hi with the or cu!ode the 1 he scene m the of c. werid hour o'clock the lian and M: o.V the (rainesville to the city hall. In merits Sheritf Crow u-h h,.. u: - - i ..t.s in-4(i in of your son-; and daughters who to. lay crowd the orth Carolina Col leges, we wish to face facts with you," said this message, the adopt ion of which was moved by E. E. lives, of Greensboro. "The mam fact is that the public schools are turning out LT.iiluates 'n far larger numbers than the colleges can take c.ire of in a decent u.n. Over 'i.OnO will g'raduate from the high schools next spring'. Even now students eat mi stints in l nape! 11:11 lioanlmg houses and are packed three and four in a room m the dormitories. Our congestion here is but represen tative of the congestion in all of the North Carolina Colleges. "We present these facts to you w;;h their simple story of present urgent need of room in which to eat, sleep, and study. We hope the churches will build more buildings buildings at the dene m inat tonal col leges and the state will build more buildings at the state colleges. "The main fact is not our present coniicstion, critical as that is infact and significance, but the larger con cern is to make room for the hoys and girls who even now are treasur ing1 in" their hearts the hope of g'oing to college in North Carolina, with belief in her greatness we trust that North Carolina will not close the door in their faces. "We send this message of hope to the people of North Carolina with confident faith that the people, armed with the facts, will rise up and meet a bin problem in a bisr way." The student body has not been so stired in many years as it has be come over its present overcrowded condition, and last week's meeting, arising spontaneously from the was to 2.') 2 and in 1019 to 242. Av ailable statistics for ISMS show that that there were 2o2 deaths in 1,'iOti cases and in P.ll!) there were 242 deaths in .'!,.') l;t cases, the fataility in the lirst being 1SS.47 "and in the sec ond t'.SS. Thus thete is a imarked, a radicul reduction in deaths. To antitoxin belongs thhe credit for this -ssault on the citadels of disease. This antitoxin is furnished by the Board of health at 25c which is below cost. Appropriations from the Legislature ni ikes up the difference. The bulletin prints a letter from a Yet, There is a Gentle, Better Way When the body clogs don't try to clean out the accumulated poisons by using strong physics that rend their way through the tender intestinal tracts like so much dynamite. Use Sloan's Relief Tablets. They're gentle as nature and yet do the work unfailingly. Body gripe, and pains which accompany the use of -physics of the "dynamite" class, are never felt when Sloap's Relief Tablets are used. t Besides, they cause no habit. In fact, they will release any one now in the toils of a habit forming physic. Demand, buy and use Sloan's Relfef Tablets always. Distributed by The Sloan Products Co., 18 Factory Street, Derby, Conn. position in this county for lti years students and backed by the leading came and related the captnre md nl,'n in tnc college took on the char heard the details of the crime md the :u't,,r of a crusade. l script, on of the assaultanS - V'".'1'' v.. go! your m-i " '- i BOARD REGENTS - - o'c.oiK the n;irtv ... .u.. I MEET OFFICERS .a . Lniet Orr ond Sheriff Carroll talked to the men alone at first. Lat ent i'nu th Gril'e Kirl w sent up and the negros forced ta talk within heariny distance of the two but out of sight. The expression u.v ed at he scene of the tragedy was re peated by the negroes. Tho The board of Regents recently ap pointed by the Presbyterian Synod of North hCarolin a at its session in Wilmington, held its first meeting yesterday at Barium Springs. The Board as now constituted is made up of sixteen members, eight being wo men and eight men. The meber- Electric Light and Power For the Farm If You "Want Real Flour The result of a perfect process, buy "EVER READY" Self Rising Made in Caldwell County Granite Falls Milling Co. GRANITE FALLS, N. C. j"Si25Z525HSZSHSHSS5HS2SZSiaSSSZSH5HS5H5HSHSHS2SaSHSE5HSHSHS2SESHSHSZSHS Listen, Friends! There isn't a thing. in our business that we value aa much as the Good Will of our Friends. And we always remember that our new friends of toJay. will be old ones tomorrow. This is the one place to come for High-Grade House Furnishings arid Funeral Supplies at medium prices. We are showing a good assortment of Hickory-Made Furniture, Bedroom and Dining Room Suits Complete. At this time we can save you 25 per cent on Made-in-Hickory Furniture. Make our big new store your headquarters Fair Week. Tipton Furniture & Undertaking Co. . i J. S. Tipton "it' wondtrfat hardly a mound" nroutrht. out in t.hp Aurh .-a i?.shin hpinc a follnw- ii i "UiuwiJi til ' r tne jan ami placed directly facing Mrs- R- F- Abernethy of Lir.eoln Killan and the girl. All was in 1 irk- to"- Mrs- W- R- Gray of Davidson, Jesf- In a moment the light wasiMrs- J- T- French, of Wilmington, flashed f;il! on their faces. The neg-1 Mrs- J- H. Suttenfield, of Monroe, roes bliiiKtd their eyes but turned ' Mrs- ('eorKe Haword of Tarboro, not a Tuey were made to talk : Mrs- W- B- Ramsay of Hickory, Mrs. again, and forced to run up and l)o,la''1 Mclver of Burlington, Miss down the jail corridors while the in-! Pattie Watkins of Red Springs and mates, ." 0f them including three ' Rev- R- A- Lapsley of Tarboro, Dr. Lfe-ter.'iu is, peered out' of their H- Henderlite of Gastonia, Mr. E. cells in the darkness at the stranp-e ! F. Murray of Lumberton, Dr. A. S. in-lif ..i i a . s i Il i s, . r i., tuMiig piace before their eves ctpv rlQi'M nf ... November morning i ., .i ,, s- " cio a weini in the cold Johnson of Charlotte, Mr. A. R. Mc- Kachern of St. Pauls, Rev. R. Murphy Williams of ureensbonp, Mr. Z. V r,. u (tvi t t:il u, ' - pnastly cxprrionce. Both nre-roe Turlington of Mooreville and Mr. "-.eii uieir innocence even when put through a grueling examination, iheir tales conflict as to their con nection with this show in Alabama and southern Georgia. They were familiar with North Carolina towns and cities, and have worked on con struction ganps. For these reasons and because -of the .absolute accur acy of the description with which they tallq, they are being held f or further investigation. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ARE AROUSED OVER CONDITIONS Students of the University of North Carolina have started a cam paign to tell the people of the state the conditions under which they are forced to live because of overcrowd ed dormitories and inadequate eat ing facilities. In the biggest and most serious minded mass meeting of the year held last week one thous and of them resolved that if living conditions, which were charac.tnriT.oW by the student speakers as unfit for men, wer to be bettered, it would be by the efforts of the students themselves. -.- They have thundering vote of unanimous approval to a program of what they called "Giving: people of North Carolina the facts,; as out- lined by fheir student campus cab inet and they prepared and voted again unanimously to send a message to the people stating their case. "As part of the large company Install the Celebrated SUeni ALAMO W. H. Sprunt of Wilmington The meeting was primarily for the purpose of selecting a president and other officers of the governing body, no business affecting the. work or the plans of the orphanage being taken up. Another meeting will be held in Charlotte within the next few weeks at which time the future pol icy of the orphanage will be-outlined. Rev. A. R. Lapsley of Tarboro was chosen as the president of the new board, Kev. 11. Murphy Williams, of Greensboro was elected as vice-president and Mrs. W. B, Ramsay of , oi Hickory was made secretary. ; j. Numerous committees and sub cam- b nittees were appointed and the board organized. The reports of the, sup- JJ erinlendent of the orphanage and of Mr. Walker were reviewed and a gen- era! discussion of the plans concern' ing the future work was taken up. According to the plans of the Synod, H more than half a million dollars will h be spent within the next- five years H in enlarging and improving this insti- g tution. , ta Electric Light and Power Plant Selecting an electric light and power plant i s a serious proposition. You should know how to do it wisely. You know, for instance, that the engine is the most vital part of any plant and that severe vibration which racks the engine to pieces is a menace always to be avoided. No Vibration No Noise The Silent lamo has a noiseless sleeve valve motor. It ir the tno .t efficient and quietest running type of motor ever built. In addition, there is no dangerous vibration in the Silent Abmo. Thus the effi ciency of thsmotor is maintained, and steady, reliable service assured. See a demonstration of this remarkable plant now. Learn for yourself why it is preferred everywhere. If you cannot come in today, 'phone or write for a representative. SERVICE GARAGE Granite Falls, Nl C. nmnranmniMi M EMBALMERS Hickory, N, C. L. S. Sherrell "Go Where They All Go." j Cline's Drug Store, Granite Falls GET WHAT THEY ALL GET Drug Store Service equal to the larger towns "We Harp on Service" CLINE'S DRUG STORE j GRANITE FALLS, N. C. D. W..DRUM Granite Falls, N. C. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A big business, made large by our square dealing. A dollar always buys a dollar's worth at the D. W. Drum Store, and with every purchase goes the complete sat isfaction our patrons are entitled to receive. Our stock is exceptionally up to date in all that is desirable in good merchandise. Granite Falls' most popular store j J. E. Looper Garage Buy Happiness DlPTHERIA BEING CONQUERED SAYS BULLETIN In October issue of the State Board of Health's bulletin ft success-, ful warfare against diptheria is in dicated in a line of statistics begin ning wjth 1915. Then there were 525 deaths in each 100,000 popula tion. In 1916 the number was 418, Nothing is more essential to happiness than a good liv ing and nothing is more essential to a good living than good groceries and meats. When you buy your Gro ceries and Meats' at our store you buy happiness. "Thugs Good to Eat" , M. A.Mackie . . '' .'..'.. i. ' General Merchandise. , ' GRANITE FALLS, N. C . GRANITE FALLS, N. C. Owned by a Mechanic Run by a Mechanic And a Mechanic we are FORD WORK A SPECIALTY Genuine Ford Parts in 1917 it was S08, 1918 the drop iiimmiiininiiiiiiiBiiiimiiiiiinnininiiii to-Topic Ai Aid Better s 9 e a I