Pa e Two" LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, DECEMBER 23, 1920 LLNOIR,N. C OVER THREE THOUSAND TOTS 1 ARE BEGGING FOOD AND CHANGE TO LIVE till NORTH CAROLINA Armenian and Syrian Orphans At Trebizond Are Starving, Home less And Solely In Care Of Generous People Of This State. Three thousand, three humlrv.l and thirty-four tots, big and small wtth rat the vomforts of home and depending entirely on help from this side of the Atlantic, starving and begging for a chance to emerge from the land of sorrow, today an? asking the people of North Carolina not for a mere toy r the usual Christmas remembram e for bread and butter to relieve the ej)gs of hunger. These starving orphans, housed in the Tr bizond Onh;i::age. for some time have nut known the joys of tae Yult;de season tur do they search tor that happiness that will come to the children of this country. They are ealy yearning fur the suosmnce of life, for the loving touch of a warm hand nd for a morsel of food that will check the ravages of emaciation , : r - r - . .. . - if : Above is a scene showing the homeless children waiting for North Car olinians to set the table Through Chairman George 11 Hellamy. of the North Carolina Division of the Near Kast RelieX. they are appealing as follows: "TO EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN NORTH CAROLINA: "The ClUlxDREIN OF SORROW stand before you! They are nigged, homeless and hungry, but they are not hopeless. In their simple faith they turn trustingly to you. "The CHILDRN OF SORROW! There are unknown thousands of thpm, 110,639 of whom are under American care. It is an appalling number of pitiful, orphaned wards the Near Knst Relief must shelter under its merci ful wings. There is mile after mile of human misery to be relieved. Fa therless and motherless, these are the children of Armenians, Greeks, Syrians, and Jews, made homeess and dependent by the atrocities of the Turks. They will have no place this year at the family table of their own d the great day we celebrate. "As you eagerly plan this festival for the children clear to your own heart, think for a moment what it would mean if some terrible fate deprived them ef your low and care, left them desolate, suffering with disease and bitter cold. Yet thosi; children across the sea were once the adored and beloved babies of other fathers and mothers whose protecting' love they will never know again. Won't you set a place for th -m at your table on Christinas Day? "At Trebizond, North Carolina is cailng for 3.:::i4 orphans. Ftvi dollars a month, sixty dollars a year will save the life of one ."hi Id.- At this' season of giving will not you let the claim of one of these Cll ll.DRKN OF BORROW find a place in your heart'.' His hungry eyes look at your well fed children, and his longing hand readies- out t. your Chris'nui.s tree. "Will you bring a siailf to this OHM. I) OK SOR.ROW by sharing with the vour ( " i rl stnuis ? "C.IIOKGF II HELLAMY, "State Chairman." HON JOSKHU'S DANIKLS, GOV. T. W itlt'KKTT, MRS. C. HOOK. DR. CLAKl-IXCK I "OK. NEAR EAST RELIEF PLEDGE CARD Name $500 per month For one year I 300 per month Street 250 per month ... ... K will pav to Near East 100 per month City 50 per month 25 per month Rvipf e sum par Dato - 10 per month 6 per morth month Seated yf Make checks payable and send contribution to R. A. Brcrwn, 901 Citizens Bank. Raleigh, N. C. my (X) mark. PROGRAM ADOPTED BY NORTH CAROLINA VOTERS' LEAGUE One of the two major objects of the North Carolina League of Women is to support improved legislation, and the league has adopted a pro gram to be backed at the 1921 ses sion of the general assembly which includes some very important social legislation. The president of the league, Miss Gertrude Weil of Golds boro, is sending out letters to women all over North Carolina explaining the proposed legislation, and asking that they give it their active support by personally requesting their State (senators and representatives to vote, for the measures. "Out of the ashes of the Equal Suffrage Association has risen the League of Women Voters," states the letter. "The accomplishment of the old organization's object, the attain ment of the vote, has led to the need i of greater accomplishment, the at- j tainment of definite results by imeans j of the vote. "The. following legislative program has been adopted for the 1921 ses- ; sion of the general assembly: j "Raising the age of consent to 16 years. I "Provision for mothers' pensions. I "Provision for State censorship of ; moving pictures. Auquace appropriation for Jack son Training School. "Adequate appropriation for Sam arcand Manor. "Establishment of a school for de linquent colored boys. "These ' are all matters that with- out controversy will elimit the sym pathy of all women." Read our Want Ads. You will find something to interest you. Of the 320,000 tons of rubber grown last year the United States DRINK EOT TEA FOB A BAD COLD Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It ia the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. PROPOSE A TAX ON ALL BANK ' DEPOSITS . r A tax of one-quarter of one per cent on all bank deposits is proposed in a bill introduced by Representa tiv eTreadway of Massachusetts, a Republican member of the House ways and means committee. Mr. Treadway estimated that such a tax wou'id net a revenue of approximate ly $1,000,000,000 annually. - . E LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Rub Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honest a St Jacobs liniment When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer 1 Get a 30 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Liniment" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness. and lameness is gone. Don't stay crippled I. This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only ono . It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. It ia magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. , Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly I r-CTTwl DECEMBER 5, ST. KICK'S DAY Children cf Holland and Franc Look for Santa Claus Visit Early ia the Month. i THE strict order of things children should have hung up their stockings for Santa Claus on Dec. 3. and re joiced In his sifts. For It was tbe feast of St. Nicholas, alias Santa Claus. He has nothing what ever to do with Christmas, and his visit then is an Anglo-Saxon anach ronism, which came from America fifty years ago. As their patron saint, children were taoght to look to Nich olas for care anfl protection. To show the reality of his loe for boys and ciris. parents related that on his eve he went up and down the rurth re warding the good with presents, as he had in hi life secretly ihwvn purses of gold into the room of poor maid ens i'ro!!-ii the window. Children were taught to han' up their stock ing wl.Vh parent act ins as the sain:' deputies filled with sweets, apple. ' ' : t and toy. In Kngland the outo.,i a;is abolished with ilie wor ship ,.f viints at tie Reformation, mid w;i re-established in the Ameri can L-ni-i' of Father Christmas in the middle of !nt century. l'.ut in Holland Santa Clans makes h! visit on the right day. Pec. 5. tn stcad of stockings, the IMitch children place their shoes, with straw In them for the donkey on which Nicholas ride, in front of the fireplace. In the morning good children find pres ents there, but the shoes of the naugh'y contain only n birch. The rustmii Is the same in France. In southern Austria, a young man, ar rayed :i St. Nicholas, in episcopal robe. iss each bouse and examines the children in their catechism. To fhoe who answer well the saint's at tendant angels give fruit and sweets, while demons are admitted to terror- i ire the careless. On going to bed the , children place baskets or dishes on J the window sill for his future gifts. . Catholic Cermany furnishes the transl- j thin between the origin of Nicholas , and modern Santa Claus. Arrayed us ' Father Christmas, he visits each home ' and questions the children as to their past conduct. For the good there' are cakes and fruit, and for nil a lecture. He then asks what presents they would like the Chrlst-cblld to bring at Christmas. London Dally Chronicle. UU31ESI look YOinm. B Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Win know. ' Gray hir, however handsome, de totea advancing age. We all know he advantages of a youthful appear ince. Tour hair is your charm. It or mars the face. When It "ades, turns frray and looks streaked, iust a few applications of Sa&e Tea md Sulphur enhances its appearance i hundred-fold. Pon't stay cray! Look y mag'. Either prepare the recipe at home or ret from any drug store a bottle of "Wyeth's Saee and Sulphur Com mand." which is merely the old-time -eclpe improved by the addition of ther ingredients. Thousands of folks eeommend this ready-to-use prepara 'ion. because it darkens the hair beau tifullv. hesidfs. no one can possibly tell, is it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft hrush with It. drawing this throuph the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. its natural color is restored ;Td tt becooies thick, glossy and lus trous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Saee and Sulphur Com- und is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. L. S. Spurling W. M. Lovelace SPURLING & LOVELACE Attorneys-at-Law GENERAL PRACTICE Offices Over Lenoir Drug Co. LENOIR, N. C. FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS PARTY Appropriate Decorations Add to the Zest and Gayety of the Yuletide Festivities. i mix ! G. O. P. CONDEMNED BY EQUAL RIGHTS LEAGUE An address to the negroes of the country was sent out from Boston Saturday niht by officers of the Na tional K(iual Rights League "con demning as an act of party perffiidy the action of the Republican House caucus in favor of congressional re apportionment on the basis of pres ent population and against reduction of representation where color dis franchisement is established." The bill sponsored by Congress man Tinkham for investigation of ra cial complaints was endorsed. present at the 'h i i"iia par- "3 ' supper and of course he should be Invited -lie may appear In an automobile, 1 but in older to be quite orthodox he should he driving his ei: ht reindeer through the snow; and therefore- the linctik' kli.titltl iil'A o v1)-in .it trri.tti-v ! cotton wool plentifully sprinkled with frost for the table center. 1'urehase a somewhat large Santa Clans; he will he most effective dressed in a brown cloak with scarlet hood and cap. A fancy basket in the fotn of a wheelbarrow or chariot will answer the purpose for his sleigh, and should be loaded with presents of all kinds. The reindeer, which can be tilled with sweets, may be harnessed to the sleigh with scarlet ribbons on which have been sewn a number of tiny bells. At intervals down the table place boxes of bonbons In the form of Tnle logs, with garlands of berried holly and mistletoe arranged from log to log, the menus to be In banner form, each one being beld by a miniature Father Christmas. A Cinderella scheme for the supper table Is pretty. For the center pur chase from your florist the wire frame of a coach. Coyer It thinly with moss, binding It on with hemp; then cover It with scarlet geraniums, attaching the blossoms to the coach with fine sliver wire; harness two milk-white toy horses to It with ribbons to match the geraniums. A smart little coach man and footman must he placed on their respective places, and a doll to represent Cinderella dressed for the ball should be sitting Inside. Appropriate presents to he placed for the children would consist of a slipper filled with sweeties for each little boy. and a doll dressed as a fairy In white gauze spotted with sil ver stars, holding a tiny wand, would delight the heart of wh little girl China covers a territory one---ixth greater than that of the United States. Was Very Weak "After the birth of my baby I had a back-set," writes Mrs. Mattie Cross white, of Glade Spring, Va. "1 was very ill; thought 1 was going to die. I was so weak I couldn't raise my head to get a drink of water. 1 took . . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. IsentforCardul." N N TAKE W M n u yuuuuu HIS SUGGESTION "Wefl : have to economize thla Christmas, my dear." "Yes, but hovvr "I've an Idea. Let's give your rel atives the same kind of cheap glfta we always give my folks." Tit for Tat The Poet : "May I read you my new Christmas poerat" The ll-jslclan: "Tea, a you'll tot ma play yon my new Cfcrl tmas cantata." tflegeade Blattaar. M8 a The Woman's Tonic "I found after one bot- fsA tie of Cardul I was im proving," adds Mrs. Crosswhite. "Six bot tles of Cardui and ... I was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe 1 would have died, had it not been for Cardul." Cardui has been found beneficial in many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel tbe need of a good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardui? It may be Just what you need. Nil -1 o n All Druggists 1 ! Fredy ,fE4i Ml Jmtt TiaLYf ir'r1 fra! Rub on The time to care for a eeli is when it is beginning. Then OKJUM rub bed thoroughly into the throat and chest almost immediately stops its advancement. It also fjives relief from the most stubborn cases cf Croup, LaGrippe, Influenza and Pneumonia. For head colds hect a bit cf ORIUM in a spoon and inhale the fumes. Relief is almost immediate. Get ORIUM from your druggist or send for a free sample. LA. The Orium Company, Wl!!'JL.W!"lliTl,"'.' j. s . t .t-. r. t't SL Louis, Mo. FOR SALE Ballew's Cash Pharmacy Lenoir, N. C Ml FOR SALE Virgin Timberlands in Fee 7,877 Acres on Lewis Fork, Wilkes County, N. C. 2,751 Acres on Warrior Creek, Wilkes County, N. C. 4,789 Acres on Mulberry Creek, CaWweH County, N. C. 2,653 acres on John's River, Caldwell ounty, N. C. Comprising a portion of the properties of the Elk Creek Lumber Cocpany. s s e ! B s H. r. Janes Timber Co., Inc. 66 Broadway, New York City. m m i s If You Want Real Flour The result of a perfect process, buy "EVER READY" Sell Rising Made in Caldwell County Granite Falls Milling Co. GRANITE FALLS, N. C. 1 mom n j J. E. Looper Garage S m3 GRANITE FALLS, N. C. Owned by a Mechanic J Run by a Mechanic 5 And a Mechanic we are FORD WORK A SPECIALTY s 2 Genuine Ford Parts ! SiiiBUKiinniiaiiiiiinuiiuiinainuBmaKU Send Your Friend The Lenoir News-Topic For a Christmas Present It will make an appropriate gift and will also show good judgment on the part of the giver. t

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