LENOIR, N. C LENOIR NETVTOKC, DECEMBER 23,,1920 Page Seven SLATS' DIARY r Friday we had a Burgular Skare at home las nite. I herd a noyse dovrn Stares & then I herd ma a U calling for pa 2 go & see wnat a tht matter, fine ly I snulc into there roccn & ma turned the lite on & we seen a coupla feet a sticking out f rum under the bed. Ma grabbed a gun & pointed it under the bed & remarked 2 them Come on out He come out I had 2 laff. It was pa. Saturday Pa & ma includeing me went 2 a par ty tonire. After we et supper pa me & the other men set at the table smokeing excep me. 1 man sed 2 pa Who in the Thunder is that tawkative female in there with a tirown Dress upon . Pa looked & got red in the face & sed. Its Slats ma. Sunday Lost one of my shoes & was permitted 2 stay home frum S. akool. The shoe went out in the dog house. I have been wondering about things. I was a thinking what if pa had married a nother woman & then ma had got married to a nother hus fcend. Which boy wood of been me. Sl what relashun wood we be and etc. I new where my shoe was. Monday Ma sed it was a shaim for peopul not 2 go 2 church more offen. She sed sum men only went 2 times in there lifes. Once 2 get mm water sprinkled on there hed. Once 2 get united in wedlocks & once 2 get there funeral preeched. Tuesday Wanted 2 go up at Jakes house 2 play with his kemes- try out tit. Ma sed I should ought 2 study my Lesson. I sed I was not a going 2. She picked up a small stick & sed. Are you or aint you. I replyed & sed I am. & did. Wednesday Pa got out his ford today & went out in to the Country he had a acksident which was very success full. They was nothing left DUt tne stealing Wheel & the top. & pa. Thursday I kep cutting paper & makeing sum dirt on the Floor. Ma ed 2 gne if I diddent quit she wood pank me on the spot. I quit be cause i know where that spot is lo kated. HIGHER EDUCATION VERSUS GASOLINE (The Carolinian) When gasoline becomes scarce or jumps in price the guardian of the family gets worried personally, and takes a look at his pocketbook, but when daughter writes home from college that a classmate has broken her leg trying to get around in a crowded dining room, he's sorry. In deed, he's very sorry, but can't sec, in any way, thafhe was to blame. It never occurs to him, so long as his daughter has a bed in the dormi tories, crowded 'though they may be, seat in the dining room, precarious though it may be, that his near neigh bor may have a daughter who wants both of these and is unable to have them because there's "not room." And so he d rings his several coca colas each day, .smokes his R. J. R.'s, burns expensive gasoline, eats pea nuts on the corner, and grumbles about paying higher taxes for educa tion. Does he see any connection be tween the nickels that he spends so freel yand the high school student who wants an education, needs an education, and deserves an educa tion? In some part of the. United States NOTICE. North Carolina, Caldwell County, In the Sperior Court Maggie Bentley Vs. E. L. Bentley. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in th Superior Court of Caldwell County, North Carolina to foreclose mort gage upon real estate situated i said county and state; the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear on 25th day Dec. 1920, before the cleric of the Superior Court of Caldwell Coun ty, North Carolina, at the courthouse of the said county and answer to de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plantiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint This 19 day of Nov. 1920. W. C.MOORE JR. Clerk of the Superior Court W.C. NEWLAND Attorney. FOR SALE BY Lenoir Drug Co., Lenoir; Granite Fall Drug Co., Granite Falls, ": and all food drug atoroa PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. ' The air passages of your head will clear and yon can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge? or dryness j no strug gling for breath at night Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptie cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every-air Passage of the head $- sootha and heal the swollen, inflamed mueoua membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer seeds. Don't stay stuffed-op end miserable . r 1 )f?pirefrflfl;to there is perhays a woman riding around in an automobile with her daughter, trying to . find" a college I which .can - accommodate ' one more girl. She made her tenth stop at N. C. C. in September, and not find ing room for her daughter, cranked up and started, saying she'd ride un til sh ef ound what she wanted. She may be riding yet, 1 No farm of today i seornplete with out a Ford. It gives an appearance of prosperity for "Tin Lizzie" to shine from the garage door, while Daughter Lizzie, who has just fin ished high school, shells peas in the kitchen door. Son Tom works the farm with the same methods used by his grandfather and tmost likely the same implements, while his neigh bor, who got his application in at the State College, a few weeks earlier, learns the imnrovpd mpthnHs nf farm work, becomes interested in modern . machinery, and prepares to raise the , best crops in the community. This fall 2,500 boys and girls were refused entrance to the institutions i if higher education in North Caro i lina. If ghosts really walk, will the people of North Carolina be disturb ed by 2,500 shades of uneducated vouth of thp Statp? rtr nm ti,p r;aa in the price of automobile tires keep them awake most? We wonder. $100 REWARD Will be paid if we cannot duplicate any lens, regardless of who made the original or who wrote the pre scription. Mail either to Box 415, Lenoir, N. C, or Box 591, Charlotte, N. C. We grind lenses. DR. ALFRED W. DULA ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. A. Hatten, de ceased, late of Caldwell County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Blowintr Rock. C, on or before the 1st dav of De cember, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of December, 1920. J. F. FORD, Administrator. 6-t 16799 DIED in New York Gty alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL Th world's standard re:nedy for kMnr-y, h.er, blajdor and uric ndtl uoul-V,. Holland's national remedy Fin -e :6'6. AH i.i u: pi Jts, three sizes. Uun.'.'u.u.M. Xilt for It,- iiain Geld Medal (.n over box find ar."ffr no imititrm ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of W. D. Martin, deceased, we hereby notify all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to us on or be fore Nov. 16, 1921. Those indebt ed to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This Nov. 16, 1921. W. C. MARTIN, t Executor. DR. SPEAS' INFIRMARY FOR EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Orar Hickory Drug C. Hickory, N. C. WHY SUFFER from any skin eruption or breaking out when you can be relieved over night with the celebrated Ab-Cline Itch and Skin Ointment especially recommended for Itch, Eczema and sim ilar affections. Get a box today. Price 50c at Lenoir Drug Co., Cline's Drug Store, or Ballew's Cash Pharmacy, or write direct to ! rElkin,N. C. - , GUARD YOUR LUNGS WITH s Lungardia LUNGARDIA opsns the res piratory , srgans, removes the thick masses spstum, heals the E irritation, dispels the cough and cold. f Unsurpassed in spas- moddc Croup, Bronchitis, - dif- S ficalt breathing, and such kind- red diseases. Thousands attest JJ to its great virtue. If LUN- 9 GARDIA fails, your money re- turned. Prke, 60c and $1.20 per bottle. g Manufactured by LUNGARDIA CO, Dallas T.x. & FOR SALE BY g LENOIR DRUG STORE B aamaisassBssszssxaan FOR SALE FOR SALE Pigs and shoats price reasonable. A. R. Barlow, phone 69-m. 4-t FOR SALE 8 room house with large lot on Prospect Street. J. C. Bradford. 5-t FORSALE 20 Plymouth Rock pullets. J.A.Bradshaw, Rufus, N.S. 3-t Agood milk cow for sale. Mrs. Floyd Phone 165. 3-t FOR SALE Thoioughbred Bard Rock pullets. Dr. A. B. Goodman. 11-tf. YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD Send dime, birthdate for truthful, reli able convincing trial reading. Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los Ange--les, Cal. 4-t. MISCELLANEOUS B. & B. Pure Cream Kisses. 5 FOR RENT Dwelling and Store House at Whitnel, near the Graded School. J. C. Swanson, Lenoir, N. C. 3-t. 3 Black pigs weighing about 50 pounds each have strayed to my place. Owner call and get them. Fred Lee, Route 1. 3-t Charming widow worth $45,000 wishes early manage with refined gentlemank Mrs. Pearce Box 31444 Jacksonville, Fla. 13-s MILLIONS Frostproof Cabbago Plants ready, set now for early spring heading, Standard varieties, 200 Postpaid 50c 500 Postpaid $1 Express collect 1000 at $1.50 10, 000 $14.00. Orders filled for Plant Dealers at special prices, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Walter, Parks, Darien, Ga. 5-t CATTLE FOR SALE One nice Jer sey cow four years old will be fresh about Christmas. Three nice Jersey heifers will be fresh in early spring. B. F. Herman, Hudson, N. C. 3-t. LOST OR STRAYED One white female pig and one black male pig with white face, weigh about 25 pounds each. Strayed from My home near Hartland. Notify An derson McCall or News Topic office 3-t JUST ARRIVED A lot of nice pat terns for men's clothes at a big reduction in prices. Let me have your measure now on your fall and winter suit. Weekly payments if desired. W. F. Wakefield. 3-tf B. & B. Pure Cream Kisses. 5 JUST ARRIVED Big lot of Ladies' Silk Hose, with $2.00; will sell while they last at $1.25 a pair. W. F. Wakefield. 3-tf B. & B. Pure Cream Kisses. 5 GET YOUR MEALS at Hart & Stine's Cafe. Meals at all hours, day or night Same old stand on Mulberry street 47-tf HAVE YOU A HOUSE OR FARM to rent? Advertise it here and find you a renter. WANTED FARM WANTED I want U hear from party having farm for sale. Give price and description. B. B. Howard, Champaign, Illinois. 2-t WANTED 10,000 pounds shelled black walnut kernels, dry and well cured. Gate City Candy Co., Greensboro, N. C. 5-tf CHICKENS AND EGGS WANTED Will pay cash for poultry and eggs. I have located at the. old Home Milling Company building next door to Teeters' Feed Store. J. R. McNairy- 2tf WANTED Roots and Herbs of all kinds. Laxton & Hogan. Zi-tl HIDES WANTED Highest market price paid for hides. See Joe Pow ell or Joe Price. Caldwell Tanning Company. 47-tf NOTICE We have received advice that we have one member of the Southern Automobile Association. This is to advise our patrons that this matter has never been approv ed by our directors and as yet we ,. do not represent the Association. I: Caldwell Motor Co. 125 ACRE FARM 3 miles Boydton, Va. Every acre can be worked with a tractor, well watered, new buildings. G. H. Bernhardt, Le noir, N. C. 6-t LADIES When in town, remembem a to drop in at the Tea Room for Home Made Candies, Hot Choco late, Coffee and sandwiches . First back of Chamber of Commerce. AH those having articles in chrochet or embroidery desiring to sell are asked to bring or send them to Mrs. Tony Sherrill. One door back of Chamber of Commerce. ATTEND W. F. WAKEFIELD'S big reduction sale, now in full blast and will continue until Dec. 24. Lots of bargains suitable for Curistma presents that can be bought at about one-half price. Come early. 21 SILVER WYNDOTTE Cockerals, superb,' fancy producers, for sale until Jan. 1st, $3.00. Mrs. A. R. Barlow, Lenoir, N. C. 4-t CLERKS (men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service. $125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, of examina tion, write R. Terry, (former Civ il Service Examiner.) 1387 Con tinental Bldg., Washhington, D. C. 2-t ATTEND W. F. Wakefield's Gigan tic Reduction Sole, Starting Sat. Dec. 11th 9 A. M. GET INTO BUSINESS Watkins 137 products sell to every farmer. If you own auto or team can give bond, write today for information where you can get territory for selling products of largest institu tion of kind in world. Twenty million users. J. R. WATKINS CO. Dept 111, Winona, Minn. 4-t Follow the Crowds to W. F. Wake fields' Gigantic Slaughter Sale, Dec. 11th to 24th. Beautiful black horse, eight years old and new one horse Crescent Wagon, also harness. All for sale quick. Apply to D. W. Turner, Trustee in Bankruptcy of J. W. Clure. 1-t Attend W. F. Wakeiields' Mer chandise Upheavel Prices Torn to Shreds, Sale lasts 2 weeks only. MENS PANTS $4 50 war price was $6.00 to $8.00. Pulliams MEN'S WOOL SUITS war price was $25.00 to $35.00. Our price for coat and pants $10.00. Pul- 1 1 aims. OLD TIME JEANS PANTS.. at Less that's our answer, $2.50 per pair Pulliams. BUSINESS IS OPENING UP. We have demands for stocks of all sorts merchandise in towns of one to ten thousand inhabitants. Also want substantial interests in banks with five to fifty thousand capital. Want several good drug stores in towns one thousand and up. Spe cial need for stock five to ten thou sand, hardware or dry goods. With in a few days will be able to offer several good cases over twenty thousand. Let us get you settled. American Business Company, Ral eigh. 21-1 SHOP EARLY Everything reduced at W. F. Wakefield's big sale. 21 PIGS AND SHOATS For sale, 35 or 40 head. Duroc and Poland China. S. E. Dula. 21-2 MEN'S ALL-WOOL SERGE SUIT, $9.99, at W. F. Wakefield's big re duction sale. 21 RHEUMATISM Physician Believei a Real Remedy for the Disease Ha Been Found Rheuma, the wonderful rheuma tism remedy sold by druggists every where, gives quicker and more last in;!; relief than other remedies cost ing many times as much. Rheuma helps pass the deadly poi sonous secretions into the bowels and kidneys, from which they are quickly thrown off in a natural, healthy way. Read what a reputable physician says about Rheuma: "I have made a most careful investigation of the formula employed in the manufac ture of Rheuma, and I heartily rec ommend it as a "remedy for all forms of rheumatism. I find Rheuma far in advance of the methods generally employed in the treatment of rheu matism, and altogether different in composition frotm the remedies usual ly prescribed." Dr. M. C. Lyons. This should give any sufferer from rheumatism .confidence to try Rheu ma. Ballew's Cash Pharmacy will supply you and guarantee money re funded if Rheuma does not give com plete and lasting relief. NONET, BACK Mtlbout questiaaif Hunt'iSalv fsilt in the treatment of Ecxeata, Tcttei Ringworm, Itch.etc. Doa't becomr discouraged because othr treatments failed Hunt'sSal has reliev-d hundreds of surh cases You can't loe on out Money Secfc Csnt.1,, Tr It at out risk TODAY piiis'v Far sale locally or Ballew's Cash Pharmacy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of D. B. Moore, deceas ed, late of Caldwell County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, at Hickory, N. C, on or before the first day of December, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please imake immediate settlement. This 24th day of November, 1920. Rev W. R. BRADSHAW, First Se curtiy Trust Company, Administra tors. 6-t DR. E. J. McCOY VETERINARY SURGEON Calls Made Niffbt or Day HICKORY, N. C. Real Estate See me at any time for a HOME, BUSINESS PROPERTY or FARM LANDS J. W. Self The Real EsUt Maa SALE QUICK if you are looking for a bargain in a Phonograph. In first-class condition. Will make an excellent Christmas gift See W. F. Wakefield, Store, North Main street 21-C GET XMAS PRESENTS at W. F. Wakefield's. Big reduction sale one-fourth off on all watches, rings and jewelry. Come early and get the best. 21 I HAVE CLOSED OUT my barber shop, but am still in the repair business. Razors, clippers, scissors and all edged tools repaired and sharpened. Leave them at W. F. Wakefield's store, North Main street B. L. Hartley. 21-10 25 PER CENT OFF on all Jewel ry. Watches and rings to suit ev ery purse, at W. F. Wakefield's big reduction sale. Sale closes Dec. 24th. 21 GOOD FARM FOR SALE Good , dwelling and other buildings; bear ing orchard, 8 acres wheat; one mile from town. Will sell at a bargain. C. E. Green, Lenoir, Route 1. 21-2 You can have a top put on your car while you wait. Price and Rabb. 10-t Better have lights put in your back curtain while you wait. Price and Rabb. 10-t We are fixed to do all kinds of up holstering. Price and Rabb. 10-t Have that hole patched in your top. Price and Rabb. 10-t LADIES' COAT SUITS A few fine ones; if you can find your size we will make the price right. Also several Ladies' Cloaks and Dresses, all to go at sacrifice prices, at W. F. Wakefield's big reduction sale. HEMSTITCHING and Picoting at tachment, works on any sewing machine, price $2.50; full instruc tions with attachment. Mutual Sales Co., Box L934, Charlotte, N. C. 21-10 Ample -PLUS- The Right Spirit Ask the Man Who Banks Here We are gaining new friends by pleasing old ones Bank of Granite GRANITE IIIIIIlIIIIIISlIllBlIIllHIBIZEIIXIEBBISIUiafllXIHIB 3 5rrl5c5HSHSESHSraHS2SHSrl5HSrlSr2SHS2S PRICE Following the downnward trend of the markets we have made the following reductions in prices Wire nails from lOcts lb. to 6Va eta lb. Stag Paint from $5.00 per gallon to $4.50 per gallon Linseed Oil from ..$2.75 per gallon to $1.50 per gallon Hoosier Kitchen Kabinets $7.50 each Aluminum ware 25 per cent discount Art Squares and Rugs 25 per cent discount Window Shades 25 per cent discount Blankets and Comforts 25 per cent discount Mattresses 25 per cent discount Upholstered Furniture 25 per cent discount Wood Furniture 20 per cent discount Wicker Furniture 10 per cent discount Chairs 10 per cent discount i GET THE BEST Bernhardt-Seagle Co. Wholesale and Retail; HARDWARE and FURNITURE BUY YOUR USEFUL XMAS pres ents at W. F. Wakefield's big sale. Everything reduced. 21 FOR SALE Garage, 16x24; green house 8x12, both made in sections; large size phonograph; two show cases eight feet long. John Ram shaw, Hamlet, N. C. 21-10 AGENT WATEND IN Lenoir t Sell the Original Watkins Remed ies, Spices, Extracts etc. Neces sities and repeaters. All or 3pare time. Write Watkins Co. 59 New York City. BARGAINS! BARGAIN'S! Yom will find bargain prices on every thing at W. F. Wakefield's during his big reduction sale. 21 I JUST A FEW of the Buff Plymouth j Rock thoroughbred Cockerels for si.le at $2.50. Mrs. W. J. Austin, i Yadkin Valltv, N. C. Phone 525. I MEN'S HIGH-GRADE CORDUROY . Suits, $10.89, at W. F. Wakefield's j big closing out sale. 21 CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey and Charleston Waketields. One thousand $1.50 by express. Five hundred $1.25 prepaid. Prompt shipment. J. T. Robertson, Row land, N. C. 21-3j MEN'S CANVAS HUNTING COATS with 1 1 pockets, trimmed in cor duroy, $ti.98, just half price, at W. V. Wakefield's big sale. 21 YOUNG MAN Be independent Open tire repair station of your own. We teach vulcanizing, the trade with a "future." Buyers taught free. Anderson Steam Vul 'anizer Co., Salesroom and Scnool, 133 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. 21-5p LADIES' BEST QUALITY low high heel Shoes, $6.00 value, for $3.0 50 per cent reduction, at W. F. Wakefield's big sale. 21 The fellow who is a mere hanger on is the hardest to shake. s Facilities a s a a a n FALLS, N. C. 5HSZSt!Sa5ZSES2SHSlESH5ESESHSHSESr2S2S