Page Twelve LENOIR NEWS-TOPIC, DECEMBER 23, 1920 LENOIR, N. C. PIPE ORGAN HAS ARRIVED The pipe organ for the First Meth odist church has arrived and will be installed at once. It is hoped to have the organ ready for use by the first of the year. This will be a fine ad dition to the church in the way of musical equipment. CORRECTION In publishing the report of Treas urer Steele of the Caldwell county road commission in last week's paper the report was made to read from June 1 to Dec. 1, when it should have been from Sept 1 to Dec. 6. HIBRITEN Mr. R. L. Steele, who T has had pneumonia, we are sorry to say does not improve very fast. J. R. Swanson has been laid up for a few days with rheumatism, but is some better at this writing. Miss Edna Austin happened to a very painful accident last Saturday evening. While splitting stove wood 6he cut the index finger of her left hand almost entirely off, but it was dressed by a physician and hopes are jentertained that the ringor will not be lost 7 Mr. J. L. Hayes of John's River spent the week end with his family here. I Mr. and Mrs. Rav Tolbert of Oak Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennell of King's Creek spent the week end with relatives here. I Rev. H. S. Benfield will preach at ; Hibriten Academy next Saturday rj525E5Z52SZ5H5H53Z5HS3Z5HSB532SZSHSHS2 night, the -otn, n me weamer is favorable. Rev. C. E. Welch Wishes to express most sincere appreciation to the pood people of Lenoir for numerous courtesies to him self and family, and extends most cordial Christmas greetings to one and all. DRACO There was a box supper at Praoo Jast Thursday night. The boxes amounted to $10.15, the beauty cake to $4.95 and the cake of soap to $3.75, making a total of $18.85. The money is to go for the benefit of the pchool house. Maggie White cut the cake. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Caldwell County. In Superior Court, Before the Clerk Maude Craig an dhub;uid. Joseph Craig, vs. Fannie Mae Suddreth and (ieorire W. Suddreth. By virtue of an order of the Supe-1 rior Court of Caldwell County made1 in the Special Proceeding entitled "Maude Craig and husband, Joseph Craig, vs. Fannie Mae Suddreth and j George W. Suddreth," 1 will, on Saturday, January 22, 1921, ' at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, expose 1 to sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the lands, described :n tins case as follows: j Beginning mi the top of the ridge ' between the Yadkin river and Muddy branch on a pin.. T. C. Curtis' cor-; tier, and run southoa.-.tvv.irdly with the top of the ridre to a white oak on a knob, between the Y.i.lkin river and Cold branch; tie1:: northeast wardly a mark.-. I conditional line. crs:g the Y:o1a n river, at a large rock ; thencr t. the top of the r.dge to a large double chestnut on ' the top of the r dge between the Yad- j kin river and Cove branch; thence northwardly with the top of the ridge to a st ike in T. C. Curtis' line; thence with T. ('. Curtis' line to the begin, coiita :.i;g l'5 .; t - more or You Will Find it Much Easier to bake good bread it' you use Lenoir Mills flour. Qualify is the first thinjr considered in manufacturing Perfection and Mayflower Brands. Lenoir Mills Flour is not bleached. LENOIR IMILLS Manufactures high grade flour, meal and bran. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Gifts That Carry Lasting Thoughts Never before have the people of Granite Falls had such a selection of appropriate gift things of the better kind as we are displaying now SUGGESTIONS Toilet Sets Manicure Sets " Nut Sets Smoker's Sets Fountain Pens Perfume Atomizers Stationery Electric Irons Electric Toasters Electric Warming Pads Traveling Sets Perfume Many other things CANDIES We have the NUNNALLY and LIGGETT lines of high-grade Chocolate Candies in pretty gift boxes and baskets. Yon cannot go wrong when you give candy. It makes a gift that is always appreciated. CIGARS We have a big line of Cigars and are able to sell you just the kind he smokes regularly. Ten pe of the mM'j'it paid ; mi.-t bo .ii i ;; d a' t!v ! iy of sale, i to be treated as a forfeit in event that the parch. K'T :i--;:l 1 later f id "a comply with h: i.. Sab' .subject . r O'O: ;', ;!,,('.,,, i ,y I " M,ft Th's I l..e..ii '-...r -'l.l I 'I'll M ::k squiuf.s. k ' J I I omni : ssion r lj .r c ieh run down I A .uid die. Af ft SEND A BUSHEL BOX OF APPLES One's Drag Store HEATH RESTORED "Mv llof e was n -ond lion 1 th-oiht lor food n r hiiii )r. I.eC I'mv :ors ho i - :i we;! a - TloW US LfOild ioOKir)-- ii liol ' n :h.. ion " .1. 1' i JilH-sV I'l l1 n -. V I h- I . (; ..r-- . ! .. ! r 'o in :; ...!., . ' a .' a i t :ii g "riii'i.'v of o ir iior-io. in. a mules, in- pJ Mire more moat w.'n a-.. Joed from pJ vour hoe"-, she. p an.! ea'lV. and hidp ffl vour cows iiiaoiuee mora ,.;. richer fj milk. g M r. II ustc s - imii. . m ad i'ure saved him the price of a iiore. Dr. I.cdear can also help you. For 2H years as a Veterinary Surireon and Kxpert Coultry Breeder he has de voted himself to the compounding of remedies for ailments of stock and poultry. Whenever you have an ail ment, anions your stock or poultry fret the proper Dr. I.eGear Remedy from your dealer. It must satisfy you are your money will tie refund ed. Advertisement. PACKED IN A NICE BOX AND READY FOR SHIPMENT BY EXPRESS NOTHING COULD BE MORE APPRECIATED S. E. DULA Phone 1804 Turkey Dinner GRANITE FALLS, N. C. nJs2SE5ZSHSZ5252525S25Z5HSHSSSSESES?S 5H252SHSESHSH52SH5H5H5Z5H5Z5Z5SS2in hristmas Goods at Low Pri ces A Special Turkey Dinner for Christmas is being prepared and will be served guests Saturday CHRISTMAS DAY Good service is assured all who get their dinners here LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED SMITH CAFE Our Big Clearance Sale is now on and Christmas Buyers have advantage of Be-fore-the-war Prices. Hundreds of Gift things for men, wo man and children are included in our big stock of staple merchandise. Everything is Being Sold at Sacrifice Prices ft .'(i:.iiia.'"'v- .tvj, '-j",; : ' '.; r..v.oe ..- a I